Chapter Twenty

Peyton didn't want to get out of bed. She was waiting for her phone to ring. It had been three days since she'd seen Spencer. He was on vacation. She was hoping he would call her or text her. She rolled over and signed onto her blog.

Entry #228: Not even a thought.

Still nothing from Spencer. Maybe I just need to accept the fact that he might not come back to me. Maybe it's over for real. He made me feel even better than I did when I was with Ryan. Work isn't even the same without him. We just got back from Tennessee, which felt like it took forever. I wasn't as focused as I should've been. I can't even concentrate. I just need to know for sure. Is he in or out?

When he gets back from vacation I'm finally going to ask him. It's been two months since I told him about Derek. The LONGEST two months of my life.

Her phone rang. Peyton immediately jumped up and grabbed it off the side table. It was a text message. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." She read aloud. Peyton's eyes grew wide. I have to get ready. She thought to herself. She flew off the bed and into the bathroom to do her makeup. Before she knew it there was a knock on the door.

She took a deep breath and opened her door. "Hi." That was all she could manage at the moment. She stepped aside to make room for him to enter. He did. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No, thank you." He answered.

"Okay." Peyton gestured toward the couch. "Do you want to sit?"

He nodded and walked over to the couch. "Thanks."

"So, what are you doing here?" She needed to know. "Not that I'm complaining. I just wasn't expecting you."

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I'm not sure." Peyton admitted. "Please, just tell me why you're here. I know it's not just for a friendly visit."

"I wrote this letter for you." He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Peyton. "I wasn't sure if I get everything out once I was here and looking into your eyes, so I wrote down everything I wanted to say to you."

Peyton grabbed the letter out of his hand. "You don't just want to try and talk right now?" She tried to give him a smile.

"Not right now." He whispered. "I should go." He stood up. "It was nice to see you."


Peyton couldn't believe what had just happened. She hadn't seen her father in over ten years. She met him, once, and never told anyone about it, except for Addison. She lived without him for the first twelve years of her life and she was fine without him after they met and he left again. What could he possibly have to say to her now? She poured a glass of wine and sat on the couch with the envelope.

My daughter,

I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. I left your mother when you were almost two. She had an affair and I couldn't be with her anymore. I couldn't love her the same way, but it wasn't fair that I left you. You did nothing to deserve it. You were just a child. You had no idea what was going on. I don't want you thinking that it had anything to do with you. I wanted you. I wanted a child. I wanted a family.

You need to know that I have a new life now. After I left your mother I tried to find someone who would love me, and only me. I wanted to find someone who wanted the same life as I did. I'm married with two sons now. They're 15 and 17 now. Adam is a freshman in high school. He's so smart. He looked just like you as a baby. It was hard for me. Joshua is a junior this year. He plays baseball and he's really good. I'm so proud them. I haven't told them about you or my previous marriage at all. I would like to keep it that way.

You seem to be doing a great job on your own. I've seen newspaper articles about you. You work for the FBI now. That's great! You turned into a wonderful woman and I am proud of you, too. I don't want to hurt your feelings by saying this, but I don't want them to ever know about you Please don't contact me. Please don't ruin what I have now.

I know this seems like an unreasonable request, but I have a wonderful and loyal wife with two great children who would be devastated if they ever found out I had been hiding this from them. It's too late to come clean now.

I'm sorry.


Peyton thought she'd be crying, but she wasn't. She didn't really feel anything. All she could think about was Spencer. She wanted to tell him. She decided to call him. She reached for her phone and dialed his number. He didn't pick up. "Hi, Spence, it's me." She wasn't sure what to say in a message, but she had already started. "I was just thinking about you. I would really like to see you. I hope you're enjoying your vacation." She ended the call and buried her head in her hands. Her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hi, Pey." Spencer's voice was in her ear.

Peyton smiled. "Spencer, hi."

"Do you mind if I stop by later?" He asked.

"Of course not." Peyton was nervous. "Please come over. I'll be here."

"I'll see you tonight." Spencer hung up.


"Thank you for coming over." Peyton sat next to Spencer on the couch. "There are so many things I want to tell you."

