Thank you so much everyone who is reading this story! Specially the ones who are reviewing, I love to hear from you.

Sorry for the delay, I was planning on update during the week but life got into the way. I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

I don't own Criminal Minds.

"Do you know them?" Rossi stared at the brown eyes of the tall and skinny man in front of him at the same time JJ put five pictures at the table between the agents and the handcuffed man. In the pictures, five little girls between the ages of four and twelve kept smiling, happiness exatiling from their bodies.

"They are cute." The man commented, starring at the pictures. JJ felt herself sick at the words of the man. She opened the file once again and put another five pictures of the same girls. Now, their dead bodies lied in different dumpsters around the town. Their little body envolved in white sheets of the same color of their bodies, that reflected the lack of life in it.

"What about now?" JJ stared at the man in front of her, as he stared at the new pictures. He quickly raised his head to JJ's direction, not wanting to see the pictures.

"This is so sad." He shook his head, pretending he was hurt by the pictures. "What happened to them?"

"You really don't know what happened to them?" Will walked from his spot behind the two agents and supported his hands at the cold metal of the table. "They were kidnapped, rapped and killed by a coward bastard that touches in littles girls." The detective said through gritted teeth, his anger about this case erupting at the moment.

"I don't know a thing about this." He turned his face again to JJ. "If this is the reason you're kepping me here, you can let me go."

"So, we won't find the sixth girl in your mother's old house?" Dave said and the man quickly turned his head to him. "Because right now we have cops searching your late mother's house and Rebecca Harper is still missing." At the same time, JJ put at the table a picture of the sixth victim, a six year old girl. Her blue eyes and blonde hair made JJ sick every time she thought about that, her mind quickly thinking about Sophie.

"I have no idea who Rebecca Harper is." Louis stared deep at the blue eyes of the blonde agent, making herself feel a little uncorfortable. Will noticed that Louis eyes traveled from JJ's eyes to her cleavage, the man trying to sneak a peek under the blonde's pink shirt that had two buttons opened.

"You can stop lying right now, Louis!" Will yelled, hitting his hand at the table. The Unsub flinched, surprised with the detective's reaction. "We all know that you're the bastard responsible for killing those little girls! And you don't wanna know what happens to people like you once you go to the prision." Before the man could reply, a knock on the door of the interrogation room was heard. Will stepped back from the table and walked out of the room, leaving just the two agents with Louis.

"Look, you better start talking because once he gets back, I have no way to control him." David spoke to the man. "You make me sick but detective LaMontagne is sick and angry about you, so." The man raised his eyebrow at Rossi like it was a challenge. JJ opened her mouth to speak but it was interrupted by Will, who entered the room again.

"It's over." He simply said as he closed the door and leaned himself on it.

"Can I go?" The man looked up at Will, trying to play innocent.

"Actually, it's over because we found Rebecca." Will said and the man's eyes got big. "We found Rebecca's body on your mother's house!" Will yelled again, hitting his hands again at the table.

"You're one sick son of a bitch." Dave shook his head. "If you confess you may suffer a little less, but I won't guarantee that you won't pay for everything you did to those little girls." Louis stared at Rossi for a moment and then stared down to the floor, silence filling the room.

"Why, Louis?" JJ asked him, calm. "Why did you do that to them? They were so little, they were inoccent little girls." JJ shook her head, not understanding the reason for him to do something like that.

After years working with the BAU, she got used with the many sick psychos that they had to arrest. But this one especifically was getting into her nerves, making her feel things that she had never felt before. Maybe it had something to do with the experience of almost losing Sophie. She now knew what those mother's were thinking and feeling. In her case, she had no one to blame except for the disease that ended up affecting her child, but those mother's had someone to blame, someone who was guilty of hurting their babies. She knew that this was the reason that Hotch had called her for this case. She had been back for a week, working from home and dealing with paperwork and burocracy. But when this case appeared, a case leaded by Will and his partner, Hotch wanted her on the field, and not just to deal with the family or the media. To deal with the Unsub.

"You know what, Agent?" Louis raised his head and stared at JJ. At that moment, his eyes were diffent. They were dark and deep and JJ felt terribly bothered with the way that he stared at her. "If your little girl." The man pointed his head to JJ's gold bracelet, that had the pendant of a girl whose eyes were two little sapphires, representing her blue eyes. "Is as beautiful as you are, you're lucky that you got me." He raised his eyebrow. "Cause I have no doubt that she would be next." As the man finished his sentence Rossi quickly got up from his chair, knowing the exact reaction that JJ was going to have.

