Here is chapter two of Percy Jackson and the God of War.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series; Rick Roirdan does.


Chapter 2: Life as a God Part 1


After much cursing, screeches of anger and outrage, and plenty of blushing, the official victory celebrations began. Olympus was a lively festival; booths having food, drinks, games and prizes. The Muses and the other musically inclined immortals were singing and serenading their audiences. There was Karaoke, drinking contests, eating contests, arm wrestling contests, dancing contests, archery contests between the Apollo kids and the Hunters, and other such contests going on.

Percy, the new God of War, walked around with a smile on his face. He was the 'belle of the ball' due to being the new god on Olympus. All the other gods and goddesses had heard of his ascension to Godhood, replacing Ares as the GOW, and his requests. They had been surprised to find out that they would have their own cabins at Camp Half-Blood; they could claim their children and they wouldn't be shoved into the Hermes Cabin. The minor gods and goddesses who betrayed Olympus were pardoned along with their surviving demigod children. A few had even shed tears of happiness and joy at the news. They all thanked him profusely, saying they all owed him for giving them what they always wanted but that the Olympians refused to give; respect and recognition and a place for their demigod children (well those that had demigod children) at the camp.

Several minor goddesses had even offered themselves to him in order to properly 'thank him' which left him blushing a bit.

Moving on he saw his former demigod comrades laughing and enjoying themselves, already beginning to heal from the war. Sure they were drinking, but they deserved to have some fun after the war they just fought. It would take time yes, but they, like the rest of Olympus were on the road of recovery.

He met a few of the Olympus-allied Titans; Pallas Titan of Warfare, his grandmother on his divine side Rhea Titaness of Earthly Elements and former Titan Queen, and Themis Titaness of Divine Law and Justice. Pallas had congratulated Percy on replacing Ares who in the Titan's personal opinion was an ass and a bloodthirsty beast. He also hoped Percy would bring honor back to God of War title.

With Rhea, Percy had been startled because she looked so much like Hera… just more sophisticated and not having that condescending sneer on her face like Hera does when said goddess talks to someone. Rhea just laughed, always amused when people stare at her due her resemblance to her daughter Hera. "Hera is like a clone of me in terms of looks." She explained. She then congratulated him on his accomplishments, proud at having such an honorable warrior for a grandson and for defeating her Titan brethren. She also made the comment that if HE had been a Titan and Titan Lord, then maybe things would have been different. That caused Percy to have the feeling that she was coming onto him, which weirded him out a bit.

But when he thought about, the whole incest thing was completely and totally acceptable. Gaia gave birth to her son Ouranus whom she then married making him her son-husband. Nyx and Erebus are brother and sister, yet they're married making them brother-husband and sister-wife. Kronos married his sister Rhea, making her his sister-wife, which Zeus did with Hera. His dad had sex with his grandmother, Percy's great-grandmother, Gaia three times in fact. His father also had sex with Demeter, Percy's aunt, and that led to birth of a horse named Arion. That made them brother-cousins. Also add in the fact that most of the immortals on Olympus were related to each other in some way along with the demigods, and since he's now a god and he didn't have DNA anymore… well he felt an odd sense of pride at being able to sexually attract his grandmother.

He might as well embrace the weirdness that comes with being a God. At least this way he would be able to better accept any more of the weird shit that would happen along down the line and hopefully keep what's left of his sanity intact.

Moving on, he ran into an excited Calypso.

"Hello Percy!" She said happily hugging him. Percy smiled as he returned the hug. "I just wanted to thank you for getting me my freedom."

"No problem Calypso." He waved her off. "After over two thousand years, you deserved to finally be free of both the island and that wretched curse." He said and broke the hug, getting a slight frown from the Titaness but it also gave her the chance to look over the new godly Percy. He still had his surfer tan and silky black hair she loved to touch when he was unconscious/sleep, he now sported a mustache-goatee combo, he stood at 6'8" tall, well-muscled but not overly so and he was muscularly proportionate like her father Atlas. His eyes were greatest change; still that beautiful sea-green but now like billowing fire sweeping along like a plague. He wore what modern clothes of this era, consisting of a black silk dress shirt, dark jeans with boots.

"So what are you going to do now?" he asked breaking her out of her thoughts on how much more handsome he had gotten.

The semi-frown disappeared, replaced by a radiant smile. "I don't know!" she said with a smile. "On Ogygia I knew what would happen day in and day out. It was boring and repetitive, but it was all I had." She said sadly and lowered her head. Percy frowned and placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her to smile and look up at him. "But now I'm excited because I don't know what tomorrow will bring. This world is new and so exciting to me!"

Percy chuckled at her excited expression. "If you like I can show you around and help teach you about this 'new and so exciting' world." He laughed as Calypso mock glared at him and playfully slapped his arm. She continued to mock glare until her lips twitched up into a smile.

