Timcanpy: Hiya! My pen is spilling it out of my imaginations. Well, this is how I view the -Man after the Chapter 218 which was not followed by the next chapter because according to the news I received, the author, Katsura Hoshino, is not feeling well. I hope Katsura Hoshino-sensei gets well soon to resume -Man. I already miss watching and reading DGM. I can't help it to think of the next scene so I made a fanfiction and I hope you will like it! ^_^

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN -MAN

-Man by Katsura Hoshino

Prologue [Searching for Allen – 'D']

Allen was running away from Apocryphos when he unluckily met that evil fat guy Noah named Millennium Earl. The Earl went insane blowing a balloon that turned him so huge then a cracked was made splitting his face into two showing his human face behind the mask. He kept on calling Allen as Nea while fighting him. Allen can't fight with his current situation. His whole left arm turned into white feather strands because of the presence of Apocryphos around the town. Johnny came to save him but was thrown away then memories of past came flashing through him.

What *hearts* !?

My consciousness is…

Angry eyes which belongs to Road appeared. She held the unconscious Mana's head tight as she glared to the man in front of them. Nea. Then it shifted to another scene. A scene where Mana stood on wheat fields. He saw the Earl standing in front of his lifeless mother who laid her back to the tree. "Mo…Mother?"

The Earl turned his ever smiling face to see him. "Now everything's gone back to the way it was… *hearts*" a tear fell from Mana's left eye. "Mana D. Campbell, it's all your fault *hearts*.""You brought on this tragedy *hearts*!"

Nea overtook Allen's body. He was laying on the ground stunned by what he saw. "Mana." *stings* *ow* he screamed as he struggled to balance himself up. "Shit…What was that just now…?! Like a flashback…." He said in a soft voice. "Mother…" he said low and soft and then a picture of Mana appeared. "…" "Mana…!"

Nea, still kneeling on the ground, remained stunned and shocked when the Earl's shadow appeared on his back. "You're…that's right…you're…Ma…"Mana" I remember now, "Mana". Mana. Mana. Mana. Mana. Mana. Mana. "Mana" is the cause of everything!"

Timcanpy: And that was it!

Kanda: *glares*

Timcanpy: *shivers and flew to Allen's head* scary~~

Johnny: It's only a summary, Tim.

Timcanpy: I know. I know. Don't worry next chapter is coming up next.

Allen: Really!? what will happen next, Tim?

Timcanpy: I don't know.

Kanda: What!?

Timcanpy: W-well...you see! I'm still thinking of the scene.

Adam: Make it sure you make it better, Tim~ *hearts* !

Timcanpy: Hai...

Chorus: See you next chapter!