He held the younger agent from her waist before she could reach the man across the table. Will quickly walked over her and held her by her shoulders, bringing her body to his. His anger was on the verge of exploding, that pshyco was talking about his daughter, but he knew that he had to stay sane for JJ.

"It's not worth it." Will whispered in JJ's ear as she glared the man. He smiled a sick and proud smile to her as Rossi gathered the pictures at the table.

"I hope you rot in prison for everything you did." JJ whispered to the man as she leaned herself a little over the table. "I hope you suffer for everything you did with those girls and for all of your dirty thougts."

"JayJay." Will repeated as he forced JJ to stand again. She recomposed herself and left the room, followed by Will and Rossi.

"JJ." Hotch said as JJ splintered out of the interrogation room. The blonde didn't stop at the sound of her boss' voice, walking out of the police station. "I'll talk to her." Hotch said and followed his agent outside. She was sitting in a bench in front of the station, her head thrown back as she massaged her temples. "JJ." Hotch whispered as he sat beside her. She moved her head back and stared at her boss, playing with the tip of her shirt.

"I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I'm sorry." Hotch smiled a little to JJ and stared to the road in front of them, noticing the movement of the cars.

"I should be the one apologizing to you. I knew what would happen at the moment you would get into that room and deep inside I hoped that with your reaction he might confess." JJ sighed starring at the movements of the cars too. It was already late, probably near midnight but the street had a lot of movements. People driving home after a day of late work, people driving to work on the third shift, people continuing with their lives like everything was fine, not having any idea of the monster that was just a few meters away from them, now locked away forever. People were coming back home to spend their night with their spouses and kiss their children goodnight and all JJ wanted right now was to hug Sophie and smell the watermelon perfume of her shampoo.

"I was so close to lose her, Hotch." JJ shook her head. "I really don't know what would I do if Will hadn't saved her. I have no idea the pain that it must had been for Will, and for Rebecca's parents."

"I don't even imagine the pain that it must had been for you, JJ." Hotch said, eyeing his agent. "I don't know if I could have been strong as you were if it was Jack." JJ let out a little laugh.

"You would have dealed with that better than I did." JJ smiled to him, starrying at his brown eyes.

"We saved them again today, JJ." Hotch stared at her blue eyes that shined, tears threatening to fall. "We failed to save Tracy, Caroline, Valeria, Tiffany, Bianca, Rebecca and Lauren." JJ smiled a little at the mention of the last name. "But we saved Sophie, Jack, Connor, Brandon and a lot more of kids around the country. It's ok to over react. You're a human. You're a mother. And it's my fault that I put you on that situation."

"I knew exactly what you were doing, Hotch. I knew that you didn't want me on this case just to deal with the media." The blonde smiled and Hotch smiled back at her, putting his hand at her shoulder and squezzing it. He motioned his head upward, making JJ turn around.

"I was hoping I could drive her home." Will said to Hotch, already carrying JJ's purse and jacket.

"There's still paperwork to be dealed with and." Hotch interrupted JJ before she could finish.

"Go home. Paperwork will be delivered to your by Monday and then you can deal with it." JJ looked up to Will, who smiled and handed her her jacket.

"Tell them I said goodbye." JJ put her jacket as Hotch got up from the bench.

"I will." Hotch gave one of his rares smiles and then turned to Will. "Take care of her." JJ rolled her eyes as Will laughed.

"I will. And thanks for helping." Will shook Hotch's hand, who shook his head. Hotch went back to inside the police station as JJ and Will walked over his car.

"I thought you were going to give Zooey a ride." JJ commented as Will opened the passenger door for her. The man rolled his eyes as he walked over the driver's seat.

"Zooey has her own car and I drove you here today as I did the whole week. And as I also did the whole week, I'm driving up back home." JJ just shrugged her shoulders. "What's your problem with her?" Will eyed her as he drove to JJ's house.

"Nothing." JJ mumbled and Will looked at her as the sign turned red.

"Are you jealous?" He said, almost laughing of her face.

"Me?" JJ raised her eyebrow. "Do you think I'm jealous of your brunette, skinny, hot partner who keeps shaking her hips and her boobs every time you're on the room? Of course not, why would I be?" Will started laughing at the tone of voice she was using. He could see that she was not happy and combined with what happened on the interrogation room, he knew that she needed to unburden. "What?" JJ stared at Will.

"Nothing, nothing." Will shook his head, laughing. "It's just that you're clearly jealous of me and I don't know why." JJ rolled her eyes.

