This was a random idea that came to mind and I thought I would see what happened.

I don't know if I will write anymore it depends if anyone is interested in this story and wants me to continue.

Enjoy and let me know if you want me to continue, if enough people do then I will continue if not then I will not.


Eponine wrapped her legs around his waist as the knot tightened even more bringing her closer to the edge of destruction. She knew this would be a onetime thing if everything went to plan but she couldn't help but to think this is the best she's ever had.

All the previous males she's shared this closeness with were either to rough, not rough enough or they didn't do anything for her, in the end they would have a great time and Eponine would end up faking it and forcing a smile and lying about how much she enjoyed it but now she felt as if she was on cloud nine, just floating. One thing she did know, she wouldn't have to fake it tonight for once she can say she has enjoyed herself.

Her right hand found the sweaty pale skin of his back while her left tangled with his blonde curls as the pace increased a little more, bringing a whole new sensation with it. She could feel Enjolras's hot breath on her ear as their skin began to stick together due to the sweat they both produced.

Eponine lifted her hips in sync with Enjolras allowing him to go deeper causing them both to groan in satisfaction. "Oh gosh" Eponine moaned digging her nails into the pale skin on Enjolras's back.

Finally hitting the point of no return, Eponine dug the back of her head into the pillow as she came with a loud moan, her eyes falling closed as the knot in her stomach slowly began to unravel. Enjolras came not long after with a loud growl from the back of his throat, a noise Eponine has never heard before but it was enough to anyone on who hurt it, the sound sounding just like sex to her ears.

Enjolras stilled for a moment before rolling onto the bed next to her on his back, Eponine flipped onto her front suddenly feeling body concourse as Enjolras pulled the sheets on the bed up to cover them both from the waist down. Silence filled the room both of them not knowing what to say to the other.

"Now it's awkward" Eponine thought aloud only to be met by a deep chuckle from Enjolras's. "I told you we didn't have to do it this way"

"If I have to do this then I want to do it the right way" Enjolras continued to look at the ceiling hating the position his father has put him in.

What sort of father tells his son he needs to have a child and marry or else he doesn't get the family business, yes his father might be a dying man but that doesn't mean he can force his son into having a baby just to please him does it? The only reason Enjolras agreed to his father's wishes is because he needs the family business if he wants his career goals to happen. How can he use the law firm to help them who need it if there is no law firm?

All he could do was ask Eponine for help and surprisingly she offered to help which now landed them where they are now. He doesn't know if the marriage will come but he's hoping a baby will please his father enough that the marriage part of the deal is forgotten. After many people these days have children without marriage and his father wants is to make sure there is an heir to the business after Enjolras and if this works then he's got the heir he wants. According to his father no twenty-seven year old should be unwed which Enjolras thought was ridiculous, just because his father was married with kids at his age doesn't mean he had to be.

"But it would have saved all this awkwardness" Eponine said turning her head to the side to look at Enjolras.

"we could have done this in a lab somewhere but masturbating into a condom and then emptying it into yourself is a bit much don't you think?" Enjolras replied remembering how he almost chocked on the sandwich he was eating when Eponine suggested they did that, this wouldn't be his first choice either but this is what god chose for life to be reproduced and this is how it had to be done.

"Is it weird I feel like you should leave money on the night stand and leave?" Eponine asked having this overwhelming feeling that it might happen.

"Is that what you feeling?" Enjolras asked feeling guilty that he even asked Eponine for help if this is how she is feeling.

Eponine opened her mouth to reply only for the sound of her phone ringing to save her. "Can you pass me that?"

"Where is it?" Enjolras sat up looking around his for the source of the ringing.

"Down there" Eponine pointed to the floor next to the bed beside him.

"I can't find it" Enjolras moved the clothes around trying to find the ringing phone.

"You're useless" Eponine groaned before moving so she was lay over Enjolras and picked her jeans up, pulling the phone out of her pocket.

"Yes?" she shot into the phone as she remained lay for over Enjolras's naked body. "Again are you serious?" she asked making Enjolras knot his eyebrows together in confusion. After a short pause which allowed whoever was on the phone to reply Eponine spoke again. "Fine I'll be there when I there" she sighed before hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Enjolras asked as Eponine collected her clothes off the floor.

"Bahorel's been arrested again" she rolled off his and sat on the edge of the bed where she started to dress herself again.

"And that concerns you how?"

"Because he needs bailing out and I'm the only one who knows where his get out of jail money is" she stood up from the bed, pulling her jeans up before turning to look at Enjolras.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked sitting up on the bed, looking up at Eponine as she pulled her shirt on over her head.

"I don't need a babysitter" she replied making sure she had everything.

"All I mean is its late and I can drive you"

"No I'm ok, I could use the fresh air and on the walk back I can kill him for getting into another bar fight" she sighed wondering how many times this can happen before they refuse him bail, maybe then he will learn that everything isn't resolved by his fists.

"If you're sure but I'm happy to drive you" Enjolras offered again as he didn't want her walking the streets alone at night because he knew how dangerous it can be.

"Like I said I could do with the fresh air" she gave him a reassuring smile. All she wanted to do was put space between them, when she agreed to help him she never thought it would get this awkward. She thought it would be her helping out one of her best friends but it turns out she was wrong, so very wrong. "I'll see you tomorrow"

With that she left Enjolras's flat and started to walk towards Bahorel's flat to get the money before heading towards the police station to bail his sorry ass out.

Like I said this is only a random idea I came up with and you might not like it but if you do then please let me know if you want me to continue it.

I also don't know if you need to post bail in France as I couldn't find anything about it when I looked but for this story you do.

Please leave a review with what you think to this chapter, as this is just an intro to the story…. The chapters will be longer.