June is Wedding Month, so in celebration, this is a fluffy happy fic for laughs. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Yes, I know I already wrote the scene where John proposed in the last fic Happily Never After, but I liked this proposal scene when it popped into my head, so I went ahead and added it here.

Chapter 1 - Proposal

Joss Carter was working late, but she told herself she would go home after she typed up one last email. However, she was only a few words into it when her burner phone buzzed. She flipped it open and read;

Meet me in the conference room right now

She rolled her eyes. Only one person could have sent this message, John Reese. The only other person who had this number, Harold Finch, would have said Please.

Annoyed, she flipped the phone shut, got up from her desk and started walking to the conference room, which was really just an empty office with a table, a TV, water cooler and some junk stacked in a corner. The detectives of the 8th precinct sometimes used it to question people when the interrogation rooms were already in use.

As Joss approached the room she noticed that the blinds in the windows were shut, shielding the interior of the room from the eyes of the rest of the precinct. Yep, John was most definitely in there, he had snuck into the precinct yet again.

Shaking her head at his audacity, she opened the door to the room and was immediately grabbed while the door was shut and swiftly locked. A lean, muscular body pinned hers against a file cabinet as a warm soft mouth crashed down on hers. Joss reacted almost instantly, sliding her arms up and around John's neck while she fought him for control of the kiss.

After several minutes, the battle was a draw and they had to break apart to catch their breath. Joss giggled and John gazed down at her with such a loving expression that she almost melted into a gooey mess on the floor at his feet.

"What are you doing here, John?" she asked softly, gazing back up with him with a loving expression that matched his. "You just wanted a make out session?"

John lovingly touched his forehead to hers, "Do you remember what happened in this room three years ago today?"

Joss thought for a second and then suddenly remembered, "Yeah, today is the anniversary of the day you were first brought in for beating those punks on the subway."

John held her close, "It was the first time I saw you. The first time in a long time I felt a connection to anyone."

"So did you have something planned for our anniversary?" Joss teased him.

"As a matter of fact I did," John smiled down at her. Then he got down on one knee, held her hand, and pulled a velvet box from his pocket. Joss's eyes opened to the point they were as wide as saucers.

"Joss, will you marry me?" John said simply. He flipped open the box and a very large and beautiful diamond sparkled at her.

"Oh, John! " Joss gasped. She went a little weak in the knees and she had to lean against the file cabinet for support. John remained on his knee nervously looking up at her.

Joss stared down at John, her mouth open and tears starting to form in her eyes. It was a lovely, romantic proposal in the most unlovely, unromantic place ever. It was absolutely perfect, it was so them.

"Yes, oh my God, YES!" Joss managed to choke out, and then she burst into tears.

After that, things got really, really weird.

Once John and Joss shared the happy news with Harold Finch, he immediately began planning what he called, "A small but tasteful wedding." (Translation: Expensive as hell) John and Joss both would have been happy to have a quickie ceremony at City Hall and then sneak off to the coast for a few days of honeymooning between numbers, but Finch and Joss's mother Alice wouldn't hear of it.

Finch immediately offered to pay for the whole shindig and Alice happily accepted before Joss could even open her mouth. Last time Joss had gotten married, the wedding had been done on the cheap, between Alice's teacher's salary and Joss's father's NYPD salary, there had not been a lot of room for lavish.

But that was then, this is now. Finch wanted only the very best for his dear friends and neither John nor Joss had the heart to refuse their friend his wish. Both of them credited Finch with saving John's life and launching the mission that brought them together, so they figured they owed it to him to let him do this if it made him happy. And boy, did it make him happy. Turns out that Finch could have had an exciting career in the Wedding Planning Industry if that software thing had not worked out so well for him. He was gloriously happy when he was deep into the details of menu planning and choosing colors.

Harold found a soulmate in Alice, who, like every other mother on the planet, wanted only the best for her precious little girl, even if said little girl was packing heat and capable of taking down a man twice her size. Alice was more than happy to support Finch's lavish plans for the wedding. Between the two of them, the tasteful little wedding, while it remained tasteful, stopped being quite so little, despite Joss's best efforts to keep to the original plan. Joss spent more than a little time wondering how someone like her, who had done two tours of duty in a war zone and spent many years on the streets of New York City chasing vicious killers, had become so helpless and unable to stand up to a teacher and computer nerd.

John, being the groom, got off easy, at least in the early stages of planning. His duties were limited to making sure Fusco and Taylor got fitted for their tuxes and then taking them to a sports bar to eat pizza and watch the Knicks afterward. He couldn't see what all the fuss was about and so he avoided it with all the stealth and guile that made him such an excellent covert operative. He made it clear that he didn't care about the details of the ceremony and reception; his only requirement was that Joss wound up as Mrs. John Reese by the end of the designated day. John's indifference to the process left Joss alone and hopelessly outnumbered.

