A/N: Sooo...it's been ages once more. I'm having difficulty finding time to write though I am trying to make time these days. Anyway I won't bore you with my life story, on to the update! Enjoy reading guys and I apologize for the long wait between chapters.
Chapter 12: Drops of Dreams
"What did you say?"
The words were a low growl, daring her to repeat herself. The faucet had a drip which would need fixing sooner rather than later. The water gathered at the mouth of the spout for a few seconds before the weight pulled itself down, succumbing to gravity. Drip. Drip. Drip. Each drop was loud as it hit the empty stainless steel sink; loud as her heartbeat. The drops and her heart found a rhythm together. Her fear echoing inside her and outside. Inconsistent with her erratic heartbeat dust motes floated contentedly in beams of morning sunlight from the kitchen windows.
She had imagined this moment many times. Had imagined the outcome might indifference, had hoped perhaps her announcement would be met by the love of a parent. Had feared exactly what was now true. He was angry. A cold anger held him in place, clenching his fists, freezing his gaze over until she could hardly look at him. A vein pulsed along his neck, wrapped in a collared shirt and made civil by a a tie of red, blue and black stripes. She didn't recognize him; he was a stranger now.
She glanced down at her plate, her breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast and juice barely touched. Her bag sat near her feet, ready to be grabbed on the way out the door to classes. When she looked up again he was still staring at her. Her lips parted but he spoke first and she flinched internally, each word a dagger. Her eyes watered and scalding tears flowed down her face.
She had wondered and worried and imagined and hoped and feared. But now she had her answer.
"I want you out of this house by the time I get home from work." He didn't wait for a response but took a final sip of coffee, got up and picked up his briefcase which had been resting on the counter near the door. He didn't look back and the door closing behind in the softest click echoed in Makoto's head.
She woke to the sensation of a furry animal rubbing itself against her exposed lower legs. While sleeping she had apparently kicked the sheets away from her feet. Dawn was here, she noted, and its meager light displayed to her an unfamiliar ceiling. But it did not take long for last night, yesterday and all the yesterdays before to coming rushing back. She blinked slowly. She hardly ever dreamt about that scene anymore; it had been over two years since that morning actually occurred. A heavy sigh curled itself into to air; hanging right above her lips for a moment before it was washed away by the stir of air Shizuku created when she opened the bedroom door. Unknowingly Shizuku had come to her rescue again.
"Oh! You're up!" Makoto sat up quickly in the spare futon and looked over her best friend. Shizuku appeared in better health though she did not look fully one hundred percent.
"Yeah...thought I should get up and feed Mushi at least." The cat heard its name and padded over to Shizuku who bent and gathered the animal into her arms. A moment passed, Shizuku looking everywhere but Makoto before finally making eye contact. A small hopeful smile formed on Makoto's lips.
"Thanks for coming by and taking care of me," Shizuku said, her tone soft with gratefulness, her cheeks appearing softer with a tint of pink.
Makoto allowed her smile to blossom into a grin, "What are friends for? Why don't you go take a shower? I'll feed Mushi and make breakfast."
"Yeah, that sounds about right, I'll leave you to the hard labor," Shizuku smirked before turning away. And in that instant they were back to the friends they were before. Shizuku could not take back her confession but it was up to both of them to move on from there.
Ami closed the gate behind her and turned in time to noticed Hino-san across the street with Kumi. All her life Ami was the shy, reserved type, unlike her friend Tsukino Usagi. In school Usagi was a bright, warm and fun being who attracted many friends, male and female alike. At some point Ami had found herself pulled into Usagi's group of friends and although she would be forever shy because it was in her nature, thanks to Usagi Ami had become more outgoing though she still did prefer the company of animals over people. But the turn of events since she started working at the clinic made her want to shake things up a bit, especially since meeting Kino Makoto-san.
"Ohayo, Hino-san!" She called out across the street and Kumi barked in response before Hino san could. The dark-haired woman laughed at Kumi's antics as she waved to Ami.
"Ohayo, Mizuno-sensei!"
Ami checked the road for oncoming traffic before she crossed the street. It was a quiet morning, many of the occupants of the western-styled houses were just getting up or having breakfast. Hino-san smiled at her widely when she drew close and Ami's cheek pinked when she noticed a mark on the side of the woman's graceful neck.
Aino-san's doing, I presume. Hino-san quickly arranged her hair to cover the view of the area when she noticed Ami's glance, though not without a blush of her own. Ami figured the woman thought she might be able to walk Kumi early without having to go an extra length to hide the kiss mark.
"I didn't mean to disturb your walk with Kumi, so I won't keep you for long. I'm thinking of having a dinner party this weekend. Are you and Aino-san free? And of course you can bring Kumi, I'm sure she'll love playing with Jack." Kumi barked and cocked her head to the side as she heard her name.
"I think it's a great idea Mizuno-sensei. I would love to go and I'm sure Minako would as well."
"Wonderful!" Ami beamed happily, "I'll message you with the details later." Out of habit she glanced at her wristwatch,"Oh, I have to get going now."
"Sure, talk to you later!" Hino-san looked quite pleased at the invitation as she walked off with Kumi in the lead and Ami was glad she decided to be spontaneous for once. Though she couldn't help but feel like a voyeur upon noticing Hino-san's neck.
Not your business, she said to herself and truly meant it, though at the same time she couldn't help but feel envious of the woman. Sooner or later though she was hoping to get to that stage with Kino-san. Well, I'd like for it to be sooner rather than later, Ami smiled to herself as she turned onto the main road and headed towards the train station. She found herself humming under her breath thinking how good the day already felt as she walked down the street, drops of daydreams melting inside her.
To be continued.
P.s. Your reviews encourage me so do feel free to leave one! ;)