Sonic the Hedgehog

The Second Chapter


Sinclair Stories™




-Just so nobody is confused, here's some important information regarding this story's contents-

Rating: M+ - Explicit Sexual Content, Drug Use, Language, and Extreme Violence and Gore

Main P.O.V – Sonic the Hedgehog -

Character Set: Video Game Version -

Universe: Parallel Set Sector #184574, Year 2403 A.D. -




"Said Aloud"



Body hair equivalents

Quills – Head hair

Fur – body hair

Skin – Skin




Four years after Sonic finally captured Eggman and brought him to justice of the full extent of the law, we find him building the perfect life he'd always dreamt of achieving. Having settled down with his sweetheart, Amy Rose, he supports her and their children Aayan and Sophia with his job in the police department. He serves them as a true guardian of Station Square, patrolling the streets and keeping them safe from common criminals. Something seems amiss, however, when a series of brutal murders take place in his city, causing him to swiftly become stressed. Worried for his family, using the skills he acquired from years of service, he must track down the killer and put a stop to the torment this mysterious figure is causing the people. As he does, he uncovers the identity of this maniac, and his own tragic past.




Chapter 1

Happy Anniversary




(Sonic the Hedgehog's P.O.V.)

[3:30 P.M.]

[Date- Saturday, July 15]

[Location- Sonic and Amy's Townhouse]



"Sonikku!" Amy soared across the room and literally leapt at me as soon as I walked through the front door, tackling me to the ground with a thud. "Oh jeez, Ames…" I rubbed my head as she laughed then stood back up, proceeding to help me to my feet as well. "What are you holding behind your back, Sonic?" I smiled wider than I already was and just revealed the bouquet of roses, receiving an instant reaction from her. "Oh how beautiful!" She sniffed their scent as I straightened the bent ones from her unexpected love attack. "You thought I'd forget didn't you?" I asked, making her cheeks blush lightly. "Happy anniversary, baby." She giggled then wrapped her arms around me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I was hoping you wouldn't forget, Sonic." I rolled my eyes and kissed her back, getting a bit deeper than she initially did. "You know I wouldn't forget something as special as this, Amy." She grinned and took the flowers from me. "What kind are they?"

After gazing at her body for a bit longer, I let go of her then loosened my tie, taking my police cap off and placing it on the hat rack as I replied "The florist called them… umm… Sedona? Some sort of Hybrid Tea Rose." She smelled them one more time before walking to the kitchen to get the same vase she puts every bouquet of flowers I've ever gotten her in. "I love them, Sonikku, thank you so much for getting them." I smiled and kicked off my shoes, noticing at the same time I was beginning to feel a bit tired from my long day at work. "Oh, you're welcome honey, how where the kids today?" On cue, Aayan ran down the stairs yelling my name. "Daddy!" I laughed as he tripped coming down the last step but caught himself by rolling into a ball. "Whoa… Slow down, buddy!" He laughed then stood back up with a smile. "You're home!"

He ran over to me as fast as he could and grabbed my leg. "Mommy is being a meanie." I looked over at Amy as she spun around with her hands on her hips. "Aayan… is being bad." I chuckled then picked him up, throwing him over my shoulders as he climbed up and held onto my ears. "Oh-uh" I responded to what Amy had said while walking to the kitchen with him on top of me. "What did you do Aayan?" Amy turned back to the sink and filled the vase with water before gently placing the roses inside it. "Nothing, Mommy was just being mean." She gave him the eye and pointed at him. "No… I don't think so… Mr. Aayan here decided he was going to draw on the walls with his crayons again." I shook my head and picked him up off my shoulders, setting him back on the floor as he stuck his tongue out at her. "Aayan, now you know better than to do something like that." He looked up at me and replied "But I couldn't find any paper."

