America and England were in the center of the rose maze again, staring at the very same hedge that had gotten them into trouble. The King and Queen (for they had been crowned and married) stood behind them, Arthur looking thru a book of spells and Alfred telling him magic didn't exist. The two countries were silently reminiscing over the past few days.

It was the first day of sunlight. They had spent the week that it had been raining planning the royal wedding, and they had been married that morning. America and England were anxious to return home, but they knew they couldn't leave without seeing this insane story all the way to the happy ending. So they had stayed in the shadows while their look alikes said their vows. America had been rather uncouth about the whole thing, laughing loudly at the most inopportune moments. Still, England couldn't find it in his heart to shut him up. It was just so America.

They had watched as Alfred and Arthur became the official King and Queen, though the ceremony had taken much longer than it should have because it was after the wedding reception... and their had been champagne... oh well.

So the sun was setting on their time in Spades, as well as the day itself. They were standing at the supposed portal back to earth. "Alright guys, I think I got it. Just stand over there... and think of home I guess." America rolled his eyes. "You don't sound incredibly sure." Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Trust me, I'm doing all I can to send you home. I don't think I can deal with more than one Alfred around here. Spades certainly couldn't take it..." Alfred stuck out his tongue and kicked the queen in the shins. "OW!" Alfred smirked. "You don't get to insult me anymore. I'm your superior." Arthur scowled. "That'll be the day."

England was growing weary. "Can you save your married couple bickering until America and I are back in our own time and place? I don't know. Just a suggestion." Arthur smiled while Alfred slipped his arms around his husband's waist. They seemed pleased to be married, though it didn't seem like it would really change anything. They acted like an old married couple way before today.

"Alright. Well. I suppose we should thank you. You have no idea what you have done for us." England raised a bushy brow. "Pretend to rule your kingdom, get kidnapped, kill your greatest enemies. Am I correct?" Alfred and Arthur looked both speechless and a bit guilty. Alfred rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." American laughed and swung his arm around England, pulling him into an awkward sideways hug. "But we came out alright, right England?" He placed a kiss on his lover's forehead, making the British nation blush.

"Thank you though. Really." America and England nodded gracefully while Alfred started waving like a madman. Arthur was holding his giant book and started chanting in some unknown language. The two nations watched as the vines from the hedge grabbed them a second time and a thin blue mst surrounded them, cutting off the sight of Arthur and Alfred, the queen still reading from the book and the king with a hand on his shoulder, waving goodbye.

England opened his eyes and stared up at the early morning light. The sun was just peaking over the beautiful hedge that reached to the sky above them. His hand was clutched around a little metal object, cold as the grave to the touch. He didn't really want to move for fear that they had gone anywhere. That they were still in Spades. "Dude are we back?" England glanced to the left of him to see America, the crown they had found originally resting on his honey blonde hair. They were no longer dressed in the fancy clothes from the wedding.

England smiled at the sight of his lover's favorite jacket. It was certainly a good sign that they were back. "I bloody hope so. I'm so over crazy royals and board game themed kingdoms." England groaned as he sat up, rubbing his shoulders. They were on the outside of the maze, not in the center. Or so it seemed. But when England turned around there was no maze. It was just a rose bush. He was staring at the bush when he felt arm slither around his waist and pull him into America's lap. "Hey, let me go you git." America laughed and kissed him lightly.

"You know. Even if we are back, we are still lost in the forest..." England looked at him, horrified. "With the evil badger?" America bit his lip to hold back the laughter that threatened to show itself. "Yeah. The evil badger." America pressed his lips to England's forehead before standing up and pulling him with. England wasn't totally healed from his time in Chess, which still made America feel guilty. ("Some hero I was," had been said more than once, only to be reassured by a kiss. That usually led to something more...)

And so the two countries who were indeed back in their universe, started towards the direction of the sun. It didn't take them even five minutes to arrive back at England's house. "How the hell did we get so lost, we were like a fucking block from your front door!" England had to agree with the American. It wasn't possible. Was it? He walked into his home, only to be ambushed by none other than France.

"MON AMI! I was so worried, you didn't respond to any of my perverted texts and calls! You never ignore them." America snickered as England blushed, prying the Frenchman's arms from around his neck. "It's not what you think. I reply with things like 'Go fuck yourself'." America rolled his eyes. "Sure. I believe you." France was staring at America, his mouth gaping. Then he started to smile. "Ohononon, Angleterre. You should have told me you and Amerique were planning a rendezvous. I wouldn't have been so worried."

England rolled his eyes. "Worried my arse. You were probably hoping I was dead." America bit his lip to stop from laughing. France moved to respond, but thought better of it after seeing the glare sent in his direction. The French intruder instead turned to America. "So. You must tell me all about your night out with our dear Brit." America stared at France, trying to process what he said. "... Night? As in one night?" France raised an eyebrow. "Oui. I saw you both yesterday so I know that it was only one night. At least, only one this time..." He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked perversely, but England and America weren't paying attention.

