Aziraphale carried Crowley back into the bedroom. There was a demon shaped scorch mark where Crowley had toasted the sheets. Aziraphale would have to replace the mattress later. He laid Crowley down on the bed and lay beside him.
"I'm sorry," Aziraphale said. "I shouldn't have left you." Crowley didn't answer so Aziraphale continued, "I just thought you would be all right by yourself for longer. You looked just fine when I left."
Crowley sighed and held Aziraphale's hand. "Don't say anything."
"Just not now, okay?"
Crowley looked horrible, his skin dry and flaky. He just stared at the ceiling without actually seeing it. Aziraphale had never seen him like this. The prospect of him dying scared him more than anything he had ever encountered. It was then that he realized that he would do anything if it meant having Crowley by his side.
"I'm going to go get my bag," Aziraphale said. "I'm going to fix this."
Crowley squeezed his hand and let him go. It was only a short distance to the door where he had thrown his bag but by the time Aziraphale got back Crowley's fever had already spiked. He crawled into bed again hoping the skin contact would help.
"What did you bring?" Crowley asked wearily. When Aziraphale produced a vial of liquid from the bag, he recognized it almost immediately. "Crap, where did you get that?"
"I have a friend in heaven who keeps a collection of demonic items so we know what we're up against. Know thy enemy they say."
"Yes well I know quite a few demons who would give up their horns for just a single swig of that stuff and you're just walking around with a whole bottle of it!"
"I didn't know it was that rare."
"It's not so much rare as it is controlled. The higher ups don't want just anyone having that. Did you know that you need at the very least two people for it to work?"
"Um, no… is there a way I can do it?"
Crowley blinked and started to laugh.
"What?" asked Aziraphale. "What are you laughing at?"
"I'm just trying to imagine you using that."
"What do you mean?" asked Aziraphale smiling.
Aziraphale's smile electrified him. In those vibrant eyes he was the only person in the world. For once Crowley was glad his skin was already red. That way Aziraphale couldn't see him blush. He sneered and looked away
"That stuff taps into a very, um, human source of energy."
"Like?" prompted Aziraphale.
"Well, it forcefully transforms a demon's body temporarily into a more well-equipped human form that heals wounds and makes them incredibly strong."
"That's good then? It will cure you?"
"And it gives them a raging hard on that lasts as long as the amount used."
"Oh," Aziraphale said blankly. He wasn't sure how to react.
"If I drank that whole vial, I'd be an unstoppable juggernaut for weeks. The downside would be that I would be blinded by lust almost the entire time."
"This is all secondhand knowledge, but supposedly it makes you take on the form best suited to your human victims. It's all based on who knows what. That stuff is so hard to come by that no one knows much about it and the people who do aren't telling."
"But will it work?" Aziraphale asked cutting to the crux of the matter. "Is it safe?"
Crowley shrugged. "It's fine in small doses though don't quote me on that."
Aziraphale unscrewed the top. It smelled like fermented garbage.
"Hey! Don't do that!" Crowley shouted. "I don't know what could happen to an angel!"
"It seems fine to me, stinky but not too bad."
"Just put the top back on." Crowley tried lamely to take the bottle from him. "You shouldn't be messing with stuff like that. Look, just take me someplace with humans. I'll take a swig, defile some people, and be back to normal before you know it."
"I can't just let you rape innocent people!"
"Fine, take me to a prison or something."
"If what you say is true then you could become so powerful that you could kill an ordinary human doing this."
"Yeah that's usually how it goes."
"No, I want to help you," Aziraphale said firmly clutching the vial. "I can do it. It's my fault you're like this. If drinking this bottle is how I can return what I took from you then so be it."
Crowley sighed. "You shouldn't… You don't need that."
"But you do. I can't just watch you die."
"I'll be fine," Crowley lied.
"No you won't. You're barely alive now. If you need me to have sex with you then I will."
"It shouldn't be like this," said Crowley looking straight into Aziraphale's eyes. "Don't you get it?"
"I know… I know, but I'm okay with it. This is important." Aziraphale cupped his hand onto Crowley's dry cheek.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
Crowley looked into Aziraphale's eyes for a long time.
"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."
Aziraphale carefully dropped a sing bead of liquid onto his finger.
"It doesn't look all that menacing. Are you ready?"
"Why are you asking me?"
The stuff started to dribble down Aziraphale's finger. He caught it with his tongue fretfully and held it in his mouth. It took tremendous willpower to swallow and not vomit afterwards.
