Pairings: Jeff/Trish, Matt/Eve, Adam/Amy, others.
Rating: M
Ages: Jeff: 22, Trish/Eve/Amy: 23, Adam/Matt: 24 Others: 22-24
Summary: It was a nightmare and Trish didn't know how to wake up.
"Just relax, sweetie. Breathe. Inhale," Trish gently stretched out Jeff's knee, bringing the muscle up to his chest, watching as he took a deep breathe, his face pinched tight with pain. "Good…now, exhale." She smiled, pulling his knee back out as he released his breathe.
"Damn, that hurts," he whispered, bringing his hands up to cover his face. He dragged his hands down his cheeks and then sat up, sitting lotus style and watching her do an extremely impressive backbend. "How long have you been doing yoga?"
"I took it up in middle school," Trish replied, breathing softly. "I…I had a lot of injuries during my childhood and some of the more severe ones called for a lot of stretching, so I just joined a yoga group in my town. I was 13, I believe." She pushed slightly with her hands, leaning back up from the bridge pose and then slowly moved her arms underneath her for a downward dog pose.
Jeff watched her carefully. Trish was very good at keeping things to herself that she didn't want others to know. He'd noticed the way that she always wore something long enough to cover her inner and outer thighs and the lower curve of her back. Even when swimming, her bathing suits were always a sort of bikini top but with some sort of high waist shorts that were equally long enough to cover her upper legs.
He wondered, and he'd asked Amy, but the haunted look on the redhead's face had him understanding quickly that it was something that Trish would reveal to him only when she was ready.
"Enjoying the view?"
Her teasing tone dragged him away from his thoughts and he watched in awe as she kicked her legs up, bending herself into the scorpion pose. "God." He stared, eyes wide appreciative of the way her fit body moved. "Damn, girl." He shook his head, standing slowly.
"Don't want to try?" she asked, laughing.
"And kill myself? No, I'm good." He smirked as she eased back into a resting pose and held his hand out to help her up, lifting her effortlessly as soon as she placed her tiny hand into his own. "So, have you given any more thought into tonight?"
Trish sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I don't know, Jeff. It's just not my thing."
Candice had heard of a club in town when they had done a grocery haul that morning. She'd immediately proposed they go, claiming that they deserved to have fun and go out instead of just being inside all day.
While Trish and Matt were generally a bit weary of the idea, they had also noticed how everyone else seemed to want to go. Stacy had confessed to love to dance, and had voiced her opinion on how it could be a lot of fun, which got Torrie on board and of course, their boyfriends were more than willing.
Eventually, with Eve winning Matt over, they elected to go. Jeff had noticed Trish's discomfort though, and had pulled her aside so they could practice some yoga and ease her mind.
Jeff smiled, "It's not really my thing either…but I do like to dance," he casually rocked on his heels, "…and I'm hoping that you'll be there so you could save a dance with me…"
Trish grinned at him, watching as he shyly looked away, a blush on his cheeks. "Well, that does sound tempting." She giggled, "I guess I'll have to go and find something nice to wear then."
"Does that mean you're coming with us tonight?" Amy made her way towards them, plopping down on the carpeted floor and smiled up at her friends.
"Sure am!" Trish bumped her hip against Jeff's. "Jeff promised he'd teach me to dance." She winked at him and he nodded seriously.
"And I shall," he declared, eyes bright.
"Know what you're going to wear?" Amy asked casually, grinning as Trish stared at her in suspicion.
"No," Trish narrowed her eyes. "Do…do you know what I'm going to wear?"
"You bet I do," the redhead quickly stood up and grabbed Trish's arm. "I know exactly what you're going to wear!"
Jeff chuckled, watching Amy drag the pretty blonde off and then made his way upstairs to plan out his own outfit. He peeked into the room, exhaling loudly in relief when he noticed Candice was nowhere in sight and then began to sift through his clothes.
In the end, he'd picked out a nice, deep red shirt. The fabric was silk and the sleeves cut off at the elbows, guaranteeing that his tattoo would still be somewhat visible. He grabbed a black mesh shirt as well, staring at it in wonder. The sleeves were long enough, it would like nice under the red shirt. He chose a pair of dark grey slacks as well and then decided that he'd worry about shoes later.
Jeff walked back downstairs, joining his brother and Adam in the living room. The two were starting a game of chess, which quickly uninterested the younger male. He flopped down onto the couch and turned on the tv, eyes glowing when he found a horror movie to binge-watch.
"So, Jeff," Adam began casually, smirking as he snatched up one of Matt's knights. "I've noticed you and T getting along extremely well. Do you like the pretty lady?"
Jeff grinned as his brother cursed, watching the ravenette try in vain to beat Adam at the game, "Of course I like her. She's a lot of fun." He turned his attention back to the movie when a female character screamed bloody murder and watched as she was stabbed repeatedly in the chest.
