This is my first story fanfic. Right now it may not be great, but I promise it will get better. I have some good ideas.


Katarina Bishop walked down the streets of DC, scoping out the area. She and her crew had recently received a message from a descendant of King Louis XVI of France. (He had proven this with DNA tests done by Simon, and Simon is never wrong.) He claimed that the ruby slippers in the American Museum of History actually belonged to his many-times-great-grandmother, Marie Antoinette.

Kat knew this was crazy, but she had nothing else planned to steal. Besides, it wouldn't be that hard- she had robbed The Henley. Still, Kat felt uneasy. There were cameras and guards everywhere. Plus, it had the newest updated security (they had changed it after someone had tried to steal the original American flag).

Hale called her on comms, "Camera count in the east wing, third floor?"

Kat was still on the first floor, but she didn't even need to look up. "Twelve, plus motion sensors, infrared, and guards on both sides of each exhibit entrance. You know, the basics."

"Blind spots?"

"None, which rules out nighttime."

"We could do Pigs in a Blanket?"

"Do you have 5 antique carpets made in the year 1239 and 10 Babylonian tribal statues?"

"Well, I am a billionaire. That could be arranged," Hale teased.

"Yeah, but I don't want Hamish and Angus driving us around. Remember what happened last time?"

"I don't know, I guess we'll have to discuss this later."

"Can you pick me up out front?"

"I'll be there in a minute."


Cameron Morgan sauntered into the American Museum of History. Aunt Abbie had taken the CoveOps class to DC for more field work. Cammie was tailing a short, black-haired girl who looked oddly familiar. Somehow, Cammie couldn't place her. Did she live in Rooseville? Or maybe Cammie had seen her last summer, when Cammie ran away? Neither seemed right...

The girl must have been nervous, since she seemed to be talking to herself. The girl didn't stay in the museum long. She just walked around in the lobby for a while. She walked upstairs and looked at one exhibit for a short amount of time. Then, a black limo picked her up out front.

"Peacock, the subject is leaving in a black limo, licence plate DRF-27J."

"I'll be right there."

Macy pulled up in a dark SUV to pick up Cammie.

"Where's Bex?" Cammie asked.

"She is tailing the car on foot, if they stop."

"Let's make sure not to lose them.

Sorry it's not that good (or long). It gets better. Please review! I am open to suggestions.