Day 25
Eruka, 7:00 AM
"Looking at what we have right now," Hydra said, addressing Eruka, Giriko, and Free, "We still need to pick up some slack."
"What?" Giriko inquired angrily, "Don't we already have enough?"
"No," Hydra said calmly, "Not to take on the DWMA. I just don't know where we could get-"
The door slammed open, a man kicking through. "Nice place you got here," He said, walking in, "Well for a ruined castle, you know, all things considered. I mean honestly, what castle is gonna look amazing in this day and age? Well, there is Windsor but, y'know..."
"Who the hell are you?" Giriko inquired, the group all rising.
"That's no way to treat your guests," The man said, "Though, to be honest, it is a great way to treat someone who just broke in." He turned around, examining the door, which lay partially off its hinges. "I guess I am someone who just broke in. Hmm."
"I'll ask again," Giriko growled, raising his leg, chains whirring to life, "Who. The hell. Are. YOU."
"Name's are pretty, aren't they?" The man asked.
"Sure. Now give us yours," Giriko growled furiously.
"Armag," Hydra stated succinctly, "This man's name is Armag."
"Hello," Armag said, waving his hand wide, "Sister. The living one, I presume. Necole was always so prudish. Well, not really, just not fun to get along with. Probably because she never tried killing me. Ah, well, all the easier to get rid of. But in honesty, not really, the whole 'rising from the grave' thing. Not all that fun, to be honest. Never did like killing someone twice."
"Aramg," Hydra said, "You're blabbering again."
"Killing two hundred innocent people to protect their sister, who's really just out to kill them does that to people," He said, the calmness in his voice eerie, "I mean, honestly, what a great relationship we had growing up. And then there was that boyfriend you had. Oh, he was fun to gut. But tasted... wrong. Bad souls do that. But good souls, yummy!"
"Armag," Hydra pried his attention to her, "Why are you here."
"Well, not to kill you," He defended himself, "But you've got a plan to get me several hundred delicious meister souls. Well, really, you just want the DWMA out of the way, but should I help you, Miss Pretty will get another Kishin!" He gestured toward Eruka when he said Miss Pretty.
"I say we gut 'im," Giriko chimed in.
"Agreed," Hydra said.
Attacks were made towards him, a blow from one of Hydra's snakes impaling him.
"You never do learn, do you?" Armag gurgled. He grabbed hold of the snake, inciting something. A blast like fire shot of Hydra's spine, as her face felt like it was being gashed into with knives. The snake pulled away, and the wound healed.
"How's that," He said, extending his arms, hands transforming into sickle blades, "Autonomous weapon, and a Witch? Ohh, it just gets better, don't it? So, you still wanna gut me? Go ahead. It'll only end up killing you."
"So, what do you propose?" Eruka inquired, stepping between the rest and Armag.
Armag grinned, lowering his arms. He chuckled.
Maka, 8:20 AM
The court felt strangely empty. "Where the heck is Kid?" Soul asked.
"Yeah, they haven't shown up today," Tsubaki said, "And he always shows up at eight."
"Maybe they went out on something," Maka suggested, Crona in hand.
"They aren't going on any mission without me," Blackstar exclaimed, "If it's important enough for a Reaper, then I've gotta be there!"
"I don't know, Blackstar," Tsubaki said, calming him, "They could be going after that daemon sword Maka told us about. The one that hurt Crona."
"All the more reason to go," Blackstar said, "First, they're going after a DAEMON SWORD. I mean, how many chances do you get at one of those? And, the bastard hurt Crona. No one, and I mean NO ONE, hurts my friends. Except maybe me. Sometimes." Blackstar scratched the back of his head. "And it actually makes it worse. By hurting Crona, he also hurt Maka. So, he hurt TWO of my friends." His self-absorbed demeanour was gone now. "Tsubaki. We're gonna kill this guy, you know that right?"
Tsubaki looked surprised for a second. She regained herself, nodding in agreement. "Alright then," She said, "Where to?"
"I can help you find them," Maka said, "But I'm not going."
