Guess who's back?!

-Sound of Applause and Cheers-

That's right! I have 275 reviews on If the Ring Fits !

The 275th Reviewer was Screaming-Fires

She sent me her review with PM with a few ideas so I counted it as a review! :D

Ciel: So, you're back?

Yes! And I have fresh ideas! I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoy this new story! Also, I'm doing songs instead of poems from now on! It's very difficult to find new poems so here ya go!

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time
And every creature lends themself to change your state of mind
And the girl that chase the rabbit drank the wine and took the pill
Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels
To stand outside your virtue
No one can ever hurt you
Or so they say


Sometimes the curiosity can kill the soul but leave the pain
And every ounce of innocence is left inside her brain
And through the looking glass we see shes painfully returned
But now off with her head I fear is everyone's concern
You see there's no real ending
It's only the beginning
Come out and play

Her Name is Alice BY: Shinedown

I was reading the manga of Pandora Hearts and I saw the AMV of the song and I've been watching PewDiePie play Alive: Madness Returns so...yeah. YES, I'M PART OF THE BRO ARMY, DON'T JUDGE ME! BRO FIST TO MY FELLOW BROS!

I made this as long as I could but I got bored with the chapter so here ya go! :D

Hope you enjoy it, my kittens~

Also the reason why Ciel and Sebastian are really quiet is because they just read my recent tweet on Twitter and are wondering what I did to send my brother to the hospital. Tee-Hee!

Ciel: She's insane.


Read and Review, My Precious kittens!

Ciel purred as he woke up, smiling softly, feeling the warmth of someone next to him. His eyelashes that hid his eyes so well slowly fluttered up to reveal his sapphire blue eyes. He blinked a few times in the bright light from the window that was uncovered. He turned his head, looking up at the pale face that was so close to his own. He felt his bangs move from the air of breath coming from the man who he had slept with overnight.

Sebastian Michaelis, Prince of the Land of Mich,[1] was holding the now new Earl of Phantomhive in the large bed. Ciel noticed he wasn't in his own room and his memories of the night before flashed quickly over him and he blushed at his behavior.

Last night, Ciel had a God awful nightmare that sent him screaming awake and waking up nearly everyone in the castle. Luckily, Sebastian was still awake and came into his room to calm down the youngster. He fixed Ciel a cup of warm milk with honey and a dash of sugar and he led Ciel back into Sebastian's room to spend the night.

Ciel frowned. That had been the third nightmare this week and it seemed to be getting worse. He had hoped to have gotten over the ordeal quickly when Angela was killed by Ciel's own hand. Ciel even had the pistol he used in a drawer in his room, just in case. Of course, he needed to buy more bullets.

Ciel sighed, snuggling into Sebastian's nightshirt, inhaling the sweet scent of the man. He pressed his ear against Sebastian's chest, listening to the slow heartbeat of the Prince. He moved his left hand closer to his line of sight. The ring Sebastian had given to him laid on his thumb and he shut his eyes with a smile.

"...Ciel..." Sebastian breathed, snuggling closer to Ciel in his sleep and buried his face in Ciel's hair. Ciel let out a soft gasp and smiled gently. He snuggled into Sebastian's chest more and breathed in the scent of the Prince again, sighing softly.


"Where is he? Where is the Prince?!" Ciel bolted up in the bed, Sebastian quickly following his example.

"W-What the heck?" Ciel questioned, his eyes widening. "What's going on?"

"I don't know. It can't be anything big, especially if they have to call me. Stay here, I'll check it out." Sebastian said, throwing the covers back slightly and got out of the bed, picking up his robe as he went and went to his bedroom door. He slowly unlocked the door and opened it.

"SEBASTIAN-CHAN!" Female voices screamed loudly before Sebastian slammed the door shut and locked it and put his back against it as the door was banged on.

"What? Were those demons?" Ciel asked, fixing his nightgown as he stood up on his knees at the end of the bed.

"No...worse. So much worse. Those were princess from other kingdoms. Damn it..." Sebastian hissed. "Why are they here?"

