To: Your Anonymous Friend

From: The Queen's Shadow

I don't know why I'm doing this. It's a stupid thing to do, honestly. I don't even know who you are and I'm expected to open my closet and invite you in to have tea with my skeletons and myself? Have a nice chat while we're here? God. This has to be the stupidest thing I've done. I don't know what I was thinking when I looked this site up…it's just that, I overheard a couple of the girls in the locker room talking about it and I just thought…why not? I've never had a friend, a true friend, that I could just talk to about everything I keep locked up inside. But that's what your for, right Stranger? Look I'm not…good at this whole feelings thing. I mean, I'm not use to having them or rather, expressing them. Normally I just push them so far down they never see the light of day again because that's what I have to do, it's what my mother taught me. Anyway, I heard that this site is legitimate and actually works. I don't actually expect this to work but…I need to try something before I go insane. For some reason, your name is what struck me so here we are. I don't know if you can help me, Anonymous Friend, if you can relate to my problem, but I hope you can offer me some kind of advice. God, if my mother knew what I was doing I think she'd kill me. Asking for help, that is so beneath me. But the truth is, Anon, I do need your help. See the thing is Anon, I'm gay. I'm gay and your the only person on this earth that knows. In my small town, being gay is intolerable and unheard of. Not to mention that the mayor would absolutely despise the idea of a gay mucking up her perfect town. She doesn't like things that do not fit into her views of perfection. And she's my mother Anon. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm going crazy inside my own head. Outside, I remain a picture of undisturbed beauty but inside I'm a splatter painted canvas of crazed thoughts and I just can't find the real art in it. There's something wrong with me Anon. Help me fix it so I can be what my mother wants me to be-what she needs me to be. Please, if you can, get back to me as soon as possible. It's imperative you don't dally.

Regina's fingers hovered over the send button, a daring red with bold white outlining the daunting word. Her phone shook in her hand because of the trembles coursing through her muscles. Oxygen stopped flowing into her lungs, her teeth held her lower lip, and she pressed her thumb down into the glass touch screen. A ding indicated that the message had been sent off to 'Your Anonymous Friend' from the Teen Counselors website. The way it worked was simple and safe for the users, Regina had been sure to look deep into it before even considering using it herself. There was a page with lists of names, none real names, and if one should click on a name then they could easily message a stranger though the site referred to them as a 'teen counselor'. Someone of your age that was going through the same problems as you could lend a metaphorical hand to one another in the time of need. Regina had heard Kathryn talking about it with a few of the other girls after cheer practice yesterday and, while Kathryn had been saying how helpful it can be to get stress out, Regina had been hiding behind a locker listening. At first, she had dismissed as folly of a high school drama queen but later that night, as she sat uncomfortably straight at the dinner table across from her mother, the usual niggling feeling of loneliness reminded Regina of the site. Politely, so as not to infuriate her mother over poor manners, Regina had excused herself with a washy claim of not being hungry and gone to her room to search for this site. She found it easily enough and after a few hours, she felt she had researched all there was to know about it still she refrained from actually getting on the Teen Counseling site herself. Something about it was daunting. Yet she had managed to last through the school day the next day until she found herself where was now, seated on the floor with her back propped against her bed frame, and shaking terribly with the knowledge that she had just shared her deepest, darkest secret with a complete stranger over the internet.

It had been terrifying to write but at the same time it had also felt wonderful. For so long, Regina had been a living, breathing lie walking around in her mothers shadow. Atheistically, she was absolute perfection and everyone knew as did she. Part of the reason she had soared to popularly in school was attributive to her flawless looks. The way the pleats of her cheerleading skirt swished when she walked, flashing her olive toned thighs, kept boys drooling at her feet and her cold, calculating smile made damn sure females knew to back off. Regina was her mothers daughter in that aspect, emotionlessly evil, caring for no one and nothing but themselves. Or at least, that is what Regina portrayed in school to keep her status but at home, behind doors, she was just like every other 17 year old girl. She had dreams, she had crushes, she had favorite bands, and most of all, she desired to be loved. The only problem was, Regina desired to be loved by the wrong people, the wrong gender, and her mother would never approve. Cora would sooner throw Regina on the street after disowning her than except who her daughter really was, who her daughter wanted to be and Regina knew this. So she stayed quiet, she played the role Cora had assigned her. Straight, 4.0 GPA, head cheerleader, star athlete in all sports played, school president, and the very most popular girl at Storybrooke High not to mention the most desired teenage female out of everyone within her age range. Truly, all the attention and the work it took to achieve such status was tiring for Regina and she hated every moment of it but like a good daughter should, she took her suffering in silence for her mothers favor.

