He hated being back at basecamp where he was the junior officer for every ranking officer to use and kick around the base purely for their pleasure. He had been in command of a firebase for crying out loud, if only for a few days, but here he was nothing; just the dirt on the bottom of the other officer's boots.

Lieutenant Goldman had been at Chu Lai for only one day and had been given enough paperwork to last him a life time. He could feel the beginnings of a headache as his eyes strained in the diminishing daylight. He switched on the lamp of the small desk and located his glasses from his footlocker.

He still had four reports to complete. He rubbed his temples absent minded. Looking around the hootch he couldn't help but notice how alone he felt. Two other 2nd lieutenants had been using the hootch when he arrived only to quickly relocate to another hootch. He got the message; no one wanted to share their quarters with a Jewish junior officer whose father was a general. He couldn't wait to return to firebase Ladybird.

His platoon was located on the other side of the base where the sergeant major was in charge of duty assignments. He had made the mistake of asking him to go easy on his men as they had been through some tough weeks of rebuilding the firebase, as well as regular patrols, after its destruction under Captain Larry Heath. The sneering smile the sergeant major gave him sent off alarm bells. The lieutenant had made an enemy and he knew that his men were going to pay.

Lieutenant Colonel Dalby had promised Myron a two day pass but he arrived only to be informed that the Lt. Colonel was away on leave and had left no instructions on his promised pass. He sighed as he lit another cigarette. He knew he needed to cut back on his smoking but somehow he found his only vice comforting. His stomach reminded him he hadn't eaten all day so he decided to take a break and get some supper.

The officer's mess was empty but for a couple of 1st lieutenants. Myron quietly made his way down the food line, choosing carefully. He sat down and ate glancing briefly at the two lieutenants who were laughing. He wondered how he could feel so alone on this large base yet never be alone on Ladybird.

"Reports finished already lieutenant?" Major Dobson stood just in the doorway of the mess. Myron looked up as he was about to take another forkful of his meal. He quickly swallowed and cleared his throat as he rose from his seat.

"No sir. I still have four reports to complete, sir." He stood at attention.

"Well I suggest you get back to them." Myron swallowed, glanced at his unfinished meal and accepted his fate.

"Yes sir." He picked up his tray and placed it in the assigned washing area. He turned and saluted the major before leaving the mess. 'Great…just great…not only was he being worked to death but they were going to starve him as well.' He trudged back to his hootch to continue the reports. It was 11.30pm when he finally handed in the completed reports.

A tired, hungry and despondent Lieutenant Goldman walked back to his hootch. He had his head down trying to keep the base lights out of his eyes. His headache was pounding his tired brain and his fingers were cramping from writing. He never thought he would look forward to spending time in the bush in preference to the base. He hadn't even had a chance to check on his men.

He turned the corner only to come face to face with the two 1st lieutenants from the mess and the two 2nd lieutenants from his hootch. "Going somewhere lieutenant?"

"Yes sir to my hootch." Myron eyed the four officers warily.

"Oh I don't think so." One of the 1st lieutenants stepped closer to Myron, crowding him.

Myron frowned; they were in country surely junior officer initiations didn't take place here. He tensed when both 2nd lieutenants grabbed his arms. He struggled until one of the 1st lieutenants grabbed his chin forcing his head up. "You think you're better than us just because your father's a general. Well I got news for you; you're nothing here but our pussy to do with as we please."

Myron struggled harder but he was pinned and couldn't break free. He was about to bring his legs up to kick the lieutenant holding his chin when he felt a searing blow to the back of his knees. He went down.

"Now that's better, on your knees begging us to let you go."

Myron remained silent and glared at the lieutenant holding his chin. His headache was so intense that he was starting to feel sick. He had to do something fast; he knew he was in trouble here and things could get very ugly quickly.

He threw up…..all over the 1st lieutenant's boots.

Letting go of Myron's chin he jumped back in disgust. The distraction was enough to cause the two 2nd lieutenants to loosen their hold on Myron's arms. Myron twisted and broke his hold. Ignoring his nauseous stomach and pounding head, he quickly elbowed and punched, and ran.

Myron grabbed his webbing and rifle from his hootch and made his way quickly over to one of the bunkers. He was in luck. Marcus Taylor was on night sentry duty. As Myron jumped into the bunker, Taylor turned and pointed his rifle, startled.

"LT!" Taylor shouted in a loud whisper. He swallowed his eyes wide.

"Taylor." Myron said calmly, hiding his fear. "Thought I'd join you. Couldn't sleep."

"Sure sir." Taylor turned back, pointing his rifle out towards the boundary of the base. He furrowed his eyebrows together. "I didn't think officers did sentry duty….sir."

Myron chose to ignore Taylor's statement. His emotions were still raw; he had the taste of fear in his mouth. His hands shook as he tried to calm himself. "How was your day Taylor?"

"Not good sir. That sergeant major had us doing all the worst jobs possible on this base." Taylor screwed up his face in disgust; all the time keeping a watchful eye out.

"Join the club Taylor." Myron said resignedly as he leaned back against the bunker wall. Taylor stole a glance at his LT. He wondered what was really going on with his LT.

"I thought you had a two day pass sir." Taylor glanced again at his lieutenant.

"So did I Taylor….so did I." Myron closed his eyes feeling safe with his specialist. He still had four more days on this base. Taylor kept a watchful eye over the base and his lieutenant.

Myron was scared. When he was a young boy he had listened in on some of his father's conversations with visiting fellow officers; Junior Officer's being brutally initiated into the army, the bigotry that undermined authority. Not only was he a junior officer whose commanding officer was on leave but he was Jewish…he was screwed.