AN: First attempt at Drose fanfiction...Hope you all like it!

Disclaimer: We do not own BBC or 'Doctor Who' (although goodness knows we'd like to!)

Rose giggled happily as she took the Doctor's hand.

"Where to next Rose Tyler?" the Doctor asked, grinning from ear to ear.
"Well, I was thinking somewhere quiet. I've had enough of this saving the world business for now. It'll be just the two of us, alone. Wouldn't that be nice?" she flirted, looking up at the Doctor, taking in his spiky hair that she loved, the cheeky grin and adorable glasses.
"Rose Tyler, I would absolutely love that." He smiled.

She looked into his eyes. Seeing if he was playing around, joking, as they did so often. She hoped he was not; she had always wanted to go with the Doctor. Far away where there were no worlds to save, no aliens to defeat. She loved the life of adventure, no doubt, but it had crossed her mind (more than once) that what she really wanted was just the Doctor, with or without the life of adventure. She just wanted him.

Rose giggled joyfully, then tugged the Doctor after her towards the TARDIS. She would never admit it, but she loved the way he always said 'Rose Tyler' instead of just Rose. It made her feel special, the one and only Rose Tyler in the Doctor's life. Meanwhile, the Doctor laughed and couldn't help but stare at her as she programmed the coordinates of a distant world where they would no doubt be spending the rest of the day together, alone, like he had always wanted, but had been too nervous to suggest.

She looked so at home in the TARDIS, so happy among the controls and switches, face bathed in green light, eyes sparkling at him. He wished she would always be like that. No, he wished that he could always keep her by his side, and never fail to make her happy. His bright smile faded and he simply stood and watched her pilot the TARDIS, soaking in her presence. She never failed to make him feel complete. Noticing his intense stare, she looked up from across the control panel. They held each other's gaze for a few seconds. The Doctor broke away to go fix her a cup of tea. Or rather, have the TARDIS do it, as he wanted to keep Rose thinking that he hated everything domestic. In fact he would do anything for her, including settling down, but now was not the time to tell her. Or perhaps he would never tell her, and she would pass out of his life without him ever saying that he loved her. Forcing his thoughts away from this subject, he whistled merrily as the TARDIS made a lovely cup of tea for the lovely young lady he was traveling with.
The Doctor, busy adding the necessary ingredients to Rose Tyler's tea, didn't notice when she snuck up behind him and attacked him with a giant roar. She soon had him pinned against the counter.

"Just look at him," she thought as she pretended to be a huge, hungry bear. The Doctor jumped in surprise, spilling the tea all over the counter and breaking Rose Tyler's favorite mug. He nearly let out a scream as he realized it was just Rose, up to some silly antics. Although he meant to be mad at her, he couldn't help but let a tiny grin escape as he noticed her laughing uncontrollably. They looked at each other. Noticing the position they were in. Rose didn't care.
She lost her composure, but only for a second. Rose leant forward and bit his shoulder lightly. "Rooooose, that hurt!" the Doctor whined, rubbing his shoulder, but she gallivanted off with a wide grin, leaving him behind to mop up the spilled tea.

Back in her room, Rose sat on the bed and sighed contentedly, thinking about the Doctor's surprise, and, following that, his impish grin when she had him cornered. Drifting off into a light sleep with these thoughts still circulating her mind, she smiled.
Rose Tyler had forgotten all about where she had flown them too, and would soon pay for it.
Meanwhile, the Doctor was seated at the kitchen table, head in hands, cursing himself for letting his guard down.

"You shouldn't have enjoyed that. Now what'll she think?" he said to himself, his more sensible side showing through. There was no doubt that all of his consciousness longed for his Rose , but he couldn't let down his facade of self control in front of her, not yet, and perhaps not ever. The Doctor let out a deep sigh and pushed himself out of his seat, once again chasing after the girl of his dreams.