"I'd like Percy. Now that you're a god you can by my island anytime you want." She purred putting emphasis on 'anytime' before walking off and getting Percy's attention drawn to her swaying shapely hips in the now tight fitting Greek dress she wore.

Just how many women have come onto me this night? Percy thought when a large hand clamped onto his shoulder.

"Percy my boy!" Poseidon said happily to his son, startling him out his thoughts. "I see you're thinking about 'stabbing' that Titaness booty with your 'Sword of Perseus' if you know what I'm saying."

"DAD!" Percy all but screeched blushing madly as his father laughed heartily. He may be a god now, but he was a still a teenage boy, a horny teenage boy, but a teenage boy none the less before Godhood. Chaos please give me strength! "Dad I just became a God. It's a bit early for me to be 'sheathing' my 'sword' into a woman's 'sheath' if you know what I'm saying."

"None sense!" Poseidon countered. "Right after I became Lord of the Seas, I had sex with Thalassa!"

"The Primordial Goddess of the Seas?!" Percy asked shocked. "You had sex with not only Gaia but also the Primordial Sea Goddess Thalassa?"

"Yep! I'm the reason for the saying 'Motion in the ocean!' We rocked the seas and oceans for three days straight." Poseidon bragged to beet red son.

"Ahem!" a feminine cough got their attention, the two turning to see Amphitrite and Triton standing behind them. The Sea God paled since he had forgotten he had brought them to meet his now Olympian son.

"Uh… Amphitrite… dear…" Poseidon tried to say but his wife held up her hand to silence him.

"Milord, since this happened long before we were married, I hold no ill will towards you." She said in her cultured voice. Percy wondered if she was saving up her anger for his father for when they were alone and not surrounded by others. He gave a mental chuckle at the image of his father being forced to sleep on the couch. She turned to Percy, a frown on her beautiful face before she started talking. "Lord Perseus, I am here to apologize for my rude behavior when we met earlier. I wish to extend an olive branch given you are my milord's son, Savior of Olympus and now an Olympian God."

Percy stared at her, his sea-green fire eyes unsettling the goddess, as if he was looking at her immortal soul. With his new divine intelligence, he easily figured out that despite being her husband's bastard child, he had saved Olympus and became an Olympian God afterwards. Amphitrite treating him unkindly in any fashion would be a politically bad move on her part and put her in an unsavory light.

"I accept your olive branch Lady Amphitrite. I can understand somewhat that it leaves a sour taste in your mouth to meet the illegitimate child of her husband. So shall we start over on the right foot?" Percy suggested.

It was clear he had surprised the fish-woman/goddess that he knew the reasons why she was so cold towards him. Perhaps she was mistaken about him? "I'd like that Lord Perseus. I am Amphitrite, consort to Milord Poseidon and Queen of the Seas." She said extending her hand forward.

Percy gave her a firm handshake, though being careful given he bathed in the River Styx to gain the Curse of Achilles. "I'm, Perseus "Percy" Jackson son of Poseidon the God of Seas and the clear-sighted mortal Sally Jackson. The Savoir of Olympus, the 14th Olympian and Olympian God of: Warfare, Elements, Intelligence, Destruction, Tactics, Strength and Endurance, Courage, Loyalty, Resilience, and Heroes. Master of War and Patron of Heroes." He introduced to the stunned Sea Goddess. "Yeah it is a lot of domains and powers." He added letting go of her hand.

Triton came forward, a frown of distaste on his face that he barely hid behind a false smile. "And I'm Triton, Son of Lord Poseidon and Lady Amphitrite. I am the Crown Prince of the Seas and Heir to Atlantis Lord Perseus."

Percy nodded to his half-brother, clearly seeing that the minor sea god doesn't like him and won't for a long time.

"Well then," Poseidon said with a clap of his hands. "Now with that done I have some good news for you Percy." He spoke getting his son's attention. "First off with your recent accomplishments I can officially make you a member of my court, meaning that you're now officially a Crown Prince of the Seas like your brother Triton and second in line to my throne after him." He said jovially getting a stunned look from both sons. "You'll have your own room in the palace and have all the rights and privileges as a full-fledge member of the Royal Family of Atlantis." He explained.

"Milord…" Amphitrite tried to talk but was gently hushed by her husband.

"Hush my little water flower." Poseidon said gently. "I am welcoming my son into the Royal Family." He said before turning back to Percy. "Now your inauguration ceremony will be next Monday at five o'clock in the evening and yes your mother can come." He told his still stunned son. "Also we'll begin training your powers in three days."

"Training?" Percy asked getting over his shock at now being undersea royalty.

"But of course son." Poseidon began. "You need to learn how to properly control your powers. This will allow you to know and understand your limits. I can help you with your water powers as despite being the new GOW (God of War) you still retain your powers as my son. That and you have the domain of Elements, and water falls under that category." He explained getting a nod of understanding from his son.

