Disclaimer: I do not own the Lorien Legacies or any story line.

Hey! So I'm uploading this and hopefully it makes up for the days I should have. I know but I still feel bad. Anyways it's quite long and couples kind of shine through in this chapter. Plus from now on each chapter will have three POVs. Marina, Six, and Nine on this chapter then Eight, John, and Five on the next. Then so on and so forth. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter. The better chapters are finally here! Enjoy!

Chapter 18: Marina
We all rush out of the car. My wound still hurts and keeps me cautious.

Five runs to me. "Hey during this fight chose the right time to use your legacy!"

We start running and I feel the wound reopening.

"What? Which legacy?"

I think back, was the blue lighting a legacy?

"You're energy blasts! It's going to wear you out!"

Great! Healing does the same.

I shake me head and we run through a forest.

The sounds of Mogs are getting closer.

I push through the pain coming from my side.

My super speed really helps at this moment but other than Nine, no one else possesses it.

Five yells "Stop! We fight now!"

We stand in a line.

Eight approaches me and squeezes my hand.

"You okay?" He says kisses my forehead.

I nod nervously. I don't want to be back in a lair.

I don't want Mogs scraping my leg for skin samples or yelling at me for answer I don't have.

I then realize tears are slipping down my face.

Eight drags my hand behind him, shifting me, hiding me.

"Why aren't we running?" I whisper.

"Because Five thinks we can do it."

I shake my head. "When did she become the leader of the pack? We should be running til the catch up with us."

Eight squeezes me hand. "I know!"

It's dark but I can see perfectly. I keep informing the group.

"They're fifty feet away."

They can't see either! The Mogs are listening for our moves.

"It's time!" Five says.

I feel time jerk to a slower pace and within the same minute it goes back to normal.

I hear her groan. Why's she stop?

I see Five shake her head and see the Mogs 40 feet away stop.

To me they look frozen.

Some start to grunt and within seconds most of them pop into ash.


I see hundreds more coming from the highway.

I hear a few branches break behind us.

I whip around ramming my back into Eights.

"Pi...Pikens!" I gasp.

"Nine! Four! come with me! We'll take care of the Mogs!" Five says dragging them forward.

Three crawl forward. One for each of us.

Six turn invisible creating a storm.

Eight looks at me and nods.

I watch mine focus on me.

Eight turns into a horrific monster teleporting around the Piken.

Mine charges and side step.

It fumbles to the ground and growls.

I see Six and Eight have pulled farther away.

I use my super-speed to my advantage.

I punch it with the strength I have and it falls back.

I use the little time I have and I look around.

Five is controlling them, Nine is whipping his staff around, and John is a ball of fire.

I guess the Piken retreated faster than I thought.

I should really stay more focused.

It slams into me, pushing me into the closest tree.

I grab my side feeling the blood rush over my fingers.

My hands start to heat up. I realize my legacy is displaying itself.

The Piken charges me and I dive under it.

I grab one of its leg and bend it.

It howls and I break it off.

It starts to dissolve and I hold it down.

Eight teleports over and hammers it into ash.

I watch as the Piken throws Six to the ground.

She kicks it in the face, holding its jaws from her head.

I watch as her legs limbly after a hard pound and I scream.

I run that way and feel the surge overcome me.

The Piken tries to bite Six but my legacy was faster.

The blue energy hits the Piken slowly turning it into ash.

The head hits Six like a rock.

Eight teleports us over and I breath heavily.

My head pounds and I feel weak but Six need me.

Eight pushes the almost ash head off of her.

I kneel down next to her, ignoring my side.

"Six!" I say pulling her on to my lap.

"Please!" I cry.

Her breath is slowing.

I ran my hands on her legs to her head.

The iciness slowly runs through her body.

I'm too weak. Tears slide off my face.

I look up at Eight, I grab his arm.

"Get John, I can't do it!" I say begging Six to open her eyes.

