I just wanted to try the Calzona version at Hogwarts. Hope you all like it. If I suck, then tell me- I won't continue. I have been having this idea for the past few weeks and I thought I would give it a shot. Hope it's good.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
It was August 31st, a crisp Sunday. For the normal world, it was just an normal day but in the wizarding world, it was a busy day. It was the day before the start of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, for young witches and wizards. King's Cross Station was bustling with students and parents who were trying to get their kids safely on the Hogwarts Express.
"Be good, honey. If you had forgotten anything, I'll send it to you later. Take care of your brother" Barbara hugged her daughter and she was getting all teary-eyed. Arizona placed a soft kiss on her mother's cheek.
"Timothy can look after himself" Arizona teased and her brother rolled his eyes.
"I don't need Arizona taking care of me. I'm the Head Boy now. I can take care of myself, thanks" He said proudly. Timothy Robbins was a seventh year Gryffindor, and he was just made the Head Boy and he was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. His year couldn't get any better.
"And I'm a prefect" Arizona countered with a smirk on her face. Arizona Robbins was a fifth year Gryffindor and she was made a Prefect. Her father was an Auror and her brother wanted to be one. She never approved fully of their choice of careers because it was too dangerous and life-threatening.
Barbara hugged her son and placed a watery kiss on his cheek and he turned red. "Mom" He said, wiping his cheek where his mother had just kissed him. "Be good, alright?" She advised them both and just then they heard the train's loud whistle.
Daniel Robbins couldn't join them as he was on a mission so it was just their Mother. Barbara gave both her children one last hug and she grew teary-eyed again when her children climbed on the train. Tears were rolling down her eyes when she heard the train give another loud whistle. Arizona looked at Tim desperately to calm down their mother who was crying. Mothers will be mothers.
Arizona and Tim were consoling their mother when they both heard someone loudly call Arizona's name.
"Zona, wait!" Arizona waved her arm frantically just as her best friend came running, dragging her heavy trunk. Tim got down and helped Teddy load the trunk on to the train. The train started to move and Teddy blew a kiss towards her parents and hugged Barbara Robbins and joined the Robbins' siblings on the train. They kept waving until their parents disappeared from their sight.
"Can't you come early at least once in your life, Theodora?" Arizona turned to the skinny blonde whose face was scrunched up in disgust at Arizona's use of her full name.
"Don't call me Theodora." She muttered as she held her cat, Sonny, firmly against her, who was trying to wiggle free from her grip. "And don't blame me for being late this time. I was perfectly on time. It was my dad's fault. Blame him." She told Arizona and Tim rested his hand on both their shoulders.
"Ladies, we should get moving. We are blocking the way" Tim informed, pointing to the crowd that had formed behind them. Arizona dragged her trunk forward and held her owl safely in the other arm. "Let's go find a compartment" Teddy suggested as they got moving.
"You guys go, I have to find Nick" He waved goodbye to both of them and with a wink sent to Teddy's direction, he left. Teddy blushed and gave him a warm smile, her green eyes twinkling. Arizona remained oblivious to Teddy's reaction as they walked.
They passed a compartment which was occupied by the sixth years and they heard loud noises of laughter. Teddy rolled her eyes and continued to walk. The compartment was occupied by Mark Sloan, a sixth year and one of the Beaters of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He was a tall man with light grayish hair and icy blue eyes. He was laughing at something Derek Shepherd, another Beater of the Quidditch Team. He was a man with ridiculously perfect hair that doesn't ever fall out of place.
Arizona smiled to herself when she spotted the raven haired beauty, Callie Torres, a sixth year and the star of the Gryffindor's Quidditch team. She was the seeker and she was the best seeker Gryffindor has seen, next to the legendary Potters'. She had dark curls and chocolate brown eyes. Arizona had often found herself staring at Callie whenever she was in the room.
"Are you just gonna stand here and drool at them?" Teddy pointed at them with her face and Arizona turned red and looked down. "Sorry" she apologized quickly and followed Teddy to find an empty compartment. They found one at last and Arizona dropped the trunk on the floor and let out a huge breath. Teddy dropped into the seat and Arizona was standing, playing with her feet.
"Aren't you gonna sit down?" Teddy enquired and Arizona avoided looking at her best friend.
