Okay this is another one shot I write a while ago, it might be a little random but hey a lttle bit of randomise is good so I hope you enjoy it

Time talk

Arthur had some crazy expertises in his life, but right here right now. This moment of time had to top it by far. He had some how fell back in time and was face to face with no other eight year old Merlin.

"Are you alright?" asked Merlin looking up to Arthur with big eyes holding some firewood "You look like you're seen a ghost"

"Not a ghost" said Arthur more to himself "No... you look a bit like someone I know"

Merlin bit his bottom lip thoughtfully his head slightly at one side. "I never seen you before, were to you come from?"

This was going to be hard to explain "Well... I come from Camelot, have you hear of it?"

Merlin nodded "Camelot is a city... I like to go to a city someday it sound amazing. It's a bit boarding here"

Arthur though Merlin didn't act like a normal any eight years olds. Then again he didn't know any eight years olds. Plus he didn't have a normal childhood – so maybe this was how most eight year old are... "Don't you play with your friends?" asked Arthur

"The only friend I got is Will" said Merlin. Arthur had a hard time believing that because he knew Merlin is welled liked in Camelot.

"Why that?" asked Arthur

"People think I strange" said Merlin he said like he was talking about the weather.

"How?" asked Arthur he thought grow up Merlin was strange let alone the kid Merlin.

"I'm not like everyone else around here" said Merlin "I'm different"

Arthur knew what it was like to be different "There's nothing wrong with different" said Arthur

Merlin gave Arthur a dark look "It is"

"What make you think that?" asked Arthur

Merlin open his month then closed it thought of a minute before talking again "I'm not a very good farmer" said Merlin "I think they are other things for me to do"

"Like what?" asked Arthur

"I don't know" said Merlin "but my mother is teaching me how to read and write so when I'm older I can find me a job... maybe I go to Camelot"

"Maybe" said Arthur "You better head back home kid, your mother will be getting worried"

"She always worried" said Merlin "Bye" then Merlin walked off and out of sight.

Arthur watched Merlin go thinking that Merlin was more puzzling than ever before

Another one shot done and dusted. What do you think? Feel free to leave a review