"And I can help since I am war deity along with him." Athena spoke as she approached the quartet. Poseidon, Amphitrite and Triton's faces were masks of neutrality. "Lord Perseus I wish to have few moments of your time if you can spare them."

Percy looked at the goddess with a raised eyebrow. He would openly say that Athena was his least favorite goddess given the amount of trouble she caused him since he came into the Greek world. The problems she had with his father made her automatically hate him simply because of being Poseidon's son. She also tried to have him killed whenever the gods had their meetings, and voted heavily to have both him and Thalia (her half-sister by the way) killed because she believed they were too dangerous to live. Only Artemis, Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and surprisingly Ares voted against killing them.

He, after saving them from Kronos' wrath, had been surprised when she voted to have him become a god, an Olympian even, and she even admitted she may have wrong about him when he tried to deny godhood to fix the problems that nearly brought Olympus' downfall. So Percy was especially wary of the Wisdom Goddess but he would give her the benefit of the doubt. He had a mental conversation with his father, who grimaced a bit before nodding his head. Percy turned back to Athena and nodded to her, the goddess giving him a small smile as she led them a few ways away to a balcony overlooking Manhattan below.

Athena stood there, her features and eyes betraying nothing as Percy waited for the goddess to start this conversation she wanted. A few tense moments of silence later, Athena sighed and her shoulders slumped. "I wish to apologize to you Lord Perseus." She said turning to him. "I have treated you unfairly ever since your existence was revealed. I've tried to have you killed simply on the basis of being Poseidon's son and I was afraid of your place in the Great Prophecy." she explained. "I feared you'll bring doom to Olympus but you brought salvation instead. You faced immensely powerful foes that other demigods couldn't hope to defeat, yet you did time and again. In the end you proved me wrong; you saved Olympus and even denied Godhood to fix the problems that we the Olympians had ignored due to our arrogance. As such I am sorry for my unjust actions toward you and hope we can wipe the slate clean and begin anew." She said with her head down and waited.

Percy looked at the goddess stunned. It was almost surreal given whom the goddess in front of him was, but seeing her with her head down, she looked like a small child admitting she was wrong and was awaiting her punishment.

"Look at me Athena." Percy commanded softly. She slowly looked up into those sea-green fires, getting lost in them. "You have done much against me Athena and while I'm angry I do not want any more problems with you. I accept your apology and agree to wipe the slate clean between us." He said getting her to smile brightly. He extended his hand toward the goddess before saying: "I'm, Perseus "Percy" Jackson. Son of Poseidon and the clear sighted mortal Sally Jackson. The Savoir of Olympus, the 14th Olympian and Olympian God of War." He didn't need to say his other domains since she was there when the Fates came in and declared what domains he'll have.

Athena took his hand smiling at him happily. "And I'm Pallas Athena, daughter of Zeus and Metis, the 9th Olympian and Olympian Goddess of Wisdom." She said feeling like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She also felt the fluttering of her heart due to touching his hand and vice-versa, a light pink dusting her cheeks. When Percy let go of her hand, she didn't like the feeling of coldness that she got from the action. He gave her small smile before walking away; the goddess stared after him, unknown to her longingly.


Standing on a balcony that gave her a view of everything, Aphrodite smirked. Oh she could take Percy for herself, but his being a god opened up a plethora of possibilities for her to play with. All these beautiful immortal women secretly desiring him, but only a few would have the courage to make him theirs. It made the Love Goddess giddy with excitement. Being the Goddess of Love meant she could feeling even the tiniest bit of love in a being, no matter how deeply buried it is, and she could feel the spark of love that Athena has for Percy. Yes it was small, but with some effort from herself, Athena and Percy and with some time it would grow and soon consume Athena.

And in the end, I'll prove that foolish maiden that I AM right! Aphrodite thought with a malicious smile remembering her numerous arguments with the Wisdom Goddess about whether the heart or mind determines love. Ah the game of love, my favorite of them all. Come Percy and Athena let's see if your love will have the strength to defy all odds.


Percy had returned to his father, stepmother and half-brother who were all curious about his meeting with Athena. He told them that Athena apologized and wanted to make peace with him and he agreed. Poseidon had been wary of Athena's actions toward his son as of late, but was willing to give her benefit of the doubt. If she did want peace then maybe he could put his rivalry with her to rest. Putting that thought on the backburner, the Sea God informed his son of his duties a Crown Prince of the Seas, said son taking in all the information like a sponge.

Soon Hestia appeared in a more tasteful dress, congratulating/thanking her nephew for becoming a god. She chatted a bit with Amphitrite and Triton before asking Percy to dance with her.

"Come Percy I wish to have the first dance with the Hero of Olympus." She said gently taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. Unfortunately, it turned out that Percy was more popular with the females than he thought because nearly every female on Olympus wanted to dance with him.