"There's something I want to tell you, too." Spencer interrupted. "I may have overreacted when you told me about Morgan." He looked at Peyton. "But it's only because I love you."

Peyton was trying to let it sink in. "You love me?" She finally whispered.

Spencer nodded.

"I love you, too, Spencer Reid." Peyton grabbed his hand. "That's why I told you. I didn't want you to think I was hiding something from you."

Spencer leaned in and gently kissed her lips. "I was just jealous."


"I am so glad to be home." Peyton and the rest of her team filed off the jet with their luggage. "Anyone want to get a drink tonight?"

"I have plans with a special lady." Rossi answered. He smiled to himself and walked a few steps ahead of the group.

JJ, one of Peyton's best friends was always willing to hang out with Peyton. "Will is here for the weekend. Let me call him and see if he wants to join."

"Emily, are you in?" Peyton raised her eyebrows. Emily Prentiss didn't often go out with the rest of the team. She kept to herself most of the time. "Just this once, let go and have some fun."

"I don't think so." Emily sighed. "I have a nice book and a bottle of wine waiting at home for me."

"You're no fun." Peyton stuck out her tongue. "Spencer, you're coming, right?"

"I guess." He shrugged.

"I'm always down for a party, girl." Morgan laughed. "I bet my baby girl is down, too."

"Aaron Hotchner?" Peyton grilled. "You have to come. You need a drink more than anyone else on this team."

"I have to get home to Jack." He answered firmly.

"Alright, you're missing out." JJ laughed.

Peyton and Spencer let the rest of the team walk ahead of them.

"After we get a drink tonight, I say we have a nice romantic bath. How does that sound?" Peyton offered.

"That sounds delightful." Spencer agreed. "When can we finally move in together? It's been almost six months."

"Spence, if we move in together it's going to make it harder to hide our relationship from the team." She sighed.

He groaned. "Why do we have to hide it?"

"Because we work together." She grunted. "What will everyone say? What will Hotch say? What will Erin say?"

"Just think about it." He took his sunglasses off and looked at her. "I'm not ashamed of you."

She gave him a look out of the corner of her eye. "Don't even imply that I'm ashamed of you."

"I don't want to turn this into an argument." He opened the door to the FBI for her. "Just think about it."

"Thank about what?" Morgan asked as he overheard them.

"Nothing." They said together.

"Okay." He laughed. "What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing." They said together again.

They all walked into the BAU and went to their desks. JJ called Will. Hotch and Rossi went to their offices. Spencer, Emily, Peyton and Morgan set their stuff down.

Erin came out of her office. "Not so fast." She shouted at the team. "Garcia needs you. There's another case that must get attention immediately." The team groaned and began to walk to the conference room to greet Garcia.


"What's up?" Hotchner asked as they all sat down at the table.

"You guys are going to Florida." Garcia turned on the screen to show photos of the case. "There have been two murders. A woman, Jennifer King, age thirty-four, and Brett Kramer, age forty-nine."

"He's not picky with his victims." Peyton stated.

"The only way they could connect the cases is…" Garcia trailed off. "Well, you can just look at the picture. She put two pictures on the screen, one of each of the victims. They were both missing their left eyeball.

"Wow." Spencer smiled a little. "That's very interesting." He loved to have something to figure out.

"Wheels up in twenty minutes." Hotch closed the file he was looking at. "Familiarize yourself with the case on the flight. And get some sleep." He stood up and left the room.

"Back on the plane we go." Emily stood up.

Morgan, JJ and Rossi followed Emily out of the room.

Peyton and Spencer were left. He walked over to her. "I was looking forward to spending some time with you tonight."

"Me too." She smiled. "Let's solve this case so we can have some alone time." She peaked out the door to see if anyone was around. "Coast is clear." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to her. "Kiss me, you fool." She giggled.

He placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Don't tease me." She whispered.

"I wasn't trying to tease you." He stated.

She laughed to herself. "Never mind, honey."


"I just wish we could do that more often, that's all." She confirmed. "I want to kiss you all the time."

Rossi came into the room and Peyton and Spencer jumped away from each other. "Are you two ready? We're heading to the jet."

"We're coming." Spencer and Peyton said in unison.