"Why?" Soul asked, "Don't you wanna kill this guy too?"
"I do," She said. Her hold on Crona's hand tightened. "But I can't get Crona hurt again. This guy's a daemon sword, a dark weapon, or nearly, at least."
"Maka," Crona pleaded, returning her grip, "I don't have to go."
"She wants to be here, with you," Soul sighed, "And going, she could get hurt. Maybe die."
Maka turned to Crona. "Then I'll go with you," Crona said, his expression set, "I'll be there with you." Maka smiled.
"So, are you two coming or what?" Blackstar asked.
"Of course we are, idiot," Soul retorted.
Maka grinned, holding Crona tight. He'll be there, She thought, To the end. I just know it.
Kid, 8:50 AM
"You know they're probably going to follow you, right?" Liz asked. Kid ducked another branch. "Y'know you fly lower, or maybe just go on the ground."
Kid dodged a limb. "Yes, and yes," He said, keeping his calm, "It wouldn't be any better on the ground, to be honest. And that's how they'll expect us to come."
"Who are 'they', anyways?" Liz inquired, "You never told us."
"They're a group called 'Omega'," Kid answered, "My father says they've been causing some trouble recently, but he was very vague. I don't like that, but I think this is supposed to be my responsibility."
"Your dad really is thrusting it all on you now, isn't he?" Liz said.
"He actually isn't, thank you," Kid snapped.
"Sorry," Liz apologized, "Its just- I'm concerned. You say it's all fine, but it's taking its strain on you. Maybe you aren't ready."
"Do you think my father was ready when Asura turned to a Kishin?" Kid snapped, "Do you think he was ready when Asura reawoke? No, so I have to be ready to be unprepared for things."
"Yeah, sorry," Liz retreated.
"Anyway, this 'Omega' group is supposedly trying to acquire Meister souls," Kid continued, "We've lost two to them already. I think this has to do with the Armag character Maka, Soul, and Crona mentioned."
"So, what're we doing here," Liz asked, her voice a sad monotone.
"They have a third right now," Kid replied, "Hiro."
Liz's head raised in the emptiness. "Hiro?"
"Yes, the Hiro," Kid answered, "The one who had Excalibur." Kid's face contorted in pain for a second.
"Well then," Liz said, her voice leaving the monotone behind, "Let's get him out of there."
"Exactly," Kid said, "And Liz."
"Yeah?" Liz answered, a bit surprised.
"I know when I'm being pushed to my limit," Kid said, not scolding, but trying to be kind.
Yeah, Liz thought sarcastically, Right.
Soul, 10:00 AM
The group trudged on, Maka leading the way, dragging Crona by the hand. "Can you see them yet?" Soul asked.
"Yeah, they're faint, though," Maka answered, "They're moving fast."
"Told you we shoulda brought the bike," Soul smirked.
"Shut up, Soul," Maka joked.
Soul smiled. Crona's feet grew tired. They had been sprinting for a while. There was a rustle up ahead. Maka slid to a stop, letting go of Crona. She turned to Soul, who nodded, changing into a scythe, landing in her hands. Crona followed suit, extending his arm, Ragnarok forming in his hands. Maka crouched low, trying to see what had caused the rustle.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a body fell through the foliage ahead. "Arachnaphobia?" Maka whispered, confused.
The body had the unmistakable mask. But then who was the killer?
"I told you it wasn't a meister," A voice said, a figure stepping forward, a pistol raised, barrel smoking.
"I thought so," Another said, stepping out.
"No you didn't," The first retorted, "You specifically said 'he looks like a meister'."
"Maybe I did," The second answered, "What of it?"
"You're a freaking idiot, you know that?"
"Not really, but then again, who cares?"
Maka stepped forward. "Looking for meisters, eh?" She inquired the two.
"And what are you supposed to be?" One of the men asked.
"My name's Maka," She said, lowering her head, bracing her stance, "I'm a scythe meister."
"And who's your friend?" The other asked, "Crouching mantis here." He gestured to where Crona was crouched.