I crossed my arms and just stared at him; still a little stunned he'd do something like that at his age. "Did you even ask?" He hung his head and kicked at the floor. "N-No…" He looked back up at me as I raised my eyebrows. "So you just drew on the walls?" He turned back to the ground as his face flushed from embarrassment. "Yes sir…" I shook my head again and ruffled his quills. "Don't cause trouble for your mother, Aayan… Now, go get your sister." He smiled as if I'd gotten him off the hook of being in trouble then scurried off, running back up the stairs to do as I said. "Ugh… He was throwing the worst tantrum earlier." Amy said as I walked closer and enveloped her in a hug from behind. "He can be a handful sometimes, Ames… a lot more talkative than Sophia is that's for sure." She turned around in my arms and leaned back against the counter. "But at least he learned how to use the potty, which I bet you're grateful for... Mr. 'I'm going to count every diaper change'."

I laughed and kissed her smooth ruby lips. "You better believe it, thankfully, we don't even have to change Sophia's diapers now… So that's two pluses to go in my book." She giggled while unbuttoning my collar and sliding the tie all the way out before going down to rub my shoulders. "How was work?" I sighed and held her a little closer. "Not very fun, someone got shot down on Baileys Boulevard over in the supermarket parking lot." She furrowed her brow and kissed my jaw. "Why did Richard call you in for that?" She rubbed my shoulders harder in an attempt to relieve the day's accumulated stress as I responded "Because it was another Mobian." She stopped and stared at me with sad eyes. "That's the second one this month." I gave a nod as she unbuttoned the rest of my shirt for me. "I know, babe, I'm just hoping it isn't some serial killer twistedly obsessed with Mobians."

I smiled and pulled her up for one more kiss. "But don't worry about that right now, Ames, is Tails still coming over to pick-up the kids?" She ran her hands down my chest as she smiled. "Yeah, he's going to take them to see a movie and get some ice-cream then they'll sleep over in his workshop… He called about fifteen minutes ago and said he was going to be here in about twenty minutes, so he should be here any time." I gave a real naughty smirk and grabbed her rear. "Good… I was thinking… Maybe we'd go back to the Little Franche-Comté tonight?" She gazed up into my eyes and smiled. "Are you asking or are you telling me?" We both zoomed in and kissed deeply, slipping in a bit of tongue before I heard Aayan talk. "Eww, gross!" I pulled away as we both laughed, turning to see Aayan with Sophia wrapped around his back and hold onto his neck. "There's my purple girl!" I exclaimed, happy to see her awake for once. "How have you been today?"

She yawned in response and motioned for Amy to pick her up. "Still not talking? Did you just wake up from a nap?" Amy bent down and picked her up off Aayan. "Sophia… Daddy's talking to you, what do you say?" She looked at me with a blush and softly said "Today… was good…" I grinned at her shyness and stroked her quills back. "I see you're wearing your violet dress that mommy got you again." Amy giggled and rocked her gently. "I think it looks cute on her, it really matches her fur." Her face was flushed from embarrassment, making Aayan laugh at her. "Ha-ha, Sophia's red faced!" I spun around to make him stop ruining the moment and he bit his tongue. "Knock that off, young man, go put your shoes on and get ready for the movie." He quickly walked out of the kitchen to the front door and slid on his shoes just as the doorbell rang.

I sighed, smirked, then walked out of the kitchen to look through the peephole in the door. "Tails is here, babe." Once the locks were undone I opened the door and watched Tails give a small wave. "Hey, Sonic… Did you go to work today on a Saturday?" He motioned towards my uniform and I gave a nod. "Yeah, it's nothing I really want to talk about… Anyway, come on in." He walked in and I was about to close the door before I saw Cream jump down out of the old VTOL, brushing the hair on her long ears with a regular hairbrush. "Oh, hey Cream… I didn't know you came along too… Did you get a new dress?" She smiled and smoothed the wrinkles out of her skirt as she walked to the door. "Yes, Mr. Sonic… My old one got way too small for me to even use as a shirt so Mama got me this new one with a skirt...and I of course still had to go with my favorite color, Orange!" I closed the door after she walked inside but watched as she straight over to Tails, still making me smile after four years of them being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Tails looked around for a second as Amy complemented Cream's new dress. "Hey, Sonic, where's Aayan?" After a quick look around I simply banged on the wall for a second and yelled. "Aayan, what are you doing? You were just down here, where did you go?" In a flash he ran back downstairs with one of his action figures in his hand. "Uncle Tails!" He smiled and ran to Tails, jumping up in his arms to get a hug. "Hey, little man… Whatcha' got there?" Aayan held up his Action figure and moved its arms. "Superman! Daddy got him for me last week!" Tails smiled and sat Aayan back down as the cyan Hedgehog made the toy look like it was flying. "That's a really cool toy, Aayan… But are you ready to go see a movie?" He smiled and immediately ran to the door excitedly. "Yeah, can we fly there again!?" Tails laughed as Cream walked over to Amy. "Slow down there, champ, aren't you forgetting someone?"

