Family Above All

Author: LuRCosta

Fandom:The Fast and The Furious

Rating: T/ 13+

Pairings: Brian/Mia, Dom/Letty

Summary: When Brian's daughter gets kidnapped by the Trans, because they found out of his connection with the SWAT team invading their garage, and the cops won't help, saying it will ruin his undercover job, Brian turns to Team Torreto, reviling to them the truth. Will they help him?

Disclaimer:Only the OCs are mine, all the others I have no claim over them!

Beta:None yet. Anyone wants to fill in the job? PLEASEEE?

New Characters:

Lilian Rose O'Connor (Played by Mia Talerico)

Father: Brian O'Connor

Mother: Unknown mother (dead)

Age: 6 years old (Brian was 16 when he got her mother pregnant – which makes Brian 22 in the story)

Chapter 1 – Family Ties

Brian O'Conner was furious, for the last month he had worked as an undercover cop, doing everything Sergeant Tanner and Special Agent Bilkins had asked him to do. But now that he needed help they refused, saying it would blow his undercover assignment. Even after screaming at their faces and destroying half of the house that was being used as base, he still had gotten a no from the FBI and LAPD.

Which left Brian with only one other option. He knew he had to go easy on telling them the truth or else they would refuse to help and then kill him. He was driving his work truck to the Toretto's house, he thanked God that it was a long drive, since it gave him time to think in what exactly he was going to say to them.

Brian parked the truck behind Leon's yellow Nissan Skyline. He grabbed the white stuffed bunny and the picture before getting out. It was Sunday which meant that they would all be gathered in the back yard waiting for Dom's barbecue. Walking to the back of the house he saw that Leon, Vince and Jesse were already sitting down.

"Buster right on time. Pick a seat. The meat is ready. Mia, Letty, let's go." Dom grabbed the plate full of steak before taking a seat at the head of the table. Mia and Letty walked through the back door each holding a bowl, they each took a seat next to Dom, which left Brian to seat between Jesse and Mia, right in front of Vince.

"Buster are you going to stand there all day or are you going to take a seat?" They all chuckled. None touched the food, not wanting to have to say grace.

"I need help Dom." Brian looked down in defeat.

"Can't it wait until after we eat?" Dom looked at Brian, waiting the answer, when received none he stood up. Walking over to Brian he realized for the first time the stuffed bunny on his hand. "Brian?" The blond twenty year-old handed Dom the picture without looking up.

"Her name is Lilian Rose O'Conner. She's my six year-old daughter, and she's been kidnapped." They all heard the defeat and the desperation in his voice. Dom looked at the picture to find a young girl tied to a chair, she had a gag in her mouth, to keep her from screaming, in her lap was yesterday's news paper. Looking closer Dom saw Brian's baby blue staring at him full of fear and tears. Dom looked up to see Brian's eyes just like the ones in the picture. "I need help Dom, please?"

"What do you mean she's your daughter, on your file there was nothing about a daughter?" Vince rose from his chair, everyone could see that he was angry. He never really liked Buster and now here he was basically telling them all that he had originally lied to them.

"She wasn't on the file because my name isn't Brian Spilner it's Brian O'Conner. And I was sent to find out who was in charge of the trucks hijack. I never believed to be you guys, my money was all on Tran. And I thought I had all the proof I needed, when last week we saw the products in Tran's garage, so I told my boss and he sent the SWAT team on them. Now her uncle was found dead two days ago, and this morning I received the photo and the stuffed bunny, she never goes anywhere without it, I gave it to her right after I got out of juvie, it's her lucky charm. I'm begging you, help me. Please?"

"Told you he was a pig, but none listened to me, I told you Dom!" Vince was yelling, making a scene in the backyard. Letty looked at Brian with anger, while Mia looked at him hurt and confused. Dom looked back down to the picture.

"Do you know who kidnapped her?"

"You're joking right, no way in hell we are helping this pig!" Vince screamed, he was fuming pacing back and forth. "I can't believe you're siding with him! I've been telling you he was a cop since we met him and you never listened to me and now that he has basically told you that you still won't listen to me!"

