Thank you, everyone who is following my series, this is the final installment to the collection.

If you are new, please start from Lights are going on everywhere, then to wildfire, follow that with the start of Mr and Mrs Trouble, and you will be up to speed.

Sorry for the wait, but my internet was down, that's why I didn't post soon.

Thank you, to everyone who alerted me, and was pushing me to post it means a lot.

Thanks for reading, and please review.

I do not own NCIS or anything associated.

Kate smiles walking into her apartment, "Hey, can I borrow your Dress" Her roommate asks causing her to roll her eyes.

" You're already wearing it, Lindsay" She says staring at her dress which was on the 5'7 woman with dirty blond hair.

" I know, you sure you don't want to come" Kate smiles "I'm sure, thanks " Lindsay shakes her head. "How are we friends" Kate smiles "Because, I am the only person that keeps you grounded, and understands you" Lindsay smiles.

"Maybe, and you're a great wingman if you get out in field again, I mean since you went to Spain..." Kate smiles "I promise to go out with you tomorrow, okay" Her friend sighs before a smile appears on her lips.

"yes , and I'm going to dress you, and you're going flirt, like you used to" Kate rolls her eyes " I told you, My marine doesn't like me flirting with other men" she yells over her shoulder before walking to her bedroom.

" I still haven't seen, a picture of him" Kate smiles, " I know, I don't want to have to kill you for drooling over my boyfriend" Kate shouts before stepping into her room.

She lies on her bed when her laptop goes off, she opens it smiling at her marine. "Hey, baby" He says causing her to stare at him. "Baby?" He smiles "You don't like it" She smiles "I didn't say that, " He smiles "Mi vida, I know you" She smiles "That's my name" She says smiling, he smirks "That's your bedroom" She nods smiling turning her computer to show him around the room, " Yup, only one month before I can give you a tour" She says with a smirk, he gives her a smile.

" That's something to look forward to, and thanksgiving" she smiles " I know, I can't wait to show you off" He smiles "Am I just eye candy to you" " She nods with a wink and gun, causing him to laugh.

" Have you started your Internship at NYPD yet" She shakes her head. "In two days" He smiles, " You'll do great" She smiles "Thanks, so how you been" He gives a weak smile "Hanging in there, how about you double major" She smiles "I have not had a meltdown yet, " He smiles "Of course not all that studying is fun for a genius." He says causing her to roll her eyes, "I'm not a genius," He gives her a cocky grin. "You're with me, you're a genius" She laughs smiling, "I miss you, it gets cold at night" He smiles "well, that means I can't leave you alone when I get back" He says with a smile,which fades when his soldier walks in.

"What's wrong Keller" He stares at the man. "We need you," Jason nods, before turning back to Kate whose eyes never left him. "I need to go...I'll call soon has I can take care of yourself," She gives a weak smile. "you too, Watch your six, I love you forever and always" He smiles " Love you too, to Infinity and Beyond" She smiles before it goes black, She places a hand over his chain. "Please, take care of him."

Jason stands in front of his troops. " We are going in, and we are going to slay each one of those son bitches," He says walking in front, of his youngest recruit, and best friend.

" You we'll be on My ass like if you're attached to it, You understand marine" The marine stares him straight in the eye "Yes, Sir"

Jason walks up the ranks " I don't care, what tactics they believe are justice, but we'll show them the same mercy, they showed One of our own, We'll show them what Boot looks like in their ass" Jason shouts,

"and I want each one of you to sign it courtesy of the US OF A, , do I make myself Clear." He shouts, "Yes, Sir" They shout back.

"Not Good enough, They threaten A marine, I want to hear it! "He shouts back " Yes, sir" They yell loud. " Good, you got your assignments, if we get separated we will regroup in hell" Jason shouts, "oorah " They shout back causing him to give a little smile.

"Do or Die, Ladies, gear up" Jason shouts.

Two Days later...

"Get a medic" Keller shouts, applying pressure to Jason wound. His eyes were getting heavy, "Sarg, hung on, help is on the way" Keller look at the blood gushing out of Jason chest.

" Matthews" Jason says in a rasping voice, Keller stares him straight in the eye. "You brought him home, you brought him home" He says before looking over at the body which was cover with a sheet, " Sarg" Jason eyes fall on his friend, a sec later they were too heavy to keep open, "MEDIC! "

Jason wakes up staring around the hospital room, he had been in for the last few weeks, gaining his strength for the trip back home, but this time was different, he knew there was a choice he was going to have to make and it was going to change his path forever.

His eyes fall on the man who was sitting across the way, he had seen the man around the hospital , 'always watch the watchers. "You are a lot closer today, is there a reason for that" Jason asks, leaning his head against the pillow.

The man smiles, " You've made an excellent recovery" Jason eyes narrow on the man, before looking around room. "I know you are not here to leave me flowers, so what do you want?"The man stares at him.

" you're a lucky man an inch or two more to the left, and I would be visiting your grave" He says, causing Jason to stare at him. " Is that so, what else do you know" The man gives a little smile.

"I know, you had to take charge after your CO was taken. I also know that all of those events should have never happened...Oh and someone is selling locations of marine units, which caused forty...forty-one marines their lives," The man says. while taking the man across from him pudding cup, causing Jason to glare. "You wanted it" He asks before placing a spoonful in his mouth.

"What do you want?" The man smiles " you and your find Kate "Jason smiles, his rifle was same has his girlfriend, she saved his life, yet deadly. "And who are you" The man, smiled placing the pudding cup back on the tray." The government, the CIA," Jason gives him a look. " what do they want" The man smiles "You don't listen, the marines, agreed on a joint operation, but the marine has to volunteer, what do you say?"

Halfway across the world.

She runs upstairs to her room, when she heard her alert, causing her family to stare at her. She opens her computer to see her marine in a hospital bed. " are you okay?" She ask staring at his torn expression. "I'm fine, how's thanksgiving" She gives a weak smile. "okay, I mean I was looking forward to seeing you get stuffed." Jason gives a smile. " I'm sorry...Mi vida, I have something to tell you..."

Please Review should have the next chapter up tomorrow