I read it on my computer as I was finishing up my class. To be honest, I was kind of pissed off. It wasn't that it was a secret. I knew from the beginning. I was upset that one: he hadn't waited like he said he would, and two: he took all of the credit. I needed to head back immediately. I was planning on coming back at the end of the semester, but I suddenly needed to be there to scold my brother. I hopped on the first flight to New York. I decided to put it in my password as I soon as I arrived.

"Gossip Girl, here, well the female aspect of it. You probably know who I am. I've arrived in JFK airport to make my return to the Upper East Side. You know you love me XOXO." I typed before I hit send.

No sooner than half an hour after I arrived did my ride show up.

"Jenny, what are you doing here?" Dan asked me. "You weren't supposed to be back until the end of the semester."

"That was when you were supposed to make your big post." I reminded him. "You agreed we would wait until I was back."

"Well The Spectator was failing, so I decided to help Nate out." Dan explained. "I see that I have angered you based on the fact that you managed to post before I shut the site down."

"Well you took all of the credit for our website." I replied. "In the first few years, I made almost as many posts as you did."

"You told me that you wanted nothing more to do with it." He pointed out.

"That didn't mean that I wanted you to go all Mark Zuckerberg on me." I argued. "Ugh, I just spent 5 and half hours on a flight. I want to go home."

So he took me home. When I got there, I was greeted with a warm welcome from my father.

"I definitely wasn't suspecting this." He said. "Your brother made quite the news."

"Dad, it was both of us." I replied. "We were Gossip Girl together."

"I kind of figured that out." Dad remarked. "Your brother isn't that good of an actor that he managed to convince me that he learned the jargon of the popular girls all by himself. I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed of you two."

"You know we never meant to hurt anyone." Dan replied.

"So are you going back after the weekend?" Dad questioned.

"I need to finish up the semester before I come back permanently. I'm transferring to NYU." I explained. "I was going to surprise you at Christmas, but I really felt the need to come back now."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I wonder who that could be.

Okay, so I know this is short, but I need to go to bed. I've seen a lot of stories that take place in the five-year time skip. I've never seen anything that takes place immediately after the reveal. There will be a few differences, like who Rufus ends up with, but mostly things will be the same. So who is at the door? Well it's someone who wasn't in the finale if that helps you guess. Please don't forget to review.