Enjolras couldn't help but be concerned about Eponine as he watched her stare out of the plane window. The three of them had been in the air for the past six hours and all Eponine has done is look out of the window, sleep on his shoulder and stare out of the window again. When she first turned her head in his direction he thought she was going to say something to him but instead she looked straight past him out of the window. The last time she spoke was when they first entered the plane asking if it was too late for her to change her mind.

He wanted to talk to her just to make sure she was ok but he knew she was in deep thought do decide against it, in the end he just wrapped his arm around her and left her to think about whatever she was thinking about which when it comes to Eponine could be anything.

"How's school?" Enjolras asked Gavroche knowing if he wasn't going to get a conversation out of Eponine he may as well talk to Gavroche to save the three of them sat in silence for the long flight.

"It's not easy but I never expected it to be but I'm ok, I've not fallen behind or anything so that's good" Gavroche replied remembering all the school work he's got in his bag to complete before his return to school, his tutor's only allowed him the time off if he took his work with him which he had agreed to do.

"As I've said many times, if you ever need any help you only need to ask. I'd be more than happy to help." Enjolras offered his help again even if he knew Gavroche would never ask for it. "I've been there and you saw what it did to me, but then again I was too focused on my grades that I didn't care about anything else".

"I appreciate the offer but I'm sure I can manage after all most of it is just reading books" Gavroche laughed knowing if he truly got stuck then he would ask for Enjolras's help but he's managing on his own and only if he was desperate then he would ask Enjolras as he doesn't want Eponine to know he's struggling, after all he's doing this not only for himself but to make Eponine proud and to show her all her hard work has been for something. Knowing he could help one child who goes through what Eponine went through will be worth the hard work.

"Just what I need" Eponine spoke for the first time since the plane left the tarmac. "Two lawyers in my life and I'm just a simple chief"

"But one of the top chiefs in Paris, which is a big deal considering all the rest went to culinary school" Enjolras quickly reminded her as he always reads the reviews of the restaurant she runs for Michael, even before they got into this relationship he read them because he cares about his friends which she was at the time.

"Next subject please" Eponine waved her hand in the air before turning her attention back to the window.

"What would you like to talk about sweetheart?" Enjolras asked. If she didn't want to talk about their work or Gavroche's schooling then what would she like them to talk about? "How about the wedding?" he suggested

"Great now I have to get involved in wedding plans, I was hoping to just turn up" Gavroche sighed wishing his seat was away from Eponine and Enjolras, even if he was alone he's sure he would have found someone to talk to while on this flight.

"Don't start, you'll have to come into the city for a fitting" Eponine finally lifted her head up off Enjolras's shoulder to look at Gavroche.

"Even better" Gavroche shot back sarcastically which earned a smack to the back of his head from Eponine.

"My mother somehow managed to secure the church for December 21st, how she did that I don't know. I have a feeling she paid another couple off to change their date. I don't even want to think about it" Enjolras shook his head not wanting to think of the unholy things he mother would do to make this wedding happen in the short time she had. He wouldn't put anything past his mother as she is capable of doing anything and by any means necessary.

"And before you think differently, you will be spending Christmas with us" Eponine pointed her finger at Gavroche knowing he will try and plan something else to do, no doubt manage to force his way into Courfeyrac's plans if he can as he's done it before and in the end she ended up cooking dinner for most of the boys which has now turned into a tradition for their small group.

"About Christmas, I sort of told my parents we would spend it with them"

"You did what?" Eponine shot back a little louder than she should have, making a couple of the other passengers turn to look in her direction.

"I'm sorry but she kept going on about how she wanted us to spend our first Christmas as a real family and then she started making plans and I could say no." Enjolras told Eponine part of the reason. When he told his mother when they wanted to marry, she only agreed to make the wedding happen by then as long as he promise that they both spent Christmas with them at their estate. So to give Eponine the wedding she wants he agree for both of them.

"I could kill you at times" Eponine narrowed her eyes at him wanting to kill him.

They had their own traditions, they would arrive at Courfeyrac's by 10am and as a group they would open their presents before she disappeared into the kitchen to start on the dinner while most of the boys started drinking. That was her Christmas, spending it with her adopted family which normal included Enjolras as his parents would leave the country for Christmas and he would spend it with them. All the boys stopped going home to their families so they could spend it as a group, Even Marius would stay to spend it with them but would disappear to Cosette's after dinner to spend time with her and her father.

"And now I'm stuck on a plane with you two while you're arguing about this" Gavroche threw his arms up onto the air before digging his iPod out of his bag to block them both out.

"Babe I liked our traditions, out little family spending Christmas together." Eponine pouted up at Enjolras. "And I'm telling you now. you're breaking the news to Jehan that we're not spending Christmas together. He's going to be heartbroken"

Ever since his parents passed away, his father six years ago just before he finished his studies and his mother two years ago, Jehan has put every effort into making sure the group spent Christmas together so knowing it's not going to happen this year will break his heart and Eponine isn't going to do that to him. Enjolras agreed to go to his parents so now he's going to have to tell Jehan.

"I'm positive Jehan will understand that as we'll be married that my parents will expect to spend it with us" Enjolras tried to defend himself.

"And next Christmas when the baby is here, they will expect us to go again. I thought they left the country for Christmas"

"They normally do but as you're joining the family they want us to spend it as a family, Gavroche as well"

"I think he'll be going Courfeyrac's, I honestly can't see him at your parents" Eponine wanted to spend Christmas with her only blood family but she wouldn't put him through a Christmas at Enjolras's parents. If he wants to go to Courfeyrac's then he can.

"How about we just get the wedding out of the way then worry about Christmas"

"Fine" Eponine replied knowing a plane full of people listening to their conversation wasn't the best place for this conversation.

Who knew getting married and having a baby can change your life so much, ok Eponine knew it would change but she thought her Christmas plans would always be the same. She hoped that even when all the boys settle down and start families they would still spend it together as an extended group, she wouldn't mind cooking for them all as long as their tradition continued.

Not special in this chapter but now they're on their way to New York to see their father.

What do you think is going to happen?

I am still under on if I should continue this story.. what do you think I should do?

I want to continue with it but if no one is reading it then I don't want to waste my time but writing it.

Any feedback would be great. So please leave me a review.


Thank you for reading.