Amy sat Sophia down as she held Cream's hand. "You're sister's coming with us to see the movie too." He made a face then turned around. "Aww man, can I at least sit with you Uncle? I want to fly again." Amy instantly jerked her head up at the thought that Tails let him fly, receiving a head shake from him to let her know he wasn't really letting him fly the VTOL. "You better not be flying around, Aayan, that's dangerous." He stuck his tongue out at her again like he loved to do since I do it then just laughed. "It's fun, Mom!" Amy rolled her eyes and gave Sophia a hug. "Well you just behave yourself for Uncle Tails, young man, and don't forget to watch out for your sister or you won't be getting any ice cream afterwards." He was about to stick his tongue out again but realized I was watching him. "Yes ma'am" I chuckled slightly at his stubbornness and shook Tails's hand, followed by bringing him into a brotherly hug. "Thanks for doing this for me, Tails." He smiled and hugged me back for a second before we both let go. "Of course, Sonic, it's no problem at all."

Cream opened the front door and slowly walked out with Sophia as Aayan raced towards the VTOL. "Come on, Uncle Tails!" Tails turned to him and waved. "I'll be there in a minute." I noticed Amy go upstairs so I smiled at Tails, glad I got the perfect chance to ask him without her around. "Did you get it?" He gave a nod and walked out towards the VTOL with me following. "Yep, Knuckles did a good job repairing it and negating all the energy from it… Though he swore it didn't appear to have any energy in the first place." He slid the windscreen back and Cream jumped up into the seat before I lifted myself up on the side to see Sophia in her lap and tell her goodbye. "Now you be good, pumpkin, and listen to your Aunt Cream and Uncle Tails okay?" She blushed and gave a small nod. "Yes Daddy." Cream buckled the safety harness around both herself and my daughter then responded "She will, she's always very well behaved and polite." I kept myself pulled up on the side of the VTOL and kissed Sophia on the cheek while gently brushing her quills back. "That's my baby girl." She blushed deeper and I smiled. "Okay, make sure you have them back sometime before tomorrow afternoon, Amy wanted to take them to the community pool so I could teach Aayan how to swim."

Tails laughed hard and flew up into the VTOL with Aayan in his arms. "Now how are you going to do that Sonic? You don't even know how to swim yourself." I rubbed the back of my neck and replied "That's what I told her, but she wants me to teach him so he doesn't have the fear." Aayan laughed and held onto the steering yoke of the VTOL as Tails buckled the safety harness around them. "I love the water, Uncle Tails!" Tails ruffled his quills and started pushing buttons to start up the turbines. "I don't think you'll have any problem teaching him how to swim if he loves the water… Oh, and here's the ring; just as I promised." He picked up a small black box off the dashboard and tossed it to me. "Thank you so much for getting this from Knuckles for me, Tails, I really appreciate it." He waved me off and pulled down on the yoke to lift off the ground slightly. "No problem, Sonic, have a good time with Amy." I shouted back as he rose higher into the sky. "I will, just try not to make out with Cream too much in the movie theater!" He lifted his middle finger playfully and I laughed as the windscreen slid closed and he switched to flight mode, proceeding to soar off into the distance while leaving me to walk back to the house.

I pocketed the small black case then turned to make my way back up the path and inside before I closed the door behind me. "Ames?" Instantly she yelled in response from upstairs that she was getting ready 'I hope she doesn't take too long to get ready.' I shrugged then walked up the stairs, passing Aayan and Sophia's room before I reached and opened our bedroom door, whistling at her when I saw she was only in her panties and bra. "Oh baby! Is that my anniversary present?" She giggled and pulled a beautiful one shoulder black cocktail dress out of the closet. "You're so pervy, Sonic… Are the kids gone?" I gave a few nods as I took my badge and nameplate off my uniform shirt, laying them down on my dresser while I slipped out of my uniform shirt next. "Yeah, we're alone… I told Tails to have them back before noon tomorrow since you wanted to go to the community pool." I threw my uniform shirt in the clothes hamper and turned to walk over to her before wrapped my arms around her again. "You never answered me about if you were my present." She smirked and ran her hands down my chest as she replied "Will you be disappointed if I'm not?"

I grinned and kissed her gently. "Maybe…" She smiled then rested her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Then I guess you'll have to wait until later tonight before you find out." I made a saddened grunt and she giggled. "Patience, fur-chest…" She ran her hands back up my chest and grabbed the thick patch of light brown fur before continuing "You've gotten really furry around here these past couple of years." I smiled as I rubbed her shoulders and replied "Do you not like it?" She looked up at me and kissed my jaw. "I never said that… In fact, I think it makes you look even more like a man." Her hand slid down my chest and momentarily slipped into my waistband. "Not that you weren't already a man." I laughed lightly and moved away before she could touch me further. "If I have to wait you do too." She smiled and took the clothes hanger out of her dress, getting ready to put it on. "What time did you make the reservation?"

I pulled a nice plain white dress shirt out of the closet and slipped it around my shoulders, quickly buttoning it all the way down. "Five o'clock sharp." She slid into her dress faster than I thought she would and swayed her hips on her way to the bathroom, teasing me purposely. "Oh, I'm so excited; Sonic, we haven't been back to the Little Franche-Comté since you proposed to me!" I tucked my shirt into my uniform pants and grabbed a blue tie out of the closet before walking into the bathroom. "Well… you know me; I wanted to do something special for my special girl." I swiftly tied my tie as she brushed her quills. "It's so nostalgic, Sonic, that place will really bring back a lot of memories." I finished with my tie and opened the medicine cabinet to grab my old cologne as she put on some lipstick. "Well here's something that should bring back even more memories… Good memories." I sprayed my cologne on my finger tips and slapped both sides of my neck.

She inhaled and turned to me as I dabbed my shirt with the scent then proceeded with washed my hands. "Sonikku… *Sniff**Sniff*… You very rarely use that cologne." I smiled as she walked closer and rubbed up against me, sniffing my neck. "Mmm… *Sniff*… It does bring back a lot of memories." I tilted her head up and she blushed. "Sonic?" I wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her up to me. "I love you, Amy." She put her lipstick down and smooched me, getting frisky from the aphrodisiac-like scent. "I love you too, Sonic." We held each other in an embrace for a few minutes, kissing and feeling each other's bodies lustfully. "It's been a while since we've done anything, Ames." She blushed harder and shoved me off her, obviously getting more aroused than she wanted to be. "Y-You'll just have to wait, Sonic…" I rolled my eyes and smacked her rear. "I hate waiting." She giggled and turned to me as I walked out and grabbed my comb out of my back pocket, slicking my quills back. "You made me wait a long time, Sonic." I smiled and grabbed my keys. "Yeah-Yeah, are you ready?" She applied a bit of blusher to her cheeks then turned off the bathroom light. "Yep, just got to choose which shoes I want to put on."

I playfully hung my head and threw my hands up. "Oh jeez, I guess we'll be here for another hour." She threw me a look as she put on her stockings. "Not funny, Sonic." She noticed me gawking at her as she slowly put on the last stocking and gave me a naughty smirk, getting up and bending over to pick up her shoes a bit longer than necessary. "Damn, Amy…" She raised her eyebrow at me as she strapped her high heels on. "You look absolutely… gorgeous." I stared at her as she walked over to her jewelry box and pulled open the drawer. "One last thing, can you help me with it?" She pulled out her open-heart necklace I got her for Christmas four years ago and held it up, making me smile wide.

