Disclaimer: I don't own this, this is not for profit. It's just the insane ramblings of a slightly obsessed teenage girl.

This story is dedicated to 'the-oncoming-storm-xx' because your frankly adorable reviews made me want to write another Albus/Scorpius fic so thanks, I really hope you like this fluffy story.

First year -

The dark haired boy strayed slightly further away from his father and his brother. He was bored of the constant teasing. So what if he was in something other than Gryffindor, why did it matter? So what if he preferred reading to Quidditch! If his mother was here she would stand up for him, sadly she was off playing a very important Quidditch game, she was a Chaser, and Albus thought that she was the best. Better even than his father. He spotted another boy that, he guessed, was about his age standing on his own, away from the crowds. He walked slowly over to him.

The pale haired boy sighed heavily. He had strayed away from his father, he was bored of the constant dirty looks people shot them because their last name. That was all in the past, his father was a better person now. That was the main reason, the other was one he kept to himself and that was that he hated seeing everyone's mum crying and waving them off when he didn't have one, it wasn't that he missed his mother, he hadn't ever met her as she died when he was born. What he missed was the idea of a mother, someone to care for him and hug him when he went to catch the train. Oh Merlin, now he's crying. Just his luck that it would be that precise moment that a boy, he guessed, about his age decided he wanted to introduce him self to him.

"Hello," said the unknown boy. "I'm Albus." He put his hand out for the pale haired boy to shake. The dark haired boy's father was stood watching the whole scene. It gave him an eerie sense of déjà vu, except this was the other way round, he hoped the pale haired boy didn't make the same mistake he had.

"Scorpius," the pale haired boy said, reaching out and gripping Albus' hand lightly, he shook it once and withdrew quickly. A small smile drifted over Scorpius' delicate features. Albus' father allowed a happy smile to light his face before he walked over to his son and resting a hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Come on Al-bear," he said, ruffling the boy's hair, making his son giggle. "Let's go get you a train carriage, say bye to your new friend."

"Goodbye Albus," Scorpius said quietly, a shy smile pulling at his lips.

"Bye Scorpius," Albus replied, grinning back.

There's going to be a chapter for each year, so please stick with it! Much love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx