A/N: Well, you guys, I decided to do this...thing. It's a parody of the This Day Aria from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. So, ENJOY! (My God, two fics [well, a fic update and a fic] in one week?! Can I break my record?!) I don't own WIR, Disney does. I also don't own My Little Pony, Hasbro does.

Turbo stood in the Hero's Duty room that served as Sergeant Calhoun's quarters, admiring the form he had taken. She was lovely, he had to admit, and toned to boot. But she was still no match for him. Now she was somewhere in the dungeon of Hero's Duty, what cell exactly he'd had her put in, he couldn't recall. He laughed, looking at the mirror at his blonde, tall reflection, her eyes glowing his trademark yellow.

This day will be turbotastic,

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since year one,

Every gamer will gather 'round,

Say I look great in this gown…

What they don't know is my revenge has just begun!

He had to admit, as well, that she had a lovely singing voice.

Meanwhile, Calhoun was trying to find a way out. The ex-racer had her hidden in the catacombs under Hero's Duty, where she had to be careful not to touch any of the cybug eggs. These hadn't gone 'live' quite yet, wouldn't respond to the minimal programming directions they were given, and if she was bitten by one she was toast.

This day would have been so fantastic,

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since day one,

But instead of having fun,

With all my friends, everyone,

My wedding bells may never ring for me at all.

Vanellope, her bridesmaid, was worriedly rushing through the clutches of cybug eggs, careful herself not to step on them as she and Calhoun searched for the cruiser that would bring them to Felix. "Ohh, where did he put it?" The sergeant groaned as she tossed rocks away, the elusive hoverboard still unseen.

Turbo, still in the blonde sergeant's body, stared at her reflection, then at the other outfits behind him.

I couldn't care less about this dress,

I won't have one slice of cake…

And I promise I'll be lying when I say,

That through any kind of storm,

I'll be there to keep him warm!

The truth is I can't stand him at all!

No I do not love the groom,

In my life there is no room!

But he still will be all mine!

With Felix as his husband, the arcade would follow him without question. Felix was the ultimate Good Guy, and Turbo would have him easily swayed. The carpenter would be wrapped around his finger.

We must escape before the night,

Find a way to make things right…

Oh, I'll be lying if I say

I don't fear that I would lose him

To one who would abuse him,

Not love, cherish, and adore him every day!

For I oh so love the groom,

All my love he does consume,

Oh, Fix-it Felix,

I'll be there very soon!

Calhoun struggled to move the cruiser, as it was held down under the corpses of several cybugs. "Come ON!" She groaned, finally dislodging it and powering it up. She and Vanellope hopped on and headed towards the mouth of the cave.

Finally the time I need is near,

To become the one they all will fear…

He laughed as he placed the tiara on her head. Any moment now, he would marry Felix, and he could take over the arcade. The hero's game would be put out of commission.

Oh the wedding we won't make,

He'll end up making a mistake,

Oh, Fix-it Felix will be…

Turbo grinned as Felix turned, his normally-blue eyes turned yellow by the virus' effects.

Mine! All mine!