Then one day Joss was informed by Finch that it was time to go dress shopping. John, who was in the room when the topic was broached, promptly remembered an errand he had to run and vacated the premises with all possible speed. He always bolted when the topic of conversation turned to the wedding. Joss glumly watched the retreating back of her beloved, wondering how a man who could beat the crap out of an entire bar filled with Russian thugs could be such a wimp when confronted by a few yards of beaded silk.

Truthfully, she would have preferred to flee with him. She had been dreading dress shopping.

Joss sighed, "Harold, I'm over forty years old, don't you think I'm a little old for a big poofy dress?"

"Detective, not all bridal gowns are big poofy dresses. There are a huge variety of styles to choose from", Finch chided her gently. "Besides, I just spoke with your mother, she is looking forward to the outing. We have an appointment Thursday morning; please see if your Matron of Honor can make it."

On Thursday morning, Joss walked in the bridal salon with great trepidation. She wasn't quite sure what to expect from this appointment; when she'd married Taylor's father, she'd bought a cheap bargain dress off the rack at a clearance sale. Her mother's friend had altered it to fit her and she had actually looked pretty good during her previous wedding. But this was a whole new ballgame and she knew it. Finch had, of course, picked one of the most exclusive bridal salons in the city. Joss suspected that she would be the first, and only, cop bride they had ever fitted.

So, truthfully, Joss was not looking forward to this appointment the way she should have been. Her wedding had been completely and utterly highjacked and she was terrified that she was going to get talked into some Princess Ball Gown from Hell. "No butt-bows!" became her mantra as she stepped through the tastefully appointed doors to her fate.

Finch and her mother were already seated in the waiting area, chatting away happily about the relative merits of various dress styles. Joss joined them, giving her mother a peck on the cheek as she sat down. Alice eyed her daughter. "You look like you're going to a funeral, not like a blushing bride looking for the most important dress of her life!" She scolded the rather glum bride.

Joss rolled her eyes, "Mom, I just don't want to wind up in some monstrosity of a dress."

Finch smiled at Joss, "Now, now Detective. I promised John you would properly attired for this wedding and I intend to keep my promise."

Joss bit back the retort that she sincerely didn't think John would care what she wore for the wedding ceremony; he was probably more interested in the wedding night. Just then her best friend, Detective Christine Keys came bounding in, giddy with excitement.

"Isn't this exciting Joss?" Christine squeaked. Christine herself was happily married to a big, gruff watch captain who worshiped the very ground she walked on and Christine was firmly of the opinion that everyone else should be happily married, too. She had despaired of Joss ever finding Mr. Right and was beyond thrilled when Joss found Mr. Reese.

Christine had already met John. She thought he was Vice President of Crow Security and Joss had met him on a case. "Oh my God, Joss, he's gorgeous! Now I know why you held out for so long, you were waiting for HIM!"

Joss managed a smile and introduced Christine to Finch, "Christine, meet John's Uncle Harold." Harold turned on the nerdly charm and Christine was eating out of his hand in no time. Joss sighed; she had hoped that she could count on Christine as an ally if this appointment got out of hand, but she soon saw that Christine had completely bought into the expensive, romantic wedding. The score was now 3-1 and Joss was screwed.

In short order, they were approached by one of the wedding consultants, a middle aged woman whose hair was a color of platinum blonde not found in nature and dressed in a severe dark suit. Joss eyed the woman warily. She looked more like an undertaker then bridal consultant. This was getting worse and worse.

"Hello, I'm Gloria, your consultant for today. Which one of you is the bride?" she smiled a big smile while sizing up Finch's expensive suit. Gloria was a pro, she knew immediately who was paying the bills.

Joss tentatively raised her hand and Gloria beamed at her, "Do you have any particular dress styles in mind?"

Joss hesitated, "Um no I haven't really thought about it, to tell the truth. " Truthfully, Joss couldn't have named a single "dress style" if her life depended on it.

"What's your price range?"

Joss faltered and looked to Finch for guidance.

Finch interjected smoothly, "I'm paying for the dress and money is no object. I just want the groom's jaw to drop." Finch looked over at Alice and she nodded her approval.

Gloria got a glint in her eye that Joss found rather frightening, "Oh don't worry, sir, you'll get the desired reaction."

They were shown to a private viewing area. While Finch, Alice and Christine were served tea and coffee, Joss was escorted to a large fitting room.

