So this is it, the final chapter! I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it. No doubt there will be another Trek fic along the way soon! Until then, enjoy.

The ships weapons had a truly devastating effect on the now visible Romulan ship, The photon torpedoes tore a hole in the side of the ship so big tat Kirk could see through it. Robert's continued to blast at them with the phasers, although that now seemed unnecessary. By the time Spock arrived on the bridge, it was all but over, "Open a channel between us and the Romulan's Uhura," Kirk said.

"Aye Sir."

Moments later, the Romulan commander appeared on screen, "I have come to negotiate terms of your surrender," Kirk said. The bridge of their ship was awash with wires, smoke and shattered equipment. They were going nowhere fast.

"We will never surrender to the likes of you." He spat.

"Your weapons are down and you've no way to defend yourselves. I'm not going to fire on a defenceless ship. We have what we came for; we'll leave you to your problems." Kirk said. With that, he terminated the channel and sighed. "Spock, for the love of everything, please take over."

"Immediately Captain." Spock strode to the chair. Kirk took a deep breath and pushed himself into a stand. He wobbled a moment but managed to stay standing. It was time to pay a visit to sick bay

Kirk looked sceptical as he swirled the brandy around in the glass he had been given. A quick glance at Chekov lying asleep in the bed opposite and the peaceful expression on Sulu's face told him a great deal, "Are you sure this works?" he said. The idea of adding alcohol to his already stormy stomach wasn't one he relished.

"Is a black hole black?" McCoy replied.

"Well, down the hatch," Kirk shrugged before tipping the warm amber liquid down his throat. For a moment, nothing happened. Then a gripping cramp began to spread deep inside. His eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around his belly. For a moment he thought he was going to vomit. However, the feeling began to subside as rapidly as it had grown and he relaxed; the only thing that managed to escape his mouth as a yawn.

"Well?" McCoy said raising an eyebrow

"I could some sleep." Kirk said.

"I think we all could, it's been a long couple of days. Why don't you go get some rest? I'll stay here for a few more hours making sure these people are fine," McCoy said. The compassionate smile on his face was too much to resist.

"Do you order it?"

"I do."

"Then I'll make my way there now." Kirk arose and left the sick bay, leaving McCoy alone with his thoughts.

McCoy looked around his now peaceful Sick Bay and smiled. It had been a hellish few days, and he wasn't looking forward to the reports h'd have to write on the bug but at least he'd managed to find a cure in time. All in all, life was good.