"I don't know. I thought Princess and Princes are supposed to act prim and proper and don't destroy things to get to their love interest!" Ciel said, putting his legs over the side of the bed. Wrapped around his right leg was a large cast that maybe a dozen people had either wrote something or drew on. Ciel wore a short night-gown that went only a bit down his thighs and black and white stripped thigh socks on his left leg.

"Usually but I'm a special case."

"Good point."

"I don't know what to do...We can't get out and if I take a step out of this room, I'll probably get ripped to shreds." Sebastian said, sighing.

"We could try the window." Ciel shrugged, pointing to the window.

"Ciel, we're five floors above the ground."

"Didn't Dark give you some of his powers like Pure left me some?"

"Yes, but I never tested them and I rather not end up killing both of us by jumping out a window." Sebastian sighed out.

"Hand me my robe, please." Ciel said, pointing the robe on Sebastian's chair. Sebastian walked over, picking it up and tossing it over to him.

"We could..." Ciel mumbled thinking as he leaned on his left leg and tied the robe tightly around his body. "We could tie the bed sheets together and tie them to the bedpost and lower ourselves down to the ground?"[2]

"I don't think they will reach the bottom. I don't have many sheets."

"Oh right, because you're practically a furnace now." Ciel muttered. "I'm not even suppose to be in here! Madam Red will freak if she finds out about this!" Ciel hissed. He stood up, leaning on his left leg and his hand on the bed post.


"YAY FOOD!" Many girls cried out, heels and shoes clanking down the hall.

"Well, that's one way." Ciel said.

"Come on, let's get you back to your room while most of them are eating." Sebastian said, walking over and picking up the boy. Ciel wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck and his legs around his waist, sighing softly. Sebastian gripped Ciel's bottom and smiled at the boy.

"You're using this position as an excuse to touch my butt, aren't you?"


"Pervert." Ciel mumbled, putting his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

"Heh." Sebastian chuckled lightly. Sebastian walked over to the door, unlocking it and slowly opening it to peek out.

"Good, no girls." Sebastian sighed out in relief.

"Great! Now, let's hurry!" Ciel said. "Before they finish! I rather not get murdered by a bunch of princesses."

"The feeling is mutual, Ciel." Sebastian laughed.

"Nng!" Ciel suddenly groaned out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked as he stepped into the hallway.

"Let...Let go of the grip on my's going to leave a bruise." Ciel hissed.

"Oh, sorry. Here." Sebastian pulled Ciel's legs from his waist and put the bottom of his knees in his hand and he had his other hand on Ciel's back. "Better?"

"Much. Thank you." Ciel said softly, sighing lightly.

"Sebastian?" Sebastian froze at the voice, his face draining of color. He slowly turned around, glancing at the owner of the female voice. Ciel glanced as well and his eyes widen slightly at the sight of a girl.

"Victoria!" Sebastian said, turning all the way around quicker than a whip.

A young girl, about Sebastian's age stood there before the duo, wearing a red and black lacy dress. She had black leather gloves that went to her elbows and she hid her face behind a red, black, and white fan. She had silver hair and dark blue eyes.

"Good morning, Sebastian." She greeted, her mouth hidden by the fan. She curtsied at her greeting and her eyes softened. Ciel just stared, feeling very hot all of a sudden.

"Um..G-Good morning, Princess Victoria."[3] Sebastian greeted, bowing slightly with Ciel still in his arms. Ciel felt himself almost fall from Sebastian's arms and he tightened the grip around his neck.

"Who is this?" Ciel's eyes darted to Sebastian's, their eyes clashing.

"He's the Earl Phantomhive. " Sebastian said, looking back at Victoria.

"Oh...he's a bit young." She said softly.

"My father's gone and I was in line to replace him." Ciel answered slowly, his breathing becoming harder.

"So why are you in the Prince's arms?" Victoria asked, her eyes flashing. "And more importantly, why are you here in the palace."

"Er..." Ciel swallowed nervously.

"He's been injured recently as you can see and I invited him here so our doctors could watch him. He's been prone to get sick a lot and the people who he lives with don't know much about medicine. We were discussing things in my bedroom about an event that will be held soon and he suddenly became faint and I took it upon myself to take him to his room." Sebastian answered.

