Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto! WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING ME THAT! *cries pitifully*

Hey, guys! I was searching the website for a MinaKushi fanfiction about when they were younger, and I couldn't find anything. I guess it's because most people get flamed for having non-canon fanfictions. :P But I can trust you guys, can't I? You guys won't flame me? I don't mind constructive criticism and all, but if you don't like the fanfiction, just don't read it! Anyway, I read the only young Minato and Kushina fanfiction I could find, and it didn't get Minato's personality right at all. I did my research, trust me. But just so you know, Minato can't start out OP, kay? He will probably be OP by the end of the Chunin exams, but no earlier. Tell me if you want me to put more detail into my story and all, ok? Hope you enjoy my chapter! Keep reading for a special Author's note at the end!

Edit: I've begun editing these chapters to be longer and more detailed and emotional. My treat to you all, since I've been neglecting you all so long. If you've already read the story, I encourage you to reread it!

Minato sat down beside the table, his hand moving to hold his head up in an uncharacteristic act of laziness. "I wonder what my next mission will be like...,"He thought out loud. "I heard your last mission was a big success!,"His mother called from the kitchen, obviously trying to make conversation. "Yeah,"He sighed. "I just hope that little girl we watched doesn't get into any more trouble."

"That's sweet of you, Minato,"His mother praised, sticking her head out into the dining room with a gentle smile, her green eyes closed and her short dirty blonde hair falling into her eyes. A smell met Minato's nose, and he sighed, pointing back into the kitchen. "The food's burning, mom." He received a yelp as she pulled back out of his sight range hurriedly. He closed his eyes in boredom. His father was out on a mission somewhere, and his day hadn't exactly been that exciting, though he didn't mind the multitude of D-ranks. The village needed someone to do such small tasks; it was not his place to complain.

Suddenly, the front door slammed open with a loud thud. Minato jumped to his feet, eyes snapping open and his body instinctively moving into a fighting position. It was dark outside, the only light shining down from the full moon. A figure a few inches taller than himself stood in the frame, though the darkness seemed to black out his face. "Minato, Kushina's gone missing! I saw a search party leave just now!" The voice was familiar, but Minato's mind was far to distracted to distinguish the owner. The words after 'missing' barely registered in his mind, his whole body frozen in shock. Finally, his mind caught up with what they had said, and he took a deep, calming breath. It wouldn't help anything if he panicked.

"Am I part of it?,"Minato asked, azure eyes wide with worry. "No, sorry. Most of the shinobi are being informed to keep a lookout!,"The boy added, leaping away before he could be questioned anymore. Minato could just make out the boy's form running along the rooftops of his neighbors' homes, heading off to tell the others.

Minato wasted no time in grabbing his kunai pouch and clipping it to his leg. He bounded towards the door, only to be blocked by his mother. "Minato! You can't be thinking of going looking for her?! She could have been kidnapped!,"His mother shouted. "No! I have to go!." His mother froze at this, shocked. Minato rarely ever shouted at her, always preferring to use a tone of cold respect when he was mad. "I have to go, now!,"Minato insisted, not stopping to see her reaction before pushing past her and out the door at high speeds. He wasn't as fast as he would have liked; he trained daily on his technique to improve it's speed to one he would like. To most, though, he was running at faster speeds than most Gennin could even hope to achieve - maybe even a few Chunin.

A nagging feeling pulled him to the forest where he had found her being attacked by the Gennin during their Academy days. He couldn't describe the strange pull, had anyone asked him too... It dragged him forward and forced his legs to move faster. He knew she wouldn't just run away; She had a dream! She had to have been kidnapped! Minato refused to believe anything else.

His eyes shot from side to side, searching for any sign of a struggle - anything that would lead him to Kushina. Nothing... Not even footprints marred the beautiful landscape. Just as he was about to give up hope, a small red streak caught his gaze. He spun around, skidding to a hault. A single strand of beautiful, soft red hair was caught in the root of a tree, barely hanging on against the breeze.

"This is Kushina's!,"Minato gasped aloud, looking up and scanning the ground. Another small clump of the bright red lay on the dirt a mete or two away, and another after that. With the small strands tightly gripped in his hand, he followed the pathway laid out for him. This was proof that Kushina - Kushina - had been kidnapped, and he could feel rage bubbling inside at the thought. They could have hurt her, or blackmailed her, or manipulated her, or- He cut his own trail of thoughts off, composing himself as best he could. He could not let anger cloud his vision - not with so much at stake.

Minato could make out the rustling of leaves ahead off him, but he did not pause for even a heartbeat. He raced forward, hitting the man that took the rear in the back of the neck so that he fell to the ground unconscious, leaping back into the bushes just as the other two looked behind them. Kushina looked exhausted - so weak - looking ahead like she was blind. The look did not fit her at all, and Minato could feel his anger rise at the thought of them hurting her in any way. He kicked the man beside Kushina who had turned around, knocking him into the dirt. Before jumping away, Minato caught a glimpse of the ninja's forehead protector. Cloud Ninja.