After his dance with Hestia, Demeter approached him for a dance. After Demeter, came Calypso. After Calypso came Hera (which was surprising and awkward). After Hera was Rhea. After Rhea was the love goddess Aphrodite who surprisingly kept the dance PG and not once got X-rated. After Aphrodite came his step-mother Amphitrite. After Amphitrite came Nike Goddess of Victory and afterward her sister Bia Goddess of Force. After Bia came Persephone. After Persephone came Artemis. After Artemis came Hecate, Nemesis, Themis, Iris, and several miscellaneous goddesses. Hell even a few Hunters danced with him, with Thalia leading the charge.

After the immortal women cam the mortal ones; the demigoddesses: Annabeth, Katie, Nyssa, the Aphrodite girls danced with him twice (a few even offered to carry his demigod child), a couple of Apollo girls, a few of Katie's sisters, two of Annabeth's sisters, and a daughter of Hermes.

When Percy finally managed to get off the dance floor, he had over two dozen notes with names, phone numbers and addresses from the various women who propositioned him. Sighing, Percy thought he was home free but one immortal woman did not get her chance to dance with him and she was taking it now.

"I hope you have one last dance saved in you Percy." Athena said as she gently guided the groaning Percy back to the dance floor. Once there, she grabbed one of his hands while the other rested on the back of his neck. Percy carefully placed his hands on her waist, expertly keeping any tension and anxiousness off his face.

Out the corner of his eye, he saw Apollo the acting deejay for the party, give him a megawatt grin and two thumbs up before putting on slow song for them. Percy made a mental note to kick the Sun God's ass before focusing on the beautiful wisdom goddess he was dancing with. He took notice of how her blonde hair glittered like spun gold in the light of the moon and was free of its usual braided ponytail she sported the few times he saw her, how her intense gray eyes glowed softly as she gazed at him, he could feel the contours of her body through their clothing as she pressed closer to him.

As Percy focused on her, Athena focused on him. From his glossy black hair she was tempted to run her hands through, those cool sea-green fires for his eyes she began to get lost in as she stared into their endless depths, his ruggedly handsome face, the surfer tan he sported giving him a sort of bronze skin tone, the massive power she felt flowing through his muscular body, the rippling muscles of said she felt through her suddenly thin Greek dress.

"You've been quite popular amongst the women here." Athena spoke getting a nod from the new GOW.

"That I have," Percy conceded. "Aphrodite is going to have field day."

A delicate golden blonde brow was raised in curiosity, Athena's face holding a questioning expression.

"She claimed to make my love life interesting when she approached me during the quest with Zoe." He answered her unasked question. "The girl I thought I loved is still in love another guy, even if he was a traitor and I killed him. Now I'm a god and this opens a new path of possibilities for her to play with." He explained to the wisdom goddess. She knew he had feelings for her favored daughter Annabeth, but she turned out to love that traitor. "So far several goddesses (except Artemis) and a few titanesses have come on to me, a few of the demigoddesses and nymphs also. I've even been propositioned by some of said goddesses."

Athena frowned, not liking the idea of Percy being propositioned by those slutty goddesses. "Are you going to accept their offer to bed them?" She asked, her tone having an angry edge to it. She did not like the ugly feeling welling up in her heart at the thought of Percy with another woman.

"No." Percy said surprising the goddess yet again.

"No?" Athena parroted surprised. Others would have wholeheartedly taken advantage of the situation, yet Percy again surprises her by doing his own thing. "Why?" she asked curiously.

"I don't want to be with a woman just for sex." He answered getting a curious eyebrow raised. "Most of those women only want me for sex, to have the right to brag that they had sex with the Savior of Olympus. While I'll admit that they're all breathtakingly beautiful, and I'm sure that a few of them do have genuine feelings for me mixed in the lust towards me I'm just not ready for a relationship yet." He explained. "I just became a god, so I want to focus on getting settled in first, and when I'm finally comfortable then I'll consider having a relationship. Whether it's with a mortal woman or an immortal one, we'll have to see."

Athena's gray eyes bored into Percy's cool sea-green, the two getting lost into the other's eyes, even as Apollo smirked and put on yet another slow dance. He only got more points since Poseidon, Zeus and Hades wanted to mend their relationships with their wives. Even that bastard Hercules and his wife Hebe were dancing happily.

It was Athena who broke eye contact first, leaning her head on Percy's shoulder. "You are an enigma Perseus Jackson. One I am determined to understand."

"Hm?" Percy was curious about what Athena meant about him.

"You interest me because you are different from any man I've ever met." She began. "I'll admit I judged you harshly simply because of who your father is, but know I understand that one's parentage doesn't make the person. As such I wish to understand you Perseus, not as a god but as person." She said looking him and getting him to smirk.

"Well we got all eternity for you to better understand me Athena." He said getting a chuckle from the wisdom goddess. "And you start by just calling me Percy. Perseus is too formal for my tastes, that and I've gone by Percy for so long that I prefer it."

