"There is not a thing in the world that would make me change my mind right now." Peyton was confident as she sat in Hotchner's office. "I know this is what I'm meant to do."

"Welcome to our team then, Agent Olson." Hotchner held out his hand to shake Peyton's. "Follow me to the conference room to meet the other team members." He stood and motioned for Peyton to walk out the door in front of him.

She walked out of the door and waited for Aaron to lead the way. They went down the hallway and entered a big room with a round table. There were four people sitting around it. They all looked at her as she entered the door. She began to get nervous. She was young and she knew she would have to prove that she was an asset to their team. Hotchner pointed to an empty chair. Peyton sat in the seat.

"Team, this is Peyton Olson, the new member of our team." Aaron introduced as he sat down. "Agent Olson, this is Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, and Spencer Reid." He pointed to each member as he said their name. He turned to Gideon. "Where is Morgan?"

"He's running a few minutes…" He didn't even finish explaining before a man walked through the door.

Peyton recognized this man. She had a one night stand with him about a week ago. She started to blush; she could feel it.

Aaron looked back to Derek. "This is Peyton Olson, our new team member."

Derek smiled. "Nice to see you again."

"You two know each other?" Penelope asked, sounding a little jealous.

"We met a while ago." He laughed.

"Briefly." Peyton added, chuckling to herself.

"Good, Derek, you can be in charge of showing her around." Hotchner nodded at Morgan.

"Come with me." Derek commanded.

Peyton stood up, nervously, and walked behind Derek out of the room. They walked down the hallway into the main room of the BAU. "So, about last week…" Peyton started.

"It never happened." Derek said without looking at her. "Don't worry. This is work."

"Thank you." Peyton sighed in relief.

"This is where we all have our desks." Derek walked down the couple of stairs to where the desks were grouped. "This is Reid's desk, my desk, and this will be your desk." He motioned to an almost empty desk. The only thing on it was a blank manila folder. "I'm sure that's your 'Welcome to the BAU' folder that Jennifer Jareau, who we call JJ, gives to everyone new. Her office is over there." He pointed. "Hotchner's office is over there." He pointed in the opposite direction. "And next door to his office is Gideon's office."

"Are you currently working a case?" Peyton asked as she sat in the chair behind her desk.

"Not right now." Derek sat on the corner of his own desk. "JJ will be presenting a case at nine."

"This may sound weird, but how old is Reid?" Peyton whispered, not wanting anyone to hear.

Derek laughed. "He's twenty-four. He's has two PhD's, and I think he has a photographic memory and can he read like 20,000 words per minute, or something crazy like that. He's a genius."

"Wow." Peyton shrugged her shoulders. "So, you never mentioned you worked for the FBI."

"We didn't do much talking." Derek winked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said sarcastically.

JJ came out of the conference room and over where Peyton and Derek were talking. "We need you in the conference room. We have a case."

"We're on our way." Derek stood up.

Peyton, Derek and JJ walked back to the conference room.