However all the pain she was feeling only amplified with each passing day that Regina held it within and now, she was at her breaking point. She needed someone to know, she needed a real friend she could talk to about everything she felt inside. Someone that would just be there for her despite what she had to tell them. Gripping her phone just a little tighter as a tear tracked down her cheek, Regina hoped and prayed that this person could be her savior. She had nothing else left.

"Regina, what are you still doing awake? Don't you have school tomorrow? And why on earth are you sitting on floor?" Cora stood on Regina's doorway, a permanent scowl on her face. Choking a little on the air she was breathing, Regina scrambled to her feet and stuffed her phone under the mussed duvet covering her bed before Cora could notice the device.

"I'm sorry Mother, I was just-"

"Regina. How many times have I told you, sleep is beneficial to a good morning and mornings are essential to having a good day. You'll need to know this for when you become the mayor." Cora sighed despondently and strode into the room, casting a disproving glance towards Regina's cheerleading outfit that lay draped over her desk carelessly. She reached a hand out to tuck a lock of short brunette hair behind Regina's ear, ignoring the way her daughter flinched away from her hand.

"Why don't you understand that Regina?"

"I'm sorry Mother. It won't happen again."

Cora smiled without any actual warmth, dragging her nails across Regina's cheek lightly, "No. It most definitely will not. Tell me Regina, where did you go after school today?"

Panic shot up Regina's spine, emitting jolts of shivers to run freely through her tight muscles but she concealed it well behind a cool mask of aloofness. Calmly she tilted her head to the side as if in thought and hummed in the back of her throat.

"To cheer practice Mother. You know that. I have it after school everyday from four to six. And then I have a 5 hour long Saturday practice. I always have Sundays off."

Cora nodded, already having had this information stored away in the recesses of her mind, but then she paused and lowered her brows in contemplation, "Where did you say you were? After school I mean."

Fear buzzed around Regina's brain, warning her against continuing with her lie but Regina foolishly thought she could out act her mother, "Cheer practice Mother."

Cora's lips twitched into a sneer, a vehement maliciousness burning bright behind muddy brown eyes, "Is that so?"


"So you weren't at the little ramshackle, excuse of a house your father built for himself when I threw his worthless behind out of our lives?"

Regina's stomach bottomed out, leaving behind the bitter taste of bile in mouth. Of course Cora knew. She always knew everything. Regina shouldn't have even bothered trying to lie. Submissively, Regina dropped her chin to her chest.

Cora tutted, "That's what I thought. What did I tell you about visiting your father Regina Mills?" When Regina said nothing Cora gripped Regina's chin in a bruising vise and yanked it up, locking eyes with the widened and fear filled ones of her daughter.

"What did I tell you!?"

"Not too Mother, I'm sorry."

Cora sneered at Regina and cast her away, snapping Regina's head hard to one side and drawing a small pained whimper from the teen, "As you should be. Not only did you disobey me but you lied to me about it as well. When will you realize it's easier to obey me than to fight me Regina?"

"I'm sorry Mother."

Cora sighed again and shook her head, not once looking away from Regina's bowed head. Softly she placed her hand atop Regina's head, curling small wisps of brunette hair around her fingertips. Regina hardly responded to Cora's gentle touch outside of tensing up as if expecting another shove or an impromptu slap.

"I'm sorry dear but you've left with no other choice but to punish you. Give me to keys to you car."

Regina snapped her head up, knocking Cora's hand away, and stared at her mother through wide and, embarrassingly, tear filled eyes, "No Mother please, I'm sorry I won't-"

"This isn't up for debate Regina Mills! Do as I say!" Cora hissed, holding out an expectant hand.

"But how will I get to school Mother?"

Cora shrugged, eyes narrowing dangerously every second she had to wait for Regina to fill her palm, "You'll walk."

"Walk!? But Mother! That's at least 2 miles-"

"Are you questioning my authority Regina?" Immediately the teen slunk back inside herself, turning into the mask laden husk of a being who would forever be submissive in her mothers presence. Without a word Regina dug the keys to her Mercedes out of her jeans pocket and dropped them into Cora's awaiting palm. The older woman nodded and turned on her heels to stride towards the door, somewhat hesitating to cast a strange look towards her daughter, before striding the rest of the way out. A few moments of silence rang in Regina's ears before her hurt and fear that Cora always instilled turned into pure rage and she stormed towards her door. In a temper, she wrapped her fingers around the white painted wood of the door and pulled on it the slam the door shut. A loud boom rang through the hall outside and echoed inside her head but it hardly could drown out the hard thumping of her cracking heart.