He looked over at Crowley and suddenly all he wanted was to be in those arms. He draped himself over the demon's shoulders and kissed him deeply.
"You taste like… bad curry," said Crowley. "Are you okay?"
Aziraphale grinned slyly. "I feel… I don't know but I feel it a lot." He looked down at his body which was slowly changing. "Why am I growing breasts and a penis?"
"I suppose it's because demons are genderless," said Crowley. "The drug must assume you need to be both."
Aziraphale measured out another drop and fed it to Crowley who gagged but swallowed.
"That stuff tastes like ass!"
The drug had fully transformed Aziraphale. He had the body of a voluptuous woman but also a boner that looked painfully urgent.
"It might take a while for me to transform," said Crowley. "I may be genderless but I still have a digestive track. You can take me up the ass while we wait."
At first Aziraphale looked like he wasn't going to take the offer but his dick was very persuasive. He kissed Crowley passionately. His hands drew themselves autonomously down the demon's chest and over the parts that had only started to become both female and male. Aziraphale pressed his fingers into Crowley's asshole. The drug had made him loose and ready. Aziraphale slowly slipped his cock inside and moaned.
"I can't stand this. Can I go?"
"Please do!"
Aziraphale started moving. The demon moaned as he finally got the attention he needed. He pumped it deep down to the root and came almost immediately.
"What already?"
"But I'm still hard."
Blinded by cursed lust, the angel forced himself into Crowley's ass with an evil grin. It was a side of Aziraphale that Crowley had never seen before and he liked it. He squeezed down on the angel's cock and made him come again.
"You're coming a lot," chuckled Crowley. "It's almost as if you've never…" Something sharp sliced through the fog of heated pleasure. "Damn!" Crowley wrestled Aziraphale under him and attempted to keep his brains in his head. "You told me you'd done this before!"
"Celibacy, remember?" Aziraphale said condescendingly. He gripped both their dicks and rubbed them together.
"Stop that!" Crowley said the words but his body wouldn't back him up. "You lied to me!"
"I didn't lie. I said I had been intimate."
"Aziraphale! Listen to me! Crap, why do your hands feel so soft? Let go! I'm trying to think."
"Good luck with that when you're so hard."
Crowley grimaced, trying to control himself even though he knew it would be in vain. He pinned himself against Aziraphale and ground uselessly against his stomach.
"You're an angel," he said as he failed to stop his hips. "Even if you're not a virgin, it's still a big sin to have sex with someone other than your spouse! Why didn't I think of this before? You could fall or worse!"
The angel nodded vaguely at him. Crowley cursed at his inability to control himself. In the whirlwind of his mind, he grasped at the only thing he could think of.
"Tell me you love me."
"I love you," said Aziraphale offhandedly.
"No not like that. Like this."
Crowley gathered him up in his arms and released the love inside of him that he had held onto so fiercely while Aziraphale was away. He let it loose straight into the angel's heart. The response he got was phenomenal. Suddenly it wasn't just sex anymore. A deeper connection formed as the dark emotions melded with the light in a surge of power and joy.
Aziraphale fell backwards. The weight of the demon on top of him made him feel so human, so weak.
"Thanks, I needed that."
"You have to do the honorable thing, Aziraphale. You'll fall if you don't."
"And what will happen to you when hell finds out you've married an angel? I'd rather become a fallen angel than cause you that sort of pain."
"No, the same goes for you, maybe even more so because heaven won't be able to ignore you now that you have mutant wings. All the saints would roll in their graves if they knew that the newest archangel since forever has fallen on the same day he got his wings. At least I'm still a nobody. You have to marry me, Aziraphale."
"Please don't ask me that."
"Would you?"
"It doesn't matter! We're already having sex! I'm already as good as dead!"
"Sex has been a part of marriage rituals since the beginning. You should still be okay if you get married now. Think about it. If the circumstances were different, if there was nothing in our way, what would you say?"
"I don't know… I…"
"You would say yes."
Aziraphale made an affirmative grunt.
"Now say the vows."
"But I'm not quali—"
"You're an archangel! You are literally the most qualified person next to God himself to minister a wedding. Please be quick. I can't hold out much longer."
Aziraphale looked deep into Crowley's pleading eyes and came to a decision.
"Do you, Crowley, take me to be your lawfully wedded um…" he glanced down at his hermaphroditic body and settled on "husband? Do you promise to love and cherish me until death do we part?"
