Hey peeps! I just decided to do this little continuation to TF Chatroom! Note to those who are waiting for TWS: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this. Sorry for any OOCness on anybot's part. And as for the usernames, I'm sure that y'all can figure them out. Read on!

Klik- Minute

Nanoklik- Second

Cycle- Day


I don't own Transformers

The mysterious figure clicked her tongue as she entered some text into the computer located in an old, abandoned room. It was not as advanced as the ones that her guardian used but the presence of the technology suited her purposes nicely.

"Now, where was I…?" The figure sat back in her seat and waited for a few kliks before hacking into a certain network.

Honeybee has joined the room

PrettyInPink: Bumblebee? Not you too?

Sweet_Rims: This is most distressing.

Rookieboy38: You're telling me! Who the PIT changed my screen name?

Bulky-The-Teddy: Puh-leaze, as if YOU have the worst one. Teddy? Pfft, I'd rather have yours any cycle!

Honeybee: Say, why isn't Ratchet on?

Wrenchie_Claus has joined the room

Rookieboy38: *gasp* Say it isn't true! 8D

Wrenchie_Claus: Very funny Smokescreen. Absolutely hilarious.

Sweet_Rims: I… I can't! XD

Sweet_Rims has left the room

PrettyInPink: Did Optimus just…

Wrenchie_Claus: Yes, yes he did. :/

KidWithGlasses, BarbieGirl and Rocker-Chick has joined the room

KidWithGlasses: Eh? What happened to everyone's names? And who's who?

Rocker-Chick: AWESOME! I love my new screen name! :D

BarbieGirl: Jack here. Though I can't say the same for MY screen name… D:

Sweet_Rims has joined the room

Sweet_Rims: Children?

Rocker-Chick: ROFL! OMG Optimus, your name! XDDD

Rookieboy38: Smokescreen here! 'Sup?

Wrenchie_Claus: The sky. *snorts* If any one of you are going to make fun of my name, sleep in fear tonight.

Honeybee: Oh… You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why. Wrenchie Claus is coming to town!

Bulky-The-Teddy: Bumblebee, I don't think-


Wrenchie_Claus has left the room

PrettyInPink: Primus Ratchet, turn off the Caps Lock. Anyway, I'm Arcee…

BarbieGirl: I'd have to agree with the new name…

PrettyInPink: What?! I-

PrettyInPink has left the room

BarbieGirl: Arcee, WAIT!

BarbieGirl has left the room

Bulky-The-Teddy: Huh. That's strange.

Rocker-Chick: What's strange, Bulky? Love the name, BTW. X3

Bulky-The-Teddy: Thanks Miko. :) By the by, noticed our screen names?

Honeybee: YDS?

Sweet_Rims: Bumblebee, there is no need for sarcasm.

Bulky-The-Teddy: Thanks Boss-bot. Anyways, it's like whoever changed our screen names knows what each of our personalities or habits are like! Take Miko for an example.

Rocker-Chick: Heeeyyy… Bulky!

Bulky-The-Teddy: It's like the one that did this knows that Miko likes rocking out!

Megatron has joined the room

KidWithGlasses: Is it really Megatron?

Megatron: Yes! I have hacked into the pathetic Autobots' network!

Rookieboy38: You, or that creepy TIC of yours?

Honeybee: OH BURRRNNN! *high-fives Smokes*

Rookieboy38: *high-fives back* IKR. ;D

The screen name "Megatron" has been changed to "Lord Bucket Head"

Bulky-The-Teddy: That's it. I'm outta here before things get weird.

KidWithGlasses: Me too.

Honeybee: O.O Me three.

Rookieboy38: Hey, don't leave me here! :'(

Bulky-The-Teddy, KidWithGlasses, Honeybee and Rookieboy38 have left the room

Lord Bucket Head: WHAT THE FRAG?

Sweet_Rims: Hahaha! YDI!

Lord Bucket Head: So sayeth the Prime.

Sweet_Rims: Watch it, Bucket Helm.

Fairy-Wings has joined the room

Fairy-Wings: Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty- WTF HAPPENED TO MY NAME?

Crimson Casanova has joined the room

Crimson Casanova: Mm mm mm, bad luck. But, I think I know who did all this. Hmm… Whoever edited my screen name did a pretty good job.

Lord Bucket Head: Are you sure? Because I AM GOING TO OFFLINE WHOEVER DID THIS!

Sweet_Rims: OMP, who?

Crimson Casanova: Cute name, Sweet Rims. Anyway, it's…

Crimson Casanova has been kicked out of the room

Fairy-Wings: Aw darn it! Well, since there's no reason for me to continue being here…

Fairy-Wings has left the room

Lord Bucket Head: …Jerk.

Sweet_Rims: Psychopath.

Lord Bucket Head and Sweet_Rims have left the room

Rocker-Chick: …That was weird. Might as well leave since no one's here anymore…

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko has joined the room

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: Hey Mi-chan!

Rocker-Chick: Cassie? Is that you?

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: Yup! How ya been, girl?

Rocker-Chick: AWESOME! Yesterday Bulky brought me to a Slash Monkey concert. How about you?

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: Same old, same old. Except that Sounders taught me how to hack better.

Rocker-Chick: Really? Then that means… Oh.

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: *smug* Yeah, I was the one that changed the screen names.

Rocker-Chick: But did you really have to put Jack's screen name as BarbieGirl? I know you hate him, but he's my kareshi after all…

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: My dear, hate is such a strong word! I'm sure that both of us have a mutual dislike of each other. ;)

Rocker-Chick: BTW, "SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko"? I know you like him but jeez…

SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko: (^_^) Shush, dah-ling! What if he comes here?

Soundwave has joined the room

Rocker-Chick: Speak of the devil…

Soundwave: Cassandra Dassant: Location? [Soundwave, Communications Officer of the Decepticon cause]

The screen name "SoundwaveIsMySweetNeko" has been changed to "Cassie D"

Cassie D: What up Sounders? I'm just chilling in my room…

Soundwave: Soundwave: Is already in charge's room. [Soundwave, Communications Officer of the Decepticon cause]

Cassie D: D-Darn it.

Rocker-Chick: Ah, love. :) Much luck to you, Cassie! :D

Cassie D: S-SHUT UP! :(

Cassie D has left the room

Soundwave: Soundwave: Will locate charge. [Soundwave, Communications Officer of the Decepticon cause]

Soundwave has left the room

Rocker-Chick: Since there's only me left… Meh. *shrugs*

Rocker-Chick has left the room

Cassie quickly shut down the computer, straining her ears for any indication of her approaching Guardian. However, her efforts were for naught when she felt a metal tentacle snake around her ankle and pull her into the air.

"Umm… Hi?" The girl waved weakly when she found herself face-to-face with the blank visor of Soundwave.

The slender mech folded his arms over his chassis, clearly waiting for an explanation of some sort.

"Look, I'm quite sure that I've done all my work for the day. And if you have more for me, I probably deserve it!" Cassie was beginning to feel a little light-headed now, being upside-down did not agree with her one bit.

As if sensing her discomfort, Soundwave gently placed her on the ground. Cassie was about to continue her verbal torrent when her Guardian held up a servo for silence.

"Y-Yes Soundwave?" Cassie blushed liberally at the next words that Soundwave sent to her via telepathy.

"Soundwave is my sweet neko?"

WOO! DONE! Now I shall go and cry about how much I hate writer's block. Please R&R, and will probably not update at all. Of course, unless I have weird inspirations and stuff…

-Love, Nova