"But do you like her romantically?" Adam frowned when Matt managed to make a pretty good move and then bit his thumb, hazel eyes drifting over his pieces as he calculated, "She's never been as interested in a guy as I've seen her with you."
"Really?" Jeff murmured, voice thoughtful, "How come?"
Matt glanced at Adam, and they shared a concerned look before Adam shrugged slightly, whispering a quiet, "check" to Matt before looking over at Jeff. "Well…there's a lot of baggage with her. I'm sure you've noticed how she keeps her distance sometimes."
"Kind of hard not to notice," Jeff turned his head away from the television as a commercial came on and then sighed, locking gazes with Adam, "I'm not going to push anything onto her. I like her and I'm comfortable with her. I just want her to feel the same way."
Matt smiled, not even caring that Adam declared check-mate and stood, placing a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder. "Good man," he squeezed slightly and then sat down next to him. "I'm happy for you, bro. Trish is amazing and I'm sure you two will be good for each other."
Adam chuckled, "You two do make an awfully cute picture. Her being so tiny and timid and you being so big and...colorful."
Jeff rolled his eyes as Matt laughed. "Colorful, weird, odd, strange. I've heard it all, man." He shrugged a shoulder, sticking his tongue out.
"Heard what?"
The boys perked up, hearing Trish's voice. They watched as she came into the living room, holding some clothes in her arms. She looked at them curiously, blinking when she noticed Matt and Adam grinning at a flustered Jeff.
"We're letting Jeff know how creepy he is," Adam joked, twirling a piece of Jeff's hair in between his fingers. "I mean, come on! Hair dye? Nail polish? What's next, fishnets?"
Matt laughed loudly as Jeff slouched; the fairer brother's skin a brighter shade of red. "Oh, man! He actually does wear fishnets too!"
"Jeff is not creepy! And so did you at one point," Trish pointed out, "Don't you remember? Back when you lost that bet to Amy? You wore mesh and fishnet for close to a month."
"We don't speak of that," Matt mumbled, arms crossing. "Amy cheated! She's so damn mean."
"What you got there?" Jeff asked, changing the subject. He smiled when Trish hid the clothes behind her back and chuckled when she winked at him. "That what Amy pick out for you?"
"Sure is," the little blonde chirped. "Not my usual flair, but it's pretty cute if I do say so myself."
"I'm sure you'll be beautiful," Jeff ignored the cooing from Adam and Matt and stood, checking his watch. "Well, I guess we should start getting ready. There are a lot of us and by the time everyone is set, it'll be pretty late anyway."
"Sounds good." Adam agreed.
It took a good while, but soon everyone met up in the living room and comments and compliments were quickly dished out.
"Christ, look at her," Phil murmured to Jeff, staring at Candice with a barely concealed cringe. Jeff, who had been looking for Trish, turned his head and his eyes widened, his head slowly shaking in surprise.
"That's um…something," he replied, coughing into his fist. While all the girls were dressed somewhat ritzy, excluding Amy who just wasn't down for that type of dress, Candice's outfit was nearly ridiculous.
Her body was encased in a tight black dress that zippered in the front. Its zipper was pulled down to show off a good amount of cleavage and when she turned, the back of the dress was revealed to be a much tighter fit.
Amy pretended to gag, eyes rolling when Adam patted her hip. She was wearing a nice pair of dress pants with an equally lovely shirt that left her arms bare and her lower stomach only slightly exposed.
"That girl," Amy snorted and shook her head. She bumped her fist against Jeff's shoulder and gestured towards the stairs, where Trish and Eve were coming down. The blonde had asked the brunette if she would help with accessorizing.
Jeff exhaled slowly, eyes half-lidding as he watched her come down to the stairs. She was dressed in white, the strapless dress hugging her chest and midsection snugly and then flaring out at her waist and hips. It was rather modest, but it worked for her so well. The hem of the dress reached down to her knees and it twirled just a bit as she walked. He swallowed thickly, almost falling over when Phil elbowed him playfully in the ribs.
"You're going to drown in your own drool," Phil smirked and quickly turned his attention to Maria when Trish came over to say hello to Jeff.
"You look great," Trish smiled, looking the exotic man up and down. "I like the fishnet! It actually looks really, really good on you." She reached out to trace his tattoo, her little fingers slipping into the hole of the netting. Her hair was left loose, curled slightly and framing her bared shoulders perfectly.
Jeff smiled back, swallowing again nervously. Before he could tell her how absolutely stunning she looked, Candice forced herself in between them, quirking her lips at Trish.
