Chapter 22: The End?

Cammie Morgan was beyond pissed right now.

"Zachary Goode."

She slammed the front door to their apartment open, the door hitting the wall with a loud, resonant bang.

"How the hell do you have dinner with my father, who- I might add- is a diagnosed psychopathic life-ruiner, and have the nerve to bring not one, but two of my deranged brothers along with you? I swear, Zachary, when I find you I'm going to slap you so hard…"

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

"Zachary Goode, I am calling your name for one last time and if you don't show yourself, I will personally carve your eyes out."

"But honey, I just made apple pie."

"I don't give two shits about your damned apple pie."

Zach looked at her, half afraid and half amused. And of course, 'that stupid smirk' was planted firmly on his lips, mocking her.

"Now, I think that's a lie."

"I'm going to kill you and cut your balls off."

"Now, I know that's a lie."

Cammie tossed her bag onto the sofa, sighing. "My brother is an asshole."

Zach grinned at her, knowing she'd given up. She was out of gas. (Cammie was never really good at fighting.)

"I know."

"I blame it on you."

Zach placed a hand on his heart in mock hurt. "Come on, Gallagher Girl. Have a little faith in me."

"Nick's an asshole," she reiterated.

"No he's not," Nick said, entering the apartment, hanging up his coat. "I've been the coolest brother you're ever going to get, Camster," he said, ruffling her hair.

"Wrong!" Grant said, walking out of a room. "I'm obviously the coolest one. Right, Cams?"

Cammie groaned. "I told you it was a bad idea to buy a flat with all of them. They're borderline psychopathic."

Zach grinned. "You still have me."

"That's no consolation."

He pouted, pulling her onto his lap. "I bet I can change your mind," he whispered, kissing the base of her neck.

Meanwhile, Grant and Nick were being brothers, making hearts with their hands and giving them air kisses. It was terrifying, but Cammie wasn't really paying attention.

Zach continued his ministrations, sliding his arms around her. "Come on, admit it."

"Ugh, you're annoying," she said, pushing off him, but her (blushing) face gave it away. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I come?" Zach said cheekily.

Cammie laughed, walking away.

"I didn't hear a no!" he yelled.


As it turns out, Rachel wasn't the one either.

Her hair wasn't right, or her laugh seemed a bit off- it just didn't work. There was nothing Grant could've done to make it last, no matter what he tried.

And, as it turns out- neither was Josh. (Though it was for entirely different reasons. Josh had a business venture out in Dublin one July weekend and discovered that he had a long-lost sister.)

So there they sat, Bex and Grant (not BexAndGrant, unfortunately), not talking- just staring at their shoes. (Well, Grant wasn't wearing any, since he'd just woken up and- Anyways, minor detail. On with the story.)

"Look, I don't want it to be awkward-", they said at the same time. Looking at each other (for the first time in four months, believe it or not), they shared a small smile. And, unfortunately, things had taken a turn for the awkward.

"You first," Grant said assuredly, if not sincerely.

"It's true, I don't want it to be awkward, Grant. But I don't think it's ever going to be normal for us, and I think-"

"There's an 'us'?" he inquired.

"As Cammie puts it, 'There always will be', but I say she's delusional."

Grant laughed. "Well, she's dating Zach, so there's always been a good amount of delusion in her veins. Probably contracted something from Zach."

"Anyways," Bex said, smiling, "I think that's it's impossible to ignore the whole tension thing, as Macey puts it, so-"

"There's tension?"

Bex rolled her eyes. "Would you stop interrupting me?"

He smiled, gesturing for her to continue.

"So," she said, rather timidly, which was (extremely) odd, because Bex Baxter is never timid, "do you think we could try it all over again? I mean, I know it's hard to do, because we always seem to yell, which- don't get me wrong, usually ends up pretty well for us- if you know what I mean (and Grant did know what she meant)," she stopped to take a breath, looking up at him. She couldn't tell if he was happy or mad or just confused- his expression remained passive. "Grant, I just want this to work," she breathed out, relieved that she had finally (after two weeks) gotten it out.

He gently took her hand, looking earnestly into her eyes. "Then we'll make it work," he said, smiling down at her.


"What I don't understand," Cammie said, staring down at Macey, "is why you didn't tell us."

"What was there to tell?" Macey said, exasperated. Nick sat next to her, holding her hand. (It was actually more of Macey grabbing onto him to a point where his fingers turned snow white, but again- minor detail.)

Bex scoffed. "Uh, the bloody fact that you're to be married? That's quite a thing to spring upon someone."

"I didn't spring anything onto you guys! You waltzed in here!"

Liz picked up one of the magazines, studying various shades of cornflower blue. "We were bound to find out sometime, Mace."

"What I don't understand," Cammie said (again, her surprise was causing her to become a bit repetitive), "is why you're getting married to Nick."

"Hey! That's your brother that you're talking about, you know," Nick protested.

"Well, you're not much of a brother- Oh my god." Cammie stopped short, looking at Macey. "He's my brother."

"Okay, Cam. I know you like to make fun of me, but-"

"Mace, he's my brother and that means- if you two get married, however much disgusted I will be," at which point Nick began protesting again, "-sisters."

Macey's eyes started welling up. "Oh my gosh, Cam. We are, aren't we? We're going to be sisters," she whispered, overcome with joy.

"I'm starting to get the feeling that Camster here is getting the better end of the wedding," Nick said, smiling, before engulfing his two favorite girls into a hug.


A/N: Two words: I'm sorry.

Three words: New chapter's up.

Four words: I think you've noticed.

Five words: Hope you guys like it.

Six words: Again, I'm really really really sorry.

Seven words: It's getting a little wordy- I know.

Eight words: Slightly happy ending, right? Yes, it's the end.

Nine words: Yes, I was planning an ending for a while.

Ten words: The Model Within has been so much fun to write.

Eleven words: Maybe an epilogue about the wedding, but really- the end.

Twelve words: I want to thank everyone who has followed through with all this.

Thirteen words: I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you guys. Really.

Two words: Thank you.

Two words: SO much.

Two words: The End.

One word: really.
