It was a warm early summer day on Fleet Street,17 year old Nellie Andrews was siiting at the table in her mothers shop staring out the window. She was quickly brought back from her fantasy land when her friend Alyssa burst in.

"Nell, come quick" She squealed grabbing Nellie's hand a pulling her up from the table.

"Wha; is it?" Nellie asked as Alyssa pulled her down Fleet Street.

" A boy, they jus' moved in, he's gorgeous Nell" Alyssa said breathlessly. They ran down Fleet Street to a little house near the end. Everyone on the street had there heads out the window talking about and trying to see the newcomers. Then another carriage pulled up filled with stuff, a woman came outside, she had to be the around the same age as Nellie's mother but much better looking, behind he came a man, older but still handsome, he had dark hair and brown eyes. Then it was the Nellie first saw Benjamin. He was beautiful, his brown that fit perfectly with his deep brown eyes, his features as wonderfully built as his body. He was 17 and looked like an angel.

"He's beautiful" Nellie muttered.

"I know" Alyssa sqeaked.

Benjamin glanced over the ground until his eyes fell upon a young girl with auburn curly hair, bright eyes and lovely features, she was smiling and whispering to her friend. He looked at them and they blushed.

"L...let's go" Nellie stuttered.

"Oh...uhh...okay" Alyssa replied. They walked silently back to Nellie's house.

"Where 'ave ya been?" Nellie's mother called sternly upon her entering.

"We saw the new family that moved in down the street" Nellie replied

"They 'ave a boy" Alyssa said excitedly

"So I 'ear, they're the talk of the street" Nellie's mother replied," Alyssa are ya spendin' the night?"

"Sure" Alyssa said and her and Nellie headed upstairs. Nellie sat in her chair and started to draw a picture.

"Ya bein' awfully quiet, Nell" Alyssa said.

"Oh...uhh...I was jus' thinkin'" Nellie awnsered quickly.

" 'Bout him?" Alyssa questioned.

"Did ya see the way he looked at me, he was so pretty' Nellie replied then sighed.

" He'd never fancy a girl like me though."