This will be the last chapter for this story.

I apologize in advance if you think Hotch is a little out of character, but I tried to portray him in a way that would seem real and very meaningful. One of my favorite episodes is "100" where Hotch shows all his emotions and I wanted some of that in this.

I hope you all enjoy, you all have encouraged me and gave me some wonderful ideas for my story! Thank you all so much for everything you have done, you all help me get through my day!

This has a little more of what Hotch sees and feels as things happen.

My cup runneth over! Enjoy!

Hotch drew his gun following Emily's lead, she was quick into the woods.

Emily was sure there was someone in front of her, running away from them. At first glimpse she noticed jeans and a dark patterned shirt. As she ran into the woods it became noticeably darker, diminishing her visibility of who she assumed was the un-sub. She switched on her light and stopped, scanning the area.

Hotch stood next to her shining his light as well. "Do you see anything?" He asked.

"I did, but not now." She said disappointed. The adrenaline in her body was almost forcing her to keep running, but she had to keep her wits about her, making sure there was someone out there. For a moment she doubted herself, standing in the woods, waiting for something to emerge, did I see something? Was he real? Pull it together Emily.

Emily moved her light, watching it creep in and out of the trees when suddenly she saw him. The light caught his movements and he was off again. "There he is!"

"Go! Go!" Hotch said, encouraging Emily, giving her the opportunity to take him down.

Emily ran swiftly through the woods, dodging in and out of trees while hurdling logs and other forest structures. Her own endurance surprised her, but then she knew it was from the adrenaline pumping through her body. Without a Kevlar it made it much easier to run. Her arms pumped quickly at her sides, increasing her speed. The un-sub darted abruptly right; Emily turned chasing him farther, but the farther she ran the more apparent it was that he wasn't there anymore.

Emily's chest was tight and heavy as she came to a stop. Now that she was standing still she tried catching her breath as the muscles in her legs throbbed and ached from over exertion. Hurriedly she scanned her light throughout the woods watching it dance eerily in and out of the trees, casting ghostly shadows. There was no one there. "Hotch I think we've lost him."

Emily turned around behind her and Hotch wasn't there. Fear ran over her body, the one thing that made her feel safe was gone. "Hotch! Are you there?" The woods were silent and as she looked around it became evident that she was lost as daylight diminished to twilight.

She spun herself around looking for Hotch or any sign of him, listening intently. There wasn't a bird that chirped or leaf that rustled, everything had become still as if it went into hiding. All at once a cool breeze swept through the trees, sending goose bumps all over her body. Time seemed to have stop, "Hotch." She said in an almost whisper as terror began to consume her, smothering out all other feelings.

It was happening again, she was alone and vulnerable and just before she panicked, she managed to pull herself together. She breathed deeply a few times and swallowed back a few tears. She brought up her gun and started scanning the woods with her light. Nothing came into view as she made a complete circle and just as she was about to start walking in some random direction, she heard a noise in the distance, located in front of her.

"Hello?" Emily walked carefully and slowly towards it. She gripped her gun tightly, as the sweat from nervousness began to form under her palms. Her heart was pounding rapidly. Hotch where are you at? Please let it be you. The certainty of chasing after the un-sub was gone, she wasn't sure if she was going to run into Hotch or the un-sub, so she had to be mindful of her actions, almost hesitant. "Aaron?" She called, it was the first time she had called him by his name, and it felt good, now she just wished she would get a response. "Aaron, are you there?"

The commotion grew a little louder and in all the rustling she thought she heard a grunt, but her light didn't allow her enough visibility to see in front of her very far, then she saw a small florescent light turn on. When the light was on, it moved to a tree branch where it was hung on a limb. "Hello?" Emily took a few more steps, "Is somebody there?"

The light was quite a few yards away and she approached slowly. When she was closer she heard more grunting, but she couldn't see anything, even with her own light. Finally she was just a few feet away and the florescent camping lantern lit up a bare spot on the ground. "Aaron?" She said. The grunting started again and she shined her light in front of her and saw him. Hotch was tied to a tree with duck tape over his mouth, his eyes were trying to warn her, but he was too late.

Emily was focused on Hotch, once she had him in her sights she didn't see or hear the un-sub come up beside her. Just as she took off to set Hotch loose, a foot came down across her forearms sending the gun flying out of her hands.