"Crona, Daemon Swordsman," Maka answered. Crona picked himself up, standing tall.
"Two meisters, eh?" One of the men said, laughing, "That's just what we needed. Alex."
The other transformed, landing in the man's hand as a sword.
"Never fought another meister-" Maka began. Crona slunked down.
"I'm here," Crona said feebly, "I AM real."
Maka giggled. "Yeah, you two can giggle all you want," The man said, "I just want to hear your blood gurgle." He chuckled. He pointed the blade at Maka, and there was a large bang. Maka spun Soul, deflecting the shot.
"A gun-sword?" Soul asked, befuddled, "No fair."
"Nothings fair, kid," The man responded, firing another shot. Maka deflected it again.
"Forgetting someone?" Crona inquired, swinging down from behind. The man blocked the blow, twisting round. He carried through with a punch, hitting Crona in the jaw.
"CRONA!" Maka yelled.
"Keep it together, Maka," Soul growled.
She swung wide, catching the man's blade as it swung round with his body, blocking it from striking Crona. The two exchanged blows, Crona joining in on the assault.
"Two on one," The man joked, "No fair."
"Life isn't fair," Crona growled, shoving his blade through the mans chest. The man's body exploded outwards, 'Alex' dropping to the ground. A glowing red ball was all that was left. The weapon transformed, scampering off.
Crona lifted the little orb. "You want it?" He asked, handing it to Maka. She blushed.
"I-I guess," She said, a bit embarrassed.
"Ah, no," Soul said, appearing from the blade of the scythe, "Fine, BLACKSTAR!"
Blackstar jumped down, taking the soul out of Soul's hand, tossing it to Tsubaki. "Ha!" He chuckled, triumphant, "I knew it'd happen like that."
"No you didn't," Tsubaki corrected, "You were sure Crona was dead."
Blackstar turned angrily to Tsubaki, who realised her mistake. "I mean-" She began, a little too late. Maka's hand smashed down on Blackstar's head.
"YOU SAID WHAT!" She yelled angrily.
"Keep it down, Maka," Soul said, "We don't know if there are more."
"Yeah, sorry," Maka apologized.
"Alright then, still got the trail?" Soul asked.
"Yeah," Maka nodded, "This way."
The group followed her, disappearing into the foliage.
Kid, 12:30 PM
Kid slunked through the doorway. "Not really inconspicuous," He muttered. The entrance hadn't been disguised very well, and there was no one there to protect the place.
"Yeah, maybe we should turn around now," Liz said, a bit frightened.
"Why?" Patti asked.
"Because usually when something isn't guarded, it's a trap," Liz answered.
"That IS logical," Kid said, sprinting through the doorway, "Better to get the drop on th-"
A door slammed down behind them, light flooding the pitch-black room as overhead lamps turned on. Kid shielded his eyes, the light blinding for a moment, eyes adjusting. "Told you," Liz scolded.
"Yeah, yeah," Kid retorted.
There was a slow clapping from the back of the room. "Well done, my friend, well done," A voice said, it's body strolling around a corner at the end of the room, "I knew you'd come. Kill two kids, capture a third. Some meister's gonna show up." Even as a silhouette, Kid could tell he was grinning.
"So you're the one-" Kid began.
"Yes, mwah-hah-hah," The figure said sarcastically, "It is I, the evil Armag. Can I just kill you now?"
"The other's said you like to blabber," Kid said, bracing.
"Oh, yeah, that," Armag said, scratching his head, "Not really in the mood. But-" He stopped. "Ooh, you're nice. A Reaper." He licked his lips. "Sounds tasty." Kid raised Liz and Patti, squeezing the triggers. Armag took the shots, falling back onto the ground.
"You know what's fun?" He asked, standing back up, "Pain." He reached in his mouth. Kid couldn't fully see, but there was a spurt of blood out the side of Armag's cheek. Armag took his hand out of his mouth, having turned it into a sickle. "You ever notice that? No one wants it, but they get it, and then..." He trailed off, shooting forward, launching himself into a rain of shots from Kid. "And then it feels good." Armag's head shot up. A hooked chain of blood shot from the hole in his cheek, knocking Liz out of Kid's hand.
