Hi guys! This story is dedicated to one of my most faithful reviewers Wanda Marie, she's been with me since the very first time I posted in this fandom, and has been with me ever since. Thank you for all of your support these past couple of years.
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." Job- King James Bible Version
What's Been Given
Luke had been staring at the ceiling for almost an hour, waiting for six am to roll around so he could wake Bo up and start the usual chores they'd had since they were old enough to have the harder out doors work.
The more he lay there, the louder a murmur became but it would soften down to being almost so soft he couldn't hear it.
He sat up, straining to listen of the now really loud feeling silence.
"Bo!" he whispered to his cousin.
Bo's finger twitched on his pillow in response with a light snore.
Luke rolled his eyes, getting up and shaking him, "Bo!" he quietly nudged.
"Is it mornin already?" Bo rubbed at his eye with a yawn.
"Shhh." Luke held a finger to his lips, "Listen."
Bo yawned a second time, a tired bored expression tugging at the corner of his lips, listening as much as he could with his foggy morning mind.
He furrowed his brows, "Is that someone talkin?"
"I think its Uncle Jesse. C'mon." Luke eased to their bedroom door, opening it a crack before slipping out with Bo dragging sleepily along.
Luke peered around the corner, motioning Bo along beside him.
There at the kitchen table sat proud, good ole Uncle Jesse, who murmured away to God just like as if he was sittin there with him.
"- there wutin nothing I could've cared for after she passed, because Lord you take and you give, and what you gave me after taking her was more than I could ever ask for. I know you already know how I feel, but I wanted to tell you myself. You answered my prayers in a way I never could've imagined. Despite the pain you put them kids and me through you prevailed and shed light on this family."
Tears rolled down his cheeks, "Thank you God. Thank you….thank you."
Bo and Luke looked to one another, both understanding they were listening in on something that was none of their business.
Daisy came up behind Bo, resting her hand on his back so she could see over his shoulder.
Luke was about to usher them back to the security of their bedrooms when Jesse's head raised from its bowed position.
Bo looked at his cousins with the 'now we're caught look' as he slowly walked into the kitchen.
Luke held Daisy with one arm as they stood behind Bo, all three cousins now facing their Uncle as if they were teenagers again caught sneaking out.
"Uncle Jesse." Bo started quietly, "We wasn't….we didn't mean to listen in on ya."
"I know you wasn't Bo." Jesse stood from his chair, pushing it in under the table.
He made his way his charges, the ones he'd cared for since they were all small.
Wrapping his old calloused hands around all three of his kids he brought them into a hug.
"Thank you God." He repeated, "Thank you."
Sorry if it was repetitive, I know it also didn't really follow canon closely at all. But I got the idea and I couldn't say no to Jesse and his maker.
Dear Wanda Marie,
I know this was early but I have to leave on the 18th and wouldn't be able to post it so I'm doing it now. I hope it was what you were expecting- I put a lot of thought into it and really thought about what would impact you the most on that day. Again thank you.
Cartoon Cow