"Sure…" I walked up behind her and grabbed both ends of the necklace, inhaling her feminine scent as I gently hooked the two ends together. "You know how to look so elegant, Amy, it really turns me on." She giggled and rubbed herself on my groin for a second before grabbing her purse and walking away. "I only do it for you Sonic; I don't care about what other men think." I straitened my pants and followed her down the stairs, checking to make sure the black case was still in my pocket as walked through the living room towards the door 'I can't forget to find the best moment to show her.' I pulled and held the front door open for her while as she walked past me. "Stunning" I said to her as she walked out, flashed me a smile which showed her perfect teeth and tiny fangs. "Absolutely dazzling." She blushed and slapped my arm. "Stop it, Sonic, you're embarrassing me." I closed the door and locked it. "Don't be embarrassed, it's true." We walked together out to the car and decided to act a bit romantic by opening the passenger door for her. "For my darling." She smiled at me and sat down, swinging her legs in before I closed it.

Whether or not it was a coincidence, I just happened to look and see Bradshaw coming around the street corner as I walked around the car and pulled open the driver's side door 'He's off earlier than I thought he'd get off.' I gave a wave to him then sat down, pushing the key in the ignition and starting up the engine as I closed the door. "Looks like Richard's home." Once I shifted into reverse I backed up out of the driveway and rolled down the window right as he stepped out of his Hummer. "Hey, old man, you're off early!" He groaned and pushed on his back as he closed the door. "Eh, where are you two going?" I moved over as Amy waved and replied "It's mine and Sonic's anniversary so we're going out to eat while the kids are away." He locked his hummer and started towards his door. "Oh really, well happy anniversary you two… Enjoy your night out." He momentarily waved back then turned around as I rolled the window back up and switched on the air conditioner. "Alright, babe, are you ready to go eat?" She gave a nod and I drove off down the street.


[Time: 4:48 P.M.]

[Location- Station Square Grand Hotel]


I pulled into the Grand Hotel parking lot and drove around a bit, trying to find a parking space. "Man, this place is packed." Thankfully, I caught a car backing out of a space out of the corner of my eye so I decided to wait and take that one when I get the chance. "Have you thought about what you want to eat?" She put her finger to her lips as the other car pulled out and drove away. "Not really." I gave a few nods and quickly parked in the parking space. "Good, because I have something picked out for the both of us." She smiled and leaned over to kiss me. "Ooh, looks like my Sonikku put a lot of thought into this day." I turned off the car, pulled the keys from the ignition then quickly got out, closing my door and hurrying over to her side to open hers. "Sonic, what are you doing?" I held her hand as she stepped out then even closed the door for her. "Nothing, just being a little romantic." She giggled and wrapped her arm around mine. "I think you're trying hard to get some later." I grinned and she leaned up to whisper in my ear. "It's working!"

I chuckled and slowly walked with her to the front entrance of the Hotel, giving a nod to the doorman as he held the door for us 'Everything is going perfect so far.' We walked through the lobby to the elevators and I pushed the button to call the elevator. "S-Sonic?" I looked down at her to see she was blushing furiously. "Babe?" She looked up and gazed into my eyes. "I-I was just thinking about when you proposed to me." I smiled as the elevator doors opened and we stepped in, pushing the top floor before she continued. "Do you remember that?" I narrowed my eyes at her and held her closer. "Do I remember? Of course I remember, honey." She laughed nervously and rubbed her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Sonic; I guess I was just going through that night again in my head…" I pulled her up to me and kissed her on the lips. "That's okay, I was thinking about it too… It was a night I could never forget, it was when I truly understood and accepted my feelings I had for you, embracing them with nothing but the love I had grown for you."

The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open, revealing the high-class restaurant we became engaged at 'It looks exactly like it did four years ago.' Amy held me close as we walked out and opened the doors to the inside of the restaurant, miraculously coming across the exact same host as from four years ago. "Ah, Monsieur Sonic ze Hedgehog, Correct?" We were both taken aback at his ability to remember one couple out of all the ones he's served since then. "Yes, my reservation number is 2714B" He gave a nod and walked to the podium, drawing his finger down the list until he came to my name. "Ah Yes, zour private booth is ready for zou now; please follow." Amy squeezed my arm for me to look at her as we followed him. "Private Booth?" I grinned and looked back up, following the host all the way to the back where a nice secluded booth with a giant potted fern at the end to keep others prying view away was.

