DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha. I'm just an avid reader and lover of the show. All rights to the character belong to its creator Rumiko Takahashi. I do however own the plot to this story.

HUG&KISSES: Mary Cookie, KittyChic0895, and I Love Snowy Owls. Thank you three for your reviews.


"Give me the jewel!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"LIAR!" You have the jewel. I want it. "

"I'm not lying! Please stop hurting me."

Clawed hands pulled her hair harshly causing her to cry harder in pain. The demon laughed maniacally before pulling the strands of her hair tighter. Kagome whimpered miserably. She was being tortured to death over something she hadn't any knowledge about.

"I want the jewel!" He hissed angrily. "I know you have it. I sense its presence inside your body and I will have it!"

The demon growled in annoyance before suddenly growing quiet. His frightening glare scanned Kagome's terrified face as tears continued to spill from her eyes. The pain overwhelmed her young body as she fought unsuccessfully at the hands of a beast.

Without speaking another word, the demon released her hair and slid down her body until his face rested against the cradle of her hips. He moved closer to her left side. Then he pressed his nose against her and sniffed before rumbling deep in this throat in anticipation.

Kagome's eyes widened and she forced her gaze towards the demon's head as it rested intimately against her. Her breath became caught in her throat when he lifted his mass of hair and smiled at her. His fangs protruded devilishly from his mouth. She shook her head at him and he smiled again before slamming his face against the left side of her pelvis. His sharp fangs forced their way into her skin and with them he chewed away at her flesh.

An ear-splitting scream erupted from her mouth as she cried out in agony over and over again. She screamed so loud and so hard until her voice became painfully raw. Her head throbbed in misery as her body chilled in the cold snow.

Physically, she couldn't fight anymore. The pain was too much. She could do more than lay on the ground as this demon ate her to death, for she was certain that she would die tonight. Tomorrow would not come.

The cold air beat down upon her body harshly. Blood poured from her hip and dripped down her legs and still he continued to bite into her skin. His claws tore away at her flesh as he searched for this hidden jewel inside of her body.

Time seemed to pass by slowly. Grunts and groans erupted from the demon's throat as Kagome's blood coated his lips. The copper taste of it excited him in a way that no other's blood ever had. It was a gruesome sight. He knew this. He knew that there was nothing more disturbing than the sound of skin being forcefully ripped open but it intoxicated him all the more.

His fangs scraped against something hard and when they did, he was certain that he'd finally located his buried treasure. It was a circular, pearlized object resting comfortably against Kagome's hip bone. His torture finally paid off.

The jewel pulsed inside of Kagome's body; emitting a bright light. It burned the demon's skin in an attempt to purify him. The heat poured from the jewel in waves scorching his skin but he wasn't deterred. He pressed his face against her trying to dislodge the object from her body.

His face was sizzling and yet he held on until the pure bright light darkened in color and became a purple haze. Then it disappeared. The jewel shattered and broke straight down the middle. One half when into the demon's mouth and the other half remained lodged against Kagome's hip.

The demon took his half and shoved it into the pocket of his jeans. He clawed and tried biting again at the other half of the jewel but it refused to budge. He growled in anger and glared at his victim's face.

Her eyes were closed. Her mouth was open and her breath was shallow. She couldn't scream anymore. Her throat was so sore that it was difficult for her to take small breaths. The only movement noticeable was the tears that flowed endlessly from her eyes.

The demon sunk his claws into her hips and shook her like a ragdoll but the jewel wouldn't emerge. His eyes became filled with murderous rage. His anger was magnified.

"I want the other half of that jewel and I will have it. I don't care if I have to claw your body into a million little pieces. I will get it!"

He lifted her legs from the ground and slammed her onto her back.

"You're gonna die tonight little girl! I'm gonna break your body and dismember you with my own two hands.

He slammed her body again and again upon the ground. He bent her legs and twisted her arms. He pulled her hair and clawed at her skin and Kagome lay there bleeding from her mortal wounds.

She heard the growls and the grunts. She felt the pain but she stopped fighting a long time ago. She was surrounded by darkness and she welcomed it with open arms.


Somebody was calling her.


Her eyes fluttered.


Her lashes began moving rapidly.


The voice became a whisper and Kagome sat up. She was shrouded by light. She blinked her eyes for a moment trying to adjust them to the brightness. When she was able to gain focus on her sight she became aware of her surroundings.

She sitting in her bed dressed in a pair tan shorts and a green tank top. Her covers were thrown to the floor which meant she was having a nightmare. The only time she ever kicked out of her covers was when she was having a terrible dream. She shivered and grabbed at the silver chain around her neck; a half circle dangling from it. Had it really been nearly eight years ago that it was dispelled from her body?

