Chapter 12

Lily's POV

"So, what should I try?" Rudolph asks, looking up at the menu with a somewhat intimated expression. We're standing in the "local" aka nearest book store that we visited a week or so ago. I can still hear Anna scolding me for my lack of knowledge in Shakespeare from our last stop here.

"Well, whatever you order at a coffee shop won't sound manly." I state. I convinced Rudolph to try modern coffee and since there is not a Starbucks near by we just came here after school to study/hunt down the stone/tutoring. We were pleasantly surprised to find a tiny little brewing station in a corner of the store.

"Really? Not at all?" Rudolph asks, looking down at me and I nod.

"How humiliating, hardly seems worth it." Rudolph says. "No, no, the opposite really. It's even more worth it." I object. Rudolph raises a brow at me and I raise one right back, trying to fight off a grin.

"Alright then." Rudolph says, a small grin of his own spreading across his handsome face. My face brightens "Really?" I ask eagerly.

"Yes, really. But you have to pick it out and order it." He adds in with a smirk.

"But then you do none of the work!" I say and he just smirks wider.

"I beg to differ, I am being forced to try this odd new version of coffee. Thus so I am putting forth an effort." Rudolph explains and I roll my eyes.

"Oh whatever." I mumble and walk up to the counter. The young brewer or barista as what my native LA roots are use to turns around. My eyes widen when I recognize a fellow classmate of mine.

"Oh... h-h-hi Casper." I greet and the tall brunette with adorable sandy freckles grins at me. "Oh, hello Lily. Didn't expect to see you here." He greets. Casper O'Riley is a sweet kid but an extremely popular one. He just seems so perfect from far away and now he's waiting on me... Awkward.

"Yeah, I come here every now and then. But I didn't know you worked here." I say and he nods. "Yeah. This store is my run by my family. The family's trade if ya will." Casper explains and I nod. So that old man from last time is his grandfather? Didn't really catch the family resemblance.

"So Lily, what would ya like?" Casper asks in that thick Scottish accent of his. "Do you sell cold vanilla flavored drinks?" I ask and Casper nods. I beam at his answer. "Then I'll take two of those. And if you got Toffee nut syrup and caramel sauce and a couple pumps of that as well." I say, feeling my thirst for a Starbucks frapichino suddenly appear.

"The lady knows what she wants." Casper says and I feel my face flush from embarrassment. Casper goes off to work on the order but talks over his shoulder while doing so.

"I know it doesn't look much, but this cafe does have more than just coffee." Casper says while adding the plumbs of toffee nut and caramel. "Really? Huh, I'm impressed." I say as I starting digging for my money.

"Yeah, I made my family go full out." Casper says, turning around holding up a whip cream can. "Oh yeah, don't even bother asking on that." I say and he just grins, skillfully layering whip cream onto the caramel drinks. Casper snaps the lids onto the drinks and holds them out to me. I grin and start gathering up my money, only to be stopped by a warm hand on my arm. I look up, Casper following my gaze as well.

"I'd got it." Rudolph's British coated voice says. Casper grins and looks in between the two of us and his face splits into a cheeky grin.

"Is it just you two?" Casper asks and I feel my face warm but I can't hide the small smile growing on my face. Nodding, still with the stupid look on my face. Casper's knowing smile now turns into a full blown smirk.

"Aye, hold ye money." Casper says and Rudolph freezes, wallet in hand. "It's one the house." Casper waves off. "Are you sure?" Rudolph asks and Casper nods. "Consider it, a school discount." Casper says.

"Thank you, mate." Rudolph says. "Thanks Casper." I thank. "Just remember no PDA." Casper scolds playfully and my face starts to pinkin. "We'll keep that in mind, mate." Rudolph says, tucking away his wallet and grabbing our drinks. I grab some straws and we walk away.

"So what did you want to purchase?" Rudolph asks as we walk into a classic section. "I wanted to pick up some Charles Dickens for Ana." I answer, looking over the books. "Is it another slang word for... the D? Some boys from school informed me." My mouth drops at Rudolph's words and my face goes entirely bright red.

"Um... n-no. He's a famous writer." I explain. "Not a reproductive organ." I force out, my heart pounding. Technically... I've seen him naked, I just didn't look down. "Lily, you're really red." Rudolph points out and I glance up, seeing that his face is bright red to. I've never seen Rudolph's face have so much color before, now that there is actual blood running under that beautiful face.

"So are you." I say and then steps closers to me and kisses my cheek. "Lily, you are a virgin, are you not?" Rudolph asks and my face beats the impossible by turning redder. I swallow thickly, my heart pounding hard in my ears.

"Rudolph... W-what about you?" I ask. That can't happen right? In his day and age such a thing like hookups or sexually active was basically forbidden. His entire body tenses and he turns away, jaw clench tightly. My eyes dark blue eyes widen and my heart pounds even harder in my chest.

"Rudolph?" I ask, but it feels like I am calling out to him. "Well this uncomfortable." Rudolph sighs and runs his hand through his brown hair. "Oh my god." I whisper, catching on. "I think I need a drink." Rudolph says and takes a sip from his drink then gasps.

"Bloody hell! This is extraordinary!"

AN: guys I'm sorry I don't update but I have two jobs and school. And a life. It's had to find time to sit down and write after a I go to school, go to work and finish my homework and do it all over again at five the next morning. Just be patience.