"KID!" She shouted, transforming back. Kid tossed Patti over. Even now he can't fight without both of us? She thought to herself, I've seen bad, but this is probably the worst.
The chain shot around Kid's neck, lifting him up. "I think I might have your friends for dinner," Armag said, grinning, "Want to join us."
Kid struggled, trying to free himself. "LIZ!" He shouted, "Shoot!"
Liz froze. Chains shot down from the ceiling, wrapping around her and Kid's arms. They pulled the two up, leaving them dangling. "Dammit, Liz," Kid chastised. His voice was hostile, blaming.
Patti was promptly pulled up, too. "Oh, you three look like a painting," Armag crooned.
"What do you want with us?" Kid asked, "Why are you doing this?"
Armag smiled, blood dripping into his mouth. "You really wanna know?" He inquired back.
"Why are you killing meisters?" Kid asked.
"'Cause it's fun," Armag said, an insane look in his eyes, "Because I hate everything, and getting rid of some it means there's less to hate." He smiled wildly.
"Which is fun."
Maka, 1:00 PM
Crona collapsed to the ground, heaving. He clawed at his chest, coughing. "I can't," He choked, "I can't. No more."
"What? What's wrong?" Soul asked, the group stopping.
"The wound," Crona wheezed, "It-I can't, it hurts too much. It feels like it's tearing open."
"Blackstar, Tsubaki, you two go on ahead," Maka said, "We'll catch up."
The two nodded before continuing on. Crona collapsed on the ground, heaving. Maka knelt down next to him. He smiled, running his hands through her hair. Soul sat on a log.
"I guess I'll keep an eye out," He suggested.
"Thank you," Maka said, smiling. She pulled a book out of her coat, opening it up. She sat down next to Crona, about to start reading. She felt something grab her arm. Crona tugged on her sleeve.
"Can you read to me?" He asked, smiling, "I've never really had someone read me a story. I don't want to just sit here for however long."
Maka nodded, flipping to the first page. She began reading, Crona staring up at the sky, listening.
Kid, 6:00 PM
Armag paced around on the floor below them. "Are you ever going to do something with us or what?" Liz asked, a bit apprehensive.
"You know," Armag said, spinning round, "You guys are no fun. You aren't even trying to find a way out. No master escape plan, nothing. I mean, seriously, you're a Reaper." Armag's face lit up. "Why don't we play a game!" Patti looked intrigued. "We'll have dinner!" Armag ran out of the room, returning with a small, square, white table. He set it up, putting a cloth over it and everything, setting out plates.
"Dinner'll be ready in a few," He said, sprinting out of the room.
"What the-" Kid began.
"What is with this guy?" Liz asked, confused.
"I have no idea," Kid said, "I mean, he's nearly a Daemon Sword, but this. It's- not right."
"Haha," Armag laughed around the corner, bringing plates of food, "Not right, yeah. Guess you could say that. But really, let's have dinner. Perfect time to talk anything over, right?"
He sat down, the three lowering down into chairs. The chains wrapped around their chests, leaving their arms free. "Eat," Armag said, gesturing to the food.
"What's this?" Patti asked, poking a little brown bag, "And why didn't Kid get one?"
"Glad you asked," Armag laughed, "This is the game. This is 'dinner'."
"Dinner is the game?" Kid asked, confused.
"To an extent," Armag grinned, unraveling the bags. Two pure souls floated before Patti and Liz. "See, here's how it works. These two have to make a decision. Either eat the pure soul, or don't. If they don't, I get it. Oh, and, I'm at ninety-seven Meister souls. So, eat."
"What if I try to claim them?" Kid asked.
"Then I kill you and your friends and take all your souls." Armag slid back in his chair, picking up a piece of chicken. "No rush, though. Just, make your decision."
Dammit, Kid thought, This guy's a lot smarter than I thought. But why? That's my real question.
Is he trying to prove something here?