Hotch had stayed close to Emily, not letting her out of his sight. He followed when she turned sharply right, and he too realized they had lost the un-sub, but he was unaware the un-sub had hid behind a big tree, letting them run by so he could sneak up on them. Right before they had come to a stop, Hotch started to slow down and in that moment he felt a hand come across his mouth, silencing any noise he tried to make.

"If you're quiet I won't kill her." He whispered in Hotch's ear, while holding a gun pointed in Emily's direction right in front of Hotch's face.

Hotch thought he could fight him, in fact he was pretty sure he could take him, but not without risking Emily's life so he complied and let the guy lead him around the area where Emily had come to a stop.

When Emily was out of their sight, the butt of the gun made blunt force contact with his head, knocking him unconscious.

Hotch woke up to his name being called. He was bound to a tree, with about an 8 inch diameter, bound by his wrists with duck tape. Shortly after he became conscious he saw Emily's light sweeping through the woods. He tried to talk, but his mouth was hindered by duck tape as well. He started making noise and kicking his feet, in hopes of Emily hearing him.

Hotch soon saw another light, close proximity to him, very close, only about twenty feet as he looked more intently. He watched the figure of the un-sub hang the light on the tree, and then he move out of the light waiting for Emily.

Hotch pulled hard on the tree, by which he was bound. It shook the leaves violently as he tried to get free. He couldn't let Emily get raped again.

Finally he saw Emily and he knew the un-sub's plan. It was to be entertainment, for Hotch, set up like a stage. He waited for Emily's light to reach him and when it did he tried to give her a warning with his eyes, but it was to no avail, before Emily could react the un-sub brought his leg down on her forearms sending the gun out of her hand. Now all Hotch could do was watch.

He saw the un-sub struggle with her to the ground. Emily was kicking him, and punching him in the face. Hotch saw him raise the knife, he tried to pull his hands free from the tree, but he couldn't. It gave a little bit, but not enough. Soon he saw the knife come down swiftly and he thought it would be the end, but it was only the beginning. The knife slit her blouse open, and she yelled as it nicked the top part of her neck.

It was torture for Hotch, especially when Emily started yelling, "Please! Stop!" He watched her trying to scoot away from the un-sub, digging her heels tinto the ground. Un-fortunately for Emily the un-sub was burly and the weight of him, on top of her, restricted her movement. Hotch saw her hands cover her naked breasts after he ripped the knife between the cups of her bra, this too let out another yell from Emily as the blade once again scathed her body.

"Let me go! Please! Aaron!" She yelled with tears coming through her cries.

Hotch pulled and yanked on his wrists, with each pull he felt the tape starting to give. Hang on Emily, hang on. With each noise Emily made and with every struggle of her body he was becoming more enraged, feeling as if he was living the nightmare with her. This man was ripping clothes off the woman he had fallen for, he was touching her, sucking her neck, and making her squirm with his repulsive actions. His beautiful Emily was again being violated by a man who had in some ways ruined her life.

"No!" She screamed and he undid her pants, "Let me go!" Hotch saw Emily's hands move to the man's shoulders trying to push him off of her but she couldn't, so she moved her hands downward trying to keep his hands from undoing her pants and that's when he brought the knife down and ran it across the middle of her stomach. Emily screamed again, thankfully it was only a superficial wound, but it only heightened the extreme amount of anguish and horror that had consumed her.

Hotch struggled more pulling and pulling. He put his feet against the base of the tree and pushed out hoping that his body strength would break the duck tape. He looked towards Emily and saw the man trying to jerk her pants down, while she tried to keep pulling them up. Emily was fighting against her vulnerability, trying desperately to keep what modesty she had left, before being totally exposed and humiliated in front of Hotch. Every so often Hotch noticed Emily's eyes looking in his direction, pleading for help yet at the same time he would see a hint of embarrassment.

The un-sub started un-doing his own pants and his moment of vulnerability Emily tried to get her knees in front of him, to get out from underneath him, but he stabbed the knife in her thigh ceasing any movement.

Hotch heard her scream again and started feeling the duck tape rip. When he looked in her direction he saw a glimpse of the knife sticking out of her leg. He saw her reach for it, but the un-sub grabbed it and this time he was ready to complete the deed.

Without a moment's notice, Hotch saw him thrust inside of her and he noticed Emily's hands dig into the ground.

Hotch's arms were straining and the pressure he was putting on his knees was painful, but in that moment he couldn't feel it. He was determined to get free. His muscles were just about to cramp when he fell back violently, ripping the duck tape in half. He pulled the duck tape off his mouth.

