That afternoon Garcia and the twins were discharged and once the car seats were properly fitted into his car they set off. When Morgan drove passed Garcia's apartment building she frowned at him "Uhm, Derek, I don't know if you noticed but you just drove past our stop."

Derek smiled "I know that, baby girl."

"Oh" Garcia thought silently for a minute before saying "are you abducting me, sweetness, because if you are, I'll have you know that, I'm not ok with it."

Chuckling, he shook his head "I abducted you years ago, Penelope, why would I need to do it again."

"Your idea of funny is getting creepier and creepier everyday" she told him before sighing "ok, where are we going then?" Her question wasn't answered until they pulled up outside a beautifully modernised townhouse. Garcia knew that this had been one of Derek's projects but she didn't know that he'd finished it. "Wow" she breathed as she got out of the car "why didn't you tell me that you'd finished it? I think it's your best to date." She turned around and smiled at him.

"I wanted it to be surprise" he replied simply "and I agree, which is why I haven't sold it yet."

Morgan went around the car to get the twins before walking up the front yard to the door. He unlocked it and pushed the door open to see the rest of the team, who'd gone ahead of them, waiting for them. "Surprise!" They all shouted before JJ and Emily relieved Morgan of the twins.

"Welcome home" he told her quietly as he wrapped his arms around her "do you like it?"

She looked around in surprise taking in every detail. Morgan liked to restore old buildings to how they should look but he'd changed his tactic on this house. It was open, sleek and modern and Garcia loved it. "No" she told him and had to laugh when his face fell "honey," she placed her hands on either side of his face "I don't like it because I love it."

"I thought that we needed a bigger place if we are raising a family" he said as he took her hand and lead her through to sitting room where the team was sitting, surrounded by a mountain of presents.

"Oh my god" Garcia placed a hand over her chest "I love presents!" and she rushed forward to open some. She felt like a kid at Christmas as she took a seat and let people pass her and Derek the gifts.

As it turned out, Derek hadn't been idle whilst she was sleeping at the hospital; with the help of the team, he purchased a second set of everything they needed and called around family and friends to tell them the news. All in all they got what looked like to be two years' worth of diapers, wipes and baby powder, bottles and formula, varying sizes of baby clothes and so many different toys that Garcia was wondering how she was going to store them.

"And" Morgan pulled a small package out of his pocket but didn't let Garcia see what it was. He opened it and then went over to JJ and Emily who were cradling the twins before sitting back down "who says babies don't have teeth?"

The team looked at the twin girls who were now suckling on matching pacifiers. They all burst out laughing. The design of the pacifiers was a smiling mouth with teeth and it looked so damn funny that even Reid was rolling around laughing. "No way" Garcia said even though she was smiling too "Derek Morgan, Rose looks like a lemon meringue with teeth."

"Oh come on, Penelope, it's funny" Emily laughed.

Garcia looked at Emily and opened her mouth to talk but before she could even think about saying anything, everyone's cells went off and, to the BAU team, that only means one thing.

"Sorry guys, party's over" Hotch said with a frown before looking at Morgan and Garcia "take two weeks to get settled, Derek."

"But you'll call us if you need us, right?"

"Only if we need you" he clarified.

Morgan cracked a grin as Emily and JJ handed the twins over to him "thanks boss."

"Quick picture before we go!" JJ told them as she pulled out a camera and set it on the shelf across the room before hurrying back to huddle, with the rest of the team, around Garcia, Morgan and the two new additions to the BAU family.


"What have we got?" Hotch asked JJ as they took their seats around the table in the conference room.

"This one's close to home" she replied "well, slap bang in the middle of Quantico actually. There's been three home invasions in three days, the latest was early this morning, and all of them resulted in the death of the adult male who was-" she clicked the remote on the screen to pull up a picture of something very long and burnt "set on fire. The unsub forced his family to watch. I've sent the addresses to your tablets already."

Aaron nodded "ok; the PD are meeting us at the latest crime scene."

Reid was sitting in the back of the SUV, pouring over the case files with a frown on his face. Emily, who was sitting in the back with him, noticed that the kid would scrunch up his eyes and fist at his hair every couple of minutes. "Something wrong, Reid?" She asked quietly, trying to make the conversation private but knew that it would be nearly impossible seeing as there were three other, eagerly listening, profilers in the car with them.

"Huh?" He squinted at her.

"I asked if you were alright" Emily repeated.

"Oh" he nodded unconvincingly "sure; I'm just looking over the files for the case and I spotted an unusual pattern."

"What is it, Reid?" Hotch asked from the driver's seat.

"Well; so far the unsub has targeted three homes, right? The first and the third families were living in high class neighbourhoods but their earnings were nowhere near enough to support that kind of lifestyle. Everything that they had were way above their pay range and their bank records don't indicate any kind of financial wealth. The second family, however, were living in a lower class part of town but it says here that both the husband and the wife were in extremely well paid jobs."

Hotch frowned as he took in Reid's words and silently agreed that it was unusual "so if there's another, we should expect the same kind of situation as the second target?"