"His family is very close to my own." Sebastian continued. He glanced at Ciel, noticing how pale the boy was getting.

"I see. How generous of you, Sebastian." Victoria said. "He is looking a bit pale. Is something upsetting you, dear?"

"I-I..." Ciel said, the world spinning around his sapphire eyes. He blinked twice and realized he was seeing double. "I think the...the Jimson weed is around again...and...I...I think I'm either going to be sick or I'm going to faint.." Ciel said softly.

"Oh dear...You've been around that awful flower? Now that you mention it, I'm not surprised. The Michaelis's seal is of the Angel's Trumpet." Victoria said, her fan closing and her small pretty mouth grinning. "Well, excuse me. I am going to get breakfast." She brushed past Sebastian, brushing herself against his arm and she walked down the hall. When she rounded the corner, Sebastian's eyes glowed the same shade and brightness he had when he and Dark were one.

"Damn it...what is she doing here?" Sebastian muttered.

"'s really hot..." Ciel whimpered, his head leaning back over Sebastian's arm. "Really, really hot..."

"Hm." Sebastian said, not listening to Ciel's whimper. Ciel sat up, looking up at the obviously dazed man.


No answer.

"Sebastian, I want to go home and forget about you." Ciel said.

Still no answer.

"Sebastian...I-I...I think...I'm gonna faint.." Ciel panted, his face turning an unnatural color of white. "W-Wake up and...and.." Ciel went limp, his arms falling from Sebastian's neck and his head going back.

"Huh? Ciel?" Sebastian said, snapping out of his trance. "Ciel? Wake up! Ah, shit!" Sebastian jogged to the end of the hall and turning right. The second door he came to, he opened and walked in, shutting it with his foot. He ran over to the bed, placing Ciel on the covers but not under them. Ciel's breath was labored and hard, coming out in short pants. He was sweating heavily and he was very, very pale.

"S-Shit, Ciel. " Sebastian said, putting his hand against Ciel's head. He was freezing cold. His face was dreadfully pale and he was in a cold sweat. His breaths came out in gasps and he must be in the Nightmare Realm judging by the whimpers and the groans that were coming from his mouth.

"Wake up, Ciel!" Sebastian ordered, shaking the boy's shoulders slightly.

"" Ciel gasped out, his eyes scrunching and he withered in his faint sleep.

"Damn it." Sebastian muttered. "Madam Red will kill me if she finds out."

"DAMN STRAIGHT I WILL, BITCH! I'M GONNA TURN YOU INTO MEATLOAF!" Madam Red screeched out as the bedroom door slammed open, cracking violently against the stone wall. "I mean, what the Hell?! I've been gone for two days and you got my nephew sick and in the middle of a nightmare! Jeevas!"

"Look, I don't know what's going. Ciel was fine when he woke up but then he said he was feeling weird and then he fainted." Sebastian explained as Madam Red walked over to Ciel's bedside. She tossed her medical bag in the air, letting it float there. She dug through it, pulling out a thermometer and a few other things, letting them just drift in midair.

"Hmph. " Madam Red hummed, taking out her stethoscope and her glasses, putting them on. She placed the thermometer under Ciel's tongue and pressed them stethoscope against Ciel's chest. She listened for a moment before taking it out of her ears.

"His heart is beating pretty fast...what's causing this sudden sickness?" Madam Red mumbled. She felt under Ciel's chin with her fingers, feeling around the area. Ciel whimpered slightly, moving his head away from the hands.

"He hasn't had breakfast yet, so I'm not sure." Sebastian said. "Could it be something we had for dinner last night?"

"What'd he eat?"

"Well, he wanted chocolate cake as usual but we got him to eat some steak, some potatoes and some broccoli. Then he ate a whole cake before going to bed." Sebastian explained, thinking it over a bit.

"Was he complaining about his stomach before he went to bed?"

"Nothing that wasn't a compliment to the chef." Sebastian said. Madam Red mumbled something under her breath and took the thermometer from Ciel's mouth. She looked at the temperature and frowned.