Athena nodded, agreeing to Percy's terms as they danced a few more moments before it ended. "Thank you for the dance Percy. And thank you for giving me more insight into your character." The wisdom goddess said with a small smile. She then surprised him by leaning up and kissing him on his cheek, smirking at his shocked expression even with the faint blush dusting her cheeks before she quickly retreated. Percy stood there stunned, a hand on the cheek that Athena kissed.

Aphrodite is definitely going to have a field day now. Percy thought before leaving the dance floor before another woman could find an excuse to dance with him. The celebrations lasted well past midnight, stopping only until three. By that time, many people were in various stages of drunkenness, a few were even passed out in various states of undress, and others drunkenly stumbled about as they made their way home.


The following day after the victory celebrations was like any normal day on Olympus; the gods woke up, had breakfast, dressed and went about their duties. Hermes was racing about delivering packages. Apollo drove the sun through the sky, cruising to his favorite tunes while checking out various hotties with his binoculars, making notes on which ones he'll visit later on. Athena helped her daughter Annabeth with the blueprints for Olympus and the camp. Artemis was with her hunters hunting down the remnants of the Titan army, though she was a bit disappointed since because Percy took down the most powerful members of said army, she was left with very little challenges. Demeter ate some cereal while helping some crops grow. Dionysus grumpily sat back at Camp Half-Blood, ignoring the surviving heroes who in turn ignored him.

Poseidon was rebuilding his undersea palace while keeping guard against Oceanus, not putting it past the Titan to attack. Hades was happy that Daedalus was close to finishing that highway lane so the dead would move faster and no longer get backed up. Zeus was sitting on his throne contemplating Olympus' future with his nephew as the GOW.

Hera was tending her garden, quite content from the mind-numbing sex her husband gave her the previous night. Hestia was hosting her lovable nephew since he didn't have a palace yet; happy to have someone over to talk to since the only ones she ever talks to are Rhea, Poseidon, Hades and Artemis. They chatted a bit over breakfast, Hestia telling Percy embarrassing stories about her siblings, which had Percy laughing. When breakfast was done, Percy took a quick shower, got dressed, and hugged his favorite aunt before making his way to earth to visit his mother.


Percy stood outside the door of his mother's apartment, hesitating in going through with this. Gathering his courage, Percy knocked on the door. He heard a shuffling feet already knowing who was rushing to the door. The door flew open as Sally Jackson flung herself at her son, hugging him tightly as he returned it. Percy gave her a sad smile as he saw Paul walking up to them, his eyebrow quirked upwards at Percy's new look. "Mom, Paul there's a lot to talk about so let's head in inside."

Sally broke the hug, happy her son survived this madness. She hoped that maybe he could finally put this behind and maybe have a semi-normal life, no longer having the fate of the world on his shoulder and have some peace. But seeing the sad smile on his face, and noticing his new look, Sally felt her heart sink to her stomach, her instincts telling her the news she was about was something she wouldn't like.


Sally had been right when her instincts told her she wouldn't like it. After letting her son in and fixing some blue tea, Percy had dropped the bomb; he's now a god, specifically the new God of War. He told them of the war, now called the Battle of Manhattan by the demigods. He told her of his battles during the three day war, nearly giving her a stroke at the powerful enemies he fought and defeated. Her jaw dropped when she learned he fought and defeated several Titans list in the "Top Ten Strongest": Kronos, Atlas and Hyperion, Perses and Iapetus.

"Besides coming here to tell that I'm still alive and now a god," Percy began hesitant. "I also came to tell you that I'll be limited in my ability to come and visit you." he said sadly.

"What?" Sally choked out, shocked that her son wouldn't be able visit whenever he wanted. Even Paul was shocked at that.

"It's due to the ancient laws pertaining to noninterference in mortal lives." Percy explained. "As a god, I'm now bound those very same laws. The only reason Poseidon was able to see you so much was due to the loopholes he exploited, but even then he was still limited to how much time he could be with you."

"I…" Sally felt lightheaded. While proud of her son for achieving so much in a short amount of time, godhood was more of curse now she was hit with this news. "Can't you give up godhood? Get some other reward?" Sally asked grasping straws.

Percy sighed. "I tried mom, but the gods wouldn't let me. I've become too powerful stay a demigod. All those enemies I fought pushed me to heights of power that not even Hercules could ever reach. Because of this, several of the gods possibly feared that I would turn against them so they made me a god to keep that from happening." Percy explained to his distressed mother. "I know you don't like this, I don't either but we'll have to make the best of it." He said.

"Will you visit whenever you can?" Sally asked tearful.

"I swear on the River Styx." Percy said seriously getting thunder to boom. He stood and hugged his mother, giving Paul a bro-hug before leaving. The new god felt down, even though his mother understood and tried to be strong for him once again. As he walked, he thought over his life, and considered himself lucky. Many demigods didn't have parents like his; Poseidon exploited every loophole he could to help him, his mom withstood so much for him due to his demigod life. Other demigods couldn't say that. Their divine parents really weren't parents at times since most of them just forgot about some of their demigods and went on to have more that they just forgot also. Many of their mortal parents couldn't handle the dangers and stress brought on by their children's lives and abandoned them. So yes, Percy was one of the few lucky demigods.

Stowing the depressing thoughts, Percy decided he needed to sooth his soul. He headed to his favorite burger joint; Burger Emporium, which had a large variety of burgers from all across the world. Not feeling adventurous to try the more exotic burgers, Percy had his favorite; the classic cheeseburger with a side of fries and a coke. Just as he finished up, Athena walked in dressed in a white button-up blouse with a few of the buttons undone, black pants and heels.

"Percy, my father has called for a council meeting." She said wrinkling her nose at the smell of greasy fast food. While having tried fast food, Athena preferred classier, less greasy and fattening foods. Percy nodded, getting up, emptying his tray before leaving with the wisdom goddess. They walked into a dark alley and teleported out to Olympus.


Olympus Council Meeting

Zeus, his wife Hera and the always hearth tending Hestia were already in the council room as twelve flashes of different colors appeared. The other Olympians appeared and took their seats, waiting for Zeus to start the meeting.

"Ahem," Zeus coughed looking over his council as it settled down. "I thank you for coming. The reason for this meeting is to discuss the domains Perseus has as well as his trainers in the godly ways and his duties." He said. Turning attention to his nephew, he spoke; "Perseus before we got to your domains, I'll tell you that I have decided to make you the General of the Olympian Army. This means that you are in charge of the defense of Olympus and those affiliated with us should we be attacked." Zeus said getting a shocked/betrayed look from Athena. After all she has done for him and Olympus; she should be Olympian General, not a newbie God like Percy.

Percy was shocked that he would be given such a prestigious rank so soon after becoming a God. Zeus must really have faith in him to give him such a rank with an important mission.

"Lord Zeus if I may, can I have Athena as my second-in-command?" Percy asked getting raised eyebrows from the others. Athena had a curious yet hopeful look. "While I'm honored that you want me as Olympian General, having Athena as my first lieutenant will make things a bit easier since she does have seniority with her centuries of experience." He explained getting his uncle to contemplate the idea. Athena did have far more experience than Perseus, so she'll be able to correct any mistakes he might make. Plus it could help end that blasted rivalry she has with Poseidon. If she could successfully work with Perseus with little to no problems, then she might be able to work better with Poseidon.

"I concede your point Perseus. Athena will be your first lieutenant; the two of you will use all your might to defend Olympus from our enemies." Zeus said with finality. "Now on to your domains. While many what interest me the most is domain Heroes as the Fates proclaimed you Patron of Heroes. I believe this means all demigods are now under your jurisdiction, thus you'll replace Dionysus as the head of Camp Half-Blood." Zeus said getting a look of glee from the Wine God. "I assume this also means you can have direct interference when it concerns them, making you immune to most of the Ancient Laws, but you can't interfere on quests." Zeus said making a mental to contact the Fates to make sure he was correct.

"You are correct Son of Kronos." the Fates said as one as they appeared before the Olympian Council. "The reason for a God of Heroes is due to our mother Ananke having grown tired of how poorly you gods treat your demigods. As such after proving himself, we made Perseus God of Heroes to make sure that you don't ever abuse your demigod children ever again." the Fates said getting most of the gods to lower their heads in shame. The Fates were right in regard to their mortal children. If they, the gods, could find the time to find a mortal to fuck, then the same time could be used to show that they do care for their mortal children.

"All demigods present and future are under Perseus' jurisdiction; meaning he is indeed free from most of the ancient laws concerning noninterference with mortals. He is also the supreme authority over them as well. This means that he can cancel any quest that another god(s) issues a demigod(s) for whatever reason. Also gods must ask for his permission to take a demigod on as their champion since Perseus is automatically their Patron God from birth or to recruit to their group, i.e. the Hunters of Artemis." the Fates explained getting shocked looks from the gods.

"Why would you give that much power to him?" Hera asked fearing for some of her plots in both her Greek and Roman forms.

The Fates looked at the Olympian Queen, getting the goddess to pale. "It was decided upon when young Perseus proved himself to not just ourselves but also our mother. Our mother is quite compassionate and dislikes the dark plights your demigod children go through every day because of your arrogance and negligence. With Perseus as God of Heroes, there is the chance for those demigods to have far better lives with a truly just, noble and honorable god watching over them. And yes, besides Hestia, Perseus is far more honorable and noble than every god on Olympus combined even on his worst day." they said getting the gods to flinch at the 'insult' while Percy beamed at the praise.

Praise from the Sisters of Fate was something that Percy could add to the list of his already incredible feats.

"Ladies Fate," Artemis began getting the Fate Goddesses' attention. "Why must I gain his permission to recruit any demigoddesses to my hunt. It is their choice not his." she asked respectfully not wanting to incur the wrath of the sisters. They could do so many horrible things to a person that slighted them.

