A/N- The first time I heard this song, I thought of Clintasha. I just had to write this. Sorry in advance for the shortness of this chapter, they will get longer. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Marvel characters mentioned. I wish I did, but I don't. I also don't own 'Just Give Me A Reason'. It's by P!nk, not me. Go listen to the song if you don't know it!

One choice is all it takes. One simple choice to turn the entire course of your life around. Natasha knew that better than anyone.

Clint forced her roughly against a wall, his forearm pushing into her throat and holding a gun to her head. She struggled valiantly against his hold, but they were both exhausted from their lengthy brawl and he was simply bigger and stronger. Clint stayed silent until she stopped fighting him, and then spoke.

"You're good," he stated bluntly. Natasha rolled her eyes. Of course she was good. In the field they worked in, you had to be good or you wouldn't be alive. "And SHIELD could use you." He held her steady, despite both of their heavy breathing. She tried to break away again as his hold loosened slightly, but he just shoved her harder into the wall.

"I could bring you back with me," Clint persisted. "You'll have to go through every test under the sun before they trust you enough to let you go on a mission, but you're strong enough and smart enough to pass them with flying colors. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it."

Natasha quieted her breathing and tried to calm her racing heart. She hated not feeling in control. "Why are you doing this?" she finally asked.

Clint's sniper-sharp eyes softened. "Because I don't think you want to do this anymore, and there's a place for you at SHIELD." His closeness was starting to make Natasha nervous, and she never let anything, or anyone, make her nervous. She wouldn't deny that the sniper was attractive, which wasn't helping clear her head, and she detested it. She was used to being the one in control; attractive men didn't have this effect on her.

Cling leaned in even closer still. "You don't have to do this anymore," he whispered. And then suddenly their lips were upon each other in an aggressive kiss. Neither of them knew who made the first move, but both their hearts were beating at a rate that shouldn't have been healthy. Clint almost lost his grip on the gun he was still holding to her head, but managed to keep a good hold on it.

They broke apart, breathing hard once more. Her deep green eyes met his grey-blue ones. Natasha took a steadying breath.

"I'll come with you," she murmured, unknowingly making the best decision of her life. She allowed the archer to remove every hidden knife and gun from her skin-tight black uniform and secure her hands behind her back. He escorted her back to the waiting SHIELD helicopter while Natasha debated whether or not to seduce Clint and get as much information out of him as possible and return to Russia, or to infiltrate SHIELD and secretly send information back while keeping their trust. Or maybe just desert the Red Room altogether and start a new life.

Unknowing of what the future held for her, Natasha followed the strange archer, hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.