"It's 104. He's really burning up." Madam Red said, letting out a sigh. She took a soaking wet wash cloth from her bag, placing it on Ciel's forehead. Ciel sighed lightly in content at the feeling but his face quickly scrunched up and he let out a cough.

"Open up, sweetie..." Madam Red said softly, forcing her nephew's mouth open. She shined a little light down his mouth, pushing down his tongue with a piece of flat wood. Madam Red stood up, tossing everything besides the wet wash cloth and the items she was wearing back into her bag.

"It seems Ciel has really caught a version of the flu. It's not strong and it isn't contagious. He needs bed rest, lots of it, lots of liquids, things like soup and chowder, and he may feel cold to you but he will be feeling the opposite. " Madam Red said, pushing her glasses back a bit with her finger.

"I see..." Sebastian sighed softly.

"He likes tomato soup, so give him some of that with some crackers. He might not want to drink water and other liquids but you'll have to make him. He may even have a few illusions that'll either freak him out or make him go into hysterics. Thank the lord this isn't continuous and deadly. And don't let him get out of bed unless he's going to the bathroom or lying on the couch. Don't let him out of this room." Madam Red ordered in a stern voice.

"Ah...uh..." Ciel gasped out, slowly opening his eyes.

"Oh, Good. You're awake. How do you feel, dear?" Madam Red asked softly, stroking Ciel's cheek softly.

"" Ciel panted out. "Its so hot!" Ciel turned over onto his stomach, groaning.

"Be careful dear. Your leg is still broken." Madam Red said softly.

" leg...someone...cold" Ciel whined out, his arms beating against the bed lightly as he shimmed himself to the edge of the bed. Madam Red and Sebastian watched as the boy promptly fell on the floor, face first, sat up slightly, then continued to crawl towards the bathroom. He was actually a fast crawler and closed the bathroom door and it was a mere few moments before they heard water running.

"Well then. There's Ciel for you. Always doing something he wants to do and never caring what the doctor orders. " Madam Red said. She turned to face Sebastian, her hands working fast as she began to toss her things back into her bag.

"Why are there more than two dozens princess on the property?" Madam Red asked. Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes.

"If I knew, I would be getting rid of them at the moment." Sebastian said, crossing his arms with an annoyed look on his face.

"I see. So it isn't your fault. Well, you better listen to me, Prince. If any of these girls upset my little better set them straight." Sebastian's eyes flashed the color of a demon and he smiled, sharp teeth peeking out.

"Don't you worry, Madam Red. There will be Hell to pay if Ciel is upset by anyone." Sebastian said, his tone calm and collective but also dark and promising.

"Good. I'll be making my leave. You best be getting dressed. Those princesses will be done with breakfast any minute."


"WHEE! THAT FEELS GOOD!" Ciel's voice sounded from the bathroom.

"Oh, and get him something to drink and eat. He's going to be hungry when he crawls out of there. " Madam Red said. "Bye bye!" She exploded into sparkles with a wink or two and she was gone, the sparkles flying everywhere.

"Oh lord..." Sebastian sighed out, brushing off some of the sparkles. He walked over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly.

"Yes?" Ciel's yawning voice sounded from inside.

"Ciel, I'm going to go get dressed. You stay in there till I get back, okay?"

"Don't you worry~...I'm not going anywhere for a long time." Ciel sighed out. "And this time I won't break the mirror! I covered it with a towel before I got in!"

"Why do we keep putting a mirror in there if you keep breaking it?" Sebastian mumbled. "Alright. I'll be back soon." Sebastian said, louder so Ciel could hear.


Sebastian sighed and walked briskly out of the boy's assigned bedroom, heading to his own to get dress...

Ciel sighed peacefully, his right leg hanging out of the tub and his upper torso almost completely under water. His lips were blue and his body was shivering but he was feeling different. He felt like he was in heaven.

He purred, stretching his body under water.

"I've gone numb." Ciel mumbled out, smiling lightly. "Damn it."

He shifted his shivering body to the right, his right leg going under the water only up to his knee.