"Because Phoebe Artemis," the Fates hissed focusing on the Moon Goddess who flinched at the tone. "Most of the time when you recruit them, you subtly manipulate them into joining. Such was the case with Bianca Di'Angelo (which got Hades to glare at his niece with such ferocity that she nearly soiled herself) As such only with Perseus' express permission and him being there for the recruitment can you recruit demigoddesses." they said getting Artemis to grit her teeth over the 'injustice'. "If you do not like our orders, we can make things... quite uncomfortable for you and your hunters, with them being the first to suffer." they threatened.

"I accept it Ladies Fate! I will follow your orders to the letter." Artemis said quickly. She didn't want her girls to suffer for her arrogance.

"Good." the Fates cooed. "Perseus becoming a God is sign of great change coming; change that will be for the better. Do not allow your pride and arrogance make you do something stupid. We will have no problem in making Perseus the Lord of Olympus and having you displaced with a more just and honorable council." they said to the shaken gods. The Fates flashed out, leaving the shaken gods alone. Many looked at Percy, wondering just what he did to gain the favor of not just the Fates but their mother the Primordial Goddess Ananke also.

This also meant they had to tread carefully, especially Zeus, when around him. With the backing of deities of Fate and Destiny, Perseus could do a lot of damage if he truly wanted something.

"Uh… okay then." Zeus began partially over his shock. "Anyways, Athena since you are a war deity also, you shall train Perseus in combat. You'll also educate him in our ways and secrets." Zeus declared to his daughter.

"Of course father." Athena said in a happy tone.

Zeus nodded, not noticing his daughter's exuberance at training Percy. "Poseidon you can handle Perseus' training in his domains of Water and Ice." The Sky Lord said getting his brother to nod. "Hephaestus and Hestia will teach him Fire. Hades will handle Darkness and I will teach him Thunder and Lightning. That is all, meeting dismissed!" Zeus rumbled as he flashed out with a crack of thunder and a flash of lighting.

Drama Queen. Poseidon and Hades thought at their younger brother's usual flair for theatrics. The other gods left, leaving only Percy, and those would train him.

"Percy why did you ask for me to be your first lieutenant?" Athena asked curious about Percy's answer. Poseidon raised his eyebrow at Athena; she had never used his son's preferred nickname, usually calling him either boy of Perseus.

"I wanted you as my first lieutenant because you do have centuries of experience." Percy began. "I don't know why Zeus made me Olympian General since you should have been general centuries ago, being the Goddess of Strategy and all. I think that this is his way of testing me; I did successfully lead a force of only forty demigods against the Titan Army, so I theorize he wants to see what I can do with a much larger force." He explained to her.

Athena grimaced, remembering the folly she and the other Olympians made by ignoring their children. The camp, at the time of Percy's joining, had up to one hundred and twenty-five campers which dropped when over the course of three years since his arrival. Sixty of the 125 campers left and joined the Titans; which left sixty-five campers. Then Ares' fifteen demigod children betrayed them, leaving fifty campers, but ten were lost during the Ares children's attack. The fact that Percy could rally forty demigods and lead them against such an overwhelming force losing only five demigods during the course of the three day war showed he's a natural leader in every sense of the word.

It also begged the question; "What could Percy do with a much larger, more organized force under his command?"

"Having you as my lieutenant/adjutant will make things easier since you'll be able to correct any mistakes I might make and give me advice." Percy added. "With me as the God Tactics combined with your Goddess of Strategy, we'll make an excellent team." He said with smile and patting the goddess on the shoulder. Said goddess blushed, a nice pink dusted her cheek, feeling happy that Percy believed that together they were a formidable team. "Now let's work out schedule for my training."

The three Olympians hatched out a suitable schedule for Percy's godly training. Poseidon would train Percy in the mornings from seven-to-ten AM, Hephaestus and Hestia would train Percy from ten-to-twelve. Hades would train Percy from one-to-three while Athena got him from three-to-seven. The four hour training with Athena would be split in two; the first two hours would be combat training, the second two hours would be "Godly Education" as she called it.

With that done, Athena took Percy to her palace to meet with Annabeth so he could get his palace built. She also knew that had to get some things off their chests and this would help.


Athena's Palace

Athena's palace is what must have been the most unbelievably largest library he ever saw. Books were literally ascending in their book cases to at least a couple hundred feet and spanned from wall to wall. There were a couple of poles with consoles attached to them, as if they were some sort of hover-platform device instead of ladders like in old libraries. There was a collection of workbenches attached together to form a large square shape, with a gap on with of the sides to allow entry to the center. There were all sorts of tools set on the tables as well as many measuring and drafting devices as well as many blank and filled scrolls underneath them.

"One of a kind isn't it?" Athena smirked at Percy's gobsmacked expression at seeing her palace. In her personal opinion, her palace was as her annoying half-brother Apollo called "awesome".