"Because she clearly wants something with you." JJ sais as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And do you think I want something with her? Because even your boss can recognize we're together and right now I don't want anyone but you."

"Are we together?" JJ stared at Will.

"Aren't we?" Will stared at JJ.

"I don't know." JJ took a deep breath. "I mean, we've been making out every now and then but, I never thought about a serious relationship."

"You don't want a serious relationship?" Will stared at her as he parked in front of JJ's house.

"I never said I didn't want. I just tought that we weren't serious yet. Yet." JJ made sure to Will.

"I want a real commitment with you, Jay." Will grabbed her hand. "I want you, me, Sophie, Connor and Brandon to be a family. I want this to work." JJ took a deep breath as she felt overwhelmed. She wanted that to, she wanted Will close to her but she was still getting used with a man in her life and suddenly she felt that Will was rushing things a little bit.

"Come inside." JJ whispered. "My mom is in East Allegheny and the kids are with Elise. I'll walk into an empty home and so does you. Come in." JJ smiled as she caressed his hand. Will smiled.

"Are you sure?" Will raised his eyebrow. As an answer, JJ leaned and kissed Will fiercely, pulling into his hair as she explored his mouth with her tongue. As they broke the kiss, Will quickly jumped out of the car, following JJ as she was already opening her house's door. She turned off the alarm and after both of them were inside, she turned on again. As Will took off his jacket and put on the hanger, JJ wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. As Will felt himself trapped between the blonde and the wall, his arms went to his waist, bringing her closer to him.

"Are you sure of this?" Will asked as JJ unbuttoned his shirt.

"Aren't you?" JJ looked up at Will, stopping with her actions.

"I want our first time to be perfect, JJ." Will said and JJ frowned. "I know, I know it's not our real first time, but it's been six years and now it's not about desire, you're not a woman I met on a bar and thought it was hot. We have a connection now, I have feelings for you and I want this to be perfect." JJ sighed, stepping back from Will.

"Since when did you become such a romantic?" JJ asked as she walked down the wallway to her bedroom. Will stepped back from the wall and followed her.

"I'm not a romantic. I mean, I'm a little bit, but this is not about being romantic." Will explained as the walked through Sophie's room.

"So, it's about what?" JJ asked as she entered her room and put her gun at the gun safe.

"It's about caring." Will said as he put his gun on top of the gun safe.

"If you don't want this, you just have to say it, you know." JJ mumbled as she took off her boots.

"I never said I didn't want it, Jennifer." Will rolled his eyes. How could a woman be so stubborn as she was?

"Well, you are acting like you don't want it." JJ stared at Will. Without saying anything, Will walked over her. As she felt that he was going to trap her between the wall, she escaped by his left.

"Stop it." JJ hissed. Will laughed and smiled with a smirk in his face, turning himself and walking over her again.

"William." JJ walked to the other side of the bed. Will shook his head and followed her, laughing. "Stay away!" JJ almost yelled as Will walked over her again. She tried to escape again but that time, Will was faster, grabbing her by her waist and pushing her against the wall. "William LaMontagne Jr." JJ said through gritted teeth.

"Say it." Will whispered, his face centimeters away from hers. "Say that you don't want this that I'm going away."

"You're the one who doesn't want it." JJ stared at his green eyes.

"I." Will said as he put one of his legs between her legs and the other one on her side, locking her body between him and the wall. "Want." Will started opening the buttons of her shirt. "To see that body of yours. I want to touch it and feel it close to mine." Will stared at her firm boobs in a black lace bra and imediately knew that she could feel his erection in her body. "I want you." Will said as he slid the shirt off JJ.

"I want you too." JJ said as ahe finished unbottoning Will's shirt and took off of him.

"Then I gues we came in an agreement." Will smirked and JJ laughed as he grabbed her by her butt. JJ wrapped her legs around Will's waist as he carried her to bed, gently laying her under him. Will took the hair off of JJ's face as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Their lips met furiously as JJ's hand traveled from Will head to his abs, caressing his hard muscles. Her hands went even lower, trying to unbotton his pants. As she didn't manage to do that, the fight of arms and bodies too much for her to complete the action, she wrapped her arms around his body and pushed him to the side with her legs, making them roll in bed with JJ straddling him.

"We need a condom." She whispered with a smirk as she slid her nails on the outline of his eagle tattoo on his chest.

"That I know." Will laughed as he sat up, holding onto JJ's back. "Let's not let that slip again."

"I never regret a single thing." JJ shook her head as she passionately kissed him.

Hope you enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to let your opinion :)