She sat on her bed in silence, remembering things she wished she could've forgotten. That day had started off normal much like any typical day of her life. All she did was take a wrong turn and her life was changed forever. She twisted the shikon jewel around in her hands before gazing down at it. She'd been nearly chewed and clawed to death because of it.

With a loud sigh she turned her gaze away from the object to gaze out the window. She'd never been one for legends and mysticism but her own life was an enigma. A long time ago she was told by her great aunt Kaede that she was a miko but she never paid it any attention.

Kaede was a very strong and powerful miko. She trained Kikyo in the ways of mikoism from childhood. She'd wanted to train Kagome as well but never got a chance to because Kagome had no desire to learn of mikoism. She had big dreams. Her head was in the clouds. She had no time for ancient spells and healing abilities; or controlling raw power.

What a fool she'd been. If she had only learned a little bit about her birth rite she could've tapped into the powers that lay dormant within her. She wouldn't have had to suffer at the hands of that vicious demon nearly eight years ago.

She was supposed to die on that fateful night in history. She knew she was supposed to and yet here she sat alive. If it hadn't been for the shikon jewel shielding her from death that night she'd be somewhere floating on the wind.

It was strange that this jewel had been inside her body for 14 years. She had no idea the jewel even existed. She'd heard and read about it in ancient folklore but never in her wildest dreams could she have comprehended its existence and inside her own body nonetheless. If that psychotic demon hadn't attacked her the jewel would no doubt still be lodged inside her body.

Kagome emerged from her bed and headed to the bathroom. A nice, warm shower would awaken her from her melancholy thoughts. She quickly stripped out of her sleeping clothes and stood under the shower head. The warm water felt so good beating against her skin. She lathered her hands and began cleaning herself thoroughly. There was nothing as relaxing as a morning shower.

She grabbed her bottle of passion fruit shampoo and poured a generous amount into her hands. Then she rubbed and kneaded her scalp with it thoroughly. She rinsed it and wrapped it up in a knot. Feeling refreshed and cleansed she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off before wrapping her nude body in her robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. She went back into her bedroom and began pulling out clothes from her drawers.

Fifteen minutes later she was dressed in gray slacks and a cream ruffle blouse. She strapped her feet in gray t-strap pumps and pulled her damp hair to the back of her head in a long ponytail. Once she was satisfied with her look she went to the kitchen to grab a breakfast bar before heading out of the door.

It took her about twenty minutes to get to her uncle Totosai Yurameshi's law firm. He wasn't really her uncle but that's what she'd been calling him since she was in diapers. Totosai and her grandfather Amada Higurashi were best friends and founders of the Shikinata United law firm. Shikinata United was a law firm that specialized in handling cases involving humans and demons. Her grandfather usually handled the human affairs while Totosai dealt with demon cases.

Kagome was the assistant to the current CEO, a seat that was filled by her big brother Miroku. Kikyo worked as the president of the internal affairs. Kagome had no desire to be a lawyer and was satisfied with just being an assistant to her brother although he did annoy her sometimes.

She locked the doors to her silver Chrysler 300 before walking inside the doors to her workplace. She smiled at Rinata Takeda who was currently carrying a cup of coffee and a box of doughnuts.

"Hey there Kagome!"

"Hi Rin. How's it going?"

"Great!" She said with a warm smile. "Guess who's coming by today?"

"Judging by the huge grin on your face it has to be the Ice King."

"Oh Kagome! You shouldn't call him that."

"You're only saying that because you have a crush on him."

"I do not!" Rin denied hotly. "I just, I….I find him intriguing."

"Sure you do." Kagome replied before her and Rin stepped upon the elevator. "So, why is the Ice King coming by today? He only shows up for the really big cases."

"I'm not really sure. I overheard your sister saying that he was coming by today. I think somebody's trying to sue him and his brother."


"Yeah. Do you know him?"

"He's Miroku's best friend. I haven't seen him years."

Rin smiled happily. "Is he as hot as his brother?"

"What? I don't know. I was 14 the last time I saw him. I'm almost 22 so that would make him 26." Kagome smiled as she remembered his handsome face. She used to have the biggest crush on him as a young girl.

Rin cast a curious gaze at Kagome wondering at the girlish smile on her lips. It was rare for Kagome to smile like she was right now without any reason. She had to be thinking of something or someone.

"I guess the answer to my question is yes."

"Huh? What question?"

"I asked you if Sesshomaru's brother was as hot as he is."

"You did?"