"No, I'm not going to listen to you. You want to know why?" Dom walked towards his best friend, even being the same age Toretto was a few inches taller than him. But Vince didn't let, for once, himself be intimidated by Dom. "Because we are not helping Buster over there, we are helping the scared little girl in this picture. And if you don't want to help me save this six year-old than you can leave." The two kept staring at each other, neither backing down. After what seemed like hours of a tense silence, Vince finally gave him a small nod before taking a setback.

"The Trans, they kidnapped her. I heard the knock on the door, and when I opened there was Johnny and Lance, they were on their bikes without their helmet. They wanted me to know it was them." Brian answered, they all could hear the worry in his voice.

"What about the police, won't they help?" Mia inquired. She wanted, more than anything, to save Lily, call it mother instinct, no women is able to see a child in danger and not feel the need to help. But she also didn't want her family in more danger, her brother was already on the wrong side of the law, hijacking the trucks, but now he would have to play hero, and probably get hurt in the middle of the process, to not even get acknowledged and most likely get blamed in the end.

"They didn't want to call to many attention, so there are only a few cops working in the case. They said that if they opened the case to the media they would blow my undercover assignment. And when I destroyed half of the base they threatened to take away my badge and gun, and charge of aggressiveness against the force. Which would put me behind bars and I would probably not see Lily for five years, if they had found her by then." After answering Mia, Brian walked up to Dom. "If you help me I swear on her life that I'll take the three Honda Civic, plant them on Tran's territory and make it look like all the hijacks were their fault, I promise to make all the evidence on you guys disappear, I promise to try my best to make sure you guys walk away, free."

Brian took a step around Dom to look at the rest of the team. He looked at each in the eye. Leon and Jesse were the only ones who looked back at him without hate or anger in their eyes. "I'm standing in front of all of you not as Officer Brian O'Conner, or Brian Spilner, but as Brian O'Conner father of an amazing six year-old, begging you to help me save her."

"We will do it. Not you, to you this is family, but to us these is business." Dom continued knowing that Brian was going to try to interrupt him. "And it's not nice to mess business with family, it could end up with you, or your daughter or even one of us killed. So we will go follow them, find out wherever they are hiding her and bring her back."

"This is my daughter we are talking about you can't just ask me to stay out of it." Brian grunted.

"Listen Spi-O'Conner, I get it that it's your daughter but you have to let us do our job. Let us save her." Dom tried to calm Brian down. He couldn't say he knew what was like to be in his situation, but he knew that feeling of protectiveness Brian had for his, it was the same he had for Mia, if not even stronger.

"You couldn't protect her, now let us do your job." Vince murmured.

If Dom hadn't been fast enough to grab Brian, Vince would be at the floor with at least a black eye. "Don't you think I tried? I tried my best to give her everything she needed and wanted. I didn't want her to have an unemployed father, so I joined the force because no one in their right mind would hire an eighteen year-old who just got out of juvie. And I thought that by protecting the streets, I would protect her even more. And to make matters worse her mother died. Living me to raise a three year-old all by myself. Do you know how hard it's to make a braid? No you don't. So don't you dare say I couldn't protect her because I always did everything in my power to unsure her safety and her happiness first!"

By the time Brian had finished his speech Dom had already dragged him inside the house. The oldest Toretto patiently waited for the Buster to calm down. "We will help, but I meant what I said out there, you will have to stay out of this and let us do the rescuing. Now go home, wait for more details, while we come up with a plan." Dom turned his back on Brian. "And O'Conner, once we bring her back, I want you gone, do you understand me? I never want to see your face here, or at the store or the garage again." With that said Dom left Brian standing in the middle of the living room, alone.

Kinda had this chapter redone, because of Lily's age! I made Lily younger because in one of the sequels I want to get either her or Brian to tell how she remembers all of this, but I don't want her to remember everything. You will understand!

Brian - 22 year-old
Dom - 24 year-old
Vince - 24 year-old
Mia - 21 year-old
Letty - 23 year-old
Jesse - 22 year-old
Lance - 23 year-old

XOXO, LuRCosta