"So, where are we going again?" you questioned your boyfriend.

"I don't know. It's just so pretty out tonight, I thought we should take a walk." Myungsoo continued to hold your hand in the wintery air. Lights were strung outside in the town, and it would be a shame to miss their beauty.

"Can I stop to get a hot chocolate? I'm chilly," you cozied up closer to L as you walked.

"Sure, but maybe if you didn't wear such short skirts in cold weather, you'd be a little warmer," He smiled as he said this.

A warm breeze drifted out of the shop as L held the door of the coffee shop open for you.

"I'll go order our drinks. Why don't you go find us some seats?" He pointed over toward the booths in the back.

Soft music played in the background of the coffee shop. As you took off your coat and scarf, you noticed a small Christmas tree placed on the counter by the barista.

Myungsoo walked over towards you and placed a steaming mug of hot chocolate in front of where you were sitting. He sat down across from you with a cup of coffee.

You picked up the mug with both hands to warm them. After a moment, you brought the mug up to your face and took a sip from the burning mug. As you did this, you heard the click of a camera. You looked up to see L with his phone out.

"Did you just take my picture?" You set down your hot cocoa.

"Yeah," he observed his phone screen for a moment before setting it down on the table.

You blushed, "Ah, don't take my picture!" you spoke, all flustered. "I wasn't ready!" you reached across the table for his phone to see the photo.

As fast as you were, he quickly snatched up his phone, "Don't worry, you look as lovely as always."

You slumped back in your seat as Myungsoo smiled and took a sip from his coffee with triumph.

The bell from the shop's front door rang as you left. Now that you were all warmed up, you could tolerate the cold.

"Whoa, look at that!" you ran towards the window of a store and pressed your hands up on the glass. Inside was a large, white teddy bear.

L walked up behind you a moment later and placed his arm over your shoulders. Before he knew it, though, you were flitting from window to window looking at all of the shop items. You were always so excited at Christmas time, unfortunately for Myungsoo, he was being pulled around by his hand, if not left behind by you. He never seemed to mind, though.

Eventually, he caught up with you, as you were standing under a tree, staring up at the lights strung on it.

"You were right, it really is beautiful." The lights twinkled in your eyes.

"And so are you," He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before beginning to walk away.

"H-hey!" you yelled after him, "You can't just make me all embarrassed, then leave!" He had always known you blushed easily.

"Now it's your turn to catch me," he said over his shoulder.

You obeyed and ran towards him, clinging onto the sleeve of his coat when you caught up.

He continued to walk and you followed; First, because you were playing along with his game, but now because of curiosity.

White snowflakes fell from the dark, night sky, gracefully drifting towards the ground. A few began to stick to your hair.

"Almost there," L stopped at the train station at the top of the stairs for a moment before walking behind the building and toward a few trees.

"Ta-dah," he announced, gesturing toward a railing.

"Oh, wow," you were speechless. Over the railing on this grassy hill was a view of the city, sparkling with festive lights.

You sat down on the cold ground and placed your legs through the bars of the railing. Your feet dangled over the edge. L sat down next to you.

"Myungsoo," you softly spoke, still stunned by the view, "How did you find this?"

"Well, when you're into photography, you always have to look for new views to capture. I also come here to think, sometimes," he answered.

Myungsoo shifted the way he was sitting and his phone slipped out of his pocket. He didn't notice, so you picked it up while he wasn't looking. Luckily his iPhone didn't have a password set, so you unlocked it and opened up his camera roll. As you were scrolling through, you noticed that most of the photos were of you. There was the picture of you in the coffee shop, a photo of you looking in the window at the white bear, a few photos of you under the Christmas lights, and a recent one of you sitting on the steep edge of the hill.

You lifted the phone and snapped a profile shot of Myungsoo.

"Hey," he blinked a few times from the sudden burst from the flash. "Where'd you get that?" He reached back for his phone, but you pulled it aside.

"Don't worry, you look as lovely as always," you giggled teasingly. "One question," you handed his phone back, "Why do you have so many pictures of me? That's so embarrassing," you blushed a bit, but the dim lighting from the night sky hid it for the most part.

"I have those because I want to remember those moments with you that I was happy. Photographs are like memories. While I may not always remember, the photographs will always remind me of all of the great times I spent with you," Myungsoo gently placed his hand over yours on the grass, "And all of the future memories that we are going to make together."

"Take another picture."


"Yeah, because this is one of the moments that I really don't want to forget."

A/N: I love this one, personally~ I hope you do too! Thank you for reading :)