Suicide at Terabithia! 6/9/13

Most of this is being told through the eyes of a third person.

Things had not been setting well for Leslie the last few months; she had been harboring bad thoughts about Jess. They were little things but they were adding up. Maybe he had a secret love she didn't know about or maybe he was just sick of her.

It was a beautiful day. Cold and clear, just right for a trip to the tree house. Leslie had gotten up full of wonder; she just knew that there would be new places to go. Leslie would rather be there than at home.

Over at Jess's, he was just being awakened from a good sleep by May Belle. She had the phone and was telling him his girl friend was on the line. As he took the phone, he told May Belle that Leslie was not his girl friend. Ms Edmunds was on the line asking if he would like to go to town with her to the National Gallery? He forgot all about Leslie and said yes. He had dreamed about being with her on just such am outing. He got ready and they left for town.

After some time, Leslie wonders were Jess was and went over to see if he was up, and if so, ready to go to the kingdom. May Belle was at the door and told her that he had gone to town with Ms Edmunds and that she was not his girl friend. Leslie was badly hurt and felt like her life was over. She thanked May Belle and left for the tree house. As she passed the green house she grabbed a piece of rope and took off. She was crying when she got to the creek. She didn't know what to do, she just knew Jess had crossed the line. She took PT in her arms and crossed the creek. As she sat at the tree house she was at her wits end. She thought Jess loved her as much as she loved him. They seemed to have so much fun together. Was he just using her for his own gain? She got up and climbed a tree. Tired one end of the rope around a branch and the other end around her neck. She let go and it was over.

That afternoon Jess got home from town, happier than he had been for some time. The family was busy with stuff around the house; all thinking he was with Leslie at the tree house. When May Belle saw Jess she went nuts. She told him what had happened that morning, and Leslie taking off for the tree house with a rope. Fear passed over him like a wave as he took off for the kingdom knowing that something was dreadfully wrong. As he got close to the creek he started calling for Leslie. All he heard was PT barking and making a lot of commotion. He crossed the creek and headed for the tree house.

At about the same time, as Bill & Jack got close to the creek, they heard the most bloodcurdling cry they had ever heard. Jess had just found his beautiful queen, slowly swinging in the breeze. 9-1-1 was called, but there was nothing that could be done. Her body was cut down and taken away. Am autopsy was done and showed that she had died of just a broken neck. No suicide note was ever found.

Jess was at a loss as to why Leslie would do a thing like this. As he talked to May Belle, after he got her settled down, he realized that being her boy friend was the key to this whole problem. He had never told her that he loved her or that he was even her boy friend. He had always thought of her as just a great friend and nothing more. He had been so rude to her on the bus and at school. What was he thinking? He knew that she loved him and was always so good to him, even when he was bad to her. This little stunt had cost Leslie her life and Jess the best friend he would ever know.

Jess builds a bridge across the creek so May Belle could enjoy the kingdom. She felt the same way Leslie had about the kingdom. A most beautiful place. She would enjoy the kingdom for years to come.