Gloria Looked Joss over again, "You have a lovely hourglass figure, we'll have an easy time fitting you in most dresses. Since you don't know what type of dress you want, I'll go pick a selection and we can see what you like on your body."

Joss nodded gratefully and Gloria strode off. She returned a short time later with an armload of beaded silk and satin. Joss dutifully began trying on the dresses one by one and walking out the viewing area so Finch, Alice and Christine could contribute their opinions. Joss noticed that Gloria paid particular attention to Finch's opinion, since he was the one with the wallet.

To Joss's relief, the ball gown style was rejected as too fussy; the slip dress was rejected as looking too much like a nightgown. Non-white gowns in ivory and eggshell were rejected as well, it was decided that only pure white would do. Harold and Alice did most of the deciding and they argued cheerfully over the pros and cons of the various fabrics, deciding that only real silk would do. They were obviously having a lot more fun than Joss.

Finally Joss tried on a dress that Gloria called a mermaid gown. Finch's jaw dropped when Joss stepped out of the dressing room and Alice burst into tears. "That's it!" yelped Christine.

Joss stepped up the small platform and looked in the mirror. She was stunned, she looked…fabulous. The dress had a halter top with a plunging back. It was pure white and it hugged her body like a glove down to about mid-thigh then flared out. Joss was not a princess type of gal, but this gown made her feel like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, all rolled into one. She could hardly wait until John saw her in this gown.

Finch walked around Joss with a smile on his face and twinkle in his eye, "I think Mr. Reese would approve." Alice kept sniffling and for the first time in Joss's memory, was unable to say anything at all.

The dress was paid for, measurements were taken and the order was completed. Gloria would call Joss when the dress came in and the final fitting would take place then.

The party left the bridal salon triumphant and Finch offered to buy everyone lunch, which the women happily accepted.

Once they were seated, Finch killed Joss's happy buzz by getting a couple of pieces of paper out of his bag that Joss recognized as the guest list. The euphoria of having found 'The Dress' drained away and she braced herself for what she knew was coming.

"Jocelyn, Alice and I wanted to talk to you about the guest list; we're having trouble keeping the list down to a number that will fit comfortably in the loft. I think we should move the wedding to the ballroom of the Fairview. I've checked and it's available…"

Joss did a facepalm. The rest of the lunch was spent with Finch and Alice trying to convince Joss to expand the guest list while Christine chortled into her salad.

"Jocelyn, I have to invite Muriel Baker! I've been to all her kids' weddings, even though her youngest has had THREE weddings! And I brought a gift each time!" Alice argued.

"Detective, Pierce Logan is very fond of Mr. Reese. He would be very unhappy if he was not there!" Finch protested.

"Mom, this not about the presents, John and I have everything we need! Finch, John hates Logan and threatened to kneecap him if he ever sees him again! I will not have gunfire at my wedding!"

Both Finch and Alice looked hurt and Joss felt herself losing yet again. She shot a look at Christine hoping for some back up, but Christine did not make it to detective by being stupid and she wisely stayed out of it. Joss made a mental note to find a bridesmaid dress with the biggest butt-bow ever for her so-called friend.

After lunch, the group split up. Alice went off to a hair appointment (and to brag to her friends in the salon about how beautiful Joss's dress was), Christine went back to her precinct, and Joss and Finch headed for the library. As they were walking, Harold turned to Joss, "I'm sorry if my enthusiasm for this wedding has gotten the better of me, Detective. You and Mr. Reese are very important to me and I want to give you the celebration you both richly deserve."

Joss sighed, she could not stay mad at Finch, he was trying so hard to give them a lovely wedding. She linked her arm through his, "It's OK Harold. I know you just want us to have nice wedding and reception. Just promise me you won't invite Elias, OK?"

"I would never invite Elias! He's in jail! But he has been quite interested in the details."

"You have been discussing my wedding with ELIAS?"

"He has some very good ideas. Elias is very interested in anything having to do with John."

An hour later, Joss walked swiftly into the apartment and headed straight to the kitchen without a word to the men. John and Taylor looked at each other and then silently got up from the couch to follow her into the other room. They found her with a bottle of wine on the counter while she rummaged through the drawer.

"Where's the damn corkscrew?" She snapped at them as they entered.

John quietly opened the drawer closest to him, withdrew the corkscrew and handed it to her.

Joss opened the bottle and poured herself a generous glass, which she immediately guzzled down.

"So, dress shopping did not go well?" John asked.

"No, it went FUCKING GREAT! Finch is the daughter my mother has always wanted. They could talk taffeta and satin and silk all day. And they did. When they weren't trying to talk me into expanding the guest list. And they want to move the wedding from the loft to the ballroom at the Fairview."

"Taylor, get me a beer please", John said quietly.