"Here zwe are Monsieur; I shall be right back with zour champagne." I thanked him and held Amy's hand as she sat down. "Sonic, this spot is lovely!" I let go of her hand and sat down across from her. "I know, I specifically ordered this table and champagne ahead of time." She giggled and we looked out the window at the eastern skyline of the city, getting a good view of the Emerald Coast which is Station Square's artificial sea. "Oh Sonic, you've really outdone yourself this time." I lightly caressed her hand as we both reminisced about the old days. "Anything for my beautiful Emi." She smiled and stared at me, blushing slightly at my intent gaze. "I can't believe you went through all this trouble to please me." I chuckled and replied "Amy, it was no trouble I wouldn't go through a hundred times again… It's worth it to see you so happy; besides, you needed a good and well-deserved break from the kids."

She held my hand tighter while we both leaned up to steal a quick kiss just as the waiter came back with our champagne. "Here zou are Monsieur, ze 'Alfred Gratien Cuvee Paradis Brut NV' Champagne; as zou requested." Amy smiled as he gave us both a flute stemware for our Champagne then filled them halfway, setting the bottle down afterwards and pulling out his notepad from his tuxedo coat pocket. "Are zou ready to order or do zou need some time?" I took the menus we hadn't even opened yet and handed them to him. "No, I think we're ready." Amy cocked her head as I continued "Me and the gorgeous lady will have one bowl of the Coq au vin for two please… and use real meat instead of synthetic." He wrote the order down and gave a nod. "Ah… very good choice Monsieur; zat is today's specialty… However, ze real meat instead of synthetic will cost zou extra." I gave a single nod at him then smiled as he walked away. "Sonic…" I looked over at Amy who had a huge grin plastered on her face. "I love you so much."

I laughed and placed both my hands on top of hers. "I love you too, darling, now where were we?" I picked up my glass as she picked up hers, tapping the sides together before we stuck our arms between one another's and took a sip. "How's that, do you remember the flavor?" I asked as she shook her head from the burn. "Yes… *Ahem*… *Cough**Cough*… very much." I held back a laugh as she took another sip and shook her head again. "Ames…" She smiled but it quickly faded as we rapidly began to feel lust for each other, the nostalgia was far too much for us to bear 'I can't take this much longer.' I stood up and immediately slid into her side of the booth, without delay wrapping my arms around her. "Sonikku…" She blushed as I ran my tongue along her jaw and stopped to kiss her lips. "Oh, Amy, it's been so long since we've had some time to ourselves."

She giggled and kissed me back. "I know, over four years since we had the whole night." I stroked her quills back as she rubbed the bulge growing in my pants. "I love you, Amy." She smiled and closed her eyes, giving herself to me. "I love you too, Sonic." We went back to kissing until it turned into a full-fledged make-out session; getting a little too into it as our tongues entwined and we vigorously rubbed each other's bodies 'Now's the best chance I'm likely going to get.' I reluctantly pulled away from her and nervously took the black case out of my pocket as she kept her eyes closed; still waiting for me to kiss her again 'I don't know why I'm so nervous… I guess it sort of reminds me of when I proposed.' I let her rub me for a few more seconds before I called her name "Amy..." She opened her eyes right as I opened the case, revealing our old wedding ring that Knuckles had kindly fixed using the Master Emerald's powers. "Sonic!" She exclaimed, going wide-eyed in excitement. "Is that!?"

I gave a nod along with a smile then held her hand up, taking the ring out of the case to show it to her. "It sure is, baby, Knuckles restored it for me." She cried tears of joy as I slid it on her finger and held her hand up further, letting the light shine a patterned design on the table. "Oh, Sonic!" She came back to reality and hugged me as tight as she could. "Oh, Sonic you shouldn't have… Oh it's still so beautiful even after not seeing it all these years!" I grinned as wide as I could at her reaction and we fell over on the booth in an embrace. "I thought you'd like it, Ames." She laughed and smashed her lips to mine, pulling my head down to kiss harder. "Like it, I love it Sonic!" I smiled and we continued our make out session, feeling around in each other's mouths and sucking one another's tongues until they nearly swelled up from the sensation. "Ahem…" We both instantly blushed and leaned back up, turning to see the waiter standing with our food. "Zour Coq au vin, Monsieur."

