Helooooo ! I'm back, AGAIN! And hopefully, for the last time… Sorry all for abandoning you. AGAIN. But I promise, PROMISE to make it up to you. I have gained new wisdom, started a new profession and a new outlook on life. I was so busy, with work, studying and other important things that I didn't even have time for personal entertainment. Not even ten minutes. But it's all settled up now. I'm a new man, well at least theorically but hey, I can have dreams. Oh right so Naruto dies and is brought by Kami, the goddess of life. He is punished and but given a second chance and takes up the offer. Well, let's see what bullshit I made today.

Chapter IV: Resurrection

In Naruto's house a bright light filled the room. Slowly the light started to fluctuate and dwindle. When the light finally disappeared, our resident moron, Naruto was found on the floor, panting. He started to get up, and successfully got to his feet. He suddenly widened his eyes as images filled his head. The location where Akane's location was. "Arigatou, Kami-sama. Now I'll be able to fix my mistakes easier" said a happier Naruto. After a second he felt a calm soothing wind caressing his cheek. He smiled and bolted out of his house, intent and determination to fix his mistakes and save Konoha and the whole ninja world, clearly shining in his eyes.

******Timeskip-two hours later ******

Naruto dropped to his knees all drained out from running at his max speed. He was sweating and panting, but he stood up and started to run again searching for a certain red haired vixen. Suddenly, he felt something coming from behind and jumped to the air. He was lucky because if he jumped a second later, he would be a pincushion for hundreds of kunai. He landed on a thick branch and looked back but he found nothing. Suddenly, two arms with soft skin but insane strength wrapped around his neck and squeezed intent of choking him to death. Naruto started to struggle and try to break free from his attackers grasp. He channeled as much chakra as he could muster to his arms and slowly broke free. The moment he broke free, he grabbed his throat and started to gasp and cough. He looked to his attacker and saw a girl's foot millimeters from his face. He didn't even have time to think of something as he was kicked to a nearby tree with such might that spider-webs appeared on a tree's trunk. His vision blackened, but he still held on on sheer will alone. He looked up and saw Akane with a sword poised at his heart. "Why are you here scum?" She hissed venomously as Naruto's eyes widened and he lowered his head. His hair shadowed his eyes as Akane squinted her eyes , burning with hate , look into his eyes. She could see a little drops ow water from his face on the ground. Naruto lifted his eyes and their eyes met." I..I'm so.. so sorry Akane… Ple…. Please forgive. M-me…. I didn't know what I was doing. Akane I beg you, forgive me for what I done to you!" by his last words, Naruto's tears were streaming freely down his face as he cried for what he've done. Akane's KI(killing intent) lowered a little but still held on. "Do you think that a simple apology will work?" Akane growled" Do you think that your tears and a few sorry words will fix what you've done?" At this time, Akane started to raise her voice. "NO! It will not fix anything. Not my stolen virginity, not my purity, not my pride! Do you think that because villagers beat and torment you for what I've done when I wasn't in control of my actions you're free to do the same thing to me because you were driven by revenge and hate?! Huh?! I think not!" At these words Naruto was stunned at the meaning of his actions. He couldn't defend because he knew he was guilty. He now knew that there's nothing that he could do. That he failed. He couldn't keep his promise to Jiji and Kami-sama, because he realized that it was an impossible promise. But then a crazy idea popped in his head. By then Akane started to talk again" Don't do this pity shit on me. It won't work now, and it won't work ever. Drop the mask stupid ningen* and get out of my eyes." And she turned away and started slowly walking away. The gears inside of Naruto's head were spinning madly and his body started pumping adrenaline by crazy doses. He quickly jumped up and started running towards her. By the time the crazy knucklehead shinobi reached her she sensed someone incoming and turned to face it"Stop trying to apo-MMMPH!"the words fell on deaf ears as her lips were silenced with Naruto's own. He started kissing her earnestly as she was still stunned at what he was doing. Eventually, Naruto stopped,as he removed his lips from hers he hugged her and said through tears"Please…..J-just give me a chance t-to fix my mistakes. I'll do anything to help you Akane chan" at this time the the tears were running through his cheeks freely. Akane has just recovered and she started to consider something."You're saying you need one chance?" Naruto's head lifted from her shoulders as he heard those words" Yes Akane-chan. Just one chance. It's all I need." Naruto replied still crying but less."One chance. If you fail, I will kill you" And with that, she chopped at his neck in a karate-like fashion and he slumped over her shoulders. The last thing he saw, was the faint glimmer of hope, uncertainity and happinesin her beautiful red eyes. Then all went dark.

******Timeskip-An hour later******

Naruto opened his eyes and drowsily sat up. He looked at his surroundings and said"Kuso, how I am in my room. The last thing I remember is" as he remembered the beating, the tears, the hug and her words"One chance, and if you fail, I will kill you". The words were replaying themselves in his head. He looked up, to the ceiling and shouted at the top of his lungs" I DON'T QUIT AND I DON'T RUN(guess from where this line is and you get a cookie) I will earn your trust if it's the last thing I do!" and with these words he bolted out of his apartment intent of finding the sexy vixen. But he didn't notice that the girl was sitting on the rooftop and with her enhanced hearing, she had no trouble hearing what he said." Maybe, just maybe this boy will accomplish what he wants. Don't you think, Tou-san*" and with that, she disappeared in a red sakura petals.




WOW! That's more than I expected but it's okay. I'm getting better at this stuff except racking my brain what to write. Oh and other thing sorry for my bad English, sorry for being so dramatically late of posting chapters. I always say tomorrow I'll start a chapter but it's always tomorrow. Now the thing is I wanna offer you a chance to win big for FREE. I won my new phone iPhone 6S on this site. Completely free of course. Just need time, and patience and a LOT of friends. If you register on the site I've given you, You'll have a 100% chance to win prizes from USB flash drives, pens, to A FREAKIN LAPTOPS OR TABLETS! First write (www). then write ( g.o.k.a.n.o..c.o.m) without the dots except becore com. then write ( /ref/BqfxapOX) connect these three parts and you get a full link.Now thanks for reading, stay tuned, rate, comment, review and other shit like that. Oh, before I forget. Post a woman you want as naruto's lover-girlfriend or something like that. The girl with highest points wins. Now, goodbye