"Good morning Sleepy Head." She whispers into his ear as he starts to wake up, grinning widely. He loves her morning voice. Soooo sexy. He shuts his eyes though, being stubborn, and feels her crawl on to him. Damn, she's as stubborn as he is. "Wake up darling. I was thinking of going to the park today. And you really need to fix that bed head of yours." What.

"Really Tor, are you really going to stoop that low. Insulting my hair just so I will wake up?" He knows it's perfect.

"Well. I could get you up another way..." He smirks, her sexual innuendos always got the best of him and he just has to get up now. To see her beautiful face in the morning and maybe kiss her senseless, morning breath and all.

So he lifts his head slightly and opens his eyes. Wow she's beautiful. He can never really get over how he landed her, but all he knows is, he sure is god damn lucky.

"I'll say it again, good morning sleepy head." She smiles that brilliant smile and his mouth suddenly becomes dry. Stunning.

"Good morning gorgeous." He yawns, his morning voice getting through, which he knows she also finds undeniably attractive. She blushes, because she's never really thought of herself as quote on quote, "gorgeous" , and that bothers him. Not the fact that she's blushing, no, she looks even prettier with her rosy cheeks, but the fact that she doesn't see herself the way that he sees her. He loves her, so much. And he really just wants her to love herself.


The alarm brings him back to the real world now and he sighs, wishing he could sleep forever if it meant he could be with her. His phone buzzes besides him and he knows it's most likely Robbie, his old (And only) friend from Highschool that he still keeps in contact with. He's changed quite a lot and is now in a committed relationship with a girl that Beck has yet to meet. Which, actually, is the reason for his phone's vibrations. He's supposed to have dinner with the two of them tonight and "bring a date." He knows that's impossible. He hasn't even thought about dating since her and doesn't plan on it any time soon. So Beck responds with an "I'll be there", leaving out any indication of him bringing someone else, and leaves his room to take a shower.

Beck arrives at Robbie's at a quarter to eight and rings his obnoxiously loud doorbell he helped him install last summer. The sight he is greeted with surprises him. At the door is none other than his old ditzy friend, Cat Valentine.

"Beck!" She squeals as she hugs him so tightly he starts to lose the airflow to his brain.

"Hey Cat. Wow, I didn't think I'd ever see you again." He exclaims shocked beyond belief. Well, he did always have an inkling those two would end up together. 'The same thing people used to think about me and Tori.'

"Well, here I am! You look dapper. Shame you didn't bring a date. I understand though, not many girls your type in LA anyway." She concludes and she seems more down to earth than she used to be and he's quite pleased with this. Sure, Cat was nice in Highschool, but she could sure get annoying real fast. And while we're on the subject of Cat, what did she mean there weren't many girls "his type" in LA? What is that girl getting at.

"Thanks Cat, you look nice as well. How's life?" Beck asks as she steps aside letting him through. He sits on the couch in the living room making himself comfortable while he waits for Robbie to finish up with dinner.

"Good. Great actually! I travel to New York a lot for work and I love the Big Apple. I'm trying to convince Robbie to move there so I can stay in NYC permanently. Tori definitely thinks it's a good idea."

He chokes on his spit the minute she says her name. Tori. His Tori is living in New York now. He seems saddened by this information because he always thought that one day, he'd run into her again in the LA park, her favorite place to go, and she'd take him back, right then and there. Silly thoughts, he knows, but he always hoped.

"So Tori's in New York, huh?" He questions nonchalantly even though he's desperate to hear about her. 'How is she doing? Has she changed? Is she with someone? Does she miss me?' All these questions fly through his brain going way too fast to go even settle on his tongue, so he sticks to the first one seeing as maybe if he comes off neutral, Cat won't see that he desperately needs her and is a pathetic excuse for a human being without her now.

"Yeah, she's trying to break into the business singing at local bars and restaurants, nothing major really, but she seems happy." Cat explains, although truth be told, she knows Tori will never be fully happy again. Not without him.

"Good", he says and that's that. He gets through the dinner fine and tells them next time it's at his place. He really just wanted to get out of there because it was too much knowing the truth. He thought that maybe, just maybe, she'd be as sad and lonely as he was and there would still be a chance. But now knowing that she's miles away, starting a different life, and being happy, he doesn't think he even stands a chance anymore.


Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry about the slowness of my update, it's just that my desktop broke and I can't afford to buy a laptop. Poo. But, I'm getting a job at Dairy Queen! I know its not much but I mean it is my first job and I'll bring in some cash money! Wish me luck! If I could give you all free ice cream I would.