"I didn't think a library could be this huge!" Percy exclaimed. "There has to be tens of millions of books here. Exactly how many books are there here?"

"Hmmm... I stopped counting after one million so there may be even more than that." Athena mused as she looked over the numerous books on her bookcases. Percy just gaped like an idiot at that. The topics in those books must range from literally the most of ancient of times to now.

"Lord Perseus and milady."

The two Olympians looked down to see Annabeth, the two War Gods shrinking to normal mortal size. Athena left, giving the two some time alone to sort things out. Though since they were in her palace, she would know what would happen due to her security measures. She didn't like uninvited guests (cough Hermes cough) in her palace.

"Annabeth." Percy said simply to the official architect of Olympus.

Annabeth gave Percy a sad smile, feeling quite awkward with the situation. She ran dozens of scenarios in her head and now that he's here in front of her, well her plans for this meeting went right out the window.

"Um... Lord Perseus..." she she began timidly wondering where did her courage go. Taking a deep breath, she soldiered on. "I want to apologize for leading you on the way I did. I used you as a replacement for Luke and for that I'm a sorry." she said getting Percy to stare at her.

"I am angry that you did lead me on like that and while I won't ever trust you like that again... I'll accept your apology." Percy said getting a sad nod from Annabeth. Maybe one day she make amends and restore their friendship. "Shall we get started on my palace designs?"

"Alright," Annabeth began leading him to the office her mother let her there, Annabeth booted up her laptop before talking again. "I have several dozen designs for palaces here on my laptop. Once you choose the outside design, then I'll take notes on what you want done for the inside." She said turning the laptop around and pushing it towards the god.

Percy spent the next hour going designs, trying to find one that appealed to him. He really wasn't one for extravagant and over-the-top opulence; he just wanted something simple yet elegant. Finding one he liked, he showed Annabeth who nodded and hit a few keys, marking the page as Percy's design. She opened up a blank word document in MS Word and recorded what Percy wanted for his palace's décor. This took only thirty minutes.

With that, Percy thanked her and left, curious over Athena's palace. Despite the claims that he didn't want to learn, he really did its just being a ADHD and dyslexic demigod made learning hard. He didn't know how Athena's children could cope with it. After finding out he was part of prophesy that would either bring salvation or destruction to Olympus, he had hunkered down to know more of the world he entered so he could be better prepared. He knew there was more to this world and was eager to learn more about it.

As he walked, sensing for Athena's divine energy, he looked over the palace. Besides the bookcases with a literal vast amount of books, he saw various sculptures of people (both mortal and immortal) and animals (regular and he monstrous), model kits that Percy suspected Athena designed herself, paintings and other crafts.

She is the Goddess of Arts and Crafts, so it's not too surprising see with an equally vast art collection. Percy mused. But he frowned when focused more on the collection to see a lot of very famous sculptures and paintings from history.

"I collected the originals before they were destroyed." Athena's voice sounded behind Percy. Turning his head, he saw the Wisdom Goddess walk up and stand by his side. "Over the centuries I collected all of them when there was a possibility of them either being lost or destroyed. Many in the mortal museums are replicas I created to honor the artists who made them." she explained getting a nod from Percy.

"Do you mind if borrow some of the books?" he asked getting Athena to raise her eyebrow at him. "What I like to learn, but you try dealing with ADHD and dyslexia. Besides as the God of Intelligence/Knowledge, I want to expand said intelligence/knowledge ." he told her.

Athena thought it over; the only other beings that oversaw the domains of Intelligence/Knowledge and Wisdom were Koios and her mother Metis. But the latter is 'gone' while the former was faded from Hades' latest report and the Fates gave him [Percy] Koios' domains. This meant that Percy is now her intellectual equal, a prospect that that made her immensely happy. She wouldn't have to dumb down her explanations when she talks to the othersgods, have someone actually interested in what she does, and who knows this might even help further their budding relationship.

"Since we have time, shall we start your lessons?" Athena asked.

"I have nothing else to do today so why not." he said. "I really am interested in learning more about this world of the supernatural." he said with a smile that had Athena faintly blushing.

"Then I'll be happy to help you learn more about our mysteries." she said smiling also as she led him to her office. She had already gotten the needed materials Percy could read while he was with Annabeth.

Athena was really looking forward to future, even more so with Percy now a god.

And cut! This was a challenge to get out as I'm not good with romance and I was trying to get the "foundation" of the Perthena pairing down. Athena apologizing to Percy was a start as well as Athena beginning to crush on him. As you saw, Percy is now the Olympian General with Athena as his second-in-command as a way to better his relationship since he revealed she should have been charge of the army a long time ago.

I changed some things since I thought that I made Percy too powerful. So I removed some of his domains to tone down his powers. I also added an explanation on the God of Heroes. They seriously need a 'guardian angel' watching over them.

Well read on and review, flames will be ignored. I'm out this mutha!