"You've done us a service, Reaper Spears," William's bosses told him in the court room as he explained why he had taken his employee into custody.

Their voices sent a chill down his spine, raspy and quiet, like a page turning in an ancient book. They wore long, grey cloaks that covered them from head to foot, so no one has seen their faces in centuries. No one can remember when the Elders were chosen, books dating back eons cannot even identify them, and William has looked.

He bowed his head deeply, and replied "I've only done what is best for the Reapers and for my subordinate, Grell Sutcliff. I believe that there might be a demon possessing him, as I stated in my report. My subordinate would not willingly harm myself or other Reapers. Her reactions and the physical traits I witnessed while in her company prove that she is not in a right state of mind. Under normal circumstances I would suggest it is merely because of her Day of Death approaching, as she normally goes slightly out of line this time of year, but it is far more drastic than usual and it does not explain why her eyes changed to appear blue. I would like to request permission to work with the investigation team and to ensure that my employee is treated fairly. Furthermore-"

"Reaper Spears. Do you think us incompetent of making sure Reaper Sutcliff is unharmed? Do you think us willing to purposely injure a fellow reaper?" Their voices hissed in unison, displeasure evident clearly in their voices.

Jumping at the interruption, Will shook his head adamantly. "No, I apologize for my outspokenness. I was out of line. Grell Sutcliff is my responsibility, however, so I would like to stay with her and keep her calm. She will be more wiling to cooperate with me, I know."

A clacking sound reverberated around the room, startling Will again until he realized that they were laughing. They were laughing at him.

"We think that you are emotionally involved in this case, Reaper Spears," they whispered to him. "But we have seen a case like this before. Only one other time, but it is not unheard of. The occurrence ended badly, but we hope that you can help change the outcome."

William bowed deeply. "I thank you. If I may have your permission to go to Reaper Sutcliff?"

In sync, all five heads bowed and the double doors behind William swung open. With one last bow, Will walked swiftly from the room, pausing only once on his way to Grell's containment unit to pick up a brush, eyeliner, and red nail polish from her room.

When he arrived at the unit, he saw four guards standing at the end of the hall, talking and laughing until they saw him. They straightened up and saluted him with their scythes. "Mr. Spears! What are you doing here? They're investigating Miss Sutcliff right now, so no one can go talk to her."

The familiar voice of Ronald Knox caused Will to pause. "I have been given permission to see her and assist in the investigation. What are you doing here? You are not one of the guards I assigned."

"I wanted to come see Miss Sutcliff!" He pouted, running one hand through his messy blond hair. "But they said I can only see her after the investigation and even then I can only talk to her through a supervised session."

William sighed heavily. "Ronald Knox, she us currently under suspicion of demonic activity, you cannot be alone with her for your own safety."

Without allowing the young reaper another word, Will stalked down the hall to the solid steel door that was imbued with salt and holy water. He opened the door, saying his name so the reapers working the interrogation would know he had clearance, and then entered the room. He had braced himself to see Grell handcuffed to a chair with a scythe trained on her, but he was not prepared to see her chained to a cross, a Devil's Trap on the floor surrounding her, and three scythes pointed at her heart. He closed his eyes slowly and then nodded for the reapers to continue.

The first one to resume asking questions was tall and built. He was clearly chosen for his size to try and intimidate Grell, or at least the demon possessing her. But when Will noticed the slight grin on her face and her wide eyes, Grell was enjoying her interrogator and the fact that she was tied up, way too much.

"Tell me about that demon you tried killing again," The tall reaper demanded, pressing the scythe to her throat and causing Grell to hiss in annoyance.

"I already told you all that I know about him! I didn't know he was a demon when I tried killing him, and he had red eyes just like any other demon."

Will started when he heard that and approached his subordinate quickly. "Miss Sutcliff," he began.

"Ooo! William, darling. Come closer. I have a little reward for you!" She grinned wickedly, malice alight in her eyes. Clearly she was not forgiving him for subjecting her to this.

Carefully out of her reach, Will nodded for the other reapers to ease up on the scythes. When they were removed from her chest and throat, William frowned. "You say that the demon's eyes are red?"

"Are you deaf now as well as a liar, Will?" Grell giggled. "The demon's eyes were red."

"You're the liar, Miss Sutcliff. I believe you had told me that your demon had bright blue eyes that glowed. It was this eye color I had seen on you when I had gone to check on you and my actions of concern for my subordinate's well-being were responded to with violence. You had attempted to kill me, do you remember that?"

Her gleeful, maniac facade slipped when she heard that. "I... I never attempted to kill you. And I had told you its eyes were red, why are you arguing with me?"

William turned to the other reapers in the room and told them "There is no need for further questioning. She is irrational. I will personally check her Records and report my findings to you and the Elders. but until then you are dismissed. Keep the guards at the end of the hallway, and you may send Ronald Knox in. I will contact you when I find something. While I do this I would like for you to look up on demon lore, search for demons with bright blue eyes and exceptionally strong possession skill."

They nodded and saluted his orders before leaving the room, and William knew he had seconds before Ronald came barging in to see his mentor.

"Grell, believe me. I am so sorry you are tied up like this. This is not what I intended. I thought they would run a few tests at the hospital, not that they would charge you for this as a crime. I am doing all I can to find you innocent of purposeful demonic activity, and the Elders seem as though they might believe me, so please, forgive me." He stepped over the line of the Devil's Trap, resting one hand on her cheek gently.

With a twist of her head, Will's hand fell. "Don't touch me! Using a kiss to arrest me? That is just low. I never want you to touch me again."

She coughed quietly, causing William to believe she might be hiding a sob.

At that moment, the door swung open and Ronald raced into the room. "Miss Sutcliff are you alright? Oh, what did they do to you? That is no way to treat a lady! You told me that men can only tie up a lady if they gave permission, did you grant them permission to tie you up? If so, then why am I allowed in here and why is there only Mr. Spears in here with you. If you'd be needing your privacy, just say so and I'll go and come back later when you ain't tied up no more, okay, Red?"

"Oh, Ronnie!" Grell laughed. "It's just a safety precaution. So I don't become a demon and try to kill everyone in the room."

At that, she glared at Will. He felt nothing but complete shame. "If you don't mind, I'll be sitting outside and waiting for you, Mr. Knox. Just let me know if you need anything."

As he left, he handed Ronald the bag with Grell's things in it, sighing heavily and wishing for Grell to be alright.

How's this for an update, huh? Not bad? I hope it's ok... Please let me know what you think I want to make sure I'm keeping you guys on for the ride and all my ideas and headcanons aren't ruining the story! I just have so many ideas about the Reaper Realm that I want to write about! So, I hope you guys like this chapter, and please review so I can try and improve! :)

Lots of Love!

EDIT: I realized, when looking back on this to write the next chapter, that I had an inconsistency with Will picking up some stuff for Grell, but never actually giving it to her so I had to quickly fix that and I intend to have the next chapter up soon, most likely tonight!