"Ugly cast." Ciel snarled softly, looking at the blue and white cast around his leg. There were a couple of signed names on the cast, including Sebastian's, Alois's, Claude's, and Elizabeth's.

"Hm." Ciel mumbled, moving his shoulder, it slipping over the water as his neck cracked lightly.


Ciel jumped, hearing the bedroom door slam open. Water splashed onto the floor in response to the jerk of his body and Ciel frowned.

"Sebastian?" Ciel called. No answer.

"Sebastian? Is that you? " Ciel called out again. Still no answer. Ciel frowned, swinging his left leg over the side of the tub with his right leg. He slowly got on his feet, grabbing a towel and leaned on his left leg, his hands gripping the sides of the tub.

"CIEL-KUN~!" A voice screamed, the bathroom door slamming opening. Ciel screamed back, flipping back into the tub.

"Oh...whoops." Alois said, Elizabeth biting her lip in embarrassment as they noticed Ciel's state.

"BLARG!" Ciel coughed out, sitting up in the tub, his knees hanging off the side of the tub. "ARE YOU TWO OUT OF YOUR BLOODY MINDS?! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BATHROOM!" Ciel screamed out.

Elizabeth and Alois scrambled for the bathroom door, then Alois jumped over Ciel's couch while Elizabeth hopped over his coffee table, scrambling for the bedroom door, knowing when Ciel would scream, Hell would follow.

The bedroom door slammed open, cracking against the wall even more before the blond duo could touch the door. A dark, forbidding aura erupted from the door.

"Oh...shit.." Alois squeed. "TAKE HER, SPARE ME!" Alois screamed, pushing Elizabeth in front of him.

"" The dark creature demanded. Alois and Elizabeth scrambled past him, tripping over each other and the creature slammed the door shut.

Sebastian sighed, scratching his head as the aura retracted back into his body.

"Well, there's one of the powers." Sebastian mumbled as he held out some clothes he had held with him when he had heard Ciel's scream. He was wear black suspenders with a white open dress shirt. He began buttoning the shirt up, pulling on his black vest and then his black blazer.

"Sebastian...I need your help...I can't get up.." Sebastian chuckled and headed to the bathroom. Ciel was on the floor, having dragged himself out of the tub. He had at least covered his middle body with a towel. He was soaking wet and he was still shivering with blue lips.

"Don't laugh..." Ciel sighed, looking up at his smirking face.

"I can't help it. You're so cute.." Ciel pouted as Sebastian helped him on his feet.

"Is Nina coming soon?"

"She should be here any minute to help you with your clothes. " Sebastian said, letting Ciel use him to lean against as he led the boy to his bed. Ciel made sure to keep the towel around his waist, his cheeks dark red. Sebastian helped the boy onto the edge of the bed and smiled lightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm still very hot though." Sebastian chuckled.

"Well you have a type of flu. Just get some rest." Sebastian said, moving aside Ciel's wet bangs and kissing his forehead. Ciel blushed darkly, pushing Sebastian away.

"Don't do that!" Ciel said, waving his arms around.


"What if someone walks in?!" Ciel squeaked out.

"Then they get to watch~" Sebastian said, leaning down and pressing his lips against Ciel's.

"Mmf!" Ciel whimpered, putting his hands on Sebastian's shoulders. His eyes slowly shut and his body relaxed against Sebastian's hands.

Knock Knock!

"Ciel~ I'm here!" Nina's voice sounded from behind the door. Ciel pulled back, blushing darkly. His eyes darted to his bedside table where his ring laid. He bolted from Sebastian's arms, grabbing the ring of the table but promptly fell on the floor on his face and the towel had fallen off his body, showing off his creamy white apple tight behind. Sebastian snapped his head towards Ciel and then fell backwards, his nose becoming a fountain of blood.

"What the Hell happen?!" Nina yelped as she came in, noticing the bleeding prince and seeing Ciel's naked ass on the floor.

"Nothing!" Ciel yelled back sitting up and covering himself. "GET OUT PRINCE!" Ciel snarled loudly, his eyes flashing. Sebastian was quicker than a whip and out the door in a matter of seconds, blood following him.

"Can we get this over?" Ciel laughed as Nina gave him a look. "I'm kind of sick."