"Awe, Trishy. You look so cute! Such a nice little dress for such a nice little girl. You look like a little doll." Although the words were followed by a large smile, Trish could just feel the utter sarcasm and contempt in the sentence. She blushed a bit, smoothing down the material of her dress self-consciously as she noticed the other woman's outfit.
Jeff felt his irritation for Candice grow as he noticed Trish's discomfort. He side-stepped her, and moved to Trish's side, gently grabbing her elbow and leading her away from the rest of their friends.
"You…you look amazing," Jeff began softly, head lowered so that only she would be able to hear him. "Truly beautiful."
"Thank you, Jeff," her voice was soft, sweet. The pair smiled at one another before turning their attention to Matt, who began to give driving instructions on how to get to their destination.
The club that they had heard of was a pretty well-known club. The entire place was packed, bodies sweaty and slick as the music vibrated throughout the air. Everyone tried to stay in sight of one another, but with the dimmed lights and the countless people, they quickly lost one another.
Jeff bounced on his heels and lowered his head to Trish's ear. "I'm going to go use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Trish nodded and watched him walk off into the dance floor. He disappeared quickly, his body blending in with the countless people there.
Grabbing her drink, Trish sipped slowly, shifting uncomfortably as she watched everyone dance. Matt had absolutely no rhythm, Trish fought hard to not laugh as she watched the poor raven haired man try to keep up with his girlfriend. Eve was obviously enjoying herself though, with her bright smile and gentle touches to her man.
Stacy and Randy were amazing together on the dance floor. The leggy blonde had the most beautiful twists and turns that Trish had ever seen, and Randy, being tall and a great dancer himself, made them look like a pair of professional ball-room dancers.
They were the only couples she recognized in the sea of bodies. She was sure that Phil had taken Maria to a secluded corner to talk as the man didn't partake in drinking and would much rather just hold hands and dance slowly with the pretty girl.
She'd lost sight of Amy and Adam a while ago, gently shooing off her friends concerns and telling them to enjoy themselves. Trish set her drink down on the bar counter and looked around for Jeff, wondering if he'd still want to dance with her and why he was taking so long to come back from using the restroom.
She gasped softly when she noticed him, finally.
He had his hands on Candice's waist, moving in time with the beat to the music as the brunette all but grinded against him. She had her hands wrapped tightly around his neck, her back to his chest as she dipped her body down low and then slowly moved her way back up. The zipper on the front of her dress was pulled down lower than before, the swell of her breasts bared to the dance floor.
Feeling her heart constrict painfully, Trish lowered her head and turned on her stool, facing the bar with glassy eyes. She grabbed onto her drink, swallowing it back quickly and wiping her lips with the back of her hand, completely unaware of the dark eyes watched her from only a few feet away.
She didn't feel anything at first. It was as if she was numb…like her whole body was being sucked into a cold lake. Her skin felt hot, but her arms were covered in goosebumps. Her vision began to blur and the music was suddenly distorted.
"Are you okay, pretty girl?
"W-who?" Trish stared at the stranger who came to her. She watched his mouth move, but she could barely understand what he was saying. She felt so out of place. Her breathing was beginning to labor and she looked around hopelessly, her body swaying on the stool.
'Jeff…' She felt hands glide up and down her bare shoulders and she squirmed, breathing rapidly as her head spun. 'Jeff…please…'
Trish stumbled, her eyes bleary. She could feel the man's arm around her waist, and through the hazy wave of her delirium she could hear him whispering to her as his hand slid up her leg, inching the hem of her dress up her thigh. She whimpered, her hands weakly pressing up against his chest but she was too weak, too tired, and her hands slid uselessly down to her sides.
"P-please, don't," she felt his hands trace over her inner thighs and she flinched as he dragged his nails through her skin, his fingernails just missing the scars embedded into her flesh. All of a sudden, she was falling onto her knees, his weight being taken off of her forcefully.
"Trish! Are you okay?"
Trish looked up at her friend in confusion, but then her attention was brought to Matt, who had started to holler his younger brother's name. She looked for Jeff, searching for his colorful hair and then saw him.
Jeff was straddling the man's stomach, raining down punches on him punishingly. His fists were already coated in a thick layer of blood as he pummeled into the pleading man's broken face, a dark look in his usually vibrant green eyes.
Trish cried out when someone cut into the fight, a friend of the man's probably, and kicked Jeff harshly on the side. Immediately, Matt jumped in, tackling the other guy and pulling him down to the ground the scrabble also.
As soon as Jeff caught his breath, he stood, stomping down on the writing man on the floor, and then cried out angrily as Phil and Cena grabbed him, pulling him away roughly just as Randy and Jay took a hold of Matt.
"Oh, T, I'm so sorry."
Trish whined as she was lifting by Adam, her fellow Canadian staring at her sadly as he gently rested her against his chest.