A sob ripped from her throat and another followed until free tears rolled down her cheeks and Regina had to cover her mouth in an attempt to stifle the sounds of anguish coming from her. Not only would Regina have to get up early to make the 2 miles to school and still be on time but now, without a means to get there, Regina wouldn't be able to visit her father. Henry Mills, the man Cora Mills had divorced the moment she had become the official Mayor of Storybrooke, was Regina's only light in this hell she was living and now he had been taken away from her as well as the car he had bought her. Why couldn't Cora just let her be happy? What was so wrong with it?

A buzzing noise startled the sobs right out of Regina. Bemused, she turned back towards her bed and noticed a swatch of fabric was lit, the light orientating from beneath the duvet. She walked to her bed slowly and sat on the edge, flipping her duvet over to see her phone screen lit up with a message from Teen Counseling. Your Anonymous Friend had replied to her message. A nervous trembling wracked her already tense body, the tear stains on her cheeks showing up when the light of her phone washed over her face.

To: The Queen's Shadow

From: Your Anonymous Friend

First, I'd just like to say that I'm really glad you chose me. Let me just put it out there that you couldn't have picked a better person for this particular issue you are struggling with. I, myself, happen to be gay as well. So truly, I can relate to you. However, the first thing you need to know is that is absolutely nothing wrong with you Queen. Just because you don't have the urge to date the opposite sex doesn't mean there is something wrong with your character or your mental health. You are perfect the way you are. However, I would just like to say, that there is a problem with the fact that you feel too scared and unsafe with where you are to come out. What I'll help you with, Queen, is to teach you to accept you and be more comfortable with you because then you'll see that where you are isn't where you belong. You need to be somewhere you can be happy and be excepted. Does that sound alright with you? I'll be here whenever you need me Queen. Just a click away.

She cast a glance at the closed door, half expecting Cora to come back in and take this away from her too but it remained stoic. Cradling the phone to her chest, Regina used one hand to shuck her jeans off and climbed up her bed. She used the same hand to shut her lamp off, casting the room in darkness, and pulled her duvet up to her chin before finally opening the message.

To: Your Anonymous Friend

From: The Queen's Shadow

That sounds nice Anon. Maybe we can start tomorrow? I've had a very long day and I'm exhausted. I have school tomorrow and Cheer practice after school, but we can talk after then. Goodnight.

To The Queen's Shadow

From: Your Anonymous Friend

Sure sounds good Queen. I'm going to be busy most of the day tomorrow anyway. Sweet dreams.

Regina neglected to notice the small smile that accompanied the warm flutter of happiness blossoming in her chest. Never before had someone wished her sweet dreams. Occasionally her father would sneak in to wish her good night but never for sweet dreams. Sighing quietly Regina tucked her phone beneath her pillow and burrowed under her blankets. Tomorrow would be a good day.

Xx xX

A few blocks down the road from the glorious Mills Mansion, Your Anonymous Friend was just powering off her phone for the night when her mother killed the engine to the moving van. The large U-HAUL was stuffy inside the cabin where Emma sat and the seat between she and her mother was littered with various sorts of junk food that was nearly depleted after their long journey from Tallahassee to Storybrooke, Maine. Every item they owned was carefully packed and stacked in the back of the U-HAUL, awaiting unloading and unpacking. Yet Emma remained in the passenger seat of the vehicle, staring out into the mostly dark streets of Storybrooke, wondering what this new place would bring for her and if it would be any good. This was their fifth move just this year and the fourth one done without her father, David. Her mother, Snow, was a restless woman without her husband by her side and was constantly needing a new place to lay down at night less the previous place dredge up memories of her husband. It wasn't as if David was lying in a grave somewhere. Quite the contrary, he was alive and well but only if he could keep up his luck it seemed. Currently, her father was overseas fighting in a war that had begun long before Emma had even been born. Sergeant David Charming of the Marine Corps had been deployed to Afghanistan 3 months ago and Emma would be lying if she were to say she didn't miss her father but she kept herself together for her mothers sake. Snow was sensitive to the topic of her husband so Emma remained quiet about the issue unless her mother brought it up. What Snow didn't know, however, was that in the latest letter she had received from her father, David had told Emma that he would be coming home within the next few months but it was to be a surprise for Snow so she had to keep quiet about it. And she had, even when Snow had told Emma that she had found a teaching job in Maine and suggested they move there for it.