"Alright, Alright. I'll spare you." Nina said. "But I won't spare that man!" She huffed, glaring at the door.

Sebastian sighed, wiping the blood from his clothes and nose. He walked down the hall to his father's study, keeping an eye out for crazy princesses.

He knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in!"

Sebastian walked in, his father, The King, seated at his desk with a quill feather in his hand.

"Ohh...Sebastian. I expected you'd be here soon." The King laughed nervously.

"Father, why are there more than three dozen princesses in the Palace?" Sebastian demanded, slamming his hands on the desk, the door slamming shut behind him.

" see..I sent out invitations the night after the ball and they were sent to all the princesses in nearby kingdoms and they only received them last week. So here they are." The King said, smiling nervously, seeing the dark mist around his son's body.

"Father, send them away! I have Ciel and do not need them to be here to make Ciel upset. He has the flu and you know he's broken his leg. He does not need stress!" Sebastian demanded forcefully.

"Sebastian, they are going to be here for months until you are able to convince Ciel to be your 'wife' and there is an engagement party. We have no choice but to allow these women to stay here until then. " Sebastian growled darkly at his father's statement.

"Father, Victoria is here." Sebastian hissed out, glaring demonly at his father.

"I'm aware of that. You will just have to grow accustom to the girls being here. Perhaps you could call a few of your fellow lads and host a party to get some girls away from you." Sebastian sighed, thinking he might as well do that soon.

"Fine. " Sebastian sighed out, his body relaxing from its tense state. "I have no choice. But if a girl dares to throw herself on my person or upsets Ciel-" "I'm aware of your threat. Hell will follow those who hurt him. I will warn them not to enter the boy's room while he's injured." Sebastian nodded.

"Now, you must sign a few of these contracts and some of these papers. We're having some problems in the kingdom and I could really use your help." The King said, holding out a stack of papers to Sebastian. Sebastian took the documents from his father, smiling softly.

"Of course. I have to get use to this life now before I get married or I'll regret it later. I'm happy to help you, Father." Sebastian smiled lightly at his father who laughed.

"Of course you are. Now, you best get back to your room now and get one of the maids to send the boy something to eat. Ciel is very stubborn and grumpy when he's hungry."

"Don't I know it." Sebastian sighed, walking towards the door.

"Oh and Sebastian?" Sebastian opened the door halfway and stopped, glancing back at his father.

"Try not to kill any girls and start a war before you get back to your room. " Sebastian laughed and walked through the door but not before leaving a string of words that left his father's spine tingling with a slight sense of danger and fear.

"No Promises~.."

Fun Time with the Author.

Alright! Demonic, protective, posessive Sebby is drop-dead sexy~!

Grell: Oh, yes he is! he's such a womanizer!

Sebastian: Bocchan! -girlish scream-

I invited Grell to come over and play! Glad you could make it!

Grell: Thank you, love. I love to come and tease my Bassy!



1. I decided to call the land Mich. As for short of 'Michaelis'. I HAD NOTHING ELSE TO CALL IT!

2. I have done this many times before. You tie your bedsheets together, tie them to one of the poles that hold up your bed and throw it out the window and slowly go down. It works wonders when you're grounded and you have a hot guy to go on a date with. }3

3. No, Victoria is not from Just My Good Luck. She is nothing like her. Well, expect maybe for being crazy but I haven't worked out all the details yet. She is more based off Queen Victoria from the Black Butler Anime, not the manga of course.

Alright. That about wraps it up! Also, you weren't really expect the dreadful Jimson Weed to make another appearance were you? It turns out it is the Michealis sign! WHOA!

But seriously, don't fuck with that shit, it will fuck you up.

When should Dark and Pure return? They have to come back sometime...maybe later. I think I'm going to make Ciel a friend in this. :D

Grell: Ooh, Bassy~ -appears in stripper outfit-

Hey, stay out of my Special closet! -stops- -blushes- -Turns to Readers- You read nothing.

Sebastian&Ciel: -stares at me-

I'll explain later. NEXT CHAPTER!

See ya later, Alligators!