"There's no if about it" Spencer told his boss "people like this don't just stop; there's definitely a reason as to why he's killing this way and it's only about the men."

"So it must be about the men either giving their family too much or not enough?" Emily stated. "That's strange but it makes sense so all we have to do is find the connection to these families."

Reid nodded "it might be worth asking Garcia to-"

"No" Rossi interrupted "Hotch has given her and Morgan two weeks; we're using Lynch."

"I gave Morgan two weeks, actually" Aaron clarified as he pulled up to the kerb "Garcia can have as long as she wants; she knows the job will be waiting for her."

"Ok, I'll get Lynch to run the names." JJ told the team before they got out of the car.

Emily kept a close eye on Reid and noticed him getting more ratty and pale as the case went on. She didn't want to force him to talk to her but she also didn't want him to suffer in silence. "Reid" eventually, five hours later, she pulled him to one side as the team traipsed back into the bullpen, heading for the conference room, to discuss the profile "seriously, what's wrong?"

"It's these headaches" he grumbled.

"I thought that they'd stopped" replied Emily.

Spencer nodded "they started up again when my mom died, I guess, and they've only been getting worse."

Emily Prentiss watched him in concern and pity. Spencer Reid had been through so much in his life time, it was a wonder why he had turned into a guy catching unsubs than being one himself. "Spencer, you need to relax more and you definitely could do with a good night's sleep but here" she grappled around in her bag for several moments before pulling out two pots of pills and pushing them into his hand. "The clear is for pain and the orange is for sleeping but don't tell anyone where you got them."

Reid looked at the ingredients and his eyes widened. "Emily, where did you get these?"

"They were given to me when I was going through the whole fake death thing" she grimaced, feeling guilty that she'd brought it up "I was getting stress headaches and I was having trouble sleeping. Just try them." Emily smiled at Spencer before joining the rest of the team.


"They are down and out" Morgan exclaimed as he threw himself bodily on to the bed. He'd just spent the last four hours trying to get his daughters to sleep but he found that one would fall asleep, then the other would start crying and wake the sleeping baby up. In the end he thought about putting them in the same crib and they both immediately drifted off.

"That was one heck of a war, daddy" Garcia, who was tucked up in bed and watching TV, replied "what did you end up doing?"

"I put Rose in with Grace; I remember hearing that some twins don't like to be separated after spending so long together in the womb."

"Four hours too late" Garcia snorted "I was trying to tell you that but you wouldn't listen."

Derek frowned "I think it was more that I couldn't hear you rather than I wouldn't listen."

"Oh well" she patted his cheek "momma needs her rest so I shouldn't be straining to be heard."

"You are going to milk this for all it's worth aren't you, baby girl?" Morgan chuckled.

She nodded as she grinned "don't you know it; I want to watch you change poopy diapers for two weeks before I have to start doing it myself."

"Make the most of it" he told her, kissing her forehead affectionately "before too long you'll be elbows deep in baby powder and I won't be around to help."

Garcia frowned before turning to look at him "what do you mean by that?" She snapped "that at the end of your two week you're just going to disappear off with the rest of the team leaving me here to play mom without any help at all?"

"Of course not! Baby, I meant that sometimes I won't be around to be able to help." He rolled onto his side and looked straight into her eyes "honey, I'm not going to leave you to do this by yourself; sure, some men think that bringing up babies is the woman's job but I'm a hands on man and I want to help take care of them."

"Reckon Hotch would let me work with them in my office so that I can come in and help?" Penelope asked quietly.

"I reckon he would, yeah, but Strauss is an entirely different ballgame."


"A fire's just been reported" Hotch told the team quickly "JJ's sending us the address."

"But it's the middle of the day" Reid replied as he hurried alongside his boss "he's only every struck at night or in the early hours of the morning."

Hotch looked at Spencer "I know, which is why we need to get down their quickly so we can assess the situation and work out what's changed."

"Whatever's going on in the unsubs life has made him escalate" Rossi stated "maybe it's an anniversary of something?"

The team arrived on scene before the fire crew. Aaron could hear cries of help from the first floor of the rundown house. He made for the door but Emily caught his arm "Aaron, what are you doing? The whole thing looks like it's going to collapse!"

"There's a family in there" he told her angrily "and I'm going to do what I can to help them get out alive." And he sprinted off before anyone else could stop him.

The whole of the bottom floor was so thick with smoke that Aaron Hotchner's eyes started stinging from the moment he kicked down the front door but he carried on, heading up the stairs. It didn't take a genius to work out where the fire was; the orange flickering to the left of him was like an indicator on a car.

He burst into the room to find a woman and two small children cowering, away from the heat, beneath the open window. "Help!" She choked "my babies, save my children!"

Instinctively, Hotch agreed and grabbed the two boys before taking them to safety. He thrust them at Reid before heading back into the house where he grabbed the woman and reunited her with her children.

The first step back in the fresh air felt like heaven on his lungs; he felt to his knees, vomiting and gasping for breath. The last thing he remembered was strong arms picking him up from the ground before he passed out.