A Tiny Traveler
Ugh, I never thought I'd get to this sequel. I've had had so many different versions of this in my head. And so many problems to work out. But finally I've got the first chapter up and ready to be read.
Chapter 1: Tired Of It
Down in the lab of Zim's house, the tiny irken was groaning over the constant calls he was recieving from an old enemy. Apparently, when Zim and his friends defeated Tak and sent her and Mimi to planet Dirt, the ship still had it's communication systems online. Tak has constantly sent death threats and offensive insults to Zim and he had no choice but to listen. Today, Tak was telling off Zim about how, once again, she was going to rip his antennas out and shove them up his ass. Zim didn't seem the least bit scared or hurt, instead he felt bored and tired. It was morning and Zim had just gotton up. He rubbed his hands down his face wanting to claw his eyes out.
"Tak...are you finished?" Zim asked resting his head on the control panel.
"NO I'M NOT FINISHED!" Tak shouted.
"Ugh, you do this like twice a week! IT'S BEEN A YEAR!" Zim yelled at her in rage.
Even GIR had enough sense to yell at her a few times out of annoyance. GIR right now was showing his red eyes to her even though he really wasn't in duty mode. Tenn, Zim's girlfriend, was also complaining about Tak's constant insults.
"I don't care how long it's been! You, your robot, Red, Purple, that short chubby kid and that little bitch Tenn will suffer!" Tak snarled.
"Or what?" Tak smirked.
Zim forgot Tenn was actually visiting that day, Zim's eyes popped open wide when he heard the elevator coming down along with Tenn screaming in horror.
"I thought everyone was used to that by now!" Zim shrugged.
When Tenn stepped out and saw Tak on the screen she actually jumped at the screen and gritted her teeth.
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Tenn calm down. GET OFF MY SCREEN TAK!" Zim cut the transmission.
Zim got up out of the chair and tried to hold Tenn back from the controls. Tenn calmed down quickly and hugged Zim back.
"Don't listen to her!" Zim rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry Zim, but seriously, if I ever get the chance, me and her are going to fight!" Tenn promised.
"I doubt that will ever happen!" Zim smiled and GIR nodded.
Zim and GIR took Tenn upstairs and they got something to eat. Afterwards, Zim sat on the couch in the living room wondering what exactly could he have done to make Tak an enemy in the first place. He didn't have memories of her when he was a younger. He only remember seeing her sometimes before going to school with her. He always wondered why she would be at his house, then sometimes hanging with other people. By the time he arrived at his old school, he was immediately becoming popular and passed Tak's popularity. His attitude must have annoyed Tak to the point she wanted him far away from her so her reputation could be saved. Besides that she was secretly a bully and she considerd Zim to be an easy target. Of course she was proved wrong a year before the present time when Zim suceeded in sending her crashing to the planet Dirt where she remained threatening Zim's life. But...why...what actions did he do for Tak to hate him? He needed to find out before Tak somehow gets her ship fixed and kills him.
"Hey Zim you alright, I thought we were going to see what Skoodge was up to!" Tenn said coming into the room.
"Yeah we were, I was just thinking about something!" Zim said with his voice pretty low.
Tenn frowned not wanting to see Zim upset about anything. But after the little yelling match she and Tak got into...Tenn considered Zim's thoughts to be about her.
"Is this about Tak?" Tenn sighed sitting next to him.
"Kinda!" Zim nervously smiled.
"What about her?" Tenn asked with a hint of anger in her voice.
Zim's eyes grew a bit before he spoke knowing Tenn could get really angry easily. It wasn't rare at all.
"Well, I've been thinking about what could I possibly have done to make her evil towards me. I mean, I was just popular at the school...no big deal right? And she just starts to pick on me. I must have done something to anger her deeply. Make her feel...hurt. But what? I don't know!" Zim explained trying not to look into Tenn's eyes.
"Why does it matter?" Tenn asked.
"Do you wanna keep getting transmissions from her? I'm sick of it...this is like the 110th time shes done this. Doesn't she ever quit? I must find a way to change what I did in the past and alter the timeline in a way it won't affect all of us." Zim said sounding more proud after each word and standing on his bed. "YES, AND WHEN I DO, IT WILL BE A VICTORY FOR ZIM!"
Tenn knew Zim was a little crazy...clumsy...insane...but it wasn't enough to keep Tenn away from him. She smirked noticing a flaw.
"Uh Zim...wouldn't you need some kind of time machine to do that?" Tenn asked.
"Oh yeah...well I don't have one, you don't have one, GIR doesn't have one...does Red or Purple?"
"Oh...does Skoodge?"
"I think he was attempting to build one but I don't think he's finished."
