A/N: You guys should play Time by Hans Zimmer while reading this it's awesome

Darkness, was all he saw. "I must have been knocked out, come on eyes don't fail me open up!" Finn thought.

As he opened his eyes everything was blue and blurry, soon his eyes adjusted and he knew instantly where he was. "Ice king!" yelled Finn as he grabbed at the bars.

"I heard your story and I know what who you're trying to get, but she wont love you, you'll just be her little 14 year old hero who does stuff for her only to get pushed out of the way." Replied the Ice King.

"I don't care if that doesn't work I think I'll just end my life." Finn said with a hint of sadness.

"Whoa, you're gonna kill yourself if you don't win Princess Bubblegum's heart?" Asked the Ice King taken aback.

"You don't know what I've been through, even if your 1000 years old I'm just 14." Finn stated.

The Ice King huffed before he said, "Okay but if you want to leave... you have to go through me!" Chirped the Ice King as he rose to the air with his beard.

"Didn't expect that." Mumbled Finn, as he was freed from his prison to fight.

But when he tried to draw his sword he felt nothing. "Dag." he thought.

The Ice King took a shot at Finn with an ice bolt that barely missed, but Finn didn't see The Ice King landing blows at his chest, head, and legs to trip him, just as he was about to try and move, The Ice King slapped the weak spots of the head making him drift off into unconsciousness.

It was just darkness... that's all he saw until. "Tell me human, what is the thing you most long for?" Asked the Cosmic Owl.

"I...don't know." Finn replied.

"I want to have Princess Bubblegum's heart, but I will not steal it! I don't want a wish... heroes aren't supposed to wish for their things, only others." Said Finn.

"Touching... I will send you back 5 years older, but still where you left off, Good luck Finn the human." Answered the Cosmic Owl.

Before Finn could say anything he awoke, laying at the same spot just in time to dodge the incoming ice sword, disarm the Ice King, tackle him and raise his own sword against him in a blur. It shocked the Ice King so much he almost had a heart attack. All he could say was, "How?"

"Did I beat you? Because I will not die by you." Finn replied coldly as he lifted The Ice King and tossed him into his own cage.

"Have fun." Finn said leaping through the window.

"To the Candy Kingdom." Finn whispered as he took off through the ice kingdom, the grasslands and then to his destination... The Candy Kingdom, It's spiraling towers, The Gumball Guardians, and the most beautiful cotton candy tree."

At the stairs of the Candy Kingdom...

"Oh Finn, where are you?" Asked Princess Bubblegum with eyes full of sadness and sleepiness.

"He's coming soon... I hope." Jake answered, whispering the last part.

They were about to speak when they saw someone coming. "Who's that?" Asked Jake as he saw the tall shadow, as he drew near they could see his clothing. Armor on the left shoulder, a black hood, dark leggings, combat boots, and a blood red sword to match all of it. "Your majesty." The man said as he knelt down. "Who're you some lame assassin come to kill me?" Asked Jake readying himself for the answer. He just chuckled, "You wont stand a chance." He taunted. Jake morphed into a tall muscular man and as he tried to punch him, he got punched and kneed in the stomach, groaning as he fell down.

"I win... again." The man said pulling down his hood revealing his identity.

"Finn buddy!" Jake yelled instantly feeling better.

"Hey man I'm back." Finn replied.

"Where were you? You scared us!" They both asked.

"To find who I love, after Flame Princess broke the bone only you could fix it." Finn told them gesturing Princess Bubblegum.

"Me?" She asked astounded. Finn knelt and took her hand as he asked, "Princess Bonnibelle Bubblegum, will you marry me?" They both gasped with shock.

"Yes." She replied as they leaned in to kiss, the moment he longed for.

Then... it happened, their first real kiss. Jake just sat there with a large grin as he noticed a pair of crimson red eyes that belonged to the Vampire Queen, Marceline who was smirking as well. "Good job... hero." Marceline and Jake both whispered together. The end.

A/N: Hey y'all hope you liked it, I will be doing more later Peace Out!