The following is a combination of boredom, a humorous ESPN commercial, and a desire to do something with a long, long list called "Anime Series I'd Like to Abridge, but Lack of Time, Resources, and Effort Make Such a Venture Impossible". It's just a little group interaction between Team 5D's.

This is a repost of a story from the 'Ties That Bind' that I used to write for 5D's. Instead of posting it all into one story, though, I figured I should just repost them separately, since the only things these stories have in common is they are all about 5D's…which the site already graciously made.



Crow Hogan knew there had to be a reason he hung out with Jack. He just had to have some good qualities about him. There must be something that made so many people, friend and fan alike, revere him so.

At this exact moment, however, the ex-thief couldn't think of any.

It was Team 5D's' monthly 'Game Night'; a night where the entire crew would come over, order a few pizzas and drinks, and just enjoy the whole night with each other as friends.

No Duel Monsters.

No worrying about the upcoming WRGP (much to Yusei's chagrin).

No fretting about the future.

It was just a relaxing mini-celebration of the group's friendship.

There was only one problem; whenever you played a game with the King, you played by his rules.

It was nearing 10:30. Rua and Ruka had already drifted off to delightful dreams on the sleeping sofa, while Yusei and Aki had taken to flipping channels on the barely-audible television, the duo having been to enough 'Game Nights' to know it was impossible to beat Jack whenever he decided the game.

Bruno, the unfortunate soul, had little experience in gaming with the King.

Crow, on the other hand, refused to give up at this critical juncture.

A smarmy grin on his face, Jack proceeded to finish placing the tiles in succession to finish his word on the board, announcing each letter as he placed it. "T…I…C…! Jacktastic~!" the blonde declared. "25 points."

Crow felt his determination swiftly slipping away.

Breathing an irritated sigh, Crow saw Bruno rubbing his temples in frustration in his peripheral vision. Their newest friend looked at the game in front of them revealing what Crow already knew: a large group of made-up words starting with its creator's name. These words included, but were not limited to, Jackfu, Jackalicious, Jackzilla, Jackattack and the omnipotent Jackesque.

Crow knew the futility of arguing with his teammate, but the blue-haired mechanic had not learned this harsh lesson.

"How…did you get so many J's?" he incredulously grumbled.

Instantaneously, the former Duel King raised his head with a stern look. "Don't worry about it."

Amidst muffled giggles coming from the television set, Bruno lowered his gaze, unable to meet the callous glare of the blonde. Crow, himself, refused to laugh, knowing from experience the impractical position 5D's latest acquaintance was in.

Jack's scowl brightened as quickly as it had tensed, as he haughtily declared, "My turn again!"

Crow shook his head as Jack reached for another set of pieces and began setting them on the board.

"…S! What do you know? Jacktus."