"THAT'S IT! SKOODGE! He must be done with it, no wonder he's been alone for nearly two weeks. TENN YOU'RE A GENIUS!"
"But I didn't-"
Tenn is cut off when Zim presses his lips against hers. After about 5 minutes of making out, Zim and Tenn run over to Skoodge's house where Skoodge looked like he just saved the world. Zim kicked open his front door with much force nearly taking the door off the hindges. Skoodge was just walking into the living room and stumbles to the floor upon seeing them.
"Skoodge, please tell me you're nearly done with that time machine!" Zim begged.
"Actually I just put the finishing touches on it...come on I'll show you it." Skoodge said.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing Zim?" Tenn asked.
"Of course, haven't I always?" Zim asked.
Skoodge and Tenn stop to look at Zim giving him strange looks.
"Okay mabye not all the time...but still!" Zim retorted to their looks.
After more yelling down the elevator, they reached the lab where the time machine was waiting. It was very large and it reached the lab ceiling.
"As you can see, it's fully operational! However, I forgot why I built it, it's been too long!" Skoodge rubbed under his chin.
"Oh well, Skoodge I need to use it!" Zim said shaking Skoodge by his shoulders.
"What for?"
"I need to go back to the time before I became school president at my old school. I need to figure out how to change my relationship with Tak and not make her an enemy. I mean, mabye it was just the way I acted towards her. I kinda teased her for being less popular than me. That's probably part of it." Zim concluded.
"I see, but don't you think that would alter ourselves?" Skoodge asked.
"Not unless you two come with me!" Zim smiled.
"Zim, if we come, it'll ruin whatever we were doing at our school! I seriously can't risk that!" Tenn huffed crossing her arms.
"I thought you wanted to fight Tak?" Zim reminded her.
Tenn's mood changed in seconds and turned back to them.
"Alright when are we going?" Tenn asked quickly.
"What about Red and Purple, aren't they going to wonder where we are?" Skoodge asked.
"Don't worry, I got to past by their house anyway and get GIR." Zim shrugged.
As Zim went back to his house he saw Red and Purple munching on more donuts outside. When they spotted Zim they waved.
"Hey Zim, you look stressed! What's wrong?" Red asked.
"Uh...this may sound crazy to you guys but...me, GIR, Tenn and Skoodge are heading to the past in Skoodge's time machine!" Zim explained.
"Skoodge has a time machine?" Purple said in surprise.
"Yeah...I need to find out what ruined my relationship with Tak...and who she may really be!" Zim said.
"I see, hmm, well what are we supposed to do?" Red asked.
"Uh...remain here! And whatever you do...try to remember us...because I don't know if somehow we may alter this timeline in a way where you guys are back to picking on me...or I never meet you!" Zim said.
"But...if Tak got you sent to our school, and you become friends with her, you'll never come to our school in the present." Purple thought.
"Oh don't worry, I got that all figured out!" Zim smirked.
Red and Purple look at each other concerned before looking back down at the tiny irken.
"Okay...but...just be careful! I don't want to change who I am and stop my love of eating!" Red whined eating five donuts at the same time.
"I know...but trust me, everything will be fine!" Zim assured walking away.
"Can we trust him with our future?" Purple asked.
Once Zim aquired GIR, they went back to Skoodge's house where Skoodge was talking to Tenn.
"Is that really the only reason you're going? To get into a catfight with Tak?" Skoodge asked confused.
"No...I worry about Zim. Heck I love him! I can't let him do this alone! And I must agree, a world with a good Tak would take out all this stress we are having!" Tenn sighed. "I need to make sure he's doing the right thing!"
"I guess you're right But...what about me? How will it effect me?" Skoodge asked.
"Uh...probably not much! Unless you knew her really well!" Tenn raised an eye-brow.
"I didn't know her at all! But I don't think I want to!" Skoodge said nervously.
"Then don't go if you're scared!" Tenn comforted Skoodge with a hand on his shoulder.
"No it's okay, I'll go with you guys! After all, it would be interesting to see how this plays out!" Skoodge said hiding a smirk and the camera he had in his pocket.
"Alright then...but how are we getting back?" Tenn asked.
"With this!" Skoodge hold out a little remote in the shape of a watch. "I'll be able transport us all wherever else we need to go...or where Zim needs to go!"
"Nice!" Tenn smiled just when Zim entered with GIR.
"Now that we're all here! We can get going! I must fix what I've damaged. Tak should be thanking me, I'm pratically saving her!" Zim scoffed.
"Okay, let's get going!" Skoodge said as they entered the machine.
A large blue glow engulfed the inside blinding them as the light nearly engulfed half the lab. As the light blacks out, Zim, GIR, Tenn and Skoodge were gone!
Done with chapter 1. Please review!