Author: Look, I posted yet again! :D Are you happy, Ciel?

Ciel: -intense glaring-

Sebastian: -nervous shifting of the feet-

Author: Heheheh...Ahem...alright! So, I have a lot I more ideas for this story so look forward to new chapters soon! Don't forget to review and offer your own ideas to spice it up!

Ciel: YOU HARLOT -smacks Sebastian with his cane-

Author: eheheheheh...I-I can explain...really.


"Damn, if you didn't want me back

Why'd you have to act like that?

It's confusing to the core

'Cause I know you want it

Oh, and if you don't wanna be

Something substantial with me

Then why do you give me more?"

-Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis


Don't forget to leave a review, my sweet kittens!

Ciel awoke late in the afternoon, his head killing him with a rain of a thousand tiny knives into his brain's most sensitive parts. He turned over, groaning as sunlight poured into his eyes, demanding he wake up before the evening. He cracked an eye open and saw someone shuffling around the bed.

He opened his eyes a bit more, seeing Alois bouncing around, trying to pull a pair of trousers on. Ciel yawned softly before he stopped. Alois was wearing trousers.

He watched Alois button up his trousers and tucked in his grass-green dress shirt. He pulled a stylish black vest over his chest, buttoning it up as well. Alois pulled his regular dark purple frock with the fur and sat on the edge of the bed to lace up his boots. Ciel shuffled over to Alois and pulled the young Trancy under the covers.

Alois squealed in surprise when Ciel's warm arms wrapped around his very cold middle and pulled him under the warm covers of his bed. He squirmed and tried to fight Ciel's grip but it was no use.

He shivered, feeling Ciel's lips against his ear.

"Ya know, I think I like it better when you're wearing them booty shorts. You look so cute in them. But I got to admit, these trousers fit you well. Are these mine? I think they are. Where are you going this early?" Ciel cooed, nuzzling Alois and grabbed the front of Alois's pants as he spoke.

"C-Ciel!" Alois laughed as Ciel began tickling his sides. "S-Stop, don't get me all sweaty! I-I just took a bath!"

"Answer me~" Ciel purred. Alois's face turned red as he laughed, arching his back against his stepbrother.

"It's not even morning! I-It's the middle of the afternoon, like two!" Alois laughed. "A-And I'm too cold to wear my shorts!"

"Middle of the afternoon?! Ah, crap! Dad wanted to take me out hunting this afternoon!" Ciel released his prisoner and fled to his bedroom to grab clothing. Alois sighed in relief and finished lacing his shoes up.

He walked over to the mirror, tying his bow tie. He had been awake for about two hours now, having to explain to everyone that Ciel and him were rough housing and that's why there was shredded clothing and that they had also been drinking.

Seemed like a legit excuse because everyone bought it.

Alois brushed his fingers through his hair nervously, fidgeting about something. He had something planned today. He took notice to the bruises on his neck. He had two, big welting bruises, one definitely having red teeth marks on them.

Alois frowned and went to his bed. He kneeled down and pulled up the cover to grab a small box under his bed. Elizabeth had put it there when he was injured so she could do his injuries in his room. He opened the box and looked through it for some clothing and tape. He could cover the bandages with a scarf.

Ciel came back in to the room, for some reason, looking around for something. Alois glanced at him and his cheeks turned pink.

Ciel wore a regular white dress shirt with black suspenders on his hips and shoulders. He was holding a dark blue vest and was putting it on.

"Hey Alois, have you seen my boots any-!" Ciel froze, seeing the marks on Alois's neck. He instantly shot at Alois, pushing him against the bed. Alois squealed loudly as his back was pressed to the bed.

"Where the hell did these come from?" Ciel demanded. Alois shivered slightly at the tone and looked up at Ciel with nervous eyes before they sharpened and he pushed Ciel off him.

"You, you little fucking vampire. You attacked me last night, ripping my jacket to shreds and pulling my tie off and then you kept trying to bite me. " Alois huffed. Ciel looked satisfied with the answer and nuzzled Alois with his head under his chin.

Alois proper himself up by his arms and froze when he felt Ciel nuzzling him under the chin.

"Aw, I'm sorry honey child. Want me to kiss them to make'em better?" Ciel teased, leaning up to do that. Alois rolled his eyes and pressed his hand against Ciel's face, pushing him away from his neck.

"Oh, just get off me fat ass."

"Such bad words!"

"Oh, please. You've called me a lot worse. "

"I'm sorry for that, baby!"

"Stop being so over dramatic. Get the fuck out of my room!"

Ciel bounded out of Alois's room, howling with laughter as Alois began throwing things like brushes and clothes at him. Alois grumbled moodily before he unwrapped some bandages and began covering his injuries, standing up to look in the mirror to do so.