"Emma?" The teen turned her head away from the window towards her mothers shining aqua-sage eyes. Snow White (she had decided to keep her last name instead of taking David's in commiseration of her late father) was beautiful even when she was encroaching on her late 40's. The short pixie cut of hair that lay mussed atop her head didn't hold a single strand of grey in it and her milky complexion remained relatively untouched by wrinkles save for the faint lines webbing from the corner of her eyes and mouth. She still held her muscle well, little fat made up her body at all, and all without hardly needing to do any sort of muscular excursion daily. A trait Emma had inherited as well as Snow's seamlessly effortless beauty and her facial structure.

"Yeah Mom?"

"Don't worry about unpacking anything yet. Why don't we just sleep tonight since it's late already and your first day of school is tomorrow. We can work on getting it done after school alright?" Snow glanced around the cab of the vehicle with a tilt of her lips, an obvious display of her being uncomfortable, "As long as you don't mind sleeping in here. I can set the alarm on my phone-"

Emma smiled smally and reached across the sea of junk food to lay a hand on her mothers forearm, "It's cool Mom. Don't worry about it." Then, with little care for the upholstery, Emma did a single sweep of her arm to knock all the junk food from the seat onto the floorboards. Snow made a disapproving sound that fed Emma's mischievousness yet the stewing mother gave her child no reprimand. Smirking, Emma pulled a few blankets from under the seat and threw one to her mother. The other she wrapped around herself and sunk into the seat, resting her head against the window.

"Sweet dreams Mom."

"Sweet dreams Emma."

With a soft yawn, Emma finally allowed her body to relax and closed her eyes. Sleep hit her instantly and didn't let her go until an annoyingly perky ring tone woke her. She stumbled out of the U-HAUL with a drawn out yawn and, after saying goodbye to her rousing mother, slammed the door shut before stumbling down the road in the direction her GPS said the high school would be.

She had been walking for nearly 15 minutes when she had finally stumbled upon the high school. It was nothing grandiose like her old school had been but it was nice in a homey, small town kind of way. There were already groups of kids standing around the parking lot, leaned against cars laughing or making out, when she got there and, once they spotted her, she immediately heard whispers floating around as she passed. Luckily, Emma had experience at being the new kid so she remained with her chin up, head high, as she moseyed through the front doors.

The halls were congested with bodies that reeked of far to much Axe body spray and the ones who didn't use body spray at all. Chattering blocked out almost all sounds except for the clamor of hundreds of students walking around or slamming their lockers shut. Emma fought to squeeze though the throng with the small slip of paper containing the email the school had sent her containing her schedule information and her locker number. By the time she had made it to her locker, her glasses had been knocked of twice, her ponytail was disheveled as she was, and she had begun to smell like Axe from rubbing against so many bodies coated in it. With an annoyed sigh she pushed her glasses up with the bridge of her palm and quickly spun her lock combo in, popping it off with ease, and began unloading her measly amount of school supplies. Pencils, pens, and a couple packs of college ruled paper as well as her handful of folders she had personally decorated during the ride here to pass the time. Just as she was about to close her locker and try her hand at finding her first period class, her phone beeped in her pocket.

Taking it out, she smiled at the screen upon seeing that her new friend had messaged her.

To: Your Anonymous Friend

From: The Queen's Shadow

I have a serious problem Anon! I need your help, I'm not sure what to do. I just found out from a friend of mine that there is a new girl at school today and I just saw her walk past me. Anon, she's adorable. Kind of dorky looking but adorable. The thing is…I think I'm attracted to her Anon. I need to figure out how to fix this! Please find time to message me back on this ASAP.

Emma smiled even as she shook her head. This one was going to be a tough one to break. She was so wrapped up in her disillusions of the way the world had taught her to be. With a disapproving cluck of her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she leaned against her still open locker as she replied.

To: The Queen's Shadow

From: Your Anonymous Friend

Relax. We've talked about this remember? There is absolutely nothing with you being attracted to girls (I am assuming that because you said your attracted to 'her', then you too are a girl). If you like her, go talk to her. Try to befriend her. What do you usually do when you feel an attraction towards a girl?

To: Your Anonymous Friend

From: The Queen's Shadow

Ignore it. Make out with my Ex boyfriend, Graham, and then make her life a living hell. It makes not liking her a lot easier if she hates me. Or fears me. Either or works for me. It had worked for me thus far.

To: The Queen's Shadow

From: Your Anonymous Friend

O…kay. Well, don't do that this time. The first thing you need to do to except yourself, is except your attraction to woman. Go talk to her. I'm not asking you to come out to the whole school or fuck her in the hallway or anything, just talk to her. Be friends. And whatever you do, don't go use some guy to bury your feelings okay Queen?