The third ninja must have spotted him, because he jumped away from Kushina in the opposite direction Minato had, leaping up into the trees. Minato smirked, his fast thinking easily allowing him to outsmart the ninja. He flashing to the tree just behind him, kunai ready. Pushing him off the tree trunk, he sliced the ninja with the knife, sending him flying into the tree across from them. The body tumbled to the ground; weither he was still alive or not, the blond ninja could not be bothered to care.

Minato jumped down after him, sliding the kunia back into his pouch before he landed in front of Kushina. The redhead continued limping forward weakly as though ehr kidnappers had not been taken out, her gaze blank and her eyes dull. "Are you hurt?,"Minato asked quietly, not wanting to scare her but desperately wanting to snap her out of this trance. She kept walking for a moment longer before she stopped, looking up from the ground to stare at Minato with dead eyes. His anger had faded, leaving behind only pure, unadulterated relief.

A cloud shifted out of the way from the moon, letting it's delicate rays land carefully on Minato, who had been hidden in darkness for so long. He smiled softly at her in an attempt to wake her. "I came to save you,"He murmured, finally earning himself a reaction. She gave him a weak smile, her eyes closing as her legs gave out beneath her. Minato jumped forward, catching her carefully before she could hit the ground. His heart swelled unexpectedly at how she felt in his arms. She was so light, and her skin felt as soft as a rose's petal. He turned her to look at him, relieved to see the life return to her eyes. "You'll be alright now,"He promised, smiling.

Minato moved her position, holding her so that she lay in his arms bridal style. He suppressed a grin at Kushina's embarrassed, slightly confused expression. It lifted so much weight off his shoulders to know she was back to normal. "W-Wait a minute,"She gasped as he jumped above the trees, into the crisp, clean air. His eyes immediately were drawn to the beautiful moon above them, lighting their path. "That's...,"She murmured, staring down at the strands of red hair that Minato still held clenched in his hands. He noticed her surprise, drawing his gaze back to the redhead.

"You're hair is so beautiful, I noticed it right away,"He told her with a smile. "But you're always ignoring me,"She muttered, turning away. Her words almost broke Minato's heart. Did she really think that? "Because I know that you're strong,"He explained,"In body, and in spirit." He knew he was speaking from his heart, the words flowing naturally of his tongue. He had no need to interfere when she had gotten in a fight before now, for he knew Kushina's pride was as fragile as the wings of a butterfly, and it would have only hurt her's to try. He landed on the top of an evergreen tree carefully, looking at her with his bright blue eyes. The moonlight struck her at the perfect angle, making her skin glow. Her deep red hair waved delicately in the wind behind her, her indigo eyes wide, hope sparking in their depths. At that moment, she truly looked like an angel to him.

"But this is a fight between two villages. It's different from your other fights, so...,"He murmured, trailing off in embarrassment. "So?,"Kushina asked in a quiet voice, pushing him to continue. "I didn't want to lose you,"He whispered. Her eyes widened for a heartbeat, but soon relaxed a few milimeters. She gulped, before asking nervously,"Even if I'm an outsider?" Minato stared at her meaningfully. "Why do you say that? You live in Hidden Leaf Village, so you're one of us." He closed his eyes in a gentle smile.

Minato turned on his heel, carrying her like that in comfortable silence back to the village. There was no need to speak. He jumped along the roofs of the buildings, stopping outside the hospital. "You need to tell Hokage-sama that I'm back!,"Kushina retorted, her fierce attitude coming back as Minato jumped down to the street beside the door. "We need to get you checked over first,"Minato insisted gently.

Kushina turned her head away in annoyance as Minato carried her into the hospital, ignoring the gasps of surprise from others as he signed her in. "Go away,"Kushina snapped, after Minato, lead by a nurse, had carried her all the way to the hospital room and laid her down in the bed. "Are you sure you're okay?,"Minato fretted worriedly. "I'm fine!,"Kushina growled in response.

Minato could tell she was lying about that. Her face was pale, almost white, and her eyes were still just as dark and dull with exhaustion as they had been when he'd found her. Her legs still trembled weakly, and she looked like she was only awake out of shear will, but he didn't want to annoy her. "Be careful,"He warned her before leaving to report to the Hokage.

By the time he made it home, his mother was already in bed. His father still wasn't home, and the - thankfully not burnt - food was placed on the table, a note attached to it. "Heat up the food for two minutes. It should be warm enough by then. - Mother,"Minato read it out loud, sighing. He was exhausted, and could see the lines of dawn coming over the horizon, but he knew he needed food. He heated it quickly, sleepily finishing it off and washing the dishes. Though he was exhausted, he forced himself to walk straight as he headed up the stairs to his room. The moment he closed his door, he collapsed onto his bed, sighing once more and finally succumbing to the strong pull of sleep.

So what do ya'll think? I, personally, like it and I'm very proud of it! I hope I didn't mess up Minato's personality to much! I've actually been writing this fanfiction for fun for the past few months, then decided 'Hey! Why don't I put it up!'. If you liked it, go check out my other stories, and favorite, follow, and review my story! To join my unnamed Army, follow my account. I would appreciate a favorite as well! I pray you wait in excitement for the next chapter! No flaming, constructive criticism is fine, and if you have a better name for the fanfiction, or a name for what my army should be called(mind you, I don't write just Naruto), please review! See you next chapter! Bye!