"I'm a prefect now, Teddy… I'm supposed to be patrolling corridors right now… I'm sorry." Arizona mumbled, still not looking at her best friend.
"Oh, okay" Teddy shrugged nonchalantly and turned to look at the window. Arizona was surprised at her reaction. She thought that Teddy was going to be all sad about Arizona leaving but her best friend seemed far from it.
"That's it? You're not sad or angry about me going?"
"No" Teddy shrugged again and she leant over and opened her trunk. She pulled out her copy of Hogwarts: A History and covered her face in it.
"Fine" She rolled her eyes. "I'm really upset that you got to be a prefect. I'll miss you when you are gone. Happy?"
"That's better" Arizona smiled, her dimples popping out.
"Now go do your stupid prefect duties" She waved her hand in dismissal and absorbed herself in her book. Arizona laughed and she left for the Prefect's carriage.
Two prefects from each house were seated and the Head Boy and the Head Girl were seated at the far end. Arizona joined a lone guy, whom she assumed to be her fellow Gryffindor Prefect. She had seen him in his classes but she couldn't remember his name.
"Hi, I'm Arizona" She grinned and the boy returned the grin grudgingly.
"Alex Karev"
They both remained silent and the Head Boy and the Head Girl walked over. Tim shot Arizona a small wink before instructing them about their patrols in the corridors. Arizona and Alex were assigned to the fifth carriage and they went.
"You handle that end and I will handle here" He informed and Arizona nodded. The carriage was filled with scared first-years and there wasn't much patrolling to be done. They just walked along the corridors for an hour and feeling bored, they decided to go back to their own compartment.
Arizona slid through the compartment door and slopped down into the seat next to Teddy. She noticed that Teddy had company with their dorm-mate, Lucy Fields.
"How were your prefect duties?" Teddy smirked.
"Boring. You know who is the other prefect? Alex Karev. And the Slytherin's prefects are Stark and Johnson."
"I know. Lucy was just filling me up on all the latest gossip" Teddy snickered and Lucy grinned.
"I was saving this for the last. Guess who is our new DADA Professor?" Arizona and Teddy leaned in and Lucy gave a dramatic pause. There were rumors that their previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Longhorn was retiring. But, hey, it's Hogwarts- you can't believe anything here unless you get it from the direct source.
"It's Albus Severus Potter!" Lucy exclaimed and Teddy covered her mouth that flew open in shock.
"You mean THE Albus Severus Potter?
"How many other Albus Severus Potters' you know?" Arizona teased but Teddy ignored her. When Lucy confirmed it, Teddy let out a happy squeal.
"A.S. Potter coming to teach us in our fifth year. It's going be sooo good" She sang and Lucy and Arizona laughed.
"Well too bad that he is gay. Otherwise, he would have married you-his loving admirer." Arizona teased and Teddy turned a deep shade of red while Lucy erupted in laughter.
"Oh, shut up. Even you think he is hot" Teddy shot back and Arizona gave a non-committal nod.
"I think he is okay"
"Okay? Have you seen him, Arizona? He is hot. Handsome. His green eyes. And-"
"Teddy, Teddy, we get it. One more thing, I'm not sitting with you during his classes, you will be drooling and gushing over him. I can't stand that"
"Fine. Your loss" Teddy shrugged and poked her tongue out at her. They resumed talking and gossiping about their fellow mates. They were interrupted by the Trolley Lady and they suddenly realized how hungry they were.
"Anything from the trolley, my dear?"
The train pulled into the destination and now changed into their robes and safely holding their pets, students started to descend from the train. Arizona, being a prefect, had to guide the first years back to Hogwarts. She spotted Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper and the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts. Hagrid was the one who escorted the first years to Hogwarts before the sorting ceremony.
Having made sure that all the first years were safely being escorted to Hogwarts, the house prefects went back to the carriages and rode back to Hogwarts.
As usual, the great hall was buzzing with laughter and students were talking to one another, eagerly waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin. Arizona walked to the Great Hall and she was grateful that Teddy had saved her a seat. It had been very long since she had eaten-she had only a few chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's every flavor Beans and the blonde was famished.