"Yeah and you said you didn't know and then started smiling. Were you thinking about him?"

"I was trying to remember how he looked in high school. He was cute."

"Just cute?"

"What do you want me to say Rin? I was 14 back then. I thought everybody was cute."

"Did you have a crush on him?"

"Rinata! Why are you asking me all these questions about a guy you don't even know?"

"Just curious."

"Well if you're so curious about Inuyasha why don't you ask his brother about him?"

"No way! He thinks I'm a pest. Besides, I was only asking because you're single."

Kagome frowned at Rin as the elevator reached the 10th floor. "What does me being single have to do with anything?"

Rin blushed and looked away from Kagome.

"I'm single by choice Rin. If I wanted to be in a relationship I'd be in one."

"I know. It's just, I was walking out of the lounge yesterday and I overheard Eri talking to Ayumi and Yuka. They were saying you were too uptight and that's probably why you didn't have a boyfriend. So, I figured if you hooked up with somebody-

"Whoa! First, I need a boyfriend. Then I need to hook up with somebody."

"Well Yuka said you were sexually frustrated and since you're friends with them I figured some of it must be true."

Kagome groaned in frustration and stomped her foot against the floor before glaring at her friend. "Look Rin, you really need to stop listening to lounge gossip. Just because Eri, Ayumi and Yuka feel like I need a boyfriend doesn't mean they're right. They are my friends but that doesn't mean they know what's best for me. What they need to do is mind their own business. I know what's best for me and if one more person tells me I'm sexually frustrated I'll purify their genitals with my bare hands."

Without waiting for Rin to respond Kagome parted from her. She headed down the hall and into Miroku's office without knocking. Perhaps throwing herself into her work would help with her oncoming headache. She was gonna pop a blood vessel one day if she continued to let words get to her.

"You're so sexy Higurashi!" Sango purred from behind Miroku's desk.

Kagome looked up and groaned at the sight before her. Her best friend was sitting on her brother's lap while his hands ran up and down her spine. They were kissing and canoodling each other as if they didn't have a care in the world. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at the two of them.

"Dear Kami! Would you two get a room! I came here to work not watch you two slobber each other down."

"Shut up Kagome. You're just jealous." Sango replied before emerging from Miroku's lap.

"Why would I be jealous of you two adults carrying on like horny teenagers? You guys have been married for three years. You should pass this stage."

"We're never getting out of this stage little sister." Miroku said to Kagome. His eyes gazing at his wife lovingly.

Sango pecked his lips lightly before returning the affectionate smile. "Especially not anytime soon. Your brother and I are trying to make a baby. Isn't that wonderful?"

Kagome looked from her best friend to her oldest brother watching the intense emotions displayed upon their faces. They annoyed her sometimes with their overt affections but she couldn't deny the feeling they held for one another. She could feel the love pouring from both of them. It was raw and it was beautiful. How could she not be happy for them?

Sango placed her hands onto her flat belly trying to imagine if full with life. She was happy that she would one day have this experience with Miroku. "I hope we don't have to try too hard. I've always wanted to be a mother."

Miroku caressed Sango's face before pulling her into his embrace. He felt the same way she did.

Kagome looked away from them. Children were always a sore spot for her. Long ago she imagined living her life a certain way and she'd never imagined children in it. She knew what she wanted and didn't want out of life. She had everything all mapped out, but sometimes, even the best laid plans end up shot straight to hell. She forced a smile to her face and gazed at her best friend and brother.

"I'm happy for the both of you." She finally said, hoping her voice didn't give away anything.

Sango and Miroku finally broke and turned a hesitant gaze towards the younger girl.

"Thank you." Sango replied.

"You're welcome."

"Are you okay, little sister? Your voice sounds far away."

Kagome frowned at her brother's worrisome face. "I'm fine Miroku."

"Are you sure? If Sango and I offended you in any way, we're sorry."

"I'm not offended and why would I be anyways?"

"Come on Kagome. Relationships are a bit of touchy subject for you."

"Stop it Miroku! Jeez! You're no different from the gossip crew in the lounge and I'm not frigid."

"I never said you were little sister."

"And stop with that little sister bull. I'm not a little girl." Kagome said before stomping her foot down on the floor.

"You're 21 years old and you still stomp your feet when you're angry. If you want people to stop treating you like a little girl start acting like an adult."

"I don't act like a little girl and I don't stomp my feet when I'm angry. I do it when I get irritated and I only get irritated when people tip-toe around me about their relationships. People get married, have kids and get engaged. You guys act like I'll become skittish at the mentions of someone's happiness."