Hotch jumped to his feet and grabbed the back of the un-sub's shirt jerking him backwards, off of Emily. The un-sub came at Hotch with a knife and Hotch stopped his arms and pushed him into the woods, out of the light.

Emily rolled on her side, pulling up her pants. Her body felt weak and tired. She heard the struggle in the darkness and all she could do was hope. Once again she was beginning to feel safe, knowing that Hotch would defeat him, but yet some doubt started to creep in and the pain started to re-enter her body. Her stomach stung with pain and the puncture wound in her thigh throbbed, pumping out her warm blood. She crossed her arm over her chest and felt the blood that had oozed from the cut on her neck. Frantically she tried to pull her shirt back together, holding tightly to the two pieces of material.

After she had barely pulled herself together she heard grunts from both men as they continued to struggle. She knew which ones were Hotch's and she cringed with every one, then it was silent. With the silence came a torment, of who would walk into the light. She heard the footsteps and started pushing herself away from it, "Aaron?" Emily didn't hear a response and she started crawling away digging her nails into the ground and trying to get on her knees. "Get away!" She yelled. She felt someone put their arms around her and she started screaming then she met his eyes.

"Emily, it's me. It's over. You're okay." Came the words from the ever familiar voice.

Momentarily Emily's fear took over and she thought the un-sub was coming after her, but when Hotch made contact with her and met her eyes, she saw he was okay.

"Aaron?" Emily grabbed her shirt again and held it together tightly while crawling into Hotch's arms.

"I'm here Emily. He's dead. He won't hurt you anymore." He said wrapping his arms around her.

"Thank you, thank you." She wispered.

Hotch felt her clutch his jacket and he pulled her in closer.

"Don't let me go." Emily pleaded.

Really for the first time Emily admitted to needing him, and in those words he felt and heard the fear radiating through the tone in her voice. "I won't. I promise." He said softly with a few tears trickling out of his eyes. Yes he had stopped it, but he didn't totally keep him from hurting her and that pained him.

"Get me out of here." Emily whispered, burying her face in his chest, while it also served the purpose of hiding her exposed torso.

Hotch supported her body, under the bend of her knees and around the upper part of her back. He stood up; knowing roughly which direction to walk out and he carried her. "I will baby. We're leaving." I just called her baby, she may slap me for that later, but I'm not about to let her walk away from me. I love her and I'm going to show her that the best way I know how. For once she's opened up enough to show how much she needs me and I'm going to be there for her.

Emily wrapped her arms around him, holding herself onto him. He saved me, he didn't leave me and he didn't give up. Baby? Did I hear that right? She started to see how much he cared and yet she felt the same for him, "Don't leave me." She whispered with a quivering voice.

Hotch felt her tremble in his grasp. "I'm here Emily and I'm not going anywhere." He placed a kiss on her forehead.

Almost immediately after his gentle kiss Emily thought about being alone in her apartment and thought maybe it could happen again if he wasn't with her. "I don't want to go home by myself. I'm scared." Emily uttered with a weary an exhausted voice, her words barely carrying to Hotch's ears.

"I'll stay with you as long as you need." Hotch looked at her frail body that he was carrying out of the woods. He noticed her eyes were closed as she continued to constantly press into him. When a few moments passed the images of the un-sub harming her and her lifeless, nude body lying in the woods flashed in front of him. Every day he sees pictures of people who have been brutally murdered and left like animals for nature to take care of, and the thought of that happening to Emily was more than he could bare. The tears fell slowly down his face, rolling off his chin, the thoughts of losing Emily and her being absent from his life was something he couldn't accept. When Hotch finally made it to the tree line he felt her arms fall from around him. At first he was alarmed but then he realized that she had just passed out from exhaustion.

He couldn't hold it back anymore the weight of his emotions was something he could no longer control. He dropped to his knees and cried into her. He hadn't felt this way since Haley was killed and even thing he cried for her suffering and cried because she was gone. It was unexplainable to him how even now one woman's suffering could emanate into to him so deeply. He loved Hayley but he had come to love Emily. He wanted to make everything better and he would go to the end of the world to do it. The moon peeked out from behind the clouds, lighting the area and he saw the fair face of the one he had fallen for. He sniffled away the tears and said, "I love you Emily."

With that said he stood up and walked easily to the car, guided by the moonlight and said, "Let's go home."

Well I hope you all enjoyed! It was really hard to write this chapter and I hope you like it! Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't let anybody down!

This will complete the story!