"I do. And do you promise the same?"
"I do."
The second the words were out of Aziraphale's mouth Crowley slammed his cock all the way into him and came forcefully, but he couldn't get enough. His tongue and hands sent waves of dark desire through Aziraphale's body. It filled him up and made his arms and legs feel heavy. Every tiny movement made his wings twitch with anticipation.
Crowley growled in hungry delight. The angel nuzzled up against Crowley affectionately. The look in those red eyes made Aziraphale's heart beat faster. That demonic lust flowed through him.
Crowley was affected by the contact as well. Love bubbled inside of him. He wanted Aziraphale to touch him more. He wanted him to feel the sort of euphoric climax that he had never truly felt before. He wanted him to look at him with those eyes that could see the good in him. He wanted that fluffy winter mint love that threatened to make him vomit with its sweetness. He wanted to stay inside Aziraphale forever.
"You're so tight. My dick feels amazing!"
The words made Aziraphale's wings stiff and his cock twitch. He never knew that a demon's vulgar words could make him feel so good. He wanted so much more.
"Say it," he said greedily. "Tell me you love me."
Crowley looked deep into the angel's blue eyes. He let himself drown in the intoxicating light.
"I love you."
The sluice gates inside Crowley opened and a flood of his own personal love gushed out into Aziraphale, mixing with the other energies in his body and creating something he had never felt before. Aziraphale gave in to an overpowering need that he had avoided for so long. He pushed Crowley down onto his back and mounted him. He kissed him fully, his own hidden lust leaking out of him and coating his skin with pleasure. The light and the dark equalized between them creating a powerful whirlpool that held them together.
Aziraphale slid Crowley's cock into his pussy and the otherworldly pressure increased. Crowley's hands were all over him as he pumped his hips up and down. His wings, legs, and lips felt like they were on fire. The heat was so intense that his dick felt like it was melting between them.
Crowley kissed and licked every inch of Aziraphale's skin he could reach. His dick felt fantastic inside Aziraphale's tight pussy. He never wanted him to stop. He kneaded the sensitive skin around his wings in attempt to spur the angel into greater intensity. He savored the taste of Aziraphale's mouth. How much lust had he been holding inside? There seemed to be no end to it.
Aziraphale had never felt anything like the love that Crowley aimed at him. It pulled him down in waves. He started to change the rhythm of his hips to match the waves. The pleasure rose and drew intensity through Crowley faster than before. Aziraphale drained him and filled him each time he brought his hips up and down.
Crowley let go of himself. He would let Aziraphale have everything if it meant he would continue moving that sweet tight pussy of his.
"I'm gonna come!" Crowley gasped.
"Hold it in. I'm not ready yet."
Crowley tried but he knew he couldn't hold back for long. He snaked his tail between them and rubbed against Aziraphale's cock. The extra friction made the angel moan loudly.
"Oh that feels so good."
Aziraphale altered his position so Crowley's tail could reach him better. It coiled tightly around his hard dick and stroked him roughly. Crowley couldn't stand it anymore. He came hard inside Aziraphale's pussy and pumped his tail until Aziraphale came as well. Sparks filled his brain as all his tension was released at once.
"This is so much better than anything else I have ever felt in my whole life, and I don't say that lightly."
"Me too."
The effect of the curse lasted only a half hour. The rest of the time was just the both of them pretending it hadn't worn off.
"This sort of thing just doesn't happen," said Aziraphale as he cuddled Crowley afterwards. "Angels don't just grow extra wings. It would be like a cherub becoming an angel."
"I thought that's what happened. Aren't cherubs baby angels?"
"Not really. They're different, like animals almost. They're the prototypes for human children. They never age and never mature. A cherub becoming an angel would be like a hellhound suddenly becoming a demon. It just doesn't happen."
"I don't know. I've met some pretty smart hellhounds before and some pretty stupid demons. Maybe the line between them isn't so clear cut. You said archangels were created with special knowledge and abilities. Maybe you've gained that knowledge? I don't know. It's not important right now. The important question now is, did you mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"When you said we were married, did you mean it?"
"I… what kind of question is that?" Aziraphale asked blushing.
"One that needs to be answered. Did you really mean it or was it just the drugs?"
"I… I love you Crowley, but I don't want to force you to do anything you don't really want. It's okay, you don't have to be with me—"
"Did you mean it?"
"… I did. I'm sorry."
Crowley wrapped his arms around Aziraphale and gently held him.
"I meant it too."