He looked over his handiwork after a few minutes of doing so and smirked in accomplishment. He had successfully covered both marks on his neck with bandages and they looked like regular injures. He opened his closet and pulled out a big fluffy purple striped scarf that Elizabeth had given him for Christmas a few years back.

He wrapped it around his neck, it big enough to go up over his mouth and still very long enough to reach his hips, even after wrapping it four times around his neck. He didn't mind though. It was quiet stylish, despite how long it was.

He combed his fingers through his platinum blond hair and fawned over himself for a few more minutes before blowing a kiss at the mirror and grabbed a small bag by the door.

Ciel came running by, hopping on one foot to get his knee-high boots on.

"Heeeeyyyyyy, sexy!" Ciel laughed, running by and giving a firm smack across Alois's butt. It was an ongoing joke between the boys. "You're it!" It was butt tag.

"Oh you cheap harlot!" Alois shouted at him. Ciel laughed and stopped to lace up his boot by slamming the heel into the wall beside him.

"Where are you going?" Alois asked, tilted his head as he noticed Ciel had put on his big winter coat. It was dark blue and reached down to his knees, simply because it was too big for him.

"I'm going hunting with Father and Aunt Frances. Do you want to come with? Elizabeth and Edward are at a play in town and none of us will be back till late in the evening. " Ciel said, grinning a bit.

Alois noticed that Ciel's cheeks had a lot of color in them, more so than ever before. His tongue was a healthy red color as well. Ciel was in perfect health.

"No thanks. I'm going into town for lunch and I might go shopping. Spring will be coming soon and I need a few new clothes. " Alois said, waving him off nonchalantly.

"Hm, okay! See you at dinner then!" Ciel smiled at Alois who chuckled and nodded. He put his foot down and they slapped hands together, giving a firm squeeze as a promise.

"Wait, Ciel. " Alois stopped Ciel before he could turn around and let go. Ciel turned his head back to him, raising an eyebrow.


"Do you remember anything last night?" Ciel turned more so towards Alois and stroked his chin, his dark sapphires looking up at the ceiling in thought.

"I remember drinking the new bottle of wine. That's as far as my memories go. " Alois sighed, almost in relief.

"One more question. Do you remember having a nightmare last night?" Alois spoke this one quietly and Ciel's eyes sharpened at the word.

"No, I don't. Did I?" Ciel asked. Alois nodded and Ciel sighed heavily. "Do you know what it was about?" Alois shook his head. "Then let's leave it at that. "

Alois nodded in agreement. Ciel gave him a small wave before going to disappear down the hall. Alois watched him with haunting eyes and sighed heavily.

"I'll follow your advice, Ciel..." Alois murmured to himself. "I'll move on. "

Alois looked around and found a phone sitting on a table. It had a vase and bouquet of roses next to it. Alois went over to it and picked up the phone, putting it to his ear. He dialed a number and waited.


"...Hey. "

"Um, who is this?"

"...Alois. "

Said boy fiddled with the cord of the phone with his fingers. His cheeks were turning red.

"Alois? Is something wrong? Why did you call me?"

"...I..I..." Alois took a moment to calm himself and took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out to lunch with me...if you're in the kingdom, I mean. "



It was a long silence.

"H-Hello?" Alois stuttered out, unsure if he had hung up or the call was disconnected.

"I'm here. I'm just surprised you would ask me...seeing as...what happened and all. " Alois flinched. That's right. Only the Phantomhive's knew Ciel was alive.

"I'm fine. Really. I...I just thought we'd catch up...seeing as how we never talk...or haven't talked or seen each other for a week now. I...I...wanted to talk. " Alois said, his eyes down casting.

"I-If you're not too busy, of course! I mean, we can do it any other time if you'd like, if you aren't in the kingdom, I can wait until you visit and-" "I'd love to. " Alois felt his cheeks warming up.

"R-Really?" Alois squeaked.

"Of course. I'm in the kingdom now for a visit. Is there anything in particular you'd like to go?" Alois fiddled with the cord a while before he eased his breathing.

"I know this good outdoor cafe. We can go there. It's on the corner next to the post office, across from the tavern. You know where, right?" Alois said.

"Yes, I know. I'll be there around three, if that's okay. " Alois smiled.

"Yeah, I'll see you there, Claude. "

"See you there, Alois. " Alois put the phone on the receiver and he rolled his head side to side for a moment. He smiled a little before he laughed to himself. He opened the small bag he had and took out a little metal tin. He opened it, revealing a white paste looking stuff.