Sango sent her best friend a sympathetic glance. "Honey, nobody's trying to offend you but you are a bit cynical when it comes to relationships."

Kagome rolled her eyes at Sango. "That's not true. It's not my fault every guy I date turns out to be a jerk."

"You'd have to date a guy for that statement to be true."

"I don't need nor do I want a boyfriend. If I wanted to date someone I would. I wish you people would stop making it your business to get all up in my business. I really am happy for the both of you but if you're gonna analyze everything I say or don't say, then maybe I'll just keep my distance."

Kagome turned away from Sango and Miroku and grabbed the knob to Miroku's office door.

"You're so dramatic little sister. Where are you headed to now? Gonna go complain to grandpa that me and my wife are treating you unfairly?"

"No! I'm gonna go tell grandpa and uncle Totosai to transfer to a different department, preferably one without family members."

"You can't be serious."

"Yes I can. I'm done being your assistant."

"Kagome! Stop with this childishness of yours."

"I'm not a child! I'm sick of you! I'm sick of all of you! I'm tired of everybody telling me to grow up and I'm tired of my so called friends giving me relationship advice."

Kagome opened the door and walked away leaving a stunned Sango and Miroku in her wake. She walked down the hall swiftly, stomping her feet upon the floor until she made it to the elevator. She slapped her hands on the elevator buttons and stepped inside once it opened.

She was pissed off. Why couldn't people mind their own business? So what if she hardly ever dated. The world wasn't about to come to an end because she didn't have a boyfriend. She liked being single. She didn't need to be attached at the hip to some male to feel important. She was content with her life. She didn't have to have a significant other to define who she was.

The elevator car finally opened to the 17th floor and Kagome stepped off of it in search of her grandfather's office. She wanted out of her current position. If she had to listen to another person moan and groan about how pathetic her life was she was gonna snap. She released a frustrating breath and knocked on his door.

"Grandpa? Can I come in?"

The door to her grandfather's office was pulled open by Shippo Kosari. Shippo was her grandfather's personal assistant. He sent Kagome a mischievous smile before ushering her into her grandfather's custom built spacious office.

"Hi there Ship-Dip."

"Hey Kagome. What can I do for you?"

"I need to talk to my grandfather, privately."

"Okay. Follow me."

Shippo led Kagome further inside of her grandfather's office only stopping once they came open to closed doors. He opened them and allowed Kagome entrance before closing the doors for their privacy.

Amada Higurashi stood from his swivel chair and waited for his granddaughter to close the distance between them. He embraced her lovingly and she rested her head against his chest. She always felt safe in her grandfather's embrace. No matter how crazy her life was, grandpa always found ways to make her feel better.

"How's my favorite granddaughter?"

"How's my favorite grandfather?"

Amada laughed before releasing Kagome. He took a long look at her before patting her head.

"What's bothering you little one?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. She hated being called that. She was almost 22 years old and some members of her family just simply refused to call her anything else. She sighed and addressed her grandfather.

"I want another job."

"Is that so?"

"Yes it is. I don't want to be assistant CEO anymore."

"I thought assistant CEO was your dream job. You love that job Kagome. Why the change?"

"I want to try something else."

"So suddenly?"

"Grandpa, please. I don't want to do it anymore. Please don't ask why."

"Does this have anything to do with your siblings?"


"So it does. Is it really bad?"

Kagome nodded her head. "It's not that bad now but it'll end up that way eventually."

"Are you certain this is what you really want Kagome?"

"Yes. Please grandpa. I think it would be for the best."

"Well, your uncle Totosai was looking for someone in the Special Cases Unit. I could talk to him about it."

Kagome smiled at her grandfather. "Could you do that for me grandpa?"

"I'd do anything for your little one."

Kagome embraced her grandfather warmly. "Thank you so much."

"Don't get too excited deary. You'll be handling a lot of important paper work in that division."

"I don't care. I need something different in my life right now. A new job is a good start."

"Let's celebrate! How about brunch at chef's Sakai's new restaurant?"

Kagome glanced down at her watch. "It's only 9:30."

"Are you turning me down granddaughter?"

"Not at all grandpa. Lead the way."

Hello there readers! I want to give a special thanks to the three reviewers who reviewed my first chapter: Mary Cookie, KittyChic0895, and I Love Snowy Owls. Thanks to all who have favorited and are following my story.

Last chapter Kagome was 14 and now she's almost 22. I'll fill in those missing years as I continue her story in the future chapters. This still the beginning of the story and there's so much that must be explained but it's too early on to reveal everything right now.

Thanks a lot for reading my story. Leave a review if you've enjoyed your visit. I'll try to have another update soon. Until next time…..