The Great Hall fell silent when Professor Bailey, the Transfiguration teacher, placed the sorting hat on the stool and pulled out the list of the first years'. She quickly called their names, one by one, and Arizona cheered along with the rest of her house whenever a student was sorted into Gryffindor. While she watched little Ruby Jackson being sorted into Gryffindor, Arizona remember her own sorting to Gryffindor.
Arizona's hands were sweating when she heard Professor Bailey call out her name. She glanced at the Gryffindor table and easily spotted her brother who grinned brightly at her. She was so nervous. What if the sorting hat put her into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff or worse- Slytherin?
Eleven year-old Arizona bounced with both nervous and excitement when she sat on the stool. Professor Bailey placed the sorting hat on top of her bed and Arizona was faced with the longest wait of her life. She was so nervous. Though the Slytherins' had become far nicer after the war, she didn't want to belong in Slytherin. She wanted to belong in Gryffindor, just like her father and her brother.
"Hmm, another Robbins. I see pretty great talent in here. You could be great in Ravenclaw with brains like yours. What is it that I see? Ah, bravery and courage. Well, I think you'll be a GRYFFINDOR." The sorting hat roared the last word and Arizona's face etched into her best smile. She bounced off from the stool, handed the sorting hat to Professor Bailey and joined the Gryffindor's table. Her brother gave her a proud smile which she returned happily.
She sat down next to a skinny blonde, whom she recognized from back in her compartment. The skinny blonde looked at her with warm green eyes and stretched out her hand.
"I'm Teddy Altman"
"Arizona Robbins"
From then, those two had been inseparable.
Just as the sorting ceremony had gotten over, Richard Webber, the headmaster of Hogwarts stood up and everyone waited in silence.
"I've got two words: Tuck in." Everyone laughed and turned into gleeful smiles when they were plates magically filled with food. Arizona had stuffed herself and just when she thought she couldn't have any more room for dessert, chocolate pudding appeared and there was no way that Arizona was turning that down.
Stomachs fully filled with delicious food, plates magically becoming clean, the Great Hall once again fell silent when Professor Richard Webber stood up to give his usual start of the term speech.
"Welcome, first years and warm welcome back to others." He started. He started with his usual instructions about how the Forbidden Forests were no bounds to anyone and all about the exams. Arizona paid attention and she slowly turned her head back and she spotted Callie. Callie caught her eye and Arizona quickly turned back, blushing.
"Chop, chop" Professor Webber ended his speech and there was buzzing of chatter as everyone went back to their respective dorms. She and Karev guided the first years back to the Gryffindor Common Room and specified them with instructions. Arizona directed the girls to the girls' dormitory while Alex took the boys' to the boys' dormitory.
After showing the first years' their dorms, Arizona made her way back to the Common Room and she spotted Teddy sitting in their usual spot, the cozy armchair near the fire-place. They both talked and Teddy brought up a topic which made them both feel tensed.
"It's fifth year. O.W.L's. It's going to be scary" Teddy shuddered.
"Relax, we'll be fine" Arizona assured her friend, not feeling so assured herself. They were pretty tired, so they decided to call it a night. They both made their way back to the dormitory and Arizona nearly collided with someone when she wasn't watching where she was going.
She had collided into Callie Torres. Arizona could feel her breath hitch in her throat. She had never seen Callie this close. This girl was beyond beautiful. She tried opening her mouth but she couldn't. Callie gave her a dazzling smile and Arizona felt like she couldn't breathe. That smile was stunning. She eventually found her voice and mumbled a quick apology and left hurriedly back to her dorm without looking back.
Teddy had a knowing smirk on her face, but she never said anything. She raised her eyebrows at Arizona, who was looking all flustered.
"I nearly collided with Callie Torres" Arizona spoke in a hushed voice and Teddy had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing at the flustered looking blonde.
She nodded and they both went to their dorm and they greeted their dorm mates-Lucy Fields and Rachel Royce. After exchanging pleasantries, Arizona changed into her pajamas and flopped onto her four-poster bed.
"Good night" She heard Teddy somewhere from her left and she mumbled back. She arranged her pillow and she lay there thinking for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.
This was going to one hell of a year.
Like it? Bad? Good? Want me to continue? Or not?
Again, I repeat, I won nothing. Everything belongs to Shonda Rhimes and J.K. Rowling- my two queens.
Please review.
Thank you!