He smiled at me as I wiped the lipstick off my lips and jaw. "Thank you, kindly." He gave a nod, sat the food down on the table, then walked away as me and Amy started laughing from getting caught. "Well… Aha! I didn't think he'd be back so soon." Amy giggled as I slid the bowl over to us and picked up the spoon. "Me either…" She looked at the food in the bowl and asked "Sonic, what is cok a ven?" I smiled and said "Coq au vin, it's French for rooster with wine." I stirred the wine sauce and lightly poured a bit over a piece of meat before scooping it up and blowing on it. "Here, try." She opened her mouth and I gently placed the spoon on her tongue, watching as she bit down into the meat. "Mmm…" I slid the spoon back out and she chewed. "It is delicious." I smiled and gave the spoon to her, unwrapping my own and scooping up a piece of meat. "I figured you'd like it." She smiled and held her hand back up, staring at the ring as I took a bite of the food.

"Thank you so much for the ring, Sonic, it really reminds me of a lot of good memories." I pulled her over to me and cuddled with her as we both ate. "Of course, Ames, it is your wedding ring after all… It belongs on your finger, not in some box stowed away shattered into pieces." She smiled and relaxed her head on my shoulder while I fed her another bite. "Knuckles also said he negated the energy from it; so is just a regular emerald now." She giggled and took the meat off the spoon as I slid it out. "I guess you won't need to go Super Sonic or whatever anymore now that Eggmans dead." I laughed and thanked God without thinking about Eggman to much. "Yeah, I certainly hope so… Nope, we've got a family now… No more of that adventuring for months on end like we used to." She wrapped her arm around me and abruptly asked in a worried tone. "Do you miss it?" I looked down at her and shook my head. "No, Not if I have to be away from you and the kids."

She smiled wide and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Sonic." I took a sip of my champagne and kissed her directly, letting it swash between the two of us as our tongues churned it up in an effervescent show of passion. "Mmm…" We both moaned before separating, swallowing our share of the bubbly. "I love you too, Amy, happy Anniversary, babe." She beamed a smile and rubbed her head under my chin. "Happy Anniversary, Sonic." We continued eating and feeding each other in peace along with the occasional kiss until the waiter came back. "How is everyzing, Monsieur?" Me and Amy both gave a nod and finished up the last bite. "Excellent." We both said together, making him smile and us blush. "Will zou be having any dessert tonight?" Amy looked up at me and I grinned. "Yes, if we could have the Mocha Pots de Crème that would be wonderful." He gave a small bow then took our empty bowl before he walked off.

Amy opened her mouth to ask but I beat her to it, not wanting her to mispronounce it like she did with the rooster and wine. "Mocha Pots de Crème is a rich, pudding-like chocolate dessert that has a tad bit of espresso in it." She gave a nod and took a sip of her champagne, giving me a wink to signify she wanted another kiss. 'This woman… Damn, she's hot.' I pulled her up to me and we kissed like last time, swishing the champagne around one another's mouth as it gathered our saliva and dripped down our chins. "Sonic… *Cough*…" She swallowed and I ran my tongue along her jaw, collecting the champagne that we spilled from our kiss. "Amy, you're so beautiful." She blushed and held my shoulders. "And you're so handsome, Sonic." I laughed and held her hand up, placing a kiss right below her ring. "Not nearly enough to compare to your beauty." She giggled and ran her hands down my chest, running down to my groin and groping my bulge. "Not here, Ames, ugh… I know it's been a while… But we can wait." She smiled and let go, flicking it as she kissed me. "You're the one who looks like they can't wait."

The waiter scared us as he suddenly appeared with our dessert. "Here zou are Monsieur, zour Mocha Pots de Crème… I'll be right back with zour check." I gave a nod as Amy stared at the chocolaty dessert. "How cute is that!" I looked at the Mocha to see that they put it in a heart shaped bowl with neatly placed chocolate shavings on top of the whipped cream. "It looks really scrumptious." I picked up the spoon and scooped out a spoonful with a bit of the chocolate shavings on top. "Here, babe" She opened her mouth and licked her lips before I gently placed it on her tongue, lightly pulling back out as she closed her mouth around it. "Mmm, it's very chocolaty!" Igathered up a spoonful for myself and took a bite. "I can just barely taste the espresso over the rich chocolate... what about you, babe?" She gave a nod and licked the next spoonful off in a highly sensual way, trying to arouse me further. I smiled and licked the back of the spoon as she licked the front, making her blush.

