A/N: Most of you who read For Real have probably figured out by now that in addition to being a creepy sicko, I'm also a closet fluffball. So, I come up with a lot of little moments in the universe I've created for Dean and Seth that are too fluffy to fit into For Real. But, I enjoy them so I thought I'd share them with you here as I feel like drabbling them out. I hope you like them.

Dean surfed aimlessly through the channels on the hotel television. It wasn't like there was anything worth watching on – it was just past two in the morning. Dean heard the door to the room click open and watched Seth walk through, carrying his wallet in one hand and a little bag of Doritos Flamas in the other. All Seth wore was a pair of black gym shorts that were falling off his hips – Seth never seemed to think that walking to the vending machines required him to wear anything else.

Seth's hair was conspicuously disheveled, his face was still a little bit flushed, and a couple of fresh bite marks graced the back of his left shoulder. Dean didn't think anyone who saw Seth walking down the hall would have had any trouble figuring out what they'd just been up to. Frankly, Dean hoped someone saw him. A lot of someones. Entire wedding parties. Masses of drunk high school kids on prom night. All the guys coming back from whatever shitty fucking bar all the ring rats hung out at here. Whoever. The more the fucking merrier. Let them wonder. Let them squirm.

Seth shed his shorts, dropped his wallet on the nightstand, and crawled into the bed with Dean. He opened the bag of Doritos he held in his hand and dug a few chips out of it.

"You enjoy your little victory lap?" Dean asked, an impish gleam in his eye. Seth stared at Dean for a moment, looking confused. Then, something clicked in Seth's brain and his facial expression changed to the amused expression of someone who'd been found out.

"You fucking asshole," Seth laughed.

"Only because you know I'm right." Dean said.

"You are such a fucking asshole. Just for that, you don't get any of these," Seth said, making a show of holding the bag of Doritos as far away from Dean as possible.

"Oh come on, you know you love it," Dean said. "Just give me some fucking Doritos."

"Seriously?" Seth said, mock-incredulously. "What have you done to deserve any of these fucking Doritos?"

"I think I've done enough to deserve all of those fucking Doritos, don't you think?" Dean said, rubbing the sensitive spot on the back of Seth's left shoulder. Seth smiled knowingly.

"Alright, I think you've got a fucking point," Seth said. He fished out a large fistful of Doritos and handed it to Dean. Dean immediately shoved one of them into his mouth. "But I'm still not giving you all my fucking Doritos."

"That's cool," Dean said. "I think maybe you've done enough to deserve a couple. And if anyone saw you going to get them – shit, you can have the whole rest of the bag."

Seth smiled. "I guess the rest of these are mine, then," he said.