Keep me updated.

Emma tucked her phone into her back pocket where it had previously been, feeling fairly giddy. She loved helping people with their problems but only if the person didn't know it was her. She didn't like the recognition or the glory of a savior, she liked old fashioned helpfulness done out of the honesty of a good heart, not someone looking for a pat on the back. And this girl use all the help she could get.

Slinging her bag back over her shoulder, Emma shut her locker and after locking it turned around to head to class only to come face to face with one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. Fathomless dark brown eyes stared at her in a blank way, carefully hiding whatever lie beneath them. A soft to touch but sharp in contour face was framed by perfectly styled brunette hair so dark it was nearly black, wisps of curls making the bangs flair out near the ends. Expensive clothes hugged the trim, toned body of the slightly shorter girl who was obvious an athlete born from money. Just looking at her made Emma feel cheep and unworthy. Gulping, Emma reached up to push her glasses up with the bridge of her palm only to find they didn't need it and she had done it as a nervous tick. Silently she berated herself.

"Ah…hi. I mean, hello. I'm Emma. Emma Swan Charming. But you didn't need to know my middle name…ah…" A bright red flush crawled up Emma's neck and settled in her cheeks, setting her whole face on fire. Even if her last name was Charming, she was about as smooth as sandpaper when it came to the ladies. The girl hardly blinked an eye at Emma's nervousness, merely tightening her lips into an almost frown.

"Regina Mills. Nice to meet you." Regina hesitated for a moment before reaching her hand out for Emma to shake. The blond eagerly intercepting the hand after wiping her own sweaty palm off on the backside of her jeans. A flutter in Emma's chest made her heart murmur when their skin pressed together, palm to palm, for the first time. Silky, satin skin rubbed against the calluses decorating her palm and, it could have been Emma's own imagination, but she was sure that Regina drug her fingertips across the entire length of her palm plus her fingers slower than normally excepted when they ended the handshake.

"Ah, right! Nice to meet you…too. Regina. Pretty name. I mean, not to be weird or anything! Not that I'm going all gay on you cause I mean, I am gay, but I'm not hitting on you that is. Not that you aren't pretty enough cause you are. Your super hot-fuck. I'm gonna stop talking now." Emma bit into her bottom lip and shook her head, trying to convey her apology through silence. Regina's brown shot up and her eye twitched slightly.

"Your…a lesbian?"

Emma nodded, "Yeah."

Suddenly the air around them ignited with something vicious. Regina's blank face morphed into that of an angry, offended woman. She stepped forward to poke Emma in the chest, effectively knocking the blond back against her locker and trapping her there between cool metal and hot brunette.

"Listen, if you think for one second I'm interested in you and you go around telling people that Regina Mills is interested in you, I will destroy you. Do you understand?" Emma gaped like a fish as she stared into the angry face in front of her but a part of her couldn't ignore the small spark of terror that had flashed in those captivating brown eyes briefly when Emma had said she was gay.

"I didn't-"

"Good. This is over then." Regina stepped back and smoothed out the wrinkles in her black pea coat, casting a look over her shoulder at a gaggle of girls watching the interaction between the two of them, "Have a good day Emma Swan."

"Ah, actually it's Charming-"

Regina looked Emma over with something that almost resembled a teasing smile, "Oh? Is it? Because you look more like an Ugly Duckling to me."

And with that, Regina walked away to join the girls that had been spectating. Emma watched them look at her as Regina spoke before they shared a simultaneous laugh and walked away. The blond remained standing their in a stupor, still pressed against her locker, confused about what had just transpired until the bell rang, signaling first period. She was late. Great.

Her phone buzzed.

To: Your Anonymous Friend

From: The Queen's Shadow

I panicked and verbally attacked her. She told me she's gay-in the middle of the hallway-like it was no big thing and I got scared because part of me was thrilled to find out. I messed up. I'm sorry…she definitely won't be my friend now.

To: The Queen's Shadow

From: Your Anonymous Friend

Don't worry about it. I'm sure she'll forgive you. You still have time Queen. Don't give up on yourself. You did good, I'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone to try. I'll help you beat this self-homophobia if its the last thing I do. I have class now Queen but feel free to message me if you need me.

Originally, I had planned for this story to be a one shot but as it turns out I don't really have time to sit down and write a 16,000+ worded one shot. So I'm going to split this up into three or four chapters. As always, I love feedback so don't hesitate to leave me a review. I'm off to cook dinner, do well all you internet strangers!