She swallowed her bite and I whispered in her ear. "The espresso should give us more energy for the lovemaking we're going to do when we get home." She blushed and smirked. "It might give us too much energy, Sonic; we might have to do it in the parking lot." I shook my head at her mischievous thoughts and fed her another bite. "You naughty Hedgehog, you'd like that wouldn't you?" She smiled and licked the pudding off the spoon before sucking on it. "Yeah, I would…" I blushed as she grabbed my hand and drew her tongue all the way up my arm to my lips, forcing my lips apart so I could taste the pudding combined with her saliva "mMmm..." I let go of the spoon and grabbed the back of her head as it dropped to the floor. "Ames" She blushed and deepened the kiss, running her tongue along my teeth and fangs before trying to go to the back of my throat.

"Ahem…" I clenched my eyes shut in annoyance and turned around. 'Dammit, quit interrupting us.' The waiter gave me the check and I retrieved my wallet from my back pocket, taking my credit card out and sliding it inside the check before handing it back to him 'Bastard.' He gave a nod then walked away, leaving us to our irresistible public display of affection. "Go away." Amy muttered once he was far enough gone. "I know, it's a private booth so I thought we'd have a little more privacy." She giggled and scooted over, lifting herself up and sitting in my lap as I traced my finger around our empty dessert bowl to collect the last of the pudding "Last bit." I held my finger up and she licked it, going further by sucking on it. "I bet you wish that wasn't my finger, huh?" She blushed and sucked on my finger all the way down to the knuckle, wrapping her tongue around it before sliding off it. "The next thing I suck won't be your finger, Sonic." I rolled my eyes and kissed her softly as the waiter came back with my credit card. "Alright Monsieur, zou have a wonderful evening." I took the credit card from him without looking away from Amy and replied "Oh… I will, believe me."

Amy looked away in embarrassment then stood up. "Sonic, don't say stuff like that to people!" I laughed and took one last long swig of my Champagne as she did the same. "Coming from the girl who wanted to do it in the parking lot." Her face flushed redder as I stood up and suddenly swooped her off her feet. "Ahh, Sonic!" I laughed and carried her across the room to the balcony, ignoring all the people who stared at us. "Sonic, people are staring." I smiled and whispered "Who cares, they're just jealous I have such a beautiful wife." She giggled and kissed my jaw as I opened the door to the balcony and sat her back down. "Wow!" She walked to the railing and stared out at the open sea, watching as the sun began its slow descent beneath the skyline. "The city seems so peaceful this far up." A strong breeze blew our quills back and made her shiver. "Brr… That wind is chilly." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, providing plenty of warmth for her. "Did you enjoy your dinner and gift?" She leaned back against me and replied "I loved all of it, Sonic; you've been so romantic today."

We stared out at the cascading waves and felt a sense of harmony, it had been four years since we'd been alone and the serenity was definitely welcomed. "I got one more present for you but that'll have to wait until tomorrow when Tails and Cream get back with the kids." She looked up at me with wonder but I held her closer. "Mmm, I guess you'll be my present until then." I grinned and lifted her up off her feet again; trying to do everything I did on our engagement night five years ago. "I guess so."


Author Notes: Well… We finally get to see Sonic and Amy's daughter in this chapter along with an adolescent Aayan. It certainly looks like Sonic's got the perfect life and is happy he's been getting more time to spend with Amy now that their kids are grown enough to not need their undivided attention. Amy's reaction to the ring was priceless but I just have to wonder if the powers it once had are truly drained.

-Also, I'd like to personally dedicate Sonic and Amy's relationship, in my story, to someone special in my life. I hope we live a passionate life together and have a loving family just as happily as they can. Soon, we'll have a night just as enjoyable as what was in this chapter.