Acknowledgement/ Anouncement


Greetings, my fellow readers! I would like to extend my warmest gratitude to you for reading, hitting the favourite and follow button, and for reviewing the story I made just for you to enjoy. Truth is, I made this right after the last chapter of DGM's manga published last year giving you of what I thought would probably happen next. But this won't change the facts behind what Katsura Hoshino-sensei had planned because this is just a mere fanfic and how I view DGM would be. Thank me not for bringing you the story but the creator, Katsuro Hoshino, who made it and brought us one of the greatest animes/mangas that had ever released. Without her this story wouldn't exist and I won't be here.

Dana 7/4/13 . chapter 20

I miss checking up on this for 2 days, and I see 2 new chapters! This makes me so happy; YOUR WRITING makes me so happy. 3 Thank you for the update.

no problem! I'm glad that you like it!

Fountainofroses 7/4/13 . chapter 20

YOU Forgot MANA. I think. Your making the earl to be mana. Interesting.

does it look like I'm making him Mana? Hoho I didn't expect it will look like it but it only proves that the story is unpredictable, I guess? Because I'm not making him to be Mana because he's dead already thus, I'm making him someone Allen will- opps. That's it. It's a surprise!

lunaticfangirl 7/3/13 . chapter 19

is it really ending? awww... IS THERE A SEQUEL PERHAPS?

Oh, yes! Yes! There's a sequel!

Fountainofroses 7/3/13 . chapter 19

Hehehe calm down reviewholic. This story is great but I hope the next chapter is longer and has a quickier update 'cause I won't be having any Internet after the 10th July so I would have to check at macdonalds wifi service. So do please update really soon thanks

hehe…don't worry. I'm already done with this.

Ennael 7/3/13 . chapter 19

toujours aussi bien j'attends la suite avec impatience! par contre je suis déçus que ce soit le dernier chapitre! je vais devoirs trouver une autres fanfic à lire...snif! good luck!

Don't be sad. There's a sequel! Thanks for the review.

shaythevamp 7/3/13 . chapter 19

If I could give you. a million reviews I could but, alas I cannot. I'm surprised people haven't found this wonderful. story yet. because when I started reading it I got hooked. I can't wait for another update so, please continue on with this story! Now I'm going to ho hit the follow and favorite button if ya don't mind. :)

woah there! you made me so happy that I jumped around like crazy almost tripping! Thank you!

Ennael 6/29/13 . chapter 18

trop bien! j'ai hatte que tu mette la suite! good luck!

Thank you so much!

Rinny-Senpai 32 6/23/13 . chapter 15

I really do like this story! Sure the chapters may be short, but I just al;skdjfhgdsa love this story! Great Job, and I will look forward to sequels :3

Yes! Sequels will be soon enough. Thank you!

AnimeAWSOME 6/20/13 . chapter 13

Oh my god! I love the story and I'm looking forward to more of the story :)

hehe…glad that you like it!

Fountainofroses 6/19/13 . chapter 12

Ojay I did review this but it didn't take

This story is great and do please continue it

Yes, I will! Thanks!

Fountainofroses 6/17/13 . chapter 12

Ohh please update soon this story is great

Am done~!

AniFan xoxo 6/14/13 . chapter 7

This is good, keep updating please!

thank you for your review~!


Come and rejoice for the success of DGM's fanfic, Face Off!

Face Off completed and ended but frown not for the story is just a portion of the whole. Yes, it is 'cause I made the whole story as trilogy which means there will be two more to come~!

So stay tuned and check out for the sequels.

#Timcanpy's pen