He pressed his pinky into it and gently smeared it over his lips. He then closed the tin up, pressing his lips together and rubbing them to evenly coat the stuff. It made his lips pinker and look a lot shiner, like sweet candy in plastic wrapping.

He tossed the object back into the bag and pulled a tiny red vial from the bag, opening it while tucking the bag under his elbow. He carefully put a few drops on his fingers and smeared them on the apples of his cheeks to make them look healthier and add some color to his naturally pale face.

He pushed the glass vial back into the bag, pausing to pull out a small metal container, unlike the one he had to hold the gel. He opened it and stopped in front of a mirror. He dusted the white power across his nose before he stuffed everything back neatly in the bag and inspected his work. He grinned his old sexy grin and blew a kiss at the mirror.

He put the small bag on a chair and skipped down the hall to the stairs.

"Hannah! Ready the carriage! I'm going out!" Alois ordered loudly. The silver-haired maid looked up at her Master from the bottom of the stairs, a broom in hand. She gave a small smile before she put her fingers to her lips and whistled long and loud. Three purple haired triplets appeared and nodded, saluting to her silently before running out together to do as instructed.

Alois reached the bottom of the stairs and twirled on the heel of his boots with a graceful air hardly anyone could match. He arched back, his arms out to hold his balance before he clapped twice.

"Ole!" He said, smiling brightly. Hannah's purple eyes lidded and she smiled at her funny little Master.

"Shall I tell the others of your leaving?" Hannah asked, tilting her head slightly, her silver hair falling over her face.

"Hm...only if they ask of me! I'm going to lunch with...with somebody. " Alois said, stopping his excited twirling to pout, his eyes darting away and his cheeks puffing out and tapped his fingers together. His cheeks turned a little red and Hannah smiled a little more.

"I see. Well, have a good time with your lunch, Master. " Alois burst up with his excitement and twirled around again.

"I will!" He smiled, twirling again.

One of the triplets opened the front door, bowing to Alois. Outside was a new carriage, black and silver and gold resides the carriage, making it look mysterious and dark but this the way things were. Alois could hardly sit still as Hannah pulled his coat on.

"Do have fun, Master. Be polite and don't forget to bow. " Hannah said, turning Alois around and straightened his scarf over his large but handsomely devilish coat. It was more of a dark trench coat and went down past his furry frock to his ankles. Hannah pulled her Master's gloves on his hands and he smiled.

"I won't! Let's go!" He shouted, pulling from her grasp, towards the carriage. He jumped into the open carriage door, it closing after him.

"Farewell, Master. Return safely, please!" Hannah called after him.

A triplet sat in the driver's seat and the one by the front door closed it and hopped in the back of the carriage while the one who had closed the carriage door went to the front.

Alois clapped his hands together, clicking his handsome boots together as well, his excitement was overbearing.

"Onward!" He shouted to the purple-haired driver. "Allons-y!"

Hannah smiled to herself, her smile stretching so much that the corners of her eyes crinkled. She shook her head and continued sweeping the front of the house.

"I'm glad Master is out of his dark mood. He's been so moody this morning," she mumbled to herself softly. She pressed a hand to her cheek and sighed happily. "He looked so cute too! I'm so jealous of whoever he's going to lunch with!" She cooed.

She blinked, snapping out her daze when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and tilted her head curiously at the short man before her. He was rather chubby and resting on his hip was a big bag of letter.

"Yes?" She asked.

"The Phantomhive household?!" He shouted

"Why, yes, it is. What can I do for you sir?" She asked gently, ignoring the shouting.

"A notice from the Prince himself! Make sure your Master gets it!" She nodded and took the letter from his hand and smiled.

"I will. Thank you. Have a nice day. " she said. The messenger nodded firmly before scurrying off towards his horse.

Hannah closed the door and stared peculiarly at the letter. She frowned slightly, tilting her head. It didn't seem like a personal letter, so it was, in fact, a notice. Perhaps a new law?

She was allowed the open letters, in case of booby traps and that sort of thing, so she picked up the letter opener from a nearby table and slit the letter open. She pulled the paper out and opened the folded up, cream colored paper.

She felt a lump grow in her throat.

King Michaelis requests the honor of your company at the wedding of his only son, Prince Sebastian Michaelis & Princess Rose Thorne...

Author: ehehehehe...

Ciel: -intense hating glaring-

Author: Yeah, I'd totally do this JUST to piss my reviewers off.

Sebastian: You would.

Author: Maybe...But there's a reason for this and it may or may not be explained in the next chapter! Sorry they've been a little short lately! I'm not feeling enough to make them an entire chapter. Sorry. :c

Ciel: -demonic growling-

Author: Well... Okay. Please leave a review, shoot a few ideas and share with your friends! Love you guys!

See ya later, Alligators!