Hey guys this is my first twilight story so go easy on me. It's told by Bella, so enjoy

I couldn't breathe, I felt like I would faint but I had to keep running, I needed to hide somewhere to get my strength back. There wasn't much in the alley I had found myself in but I spotted a dumpster to hide behind, I quickly ducked down and tried to lower my breathing. It was deathly silent not even the wind was making a sound, I thought I was safe it didn't sound like anyone was around. I slowly stood up and looked around I was in the clear, I started running again when out of nowhere someone grabbed me from behind. They had grabbed my arms and twisted them so my body was defenceless, with my body pressed against theirs I could feel it was a man. I started struggling and tugging to get out of the grasp but my efforts were useless so I started to scream for help which was a bad idea as he shoved his hand over my mouth and with a quick move his mouth was by my neck.

"Who are you?" I whimpered

"Your worst nightmare" he slowly said and sunk his teeth into my neck.

Just at that moment I woke up in a pool of sweat wondering where I was. Not that dream again I thought. It was 2am and I was in no mood to go back to sleep, so I got up and had a nice cold shower to refresh myself and clear my head. This was the third night I had woken up from the same dream and it was starting to bother me. I went back into my room and grabbed a book from my shelf and started reading to escape reality.

I woke up again and looked over at my clock to see it was nearly 7, crap I'm going to be late for school, I quickly rushed to the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed in my uniform. I can't say it was the most comfortable uniform with a short red skirt and a tight white shirt with a matching red tie, I always wore tights so nobody could see my legs. I ran downstairs said a quick goodbye to my dad and I sprinted out the door jumping in my truck and speeding off to school. I finally arrived 2 minutes before the bell so I jumped out and ran off towards my class room.

I arrived just as the bell rang and jumped into my seat right next to my best friend Jessica, we had been friends for a year now and I was proud to call her my friend, she was so much more confident and beautiful than me. "Bella you are so lucky the teacher is late" she whispered to me and I stuck my tongue out in response. Just then the teacher walked in with a tall, pale guy behind him.

"This is Edward Cullen, his family have just moved to town, make him welcome and treat him well, there's a seat next to Josh" Mr Becks bellowed to class, half of who weren't even in listening. The seat he had mentioned was right behind me and as he walked towards it his eyes were locked on me staring directly at me "Oh he likes you" Jessica smirked, I just shook my head, something about him wasn't right it sent a shiver down my spine. I was brought back to class with Mr Becks shouting about food safety, the rest of the lesson droned on but throughout it I could feel someone watching me, observing me. As the lesson drew to an end I told Jessica I had to go somewhere and when the bell rang I ran out the classroom as quick as I could avoiding looking behind me. I had a study break for the rest of the day so decided to catch up on my homework in the library, I got straight to work flicking through books and writing but in the back of my mind all I could see was those cold eyes staring at me, the distinctive gold hint in his eyes I found the oddest. I heard a cough from above which broke my thoughts, I slowly looked up and was met with the same gold eyes I was just thinking about " I believe this yours" he said with a velvet smooth voice as he passed me my jacket. "Oh thanks, I didn't even realise" I said with a smile. " I'm Edward Cullen, I'm new as you heard, would you care to show me around . . . ." he sounded like he was asking my name, why? "Bella, and I'm sure there is a welcoming committee who help new students they would be better than me" he looked a bit crest fallen as I replied and so quickly said "you know what I don't mind doing it if you put up with my clumsiness". "Of course" he smirked "How about now if your free", I nodded my head and packed up my stuff, something felt wrong like something bad was going to happen. I looked up at Edward now standing by my side and saw something in his eyes, it looked like hunger. I started walking slowly with him and started to slightly shake. What did he want with me?

Thanks for reading, I have a lot planned for this story but I don't know whether to continue or not. Let me know what you think guys and whether you want to read more.