I hear the others approach seconds after.

I see John kneel down with a speechless expression.

He nods at me, pulling Six into his lap.

I watch as she starts to get her glow back, looking healthier.

Eight pulls me off the ground and into his arms.

I'm exhausted but the worry of my friend surpasses my tiredness.

Eight says calm words into my ear, rubbing my back softly.

I don't hear what anyone says but we start to shift forward.

John carries Six and we hurry to make sure no new Mogs show!

The last thing I saw was a Piken trying to eat my face off.

Of course it didn't, no stupid animal would ever get the chance.

I'm sucked into darkness.

I squeeze my eyes shut trying to push the absent of light away.

I feel a sudden change in my surroundings and I peak my eyes open.

I gasp stepping back looking at my planet.

I've been taken back to the day Lorien was destroyed.

Everywhere I look I see people dying. Death fills the air.

I start to run looking for hope.

The scene changes and I stand in a house.

I can't tell if I'm on Earth or on Lorien.

Suddenly I see two people, a couple, searching for lower grounds.

I follow them down the hallway, watching the women cry.

She has raven hair and her grey eyes glisten in her tears.

The man pulls her farther from the front door, as seconds go by the man turns invisible, changing the women as well.

The door opens slowly and an elderly man walks in.

"Where are you?" He whispers.

"Over here!" And the man reappears along with his partner.

"Did they take her?" The women asks.

The elderly man nods, tears slipping from his eyes.

"At least she'll be safe for a little while!" The women cries.

I shiver and feel sympathy.

"Lara and Liren are going through the same thing!" The elderly man states.

She shakes her head, "at least they're together! They already know each other anyways."

Those were John's parents names, wait a second!

"Arun and Lyn, you did all you could! She's safe that all that matters."

Those are my parents.

I want to approach them but in interrupted by the front door being kicked down.

Mog soldiers rush in and before my parents and grandfather can fight, a watch bullets being shot.

I look away before they hit, I start to sob.

They're dead! Just like everyone else.

My atmosphere shifts and I'm back in the darkness.

A small light appears miles away.

If I squint I can see figures standing in front of it.

I have an edge to move towards it so I do!

The people have their backs to me, but they hear my arrival and turn around.

I see my parents and grandparents, I see Katrina, and Henri.

"Join us!" My mother says reaching her hand out!

I flinch to take it but I retreat.

"I'm sorry..." My voice small and still recovering from all the tears.

"I can't join you! Not now! I'm sorry!"

They fade away and looks at the insides of my eyelids.

I smell sweat, something burnt, and the scent of a man.

I can hear the heart beat of someone close.

I feel strong arms around me, carrying me.

His breaths sooth me, calming me after my horrible vision.

I force my eyes open, looking up at the underside of John's head.

His body feels warm, I curl closer.

"You're finally awake!" He whispers.

The sun is starting to rise, everything is awakening.

John tells everyone to stop.

He lets me down and I just stare at him.

My heart shakes, Six pull it together!

You can't, you'll just get hurt in the end.

I turn away only to automatically be in Marina's arms.

She hugs me tightly. "I thought I was going to lose you!" She says, her voice tightening!

I squeeze her back thankful to have an amazing friend like her.

She pulls away as the others sigh in relief.

"Glad to have ya back Six, but we need to keep moving!" Nine says laying his hand on my shoulder.

I nod sleepily, still craving sleep.

I look around and realize the others are like me as well.

"Maybe you guys should rest?" I say.

They all nod and I try to offer for first shift but Nine insists.

Nine gathers wood and I set fire to it while they explain to me what happened.

The others lay around it.

John gives me his sweatshirt and I thank him.

I use it as a pillow, I sleep a dreamless slumber.

I take first shift because unlike the others, I use my will-power to fight instead of my legacies.

I'm not drained like the others, making myself the most awake.

I stare into the fire, watching the wood pop.

I also needed the time alone.

Five really crossed boundaries. It's hurt to be honest.

The others have respected the Cêpan conversations, telling only brief information.

I look at the other trying to imagine what the other Cêpans would be like.

I know the stories but faces would make them more alive.

I laugh sadly knowing they are the opposite.

Everyone dies sometimes but not as early as ours deserved.

Sandor must have only been thirty four when I... I... Let him pass on.

Even now it's hard to think of what I did.

It was brave and monumental!

Maybe he would have lived, maybe I could have saved him til John found me.

Maybe! Always the horrible word to describe what if moments.

I look at my Garde members.

Six is asleep head towards the fire as John is opposite.

Eight and Marina are next to each other, her head on his chest.

Five sleeps closet to me and I know she's still awake unlike the others.

Her constant turning and flopping around give it away.

After about fifteen minutes, she gives up throwing her hand against the ground and groaning.

It about mid-day but that doesn't stop them from getting their rest.

She sits up, before she look at me, I turn my attention to the fire.

I know it's stupid but I don't want we to think I was staring at, I mean I was but c'mon on.

It's not my fault that Five is so good looking.

Plus she's tough but heartless.

Her downfall.

She's extremely heartless, only caring for herself.

But people can change, can't they?

I feel her eyes on my face and she smiles.

She scoots her way towards me and stops when are legs touch.

Her skin rubbing against mine causes goosebumps.

God. I hope she can notice.

My hands start to sweat and I tell myself to pull it together.

She may look good but she's got a personality to make her ugly.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask obviously knowing the answer.

"No, I'm sleep talking!" She says sarcastically.

I smile but it immediately fades.

This doesn't mean she's off the hook from earlier.

She realizes me silence and her frame becomes small.

"Nine... I'm... I'm sorry about in the car." She struggles with the words.

Again I say nothing.

"Umm...? Isn't this where you forgive me?" She asks turning towards me.

I shrug and look farther into the fire.

She puffs her cheeks out and huffs.

"Well fine! Forget it, I take it back!" She says standing up dramatically.

"I'm going for a walk!"

Before she can leave I grab her wrist.

I pull her back down forcing her to look at me.

"What's your problem?" I ask harshly.

I feel her pulse increase and watch her eyes dilate.

I knew it!

"So now you decide to speak!" She says in a mad tone.

"I don't want you talking to my family the way you talk to me okay!" I retort, fire building in my body.

She blinks multiple times, holding back tears she hopes I don't notice.

"I said I was sorry and you completely ignored me." She says, letting her voice waver slightly.

"To forgive someone isn't by just words but by actions to prove they actually mean it." I say in a softer tone.

Her eyes stay locked on mine.

I let go of her wrist and she sits down next to me again breaking the gaze.

She looks down into her hands, tightening them the longer she stares.

"I'm sorry!" She whispers. "You don't have to believe me, but I mean it, I just really miss Lelia, she's all I ever had!"

Her voice forces me to feel bad for her even though I don't want too.

"I know the feeling!" I say shaking my hair out.

She smiles sadly at me, as if she were reliving back memories.

"So you gonna tell me about for life in Rio, or are we going to spend this day in silence?" I ask letting laugh rise.

Her smile fades and she speaks in whispers.

"I really don't like talking about it!"


"Because you'd find me pathetic!"

"I've found you mean, and heartless, and a but annoying but never pathetic!" I say trying to lighten the mood.

She laughs while looking at me.

Her blonde hair falls in her face, and instinctively I push it behind her ear.

I see a small blush project from her cheeks and she shivers.

"I... I better get more wood!" She says standing in an instant.

She walks behind me, leaving a smile upon my face.

I'm going to find out about her past whether she wants me to or not!

Well I hope you guys liked it! Don't worry the Garde are still looking for Ella and searching will resume next chapter! Just had to put some action and new topics in this one. Thanks for reading. Feel free to review and comment. Thanks!