Amy was sniffling, her pretty brown eyes welling with tears, "Damn it, I should have stayed with you! I'm so sorry, Trish."
Trish reached out for her friend, wanting to grasp her hand, but she was so dizzy. Her eyes closing, Trish went limp against Adam, who closed his eyes tightly. He blinked them open when Amy gently led him out of the club, walking past the sea of people staring and bouncers yelling at them to leave.
Jeff paced the room, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. Every so often, he would look towards his bed, but Trish was still out cold. Her hair was fanned out on the pillow, her face serene and body completely motionless.
Growling, Jeff ran his hands harshly through his hair and snagged the bandana he had wrapped around his head, tugging it off roughly and throwing it to the floor as he shook in anger.
Forcing himself to breathe, he sat down on the floor besides the bed and brought his knees up, resting his elbows on them as he recalled the events that took place hours before.
He had just stepped out of the bathroom when he noticed Candice waiting for him. Mentally preparing himself to excuse himself politely, Jeff didn't get the chance before Candice turned her doe eyes and pleading expression onto his gaze.
"A lot of these men keep touching me and dancing without permission," Candice grabbed Jeff's arm, "Can you please just dance with me once so that they get the clue and leave me alone?"
Jeff hesitated, his head lowering in acceptance. He didn't like Candice, but he also didn't want her to be feeling uncomfortable tonight with men she didn't know. "One dance," he told her, eyes looking towards the bar in hopes of catching Trish's attention.
The beautiful blonde was sitting by herself, her attention on Matt and Eve, but that was all Jeff was able to see before Candice pulled him close and began to dance against him.
She was dancing extremely provocatively, Jeff noticed, as she rubbed against him tightly and slowly. He kept up with him, thinking over and over that the sooner he finished this, the sooner he could dance with Trish.
As soon as Candice lowered her zipper and turned her back to him, Jeff felt that he had danced with her enough. Besides, the way she was smirking and winking at all the men watching them had him wondering if she liked the attention these strangers gave her.
Shaking his head, Jeff turned to look back at Trish and stiffened, eyes widening in horror.
Even from where he was, he could tell there was something wrong with her. Her body movement was less fluid than usual, and her face, her eyes, were full of panic as a man began to grab at her waist. He could see her lips moving, her eyes watering as the man began to run his hands up her legs and then he saw her try to push him away, only for her hands to fall quickly down to her sides.
Jeff shoved past Candice and made his way quickly to Trish, his eyes narrowed in complete anger. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Adam look up from dancing with Amy to send him a questioning glance, but Jeff ignored him. Grabbing the man by the shoulders, he jerked him off of Trish roughly shoved him to the ground, following him down immediately and beginning to pound away at his face.
"Piece of shit!" Jeff felt his knuckles bruise all over the man's face but he didn't care. His vision was blinded by rage and the single image of Trish's tear-stained and fearful gaze. He brought his fist down hard, enjoying the feel of the man's nose turning to mush. He could hear Matt calling out for him but he ignored it until he felt a harsh kick to the side. Winded, he rolled off of the man and only had a few seconds to see his older brother tackle the other guy that had kicked him before standing and stomping down on his victim.
Hissing out a breath, Jeff rubbed his eyes roughly and almost jumped when he heard Trish's soft whimper. He turned quickly, sitting back on his knees as he watched her begin to shake and turn, her skin going pale.
"Please, don't…please!" her voice broke, tears beginning to slide down her cheeks. She brought her hands up, fighting some invisible enemy, "I'll be g-good, I swear it!"
"Baby," Jeff whispered, his heart tightening, he leaned down, gently placing his hands on Trish's shoulders. "Trish, honey," he cooed to her, rubbing her shoulders soothingly, "Wake up, baby, come on," he shook her only slightly and watched her eyes open.
She turned to him and began to sob, opening her arms for him weakly. "Jeff," she whimpered, her voice small and sad.
Jeff climbed into bed with her, pulling her tightly into his warm embrace. He kissed her temple, whispering softly to her, soothing her. "It's okay, beautiful, I've got you. I'm right here."
He held her as she sobbed herself to sleep and he continued holding her. He rubbed his hands down her back, the silky feeling of the dress sliding down his palms, and he exhaled slowly, feeling her shaky breaths against his neck.
Slowly, his own eyes closed, and his hands dropped down to her lower back, resting there comfortably.
-end chapter-
TrishOrton- Awe, that's kind! Thank you so much. I have good mind to just let Amy have her wicked way with Candice. The girl needs it! And yes, school is always stressful. I hate it lol.
Shiki94- They are very sweet, aren't they? I love picturing them in those little scenarios and it just makes it so easy with how cute they are. Candice is trouble and she will eventually get hers!
DieTrying- Hah! Candice is really making everyone angry. It's perfect! Thanks for reading!