"One night..." England was leaning against the door to his kitchen, staring at the floor. How the hell did almost a month fit itself into one night? "You're absolutely positive, right?" France rolled his eyes and leaned back in the loveseat he was occupying. "Of course, mon ami. There was a world meeting yesterday. And there's another today, which is why I simply had to find where you two had wandered off to." He looked over at America. "Which reminds me, your frère is looking for you as well."

America sighed and pulled out his phone to call Canada. It would be weird to hear the non-ass kicking version of Canada again, but he realized he kind of missed it. It was... stable. Something that had always been there. And in Spades it just wasn't. Yeah, he was happy to be home even if home did involve France jumping his lover the moment they walked in the door. Another stable thing in their lives.

"Come along, my slippery love devils. We have a meeting to attend!"

The meeting was boring, except when Canada slapped America for not calling the night before. "If you plan on disappearing for a night, the least you could do is CALL and tell me. I can't say I give a shit what you do, but I hope you're happy I was up all night worrying about you." Canada's face was red and his voice was at the level most people hold conversations at; a new volume for the quiet nation. America stared at his twin for a minute before laughing and pulling the smaller man into a hug. "Bro, did I miss you."

Now Canada was red embarrassment. "America, stop it. How could you have missed me, you were gone for one night." America smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Weren't you just chewing me out for that?" Canada looked like he was going to respond, but eventually just shut his mouth, shook his head, and went to sit in his (and Russia's) chair.

Everyone was there except Spain, Veneziano and Romano. England and America were paying particularly close attention, trying to take in all they had missed on their month long trip to Wonderland. It surprised America how much he missed Prussia's shouting for recognition, Germany's constant demanding for attention, and France's perverted comments.

So yes, the meeting went well. Until everyone heard a very loud, "VEEEEEEEEEEEE~" slowly getting closer. Germany dropped his head onto the table, groaning. "Hey West, why wasn't the little Italian here earlier? He's not usually THIS late." Prussia was spinning in his swivel chair for most of the meeting and this was one of the first comments he had that seemed logical. "I asked his brother and Spain to keep him busy today. I thought they would be growing tomatoes or something all day but..."

The door crashed open to reveal and crying, sweating, out of breath Veneziano, looking ready to pass out. He slipped to the floor, catching his breath for a moment before launching into a half screaming, half Italian monologue. "ITALY!" Germany's voice rang thru the room, shutting Veneziano up, though he still hiccuped from the crying. "Please. Calm down." Italy looked wildly around the room.

"CALM DOWN? How can I calm down when mi fratello is MISSING!?" The room mumbled at this, while America and England met each other's eyes. A nation missing? Hadn't they had enough excitement for one day? "Please Italy, what happened?" Germany was kneeling next to Italian, reminding America of Ludwig and Feliciano back in Spades. Were they really an item... was this really the time to be thinking about that? The boy pulled his knees to his chest and sniffled before taking a deep breathe.

"So big brother Spain and Romano and I were Spain's tomato garden. We were just picking some of the big red ones when all of a sudden... all of a... OH GERMANY IT WAS HORRIBLE!" The boy broke down in tears again grabbing onto Germany's shirt and using it to wipe his nose. Prussia was laughing behind him while Germany looked caught between strangling and stabbing Veneziano. America got up and put a gentle hand on Italy's shoulder, pulling his a little away from the German.

"What happened Veneziano. We need to know so we can help." Veneziano nodded and dried his eyes again. "The tomato vines... they... they ATE Spain and fratello!" England felt his heart stop and America turned to face him. They knew exactly what was going on. Or at least more than the others. The room was shouting now, some saying it was only a matter of time until they were all eaten, some saying Italy was crazy, and one saying they should all be one with Russia. (Three guesses on who that was.)

Veneziano was shaking his head. "I told Romano not to eat so many tomatoes. I told him they would get their revenge!" "How do you know they didn't just fall thru?" Japan, ever the level head, asked. "They weren't inside, on the other side or anywhere at all! They were just... gone! And the vines. They snaked around their bodies like they were alive."

France was staring at England. "Angleterre, if this is your doing, because it sounds of you, you really need to get over that Spaniard hating thing." But England wasn't listening. He and America were having a conversation thru their eyes. Eventually they decided on the one thing they could both agree needed saying. "Oh shit."

THE END. Or is it?

I haven't decided if I'm going to do a Spamano spin off this, but I am considering it. Sorry that there was no more smut but I just have had no time to write and wanted to update this. Maybe I'll make a smutty oneshot at some point. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope it was worth your time. I would like opinions on if my next story should be like greaser America themed or post apocalypse. Please tell me if you'd like on or